int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // instrument MSRange mPianoRange(21, 108); MCInstrument mPiano(1, mPianoRange, mPianoRange.getSize()); // header cout << "\n Modus " << MODUS_VERSION; cout << "\n C++ Music Library"; cout << "\n Sample Application"; // list of MIDI in devices std::string sDevice; unsigned int iNumDevices; unsigned int iSelectedDevice; RtMidiIn mDevice(rtMidiApi, "Modus Sample"); iNumDevices = mDevice.getPortCount(); if(iNumDevices == 0) { cout << "\n\n ERROR: no MIDI in devices found\n\n"; cin.get(); return 0; } cout << "\n\n Select a MIDI in device:\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumDevices; i++) { sDevice = mDevice.getPortName(i); cout << "\n " << i + 1 << ") " << sDevice; } cout << "\n\n"; do { cout << " -> "; cin >> iSelectedDevice; } while(iSelectedDevice < 1 || iSelectedDevice > iNumDevices); iSelectedDevice--; // MIDI listener mDevice.openPort(iSelectedDevice); mDevice.setCallback(&MidiInProc); // Modus MIDI receiver mMIDIReceiver = new MCMIDIReceiver(&mPiano); mMIDIReceiver->listenToAllMIDIChannels(); mMIDIReceiver->attachAllPitchesToDifferentChannels(); // sound generator CAudio::init(); MCOpenALSourceManager mALManager(OPENAL_SOURCES); MCSoundGenAudio* mSoundGen = new MCSoundGenOpenAL(mPiano.getNumberOfChannels(), false, 1, &mALManager); sprintf(sFilename, InstrumentsPath, "Piano.msp"); mSoundGen->loadSamplePack(sFilename); mPiano.setSoundGen(mSoundGen); // timer MCTimer mTimer; mTimer.setCallbackTick(TimerTick, &mPiano); mTimer.start(); cout << "\n Listening, you can play now! Press any key to quit..."; fflush(stdout); Input::init(); while(!Input::keyPressed()) mTimer.update(); Input::close(); delete mMIDIReceiver; delete mSoundGen; CAudio::release(); cout << "\n\n"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // header cout << "\n Modus " << MODUS_VERSION; cout << "\n C++ Music Library"; cout << "\n Sample Application\n\n"; // instrument MSRange mDoubleBassRange(28, 60); MCInstrument mDoubleBass(1, mDoubleBassRange, 1); // sound generator CAudio::init(); MCSoundGenAudio* mSoundGen = CAudio::createSoundGen(1, mDoubleBass.getNumberOfChannels(), false); sprintf(sFilename, InstrumentsPath, "DoubleBass.msp"); mSoundGen->loadSamplePack(sFilename); // double bass settings mDoubleBass.setSoundGen(mSoundGen); // timer MCTimer mTimer; mTimer.setCallbackTick(TimerTick, &mDoubleBass); mTimer.start(); // create music timer thread #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE hMusicTimerThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MusicTimerThread, &mTimer, 0, NULL); #else pthread_t hMusicTimerThread; pthread_create(&hMusicTimerThread, NULL, MusicTimerThread, &mTimer); #endif // bending parameters MSNote mNote; int iBendingCents; unsigned int iBendingTicks; while(1) { do { cout << " Bending cents [-1200, 1200]. Enter 0 to quit: "; cin >> iBendingCents; } while(iBendingCents < -1200 || iBendingCents > 1200); // quit if(iBendingCents == 0) break; do { cout << " Bending duration in ticks [1, 96]: "; cin >> iBendingTicks; } while(iBendingTicks < 1 || iBendingTicks > 96); cout << " Playing note and bending...\n\n"; mNote.Pitch = 40; mNote.Intensity = 127; mDoubleBass.playNote(mNote); mDoubleBass.bend(0, iBendingCents, iBendingTicks); } // wait until the music timer thread finishes bThreadEnd = true; #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(hMusicTimerThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hMusicTimerThread); #else pthread_join(hMusicTimerThread, NULL); #endif delete mSoundGen; CAudio::release(); cout << "\n\n"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // instrument MSRange mPianoRange(21, 108); MCInstrument mPiano(1, mPianoRange, mPianoRange.getSize()); // score MCScore mScore; sprintf(sFilename, ScriptsPath, "score.piano.chopin.txt"); mScore.loadScriptFromFile(sFilename); // header cout << "\n Modus " << MODUS_VERSION; cout << "\n C++ Music Library"; cout << "\n Sample Application"; // list of MIDI out devices unsigned int iNumDevices; unsigned int iSelectedDevice; unsigned int i; RtMidiOut mDevice(rtMidiApi, "Modus Sample"); iNumDevices = mDevice.getPortCount(); if(iNumDevices == 0) { cout << "\n\n ERROR: no MIDI out devices found\n\n"; cin.get(); return 0; } cout << "\n\n Select a MIDI out device:\n"; for(i = 0; i < iNumDevices; i++) cout << "\n " << i + 1 << ") " << mDevice.getPortName(i); cout << "\n\n"; do { cout << " -> "; cin >> iSelectedDevice; } while(iSelectedDevice < 1 || iSelectedDevice > iNumDevices); iSelectedDevice--; // sound generator mDevice.openPort(iSelectedDevice); MCSoundGen* mSoundGen = new MCSoundGenMIDI(mPiano.getNumberOfChannels(), &mDevice, 1, 1); // piano settings mPiano.setScore(&mScore); mPiano.setSoundGen(mSoundGen); // timer MCTimer mTimer; mTimer.setCallbackTick(TimerTick, &mPiano); mTimer.start(); cout << "\n Playing! Press any key to quit..."; fflush(stdout); Input::init(); while(!Input::keyPressed()) mTimer.update(); Input::close(); delete mSoundGen; mDevice.closePort(); cout << "\n\n"; return 0; }