MStatus setupRGBShaders::undoIt() { for( int u = 0; u < undoLevels; u++ ) dgMod.undoIt(); return MS::kSuccess; }
bool ToMayaSkinClusterConverter::doConversion( IECore::ConstObjectPtr from, MObject &to, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const { MStatus s; IECore::ConstSmoothSkinningDataPtr skinningData = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::SmoothSkinningData>( from ); assert( skinningData ); const std::vector<std::string> &influenceNames = skinningData->influenceNames()->readable(); const std::vector<Imath::M44f> &influencePoseData = skinningData->influencePose()->readable(); const std::vector<int> &pointIndexOffsets = skinningData->pointIndexOffsets()->readable(); const std::vector<int> &pointInfluenceCounts = skinningData->pointInfluenceCounts()->readable(); const std::vector<int> &pointInfluenceIndices = skinningData->pointInfluenceIndices()->readable(); const std::vector<float> &pointInfluenceWeights = skinningData->pointInfluenceWeights()->readable(); MFnDependencyNode fnSkinClusterNode( to, &s ); MFnSkinCluster fnSkinCluster( to, &s ); if ( s != MS::kSuccess ) { /// \todo: optional parameter to allow custom node types and checks for the necessary attributes /// \todo: create a new skinCluster if we want a kSkinClusterFilter and this isn't one throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid skinCluster" ) % ).str() ); } const unsigned origNumInfluences = influenceNames.size(); unsigned numInfluences = origNumInfluences; std::vector<bool> ignoreInfluence( origNumInfluences, false ); std::vector<int> indexMap( origNumInfluences, -1 ); const bool ignoreMissingInfluences = m_ignoreMissingInfluencesParameter->getTypedValue(); const bool ignoreBindPose = m_ignoreBindPoseParameter->getTypedValue(); // gather the influence objects MObject mObj; MDagPath path; MSelectionList influenceList; MDagPathArray influencePaths; for ( unsigned i=0, index=0; i < origNumInfluences; i++ ) { MString influenceName( influenceNames[i].c_str() ); s = influenceList.add( influenceName ); if ( !s ) { if ( ignoreMissingInfluences ) { ignoreInfluence[i] = true; MGlobal::displayWarning( MString( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"" + influenceName + "\" is not a valid influence" ) ); continue; } throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid influence" ) % influenceName ).str() ); } influenceList.getDependNode( index, mObj ); MFnIkJoint fnInfluence( mObj, &s ); if ( !s ) { if ( ignoreMissingInfluences ) { ignoreInfluence[i] = true; influenceList.remove( index ); MGlobal::displayWarning( MString( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"" + influenceName + "\" is not a valid influence" ) ); continue; } throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid influence" ) % influenceName ).str() ); } fnInfluence.getPath( path ); influencePaths.append( path ); indexMap[i] = index; index++; } MPlugArray connectedPlugs; bool existingBindPose = true; MPlug bindPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "bindPose", true, &s ); if ( !bindPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ) ) { existingBindPose = false; if ( !ignoreBindPose ) { throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" does not have a valid bindPose" ) % ).str() ); } } MPlug bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug; MPlug bindPoseMemberArrayPlug; if ( existingBindPose ) { MFnDependencyNode fnBindPose( connectedPlugs[0].node() ); if ( fnBindPose.typeName() != "dagPose" ) { throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid bindPose" ) % ).str() ); } bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug = fnBindPose.findPlug( "worldMatrix", true, &s ); bindPoseMemberArrayPlug = fnBindPose.findPlug( "members", true, &s ); } /// \todo: optional parameter to reset the skinCluster's geomMatrix plug // break existing influence connections to the skinCluster MDGModifier dgModifier; MMatrixArray ignoredPreMatrices; MPlug matrixArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "matrix", true, &s ); MPlug bindPreMatrixArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "bindPreMatrix", true, &s ); for ( unsigned i=0; i < matrixArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ ) { MPlug matrixPlug = matrixArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s ); matrixPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ); if ( !connectedPlugs.length() ) { continue; } MFnIkJoint fnInfluence( connectedPlugs[0].node() ); fnInfluence.getPath( path ); if ( ignoreMissingInfluences && !influenceList.hasItem( path ) ) { MPlug preMatrixPlug = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( i ); preMatrixPlug.getValue( mObj ); MFnMatrixData matFn( mObj ); ignoredPreMatrices.append( matFn.matrix() ); ignoreInfluence.push_back( false ); indexMap.push_back( influenceList.length() ); influenceList.add( connectedPlugs[0].node() ); numInfluences++; } dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], matrixPlug ); } MPlug lockArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "lockWeights", true, &s ); for ( unsigned i=0; i < lockArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ ) { MPlug lockPlug = lockArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s ); lockPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ); if ( connectedPlugs.length() ) { dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], lockPlug ); } } MPlug paintPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "paintTrans", true, &s ); paintPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ); if ( connectedPlugs.length() ) { dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], paintPlug ); } // break existing influence connections to the bind pose if ( existingBindPose ) { for ( unsigned i=0; i < bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ ) { MPlug matrixPlug = bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s ); matrixPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ); if ( connectedPlugs.length() ) { dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], matrixPlug ); } } for ( unsigned i=0; i < bindPoseMemberArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ ) { MPlug memberPlug = bindPoseMemberArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s ); memberPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ); if ( connectedPlugs.length() ) { dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], memberPlug ); } } } if ( !dgModifier.doIt() ) { dgModifier.undoIt(); throw IECore::Exception( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: Unable to break the influence connections" ); } // make connections from influences to skinCluster and bindPose for ( unsigned i=0; i < numInfluences; i++ ) { if ( ignoreInfluence[i] ) { continue; } int index = indexMap[i]; s = influenceList.getDependNode( index, mObj ); MFnIkJoint fnInfluence( mObj, &s ); MPlug influenceMatrixPlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "worldMatrix", true, &s ).elementByLogicalIndex( 0, &s ); MPlug influenceMessagePlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "message", true, &s ); MPlug influenceBindPosePlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "bindPose", true, &s ); MPlug influenceLockPlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "lockInfluenceWeights", true, &s ); if ( !s ) { // add the lockInfluenceWeights attribute if it doesn't exist MFnNumericAttribute nAttr; MObject attribute = nAttr.create( "lockInfluenceWeights", "liw", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false ); fnInfluence.addAttribute( attribute ); influenceLockPlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "lockInfluenceWeights", true, &s ); } // connect influence to the skinCluster MPlug matrixPlug = matrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index ); MPlug lockPlug = lockArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index ); dgModifier.connect( influenceMatrixPlug, matrixPlug ); dgModifier.connect( influenceLockPlug, lockPlug ); // connect influence to the bindPose if ( !ignoreBindPose ) { MPlug bindPoseMatrixPlug = bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index ); MPlug memberPlug = bindPoseMemberArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index ); dgModifier.connect( influenceMessagePlug, bindPoseMatrixPlug ); dgModifier.connect( influenceBindPosePlug, memberPlug ); } } unsigned firstIndex = find( ignoreInfluence.begin(), ignoreInfluence.end(), false ) - ignoreInfluence.begin(); influenceList.getDependNode( firstIndex, mObj ); MFnDependencyNode fnInfluence( mObj ); MPlug influenceMessagePlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "message", true, &s ); dgModifier.connect( influenceMessagePlug, paintPlug ); if ( !dgModifier.doIt() ) { dgModifier.undoIt(); throw IECore::Exception( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: Unable to create the influence connections" ); } // use influencePoseData as bindPreMatrix for ( unsigned i=0; i < numInfluences; i++ ) { if ( ignoreInfluence[i] ) { continue; } MMatrix preMatrix = ( i < origNumInfluences ) ? IECore::convert<MMatrix>( influencePoseData[i] ) : ignoredPreMatrices[i-origNumInfluences]; MPlug preMatrixPlug = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( indexMap[i], &s ); s = preMatrixPlug.getValue( mObj ); if ( s ) { MFnMatrixData matFn( mObj ); matFn.set( preMatrix ); mObj = matFn.object(); } else { MFnMatrixData matFn; mObj = matFn.create( preMatrix ); } preMatrixPlug.setValue( mObj ); } // remove unneeded bindPreMatrix children unsigned existingElements = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.numElements(); for ( unsigned i=influenceList.length(); i < existingElements; i++ ) { MPlug preMatrixPlug = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( i, &s ); /// \todo: surely there is a way to accomplish this in c++... MGlobal::executeCommand( ( boost::format( "removeMultiInstance %s" ) % ).str().c_str() ); } // get the geometry MObjectArray outputGeoObjs; if ( !fnSkinCluster.getOutputGeometry( outputGeoObjs ) ) { throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: skinCluster \"%s\" does not have any output geometry!" ) % ).str() ); } MFnDagNode dagFn( outputGeoObjs[0] ); MDagPath geoPath; dagFn.getPath( geoPath ); // loop through all the points of the geometry and set the weights MItGeometry geoIt( outputGeoObjs[0] ); MPlug weightListArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "weightList", true, &s ); for ( unsigned pIndex=0; !geoIt.isDone();, pIndex++ ) { MPlug pointWeightsPlug = weightListArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( pIndex, &s ).child( 0 ); // remove existing influence weight plugs MIntArray existingInfluenceIndices; pointWeightsPlug.getExistingArrayAttributeIndices( existingInfluenceIndices ); for( unsigned i=0; i < existingInfluenceIndices.length(); i++ ) { MPlug influenceWeightPlug = pointWeightsPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( existingInfluenceIndices[i], &s ); MGlobal::executeCommand( ( boost::format( "removeMultiInstance -break 1 %s" ) % ).str().c_str() ); } // add new influence weight plugs int firstIndex = pointIndexOffsets[pIndex]; for( int i=0; i < pointInfluenceCounts[pIndex]; i++ ) { int influenceIndex = pointInfluenceIndices[ firstIndex + i ]; if ( ignoreInfluence[ influenceIndex ] ) { continue; } int skinClusterInfluenceIndex = fnSkinCluster.indexForInfluenceObject( influencePaths[ indexMap[ influenceIndex ] ] ); MPlug influenceWeightPlug = pointWeightsPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( skinClusterInfluenceIndex, &s ); influenceWeightPlug.setValue( pointInfluenceWeights[ firstIndex + i ] ); } } return true; }
MStatus createClip::undoIt() { MStatus status = fMod.undoIt(); return status; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MStatus polyModifierCmd::processUpstreamNode( modifyPolyData& data ) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; // Declare our function sets - Although dagNodeFn derives from depNodeFn, we need // both since dagNodeFn can only refer to DAG objects. // We will use depNodeFn for all times other when dealing // with the DAG. // MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn; MFnDagNode dagNodeFn; // Use the selected node's plug connections to find the upstream plug. // Since we are looking at the selected node's inMesh attribute, it will // always have only one connection coming in if it has history, and none // otherwise. // // If there is no history, copy the selected node and place it ahead of the // modifierNode as the new upstream node so that the modifierNode has an // input mesh to operate on. // //save the meshDagPath for later use MDagPath::getAPathTo(data.meshNodeShape,myMeshPath); MPlugArray tempPlugArray; if( fHasHistory ) { // Since we have history, look for what connections exist on the // meshNode "inMesh" plug. "inMesh" plugs should only ever have one // connection. // data.meshNodeDestPlug.