int main() { MFile mfile; int i,j; KVector<double, 1, true> T, tmpVec; KMatrix<double, 1, true> ReperesX, tmpMat; // Matlab format selectKVectorContext(createKVectorContext(" ", "[ ", " ];", 4)); selectKMatrixContext(createKMatrixContext(" ", " ;\n ", "[ ", " ];", 4));"test.m"); mfile.print(); mfile.get("T", T); mfile.get("ReperesX", ReperesX); cout<<T<<endl<<endl; cout<<ReperesX<<endl<<endl; tmpVec.resize(10); for(i=1; i<=10; i++) { tmpVec(i)=i; } tmpMat.resize(2,5); for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { for(j=1; j<=5; j++) { tmpMat(i,j)=i*5+j; } } mfile.add("tmpVec", tmpVec); mfile.add("tmpVec2", tmpVec, COLUMN_VECTOR); mfile.add("tmpMat", tmpMat); mfile.print();"test2.m"); return 0; }
void MDiffWindow::ChooseFile(int inFileNr) { string currentFolder = gApp->GetCurrentFolder(); MFile url; if (inFileNr == 1) { if (mDoc1 != nil) url = mDoc1->GetFile(); else if (mDir1Inited) url = mDir1; } else if (inFileNr == 2) { if (mDoc2 != nil) url = mDoc2->GetFile(); else if (mDir2Inited) url = mDir2; } try { uint32 modifiers = GetModifiers(); if (modifiers != 0) { fs::path dir = url.GetPath(); if (ChooseDirectory(dir) and fs::is_directory(dir)) SetDirectory(inFileNr, dir); else gApp->SetCurrentFolder(currentFolder); } else if (ChooseOneFile(url)) { MTextDocument* doc = dynamic_cast<MTextDocument*>( gApp->OpenOneDocument(url)); if (doc != nil) SetDocument(inFileNr, doc); } else gApp->SetCurrentFolder(currentFolder); } catch (...) { gApp->SetCurrentFolder(currentFolder); throw; } }
void MIOSystem::Update( U32 uiTickTime ) { while(true){ m_CS.Enter(); STD_VECTOR<MFile*> lst = m_lstFile; m_lstFile.clear(); m_CS.Leave(); STD_VECTOR<MFile*>::iterator i = lst.begin(); for(;i!=lst.end();i++){ MFile* pFile = (*i); SaveFile(pFile->GetFileInfo(),pFile->GetData(),pFile->GetDataSize()); U32 uiRA = pFile->GetFileIndexRA(); DWORD dWrite=0; LARGE_INTEGER fpos; fpos.QuadPart = uiRA; LARGE_INTEGER oldpos; SetFilePointerEx(m_FileIndex,fpos,&oldpos,FILE_BEGIN); WriteFile(m_FileIndex,&pFile->GetFileInfo().idx,sizeof(U32),&dWrite,NULL); pFile->ReleaseRef(); } m_WaitExit.Wait(1000); if(m_bExit){ break; } } }
int RTFileData::GetInfo(tagInfoResponse * stResponse) { MFile stFile; if((m_poGrup->m_stCfg.fileheadsize > 0) && (m_poGrup->m_stCfg.fileheadsize <= MAX_FILE_INFO_SIZE)) { stFile.OpenRead(m_sFullName); stFile.Seek(0, 0); if(stFile.Read(stResponse->ex, m_poGrup->m_stCfg.fileheadsize) != m_poGrup->m_stCfg.fileheadsize) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } } stResponse->stUpdateTime = m_stUpdateTime.DateTimeToTimet(); stResponse->stCreateTime = m_stCreateTime.DateTimeToTimet(); stResponse->nFileSzie = m_nFileSize; stResponse->nFlag = FLAG_LAST_PACKET; return stResponse->nFlag; }
void MMessageList::AddMessage( MMessageKind inKind, const MFile& inFile, uint32 inLine, uint32 inMinOffset, uint32 inMaxOffset, const string& inMessage) { uint32 fileNr = 0; if (inFile.IsLocal() == false or fs::exists(inFile.GetPath())) { MFileTable::iterator f = find(mImpl->mFileTable.begin(), mImpl->mFileTable.end(), inFile); if (f == mImpl->mFileTable.end()) f = mImpl->mFileTable.insert(f, inFile); fileNr = f - mImpl->mFileTable.begin() + 1; } mImpl->mArray.push_back(MMessageItem::Create(inKind, fileNr, inLine, inMinOffset, inMaxOffset, inMessage)); }
