int result_gaussian(GAUSS_INFO &gi) { int retval=0; if (signal_count > swi.analysis_cfg.max_signals) { SETIERROR(RESULT_OVERFLOW,"in result_gaussian"); } retval = outfile.printf("%s", gi.g.print_xml(0,0,1).c_str()); if (retval >= 0) { retval= outfile.printf("\n"); } if (retval < 0) { SETIERROR(WRITE_FAILED,"in result_gaussian"); } else { signal_count++; gaussian_count++; } return 0; }
int result_spike(SPIKE_INFO &si) { int retval=0; if (signal_count >= swi.analysis_cfg.max_signals) { SETIERROR(RESULT_OVERFLOW,"in result_spike"); } retval = outfile.printf("%s", si.s.print_xml(0,0,1).c_str()); if (retval < 0) { SETIERROR(WRITE_FAILED,"in result_spike"); } else { signal_count++; spike_count++; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int i, retval, lastInversion=0, checkpointExists=0, matrixSize=0; double fd; char input_path[512], output_path[512], chkpt_path[512], buf[256]; MFILE out; FILE* state, *infile; generate_random_input_file(MATRIX_SIZE); //call this if you don't want to //construct the input file manually for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_exit")) early_exit = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_crash")) early_crash = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_sleep")) early_sleep = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-run_slow")) run_slow = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpu_time")) { cpu_time = atof(argv[++i]); } } retval = boinc_init(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s boinc_init returned %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } // open the input file (resolve logical name first) // boinc_resolve_filename(INPUT_FILENAME, input_path, sizeof(input_path)); infile = boinc_fopen(input_path, "r"); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s Couldn't find input file in boinc\\win_build, resolved name %s.\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), input_path ); getchar(); exit(-1); } boinc_resolve_filename(OUTPUT_FILENAME, output_path, sizeof(output_path)); // See if there's a valid checkpoint file. // If so retrieve the current matrix and inversion number // boinc_resolve_filename(CHECKPOINT_FILE, chkpt_path, sizeof(chkpt_path)); state = boinc_fopen(chkpt_path, "r"); if (state) { printf("Checkpoint file is detected. Read from checkpoint file ... \n"); checkpointExists=fscanf(state, "%d", &lastInversion); if (checkpointExists == 1) { isStateFileInUse=true; printf("Last inversion # is : %d\n",lastInversion); fscanf(state,"%d",&matrixSize); width=height=matrixSize; printf("Initialize host ....\n"); initialize_host(state); } fclose(state); } else { printf("There's no valid checkpoint file!\n"); } retval =, "wb"); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: matrix_inversion output open failed:\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); fprintf(stderr, "%s resolved name %s, retval %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), output_path, retval ); perror("open"); exit(1); } #ifdef APP_GRAPHICS // create shared mem segment for graphics, and arrange to update it // shmem = (UC_SHMEM*)boinc_graphics_make_shmem("matrix_inversion", sizeof(UC_SHMEM)); if (!shmem) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed to create shared mem segment\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); } update_shmem(); boinc_register_timer_callback(update_shmem); #endif if (checkpointExists != 1) { //checkpoint file is not found. matrixSize=get_matrix_size(infile); printf("Matrix Size: width = height = %d\n",matrixSize); width=height=matrixSize; // Initialize Host application printf("Initialize host ....\n"); if (initialize_host(infile)==1) { return 1; } out.printf("\n----------------- Before being inversed ----------------\n\n"); printf("Computation is running ... Inverse the matrix %d times. Start at inversion #1\n", NUM_ITERATIONS); } else { out.printf("\n----------------- Last checkpointed inversion #%d ----------------\n\n", lastInversion); printf("Computation is resumed ... Inverse the matrix %d more times. Start at inversion #%d\n", NUM_ITERATIONS-lastInversion,lastInversion+1); } // Initialize OpenCL resources if (initialize_cl()==1) { return 1; } print_to_file(&out,input,matrixSize); for (int i=lastInversion+1;i<=NUM_ITERATIONS;++i) { //the invert function will trigger kernel calls. invert(input,output,matrixSize); printf("Finish inversion #%d\n",i); for (int j=0;j<matrixSize*matrixSize;++j) { input[j]=output[j]; //change the input for the next iteration } if (run_slow) { boinc_sleep(1.); } if (early_exit && i>30) { exit(-10); } if (early_crash && i>30) { boinc_crash(); } if (early_sleep && i>30) { g_sleep = true; while (1) boinc_sleep(1); } if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { printf("Perform checkpointing at inversion # %d\n",i); //we'll need to write the current matrix to the state file. retval = do_checkpoint(out, i, input, matrixSize); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: matrix_inversion checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } fd = i/NUM_ITERATIONS; if (cpu_time) fd /= 2; boinc_fraction_done(fd); } out.printf("\n\n----------------- Final inversion #%d ----------------\n\n", NUM_ITERATIONS); print_to_file(&out,output,matrixSize); retval = out.flush(); //force the output file to be closed. if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: matrix_inversion flush failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } // Releases OpenCL resources if (cleanup_cl()==1) { printf("Error!"); return 1; } // Release host resources cleanup_host(); // burn up some CPU time if needed // if (cpu_time) { printf("\nBurning up some CPU time ... \n"); double start = dtime(); for (int i=0; ; i++) { double e = dtime()-start; if (e > cpu_time) break; fd = .5 + .5*(e/cpu_time); boinc_fraction_done(fd); if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { retval = do_checkpoint(out, NUM_ITERATIONS, input, matrixSize); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: maxtrix_inversion checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } comp_result = do_a_giga_flop(i); } } boinc_fraction_done(1); #ifdef APP_GRAPHICS update_shmem(); #endif printf("\nDone! Please press ENTER to exit. "); getchar(); boinc_finish(0); }
int ReportPulseEvent(float PulsePower,float MeanPower, float period, int time_bin,int freq_bin, float snr, float thresh, float *folded_pot, int scale, int write_pulse) { PULSE_INFO pi; pulse pulse; int retval=0, i, len_prof=static_cast<int>(floor(period)); float step,norm,index,MinPower=PulsePower*MeanPower*scale; // debug possible heap corruption -- jeffc #ifdef _WIN32 BOINCASSERT(_CrtCheckMemory()); #endif // pulse info pi.score=snr/thresh; pi.p.peak_power=PulsePower-1; pi.p.mean_power=MeanPower; pi.p.fft_len=ChirpFftPairs[analysis_state.icfft].FftLen; pi.p.chirp_rate=ChirpFftPairs[analysis_state.icfft].ChirpRate; pi.p.period=static_cast<float>(period*static_cast<double>(pi.p.fft_len)/swi.subband_sample_rate); pi.p.snr = snr; pi.p.thresh = thresh; pi.p.len_prof = len_prof; pi.freq_bin=freq_bin; pi.time_bin=time_bin; pi.p.freq=cnvt_bin_hz(freq_bin, pi.p.fft_len); double t_offset=(static_cast<double>(time_bin)+0.5) *static_cast<double>(pi.p.fft_len)/ swi.subband_sample_rate; pi.p.detection_freq=calc_detection_freq(pi.p.freq,pi.p.chirp_rate,t_offset); pi.p.time=swi.time_recorded+t_offset/86400.0; time_to_ra_dec(pi.p.time, &pi.p.ra, &pi.p.decl); for (i=0;i<len_prof;i++) { if (folded_pot[i]<MinPower) MinPower=folded_pot[i]; } norm=255.0f/((PulsePower*MeanPower*scale-MinPower)); // Populate the min and max PoT arrays. These are only used // for graphics. #ifdef BOINC_APP_GRAPHICS if (!nographics()) { step=static_cast<float>(len_prof)/swi.analysis_cfg.pulse_pot_length; index=0; for (i=0;i<swi.analysis_cfg.pulse_pot_length;i++) { pi.pot_min[i]=255; pi.pot_max[i]=0; int j; for (j=0; j<step; j++) { unsigned int pot = static_cast<unsigned int>((folded_pot[static_cast<int>(floor(index))+j]-MinPower)*norm); if (pot<pi.pot_min[i]) { pi.pot_min[i]=pot; } if (pi.pot_min[i] >= 256) pi.pot_min[i] = 255; // kludge until we fix the assert failures BOINCASSERT(pi.pot_min[i] < 256); if (pot>pi.pot_max[i]) pi.pot_max[i]=pot; if (pi.pot_max[i] >= 256) pi.pot_max[i] = 255; // kludge until we fix the assert failures BOINCASSERT(pi.pot_max[i] < 256); } index+=step; } } #endif // Populate the result PoT if the folded PoT will fit. if (pi.p.len_prof < swi.analysis_cfg.pulse_pot_length) { pi.p.pot.resize(len_prof); for (i=0;i<len_prof;i++) { pi.p.pot[i] = (unsigned char)((folded_pot[i]-MinPower)*norm); } } else { pi.p.pot.clear(); } // Update gdata pulse info regardless of whether it is the // best thus far. If a pulse has made it this far, display it. #ifdef BOINC_APP_GRAPHICS if (!nographics()) sah_graphics->pi.copy(&pi); #endif // best thus far ? if (pi.score>best_pulse->score) { *best_pulse=pi; } if (write_pulse) { if (signal_count > swi.analysis_cfg.max_signals) { SETIERROR(RESULT_OVERFLOW,"in ReportPulseEvent"); } //for (i=0;i<len_prof;i++) { // sprintf(&pi.p.pot[i], "%02x",(int)((folded_pot[i]-MinPower)*norm)); // } retval = outfile.printf("%s", pi.p.print_xml(0,0,1).c_str()); if (retval >= 0) { outfile.printf("\n"); } if (retval < 0) { SETIERROR(WRITE_FAILED,"in ReportPulseEvent"); } else { signal_count++; pulse_count++; } } // debug possible heap corruption -- jeffc #ifdef _WIN32 BOINCASSERT(_CrtCheckMemory()); #endif return(retval); }