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, true, false); // ASSERT: Only one connection should exist on meshNodeShape.inMesh! // MStatusAssert( (tempPlugArray.length() == 1), "tempPlugArray.length() == 1 -- 0 or >1 connections on meshNodeShape.inMesh" ); data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = tempPlugArray[0]; // Construction history only deals with shapes, so we can grab the // upstreamNodeShape off of the source plug. // // Dieser Bereich muss bleiben, weil diese Attribute noch bentigt werden data.upstreamNodeShape = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.node(); depNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape ); data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.attribute(); // Disconnect the upstream node and the selected node, so we can // replace them with our own connections below. // MPlug nodePlug(data.meshNodeShape,data.meshNodeDestAttr ) ; INVIS(cout<<<<" --|-- "<<<<endl); status = fDGModifier.disconnect( data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug, nodePlug ); MCheckStatus( status, "Disconnect Upstream mit meshNode" ); } else // No History (!fHasHistory) { // Use the DAG node function set to duplicate the shape of the meshNode. // The duplicate method will return an MObject handle to the transform // of the duplicated shape, so traverse the dag to locate the shape. Store // this duplicate shape as our "upstream" node to drive the input for the // modifierNode. // depNodeFn.setObject( data.meshNodeShape ); data.upstreamNodeTransform = createDuplicate.createNode("mesh"); createDuplicate.doIt(); dagNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeTransform ); // Ensure that our upstreamNode is pointing to a shape. // MStatusAssert( (0 < dagNodeFn.childCount()), "0 < dagNodeFn.childCount() -- Duplicate meshNode transform has no shape." ); data.upstreamNodeShape = dagNodeFn.child(0); MPlug outMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug("outMesh"); depNodeFn.setObject(data.upstreamNodeShape); //jetzt inMesh upstreamNodeShape mit outMesh meshShape füllen MDGModifier tempMod; tempMod.connect(outMeshPlug,depNodeFn.findPlug("inMesh")); tempMod.doIt(); //force DGEVAL MString cmd = "dgeval -src "; cmd +=; cmd += ".outMesh"; MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd,false,false); tempMod.undoIt(); // Re-parent the upstreamNodeShape under our original transform // reparentDuplicate.reparentNode( data.upstreamNodeShape, data.meshNodeTransform ); reparentDuplicate.doIt(); deleteDuplicate.deleteNode( data.upstreamNodeTransform ); deleteDuplicate.doIt(); /* status = fDagModifier.reparentNode( data.upstreamNodeShape, data.meshNodeTransform ); MCheckStatus( status, "reparentNode" ); // Perform the DAG re-parenting // // Note: This reparent must be performed before the deleteNode() is called. // See polyModifierCmd.h (see definition of fDagModifier) for more details. // status = fDagModifier.doIt(); MCheckStatus( status, "fDagModifier.doIt()" ); */ // Mark the upstreamNodeShape (the original shape) as an intermediate object // (making it invisible to the user) // dagNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape ); dagNodeFn.setIntermediateObject( true ); // Get the upstream node source attribute // data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = dagNodeFn.attribute( "outMesh" ); data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = MPlug(data.upstreamNodeShape, data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr); /* // Remove the duplicated transform node (clean up) // status = fDagModifier.deleteNode( data.upstreamNodeTransform ); MCheckStatus( status, "deleteNode" ); // Perform the DAG delete node // // Note: This deleteNode must be performed after the reparentNode() method is // completed. See polyModifierCmd.h (see definition of fDagModifier) for // details. // status = fDagModifier.doIt(); MCheckStatus( status, "fDagModifier.doIt()" ); */ // Cache the DAG path to the duplicate shape // dagNodeFn.getPath( fDuplicateDagPath ); //finally delete the tweaks to avoid double transformation deleteTweaks(); } return status; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MStatus polyModifierCmd::undoDirectModifier() // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { MStatus status; MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn; MFnDagNode dagNodeFn; MObject meshNode = fDagPath.node(); depNodeFn.setObject( meshNode ); // For the case with tweaks, we cannot write the mesh directly back onto // the cachedInMesh, since the shape can have out of date information from the // cachedInMesh. Thus we temporarily create an duplicate mesh, place our // old mesh on the outMesh attribute of our duplicate mesh, connect the // duplicate mesh shape to the mesh shape, and force a DG evaluation. // // For the case without tweaks, we can simply write onto the outMesh, since // the shape relies solely on an outMesh when there is no history nor tweaks. // if( fHasTweaks ) { // Retrieve the inMesh and name of our mesh node (for the DG eval) // depNodeFn.setObject( meshNode ); MPlug meshNodeInMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh", &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve inMesh" ); MString meshNodeName =; // Duplicate our current mesh // dagNodeFn.setObject( meshNode ); MObject dupMeshNode = dagNodeFn.duplicate(); // The dagNodeFn::duplicate() returns a transform, but we need a shape // so retrieve the DAG path and extend it to the shape. // MDagPath dupMeshDagPath; MDagPath::getAPathTo( dupMeshNode, dupMeshDagPath ); dupMeshDagPath.extendToShape(); // Retrieve the outMesh of the duplicate mesh and set our mesh data back // on it. // depNodeFn.setObject( dupMeshDagPath.node() ); MPlug dupMeshNodeOutMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh", &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve outMesh" ); status = dupMeshNodeOutMeshPlug.setValue( fMeshData ); // Temporarily connect the duplicate mesh node to our mesh node // MDGModifier dgModifier; dgModifier.connect( dupMeshNodeOutMeshPlug, meshNodeInMeshPlug ); status = dgModifier.doIt(); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not connect dupMeshNode -> meshNode" ); // Need to force a DG evaluation now that the input has been changed. // MString cmd("dgeval -src "); cmd += meshNodeName; cmd += ".inMesh"; status = MGlobal::executeCommand( cmd, false, false ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not force DG eval" ); // Disconnect and delete the duplicate mesh node now // dgModifier.undoIt(); MGlobal::deleteNode( dupMeshNode ); // Restore the tweaks on the mesh // status = undoTweakProcessing(); } else { // Restore the original mesh by writing the old mesh data (fMeshData) back // onto the outMesh of our meshNode // depNodeFn.setObject( meshNode ); MPlug meshNodeOutMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh", &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve outMesh" ); status = meshNodeOutMeshPlug.setValue( fMeshData ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not set meshData" ); } return status; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MStatus polyModifierCmd::undoCachedMesh() // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { MStatus status; // Only need to restore the cached mesh if there was no history. Also // check to make sure that we are in the record history state. // MStatusAssert( (fHasRecordHistory), "fHasRecordHistory == true" ); if( !fHasHistory ) { MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn; MString meshNodeName; MObject meshNodeShape; MPlug meshNodeDestPlug; MPlug meshNodeOutMeshPlug; MObject dupMeshNodeShape; MPlug dupMeshNodeSrcPlug; meshNodeShape = fDagPath.node(); dupMeshNodeShape = fDuplicateDagPath.node(); depNodeFn.setObject( meshNodeShape ); meshNodeName =; meshNodeDestPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh", &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve inMesh" ); meshNodeOutMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh", &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve outMesh" ); depNodeFn.setObject( dupMeshNodeShape ); dupMeshNodeSrcPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh", &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve outMesh" ); // For the case with tweaks, we cannot write the mesh directly back onto // the cachedInMesh, since the shape can have out of date information from the // cachedInMesh, thus we temporarily connect the duplicate mesh shape to the // mesh shape and force a DG evaluation. // // For the case without tweaks, we can simply write onto the outMesh, since // the shape relies solely on an outMesh when there is no history nor tweaks. // if( fHasTweaks ) { MDGModifier dgModifier; dgModifier.connect( dupMeshNodeSrcPlug, meshNodeDestPlug ); status = dgModifier.doIt(); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not connect dupMeshNode -> meshNode" ); // Need to force a DG evaluation now that the input has been changed. // MString cmd( "dgeval -src " ); cmd += meshNodeName; cmd += ".outMesh"; //outMesh statt inMesh, damit undo (ohne history) funzt status = MGlobal::executeCommand( cmd, false, false ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not force DG eval" ); // Disconnect the duplicate meshNode now // dgModifier.undoIt(); } else { MObject meshData; status = dupMeshNodeSrcPlug.getValue( meshData ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not retrieve meshData" ); status = meshNodeOutMeshPlug.setValue( meshData ); MCheckStatus( status, "Could not set outMesh" ); } } return status; }