Esempio n. 1
void FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc<TDomain>::
add_jac_A_elem(LocalMatrix& J, const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[])
	// get finite volume geometry
	const static TFVGeom& fvgeom = GeomProvider<TFVGeom>::get();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < fvgeom.num_bf(); ++i)
		// get current BF
		const typename TFVGeom::BF& bf =;

		// get associated node and subset index
		const int co = bf.node_id();
		int si = fvgeom.subset_index();

		// get solution at the corner of the bf
		size_t nFct = u.num_fct();
		std::vector<LocalVector::value_type> uAtCorner(nFct);
		for (size_t fct = 0; fct < nFct; fct++)
			uAtCorner[fct] = u(fct,co);

		// get corner coordinates
		const MathVector<dim>& cc = bf.global_corner(0);

		FluxDerivCond fdc;
		if (!fluxDensityDerivFct(uAtCorner, elem, cc, si, fdc))
							" Call to fluxDensityDerivFct resulted did not succeed.");
		// scale with volume of BF
		for (size_t j=0; j<fdc.fluxDeriv.size(); j++)
			for (size_t k=0; k<fdc.fluxDeriv[j].size(); k++)
				fdc.fluxDeriv[j][k].second *= bf.volume();
		// add to Jacobian
		for (size_t j=0; j<fdc.fluxDeriv.size(); j++)
			for (size_t k=0; k<fdc.fluxDeriv[j].size(); k++)
				if (fdc.from[j] != InnerBoundaryConstants::_IGNORE_)
					J(fdc.from[j], co, fdc.fluxDeriv[j][k].first, co) += fdc.fluxDeriv[j][k].second;
				if ([j] != InnerBoundaryConstants::_IGNORE_)
					J([j], co, fdc.fluxDeriv[j][k].first, co)	-= fdc.fluxDeriv[j][k].second;
Esempio n. 2
void FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc<TDomain>::
add_def_A_elem(LocalVector& d, const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[])
	// get finite volume geometry
	static TFVGeom& fvgeom = GeomProvider<TFVGeom>::get();

	// loop Boundary Faces
	for (size_t i = 0; i < fvgeom.num_bf(); ++i)
		// get current BF
		const typename TFVGeom::BF& bf =;
		// get associated node and subset index
		const int co = bf.node_id();
		int si = fvgeom.subset_index();

		// get solution at the corner of the bf
		size_t nFct = u.num_fct();
		std::vector<LocalVector::value_type> uAtCorner(nFct);
		for (size_t fct = 0; fct < nFct; fct++)
			uAtCorner[fct] = u(fct,co);

		// get corner coordinates
		const MathVector<dim>& cc = bf.global_corner(0);

		// get flux densities in that node
		FluxCond fc;
		if (!fluxDensityFct(uAtCorner, elem, cc, si, fc))
						" Call to fluxDensityFct did not succeed.");

		// scale with volume of BF
		for (size_t j=0; j<fc.flux.size(); j++) fc.flux[j] *= bf.volume();

		// add to defect
		for (size_t j=0; j<fc.flux.size(); j++)
			if (fc.from[j] != InnerBoundaryConstants::_IGNORE_) d(fc.from[j], co) += fc.flux[j];
			if ([j] != InnerBoundaryConstants::_IGNORE_) d([j], co) -= fc.flux[j];
Esempio n. 3
void FV1InnerBoundaryElemDisc<TDomain>::
compute_err_est_A_elem(const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[], const number& scale)
	// get error estimator
	err_est_type* err_est_data = dynamic_cast<err_est_type*>(this->m_spErrEstData.get());

	// cast this elem to side_type of error estimator
	typename SideAndElemErrEstData<TDomain>::side_type* side =
		dynamic_cast<typename SideAndElemErrEstData<TDomain>::side_type*>(elem);
	if (!side)
		UG_THROW("Error in DependentNeumannBoundaryFV1<TDomain>::compute_err_est_A_elem():\n"
				 "Element that error assembling routine is called for has the wrong type.");

	// global IPs
	ReferenceObjectID roid = side->reference_object_id();
	size_t numSideIPs = err_est_data->get(0)->num_side_ips(roid);
	MathVector<dim>* globIPs = err_est_data->get(0)->side_global_ips(side, vCornerCoords);

	// loop IPs
		for (size_t sip = 0; sip < numSideIPs; sip++)
			// get values of u at ip (interpolate)
			size_t nFct = u.num_fct();
			std::vector<LocalVector::value_type> uAtIP = std::vector<LocalVector::value_type>(nFct);

			for (size_t fct = 0; fct < nFct; fct++)
				uAtIP[fct] = 0.0;
				for (size_t sh = 0; sh < m_shapeValues.num_sh(); sh++)
					uAtIP[fct] += u(fct,sh) * m_shapeValues.shapeAtSideIP(sh,sip);

			// ip coordinates
			const MathVector<dim>& ipCoords = globIPs[sip];

			// elem subset
			int si = this->subset_handler().get_subset_index(side);

			FluxCond fc;
			if (!fluxDensityFct(uAtIP, elem, ipCoords, si, fc))
							" Call to fluxDensityFct did not succeed.");

			// subtract from estimator values
			// sign must be opposite of that in add_def_A_elem
			// as the difference between this and the actual flux of the unknown is calculated
			for (size_t j=0; j<fc.flux.size(); j++)
				if (fc.from[j] != InnerBoundaryConstants::_IGNORE_)
					(*err_est_data->get(this->m_fctGrp[fc.from[j]])) (side,sip) -= scale * fc.flux[j];
				if ([j] != InnerBoundaryConstants::_IGNORE_)
					(*err_est_data->get(this->m_fctGrp[[j]])) (side,sip) += scale * fc.flux[j];
	UG_CATCH_THROW("Values for the error estimator could not be assembled at every IP." << std::endl
			<< "Maybe wrong type of ErrEstData object? This implementation needs: MultipleSideAndElemErrEstData.");