int ReportTripletEvent( float Power, float MeanPower, float period, float mid_time_bin, int start_time_bin, int freq_bin, int pot_len,const float *PoT, int write_triplet ) { TRIPLET_INFO ti; triplet triplet; int retval=0, i, j; double step,norm,index; double max_power=0; static int * inv; // debug possible heap corruption -- jeffc #ifdef _WIN32 BOINCASSERT(_CrtCheckMemory()); #endif if (!inv) inv = (int*)calloc_a(swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length, sizeof(int), MEM_ALIGN); // triplet info ti.score=Power; ti.t.peak_power=Power; ti.t.mean_power=MeanPower; ti.freq_bin=freq_bin; ti.time_bin=mid_time_bin+start_time_bin+0.5f; ti.t.chirp_rate=ChirpFftPairs[analysis_state.icfft].ChirpRate; ti.t.fft_len=ChirpFftPairs[analysis_state.icfft].FftLen; ti.bperiod=period; ti.t.period=static_cast<float>(period*static_cast<double>(ti.t.fft_len)/swi.subband_sample_rate); ti.t.freq=cnvt_bin_hz(freq_bin, ti.t.fft_len); double t_offset=(static_cast<double>(mid_time_bin)+start_time_bin+0.5) *static_cast<double>(ti.t.fft_len)/ swi.subband_sample_rate; ti.t.detection_freq=calc_detection_freq(ti.t.freq,ti.t.chirp_rate,t_offset); ti.t.time=swi.time_recorded+t_offset/86400.0; time_to_ra_dec(ti.t.time, &ti.t.ra, &ti.t.decl); // Populate the min and max PoT arrays. These are only used // for graphics. memset(ti.pot_min,0xff,swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length*sizeof(int)); memset(ti.pot_max,0,swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length*sizeof(int)); step=static_cast<double>(pot_len)/swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length; ti.scale=static_cast<float>(1.0/step); index=0; for (i=0;i<pot_len;i++) { if (PoT[i]>max_power) max_power=PoT[i]; } norm=255.0/max_power; float mtb = mid_time_bin; if (pot_len > swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length) { ti.tpotind0_0 = ti.tpotind0_1 = static_cast<int>(((mtb-period)*swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length)/pot_len); ti.tpotind1_0 = ti.tpotind1_1 = static_cast<int>(((mtb)*swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length)/pot_len); ti.tpotind2_0 = ti.tpotind2_1 = static_cast<int>(((mtb+period)*swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length)/pot_len); for (j=0; j<pot_len; j++) { i = (j*swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length)/pot_len; if ((PoT[j]*norm)<ti.pot_min[i]) { ti.pot_min[i]=static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(PoT[j]*norm)); } if ((PoT[j]*norm)>ti.pot_max[i]) { ti.pot_max[i]=static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(PoT[j]*norm)); } } } else { memset(inv, -1, sizeof(inv)); for (i=0;i<swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length;i++) { j = (i*pot_len)/swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length; if (inv[j] < 0) inv[j] = i; if ((PoT[j]*norm)<ti.pot_min[i]) { ti.pot_min[i]=static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(PoT[j]*norm)); } if ((PoT[j]*norm)>ti.pot_max[i]) { ti.pot_max[i]=static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(PoT[j]*norm)); } } ti.tpotind0_0 = inv[static_cast<int>(mtb-period)]; ti.tpotind0_1 = inv[static_cast<int>(mtb-period+1)]; ti.tpotind1_0 = (inv[static_cast<int>(mtb)]+inv[static_cast<int>(mtb+1)])/2; ti.tpotind1_1 = (inv[static_cast<int>(mtb+1)]+inv[static_cast<int>(mtb+2)])/2; ti.tpotind2_0 = inv[static_cast<int>(mtb+period)]; if (mtb+period+1 >= pot_len) ti.tpotind2_1 = swi.analysis_cfg.triplet_pot_length-1; else ti.tpotind2_1 = inv[static_cast<int>(mtb+period+1)]; } // Update sah_graphics triplet info regardless of whether it is the // best thus far. If a triplet has made it this far, display it. #ifdef BOINC_APP_GRAPHICS if (!nographics()) sah_graphics->ti.copy(&ti); #endif // best thus far ? if (ti.score>best_triplet->score) { *best_triplet=ti; } if (write_triplet) { if (signal_count > swi.analysis_cfg.max_signals) { SETIERROR(RESULT_OVERFLOW,"in ReportTripletEvent"); } retval = outfile.printf("%s", ti.t.print_xml(0,0,1).c_str()); if (retval < 0) { SETIERROR(WRITE_FAILED,"in ReportTripletEvent"); } else { signal_count++; triplet_count++; } } // debug possible heap corruption -- jeffc #ifdef _WIN32 BOINCASSERT(_CrtCheckMemory()); #endif return(retval); }