Esempio n. 1
//entry point for the window
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
	LPSTR lpCmdLine, int iCmdShow)

	//Bitmap * bmp = new Bitmap("C:\\Users\\Edwin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\Homework\\Debug\\Temp.bmp");

	Level * levelOne = new Level("level1.csv");
	Level * floor = new Level("floor.csv");

	MainRenderer = new Renderer();

	MainRenderer->Init(hInstance, 512, 512);

	//load floor blocks.
	for (int y = 0; y < floor->GetHeight(); y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < floor->GetWidth(); x++)
			if (floor->GetBlock(x, y) == 0)
				MainRenderer->AddToScene(new Block(Vector3F(x * 30, y * 30, 30), Block::BlockType::Floor));

	//load floor wall blocks for level 1.
	for (int y = 0; y < levelOne->GetHeight(); y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < levelOne->GetWidth(); x++)
			if (levelOne->GetBlock(x, y) == 0)
				MainRenderer->AddToScene(new Block(Vector3F(x * 30, y * 30, 0), Block::BlockType::Wall));


	MainRenderer->SetBackBufferColor(Vector4F(0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

	//MainRenderer->GetCamera()->SetPosition(Vector3F(-20.0f, -20.0f, -1000.0f));
	position = Vector3F(0, 0, 0.0f);
	rotation.X = 280.0f;

	//HACK this will make player view look a little higher thant it is.
	position.Z -= 10;

	//HACK place player origin far back enough they can see the level
	position.Y -= 200;

	rotation.Z += 160;

	//get clockspeed

	INT64 lastDraw = GetTimerCurrentTime();
	INT64 lastUpdate = GetTimerCurrentTime();

	//while checking for window messages, such as quit/exit
	while (MainRenderer->Update())
		//check if we should update
		if (((GetTimerCurrentTime() - lastUpdate) / coreFrequency) > (1000 / targetUPS))
			lastUpdate = GetTimerCurrentTime();

		//check if we should draw, lock at 59fps. this will reduce stutter to a degree but 60 fps would be best.
		if (((GetTimerCurrentTime() - lastDraw) / coreFrequency) > (900 / targetFPS))
			lastDraw = GetTimerCurrentTime();

	//dispose of memory we no longer need.
	delete MainRenderer;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
Ray::Ray(const Vector pos, const Vector dir, const Level& level)
   // The player's current grid position inside the level.
   mMapX = pos.GetX();
   mMapY = pos.GetY();

   // Length of the ray from one X and Y-side to next X and Y-side.
   const double delta_dist_x = std::sqrt(std::pow(dir.GetY(), 2) / std::pow(dir.GetX(), 2) + 1);
   const double delta_dist_y = std::sqrt(std::pow(dir.GetX(), 2) / std::pow(dir.GetY(), 2) + 1);

   int step_x; // +1 if heading north, -1 if heading south.
   int step_y; // +1 if heading east, -1 if heading west.
   double side_dist_x;
   double side_dist_y;

   if (dir.GetX() < 0) {
      step_x = -1;
      side_dist_x = (pos.GetX() - mMapX) * delta_dist_x;
   else {
      step_x = 1;
      side_dist_x = (mMapX + 1. - pos.GetX()) * delta_dist_x;

   if (dir.GetY() < 0) {
      step_y = -1;
      side_dist_y = (pos.GetY() - mMapY) * delta_dist_y;
   else {
      step_y = 1;
      side_dist_y = (mMapY + 1. - pos.GetY()) * delta_dist_y;

   for (;;)
      if (side_dist_x < side_dist_y)
         // Jump one square in X-direction.
         mMapX += step_x;
         side_dist_x += delta_dist_x;
         mVerticalSideHit = false;
         // Jump one square in Y-direction.
         mMapY += step_y;
         side_dist_y += delta_dist_y;
         mVerticalSideHit = true;

      // Check if the ray has hit a wall.
      if ((mMapX < 0) || (mMapX >= level.GetWidth()) ||
          (mMapY < 0) || (mMapY >= level.GetHeight()) ||
          level.IsBlocking(mMapX, mMapY))

   if (!mVerticalSideHit)
      const double unit_x = mMapX + (1 - step_x) / 2;
      const double intersect_x = pos.GetY() + ((unit_x - pos.GetX()) / dir.GetX()) * dir.GetY();
      mIntersection = { unit_x, intersect_x };

      // FIXME: May be to small.
      mDistance = std::fabs((unit_x - pos.GetX()) / dir.GetX());
      const double unit_y = mMapY + (1 - step_y) / 2;
      const double intersect_y = pos.GetX() + ((unit_y - pos.GetY()) / dir.GetY()) * dir.GetX();
      mIntersection = { unit_y, intersect_y };

      // FIXME: May be too small.
      mDistance = std::fabs((unit_y - pos.GetY()) / dir.GetY());