Esempio n. 1
  MEField<> *FieldReg::RegisterField(const std::string &name, const MEFamily &mef,
				     UInt obj_type, const Context &ctxt, 
				     UInt dim, bool out, 
				     bool interp,
				     const _fieldTypeBase &ftype)

    if (is_committed)
      Throw() << "FieldReg is already committed when registering:" << name;

    FMapType::iterator fi = fmap.lower_bound(name);

    MEField<> *nf;
    if (fi == fmap.end() || fi->first != name) {
      // Create the new field
      nf = new MEField<>(name, mef, obj_type, ctxt, dim, out, interp, ftype);
      fmap.insert(fi, std::make_pair(name, nf));
    } else {
      // Check. If specs match, then just return the fields, otherwise
      // throw error.
      nf = fi->second;
      // TODO: a more thourough check of specs (context, etc...)
      if (obj_type != nf->ObjType() || dim != nf->dim())
	Throw() << "MEField name:" << name << " already registered, with different specs";

    return nf;
Esempio n. 2
// MEField<SField> specialization
MEField<SField>::MEField(MEField<_field> &rhs) :
MEFieldBase(, rhs.GetMEFamily(), rhs.ObjType(), rhs.GetContext(), rhs.dim(), false, false, rhs.FType()),
  primaryfield = new SField(*rhs.Getfield());
  MEFieldBase::ordinal = rhs.ordinal;
Esempio n. 3
BBox::BBox(const MEField<> &coords, const MeshDB &mesh) :

  dim = mesh.spatial_dim();

  for (UInt i =0; i < dim; i++) {
    min[i] = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    max[i] = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  // Loop nodes
  MeshDB::const_iterator ni = mesh.node_begin(), ne = mesh.node_end();
  for (; ni != ne; ni++) {
    const double *coord =*ni);
    for (UInt i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      if (coord[i] < min[i]) min[i] = coord[i];
      if (coord[i] > max[i]) max[i] = coord[i];
Esempio n. 4
void IWeights::Prune(const Mesh &mesh, const MEField<> &mask) {

  WeightMap::iterator wi = begin_row(), we = end_row(), wn;
  for (; wi != we;) {
    wn = wi; ++wn;
    UInt gid = wi->;
    Mesh::MeshObjIDMap::const_iterator mi = mesh.map_find(MeshObj::NODE, gid);
    ThrowRequire(mi != mesh.map_end(MeshObj::NODE));
    double *mval =*mi);
    if (*mval < 0.5 || !GetMeshObjContext(*mi).is_set(Attr::OWNED_ID))
    wi = wn;
Esempio n. 5
BBox::BBox(const MEField<> &coords, const MeshObj &obj, double normexp) :
  if (obj.get_type() != MeshObj::ELEMENT) Throw() << "Not able to create BBOx for non element";
  const MeshObjTopo &topo = *GetMeshObjTopo(obj);
  const UInt npe = topo.num_nodes;

  dim = topo.spatial_dim;

  // Is a shell? TODO expand shell in normal directions
  if (topo.spatial_dim != topo.parametric_dim) {
    // Shell, expand by normexp in normal direction
    for (UInt i =0; i < dim; i++) {
      min[i] = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
      max[i] = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    double nr[3];
    MasterElement<> *me = GetME(coords, obj)(METraits<>());
    std::vector<double> cd(3*me->num_functions());
    GatherElemData<>(*me, coords, obj, &cd[0]);

    double pc[] = {0,0};
    const Mapping<> *mp = GetMapping(obj)(MPTraits<>());
    mp->normal(1,&cd[0], &pc[0], &nr[0]);
    double ns = std::sqrt(nr[0]*nr[0]+nr[1]*nr[1]+nr[2]*nr[2]);

    // Only normalize if bigger than 0.0
    if (ns >1.0E-19) {
       nr[0] /= ns; nr[1] /= ns; nr[2] /= ns;
    } else {
      nr[0] =0.0; nr[1] =0.0; nr[2] =0.0;

    if (obj.get_id() == 2426) {
      std::cout << "elem 2426 coords:";
      std::copy(&cd[0], &cd[0] + 3*me->num_functions(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
      std::cout << std::endl;
    // Get cell diameter
    double diam = 0;
    for (UInt n = 1; n < me->num_functions(); n++) {
      double dist = std::sqrt( (cd[0]-cd[3*n])*(cd[0]-cd[3*n]) +
               + (cd[2]-cd[3*n+2])*(cd[2]-cd[3*n+2]));
      if (dist > diam) diam = dist;
    normexp *= diam;
    for (UInt n = 0; n < npe; n++) {
      for (UInt j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        double lm;
        if ((lm = (cd[n*dim + j] + normexp*nr[j])) < min[j]) min[j] = lm;
        if ((lm =(cd[n*dim + j] - normexp*nr[j])) < min[j]) min[j] = lm;

        if ((lm=(cd[n*dim + j] + normexp*nr[j])) > max[j]) max[j] = lm;
        if ((lm=(cd[n*dim + j] - normexp*nr[j])) > max[j]) max[j] = lm;
    } // for n
  } else {
    // Good old fashioned element
    for (UInt i =0; i < dim; i++) {
      min[i] = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
      max[i] = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    // Loop the nodes
    for (UInt n = 0; n < topo.num_nodes; n++) {
      const MeshObj &node = *(obj.Relations[n].obj);
      const double *coord =;
      for (UInt j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        if (coord[j] < min[j]) min[j] = coord[j];
        if (coord[j] > max[j]) max[j] = coord[j];
  } // nonshell

Esempio n. 6
extern "C" void FTN(c_esmc_getlocalcoords)(Mesh **meshpp, double *nodeCoord, int *rc) 
   try {
    Mesh *meshp = *meshpp;
    Mesh &mesh = *meshp;

  // Initialize the parallel environment for mesh (if not already done)
 int localrc;
 int rc;
  ESMCI::Par::Init("MESHLOG", false /* use log */,VM::getCurrent(&localrc)->getMpi_c());
 if (ESMC_LogDefault.MsgFoundError(localrc,ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU,NULL))
   throw localrc;  // bail out with exception

    // Get some info
    int sdim=mesh.spatial_dim();
    int num_nodes = mesh.num_nodes();
    MEField<> *coords = mesh.GetCoordField();
    // Make a map between data index and associated node pointer
    std::vector<std::pair<int,MeshObj *> > index_to_node;

    // iterate through local nodes collecting indices and node pointers
    Mesh::iterator ni = mesh.node_begin(), ne = mesh.node_end();
    for (; ni != ne; ++ni) {
      MeshObj &node = *ni;
      if (!GetAttr(node).is_locally_owned()) continue;

      int idx = node.get_data_index();

    // Sort by data index
    std::sort(index_to_node.begin(), index_to_node.end());

    // Load coords in order of index
    int nodeCoordPos=0;
    for (UInt i = 0; i < index_to_node.size(); ++i) {
      MeshObj &node = *(index_to_node[i].second);      

      // Copy coords into output array
      double *c = coords->data(node);    
      for (int j=0; j<sdim; j++) {

  } catch(std::exception &x) {
    // catch Mesh exception return code 
    if (x.what()) {
   					  x.what(), rc);
    } else {
   					  "UNKNOWN", rc);

  }catch(int localrc){
    // catch standard ESMF return code
    ESMC_LogDefault.MsgFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, rc);
  } catch(...){
      "- Caught unknown exception", rc);

  // Set return code 
  if (rc!=NULL) *rc = ESMF_SUCCESS;
