void NotificationAreaView::updateLayout()
    // Remove all banners from the banner layout (do not destroy them)
    while (bannerPolicy->count() > 0) {

    // Add up to the maximum amount of banners to the layout
    bool removableBannersExist = false;
    for (int i = 0; (style()->maxBanners() < 0 || i < style()->maxBanners()) && i < model()->banners().count(); i++) {
        MBanner *banner = model()->banners().at(i);
        removableBannersExist |= banner->property(WidgetNotificationSink::USER_REMOVABLE_PROPERTY).toBool();

    // If there are more than maximum number of banners to be added show "and more"
    bool andMoreVisible = style()->maxBanners() >= 0 && model()->banners().count() > style()->maxBanners();
    andMore->setStyleName(andMoreVisible ? "AndMoreVisible" : "AndMore");

    // If removable banners exist make the clear button visible
    clearButton->setStyleName((removableBannersExist && style()->clearButton()) ? "NotificationAreaClearButtonVisible" : "NotificationAreaClearButton");