sf_count_t M_SFGetFileLen(void* user_data) { if(user_data == 0) return 0; MFile* File = (MFile*)user_data; long pos = File->tell(); File->rewind(); File->seek(0, SEEK_END); sf_count_t size = File->tell(); File->seek(pos, SEEK_SET); return size; }
void MDiffWindow::RecalculateDiffsForDirs( const MFile& inDirA, const MFile& inDirB) { vector<fs::path> a, b; fs::path p; int flags = 0; if (mRecursive) flags = kFileIter_ReturnDirectories; MFileIterator iter_a(inDirA.GetPath(), flags); while (iter_a.Next(p)) a.push_back(p); MFileIterator iter_b(inDirB.GetPath(), flags); while (iter_b.Next(p)) b.push_back(p); sort(a.begin(), a.end()); sort(b.begin(), b.end()); vector<fs::path>::iterator ai, bi; ai = a.begin(); bi = b.begin(); while (ai != a.end() and bi != b.end()) { if (ai->leaf() == bi->leaf()) { if (not FileNameMatches(mIgnoreFileNameFilter.c_str(), *ai)) { if (is_directory(*ai) and is_directory(*bi)) { if (mRecursive) RecalculateDiffsForDirs(MFile(*ai), MFile(*bi)); } else if (is_directory(*ai) or is_directory(*bi) or FilesDiffer(MFile(*ai), MFile(*bi))) AddDirDiff(relative_path(mDir1, *ai).string(), 0); } ++ai; ++bi; } else { if (ai->leaf() < bi->leaf()) { if (not FileNameMatches(mIgnoreFileNameFilter.c_str(), *ai)) AddDirDiff(relative_path(mDir1, *ai).string(), 1); ++ai; } else { if (not FileNameMatches(mIgnoreFileNameFilter.c_str(), *bi)) AddDirDiff(relative_path(mDir2, *bi).string(), 2); ++bi; } } } while (ai != a.end()) { if (not FileNameMatches(mIgnoreFileNameFilter.c_str(), *ai)) AddDirDiff(relative_path(mDir1, *ai).string(), 1); ++ai; } while (bi != b.end()) { if (not FileNameMatches(mIgnoreFileNameFilter.c_str(), *bi)) AddDirDiff(relative_path(mDir2, *bi).string(), 2); ++bi; } }
int RTFileData::GetData(tagFileResponse * stResponse, char * buf, int & buflen, tagGetDataParam * pParam) { unsigned long nsize, ret, readsize, rret; int i; int recordsize; char * buf1 = buf; unsigned long stDateTime; int roffset; MFile stFile; MDateTime stTmpTime; stResponse->nFlag = 0; //从文件中获得数据 if(stFile.OpenRead(pParam->Name) != 1) { return FLAG_NO_FILE; } if(stFile.LockFile(0, stFile.GetFileLength()) != 1) { return FLAG_SERVER_RETRY; } pParam->stCreateTime = stFile.GetCreateDateTime(); pParam->nFileSize = stFile.GetFileLength(); stTmpTime = stFile.GetUpdateDateTime(); if(stTmpTime > pParam->stUpdateTime) { pParam->stUpdateTime = stTmpTime; if(!pParam->inCall) { stFile.UnLockFile(0, stFile.GetFileLength()); return FLAG_CHANGED; } } pParam->stUpdateTime = stTmpTime; switch(pParam->updatemode) { case UPDATEMODE_DBF: if(stResponse->stOffsetTime != -1) { ret = pParam->Dbf.GetData(stResponse, buf, buflen, pParam->inCall, &stFile); if(ret < 0) { return ret; } else break; } case UPDATEMODE_RECORD: if(stResponse->stOffsetTime != -1) { recordsize = pParam->recordsize; if(pParam->inCall) { roffset = pParam->fileheadsize; i = (pParam->nFileSize - pParam->fileheadsize) / recordsize; if(i > (buflen / recordsize)) roffset = pParam->fileheadsize + (i - (buflen / recordsize)) * recordsize; stFile.Seek(roffset, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } memset(&stResponse->stOffsetTime, 0, sizeof(stResponse->stOffsetTime)); memcpy(&stResponse->stOffsetTime, &stDateTime, 4); } else { roffset = stResponse->nOffset; if(roffset != -1) { stFile.Seek(roffset, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { roffset = -1; } if(RTFile::IsNewer(&stDateTime, &stResponse->stOffsetTime)) { if(roffset >= pParam->fileheadsize + recordsize) { stFile.Seek(roffset - recordsize, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { roffset = -1; } if(*(unsigned long *)&stDateTime != *(unsigned long *)&stResponse->stOffsetTime) { roffset = -1; } } else { roffset = -1; } } else { roffset = -1; } } if(roffset == -1)//无效的偏移量,需要计算偏移, 采用2分法查找。 {//返回大于指定日期的 int offset1, offset2; offset1 = 0; //begin lufubo add 20131008 for只包含文件头时更新失败 if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } //end lufubo add 20131008 for只包含文件头时更新失败 offset2 = ((pParam->nFileSize - pParam->fileheadsize) / recordsize) - 1; stFile.Seek(pParam->fileheadsize, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } if(RTFile::IsNewer(&stDateTime, &stResponse->stOffsetTime)) { roffset = pParam->fileheadsize; } else { stFile.Seek(pParam->nFileSize - ((pParam->nFileSize - pParam->fileheadsize) % recordsize) - recordsize, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } if(!RTFile::IsNewer(&stDateTime, &stResponse->stOffsetTime)) { roffset = pParam->nFileSize - ((pParam->nFileSize - pParam->fileheadsize) % recordsize); } else { while(1) { roffset = (offset1 + offset2)/2 * recordsize + pParam->fileheadsize; stFile.Seek(roffset, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } if(RTFile::IsNewer(&stDateTime, &stResponse->stOffsetTime)) { roffset -= recordsize; stFile.Seek(roffset, 0); if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } if(!RTFile::IsNewer(&stDateTime, &stResponse->stOffsetTime)) { roffset += recordsize; break; } else { offset2 = (offset1 + offset2)/2; } } else if(RTFile::IsNewer(&stResponse->stOffsetTime, &stDateTime)) { roffset += recordsize; stFile.Seek(roffset, 0); //返回大于指定日期的 if(stFile.Read((char*)&stDateTime, 4) != 4) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } if(RTFile::IsNewer(&stDateTime, &stResponse->stOffsetTime)) { break; } else if(RTFile::IsNewer(&stResponse->stOffsetTime, &stDateTime)) { offset1 = (offset1 + offset2)/2; } else { roffset += recordsize; break; } } else { roffset += recordsize; break; } //if(offset1 == (offset1 + recordsize) / 2) if(offset1 >= offset2) { return FLAG_FILE_ERROR; } } } } stResponse->nOffset = roffset; } } nsize = (buflen / recordsize) * recordsize; if(pParam->nFileSize - roffset <= nsize) { nsize = pParam->nFileSize - roffset; stResponse->nFlag |= FLAG_LAST_PACKET; } stFile.Seek(roffset, 0); readsize = 0; while(readsize < nsize){ rret = stFile.Read(buf1, nsize - readsize); if(rret <= 0){ stResponse->nFlag |= FLAG_LAST_PACKET; break; } readsize += rret; buf1 += rret; } buflen = nsize; stResponse->nNextOffset = stResponse->nOffset + nsize; memset(&stResponse->stNextDateTime, 0, sizeof(stResponse->stNextDateTime)); memcpy(&stResponse->stNextDateTime, &buf[nsize - recordsize], 4); break; } case UPDATEMODE_FILE: nsize = buflen; if(pParam->nFileSize - stResponse->nOffset <= nsize) { nsize = pParam->nFileSize - stResponse->nOffset; stResponse->nFlag |= FLAG_LAST_PACKET; } stFile.Seek(stResponse->nOffset, 0); readsize = 0; while(readsize < nsize){ rret = stFile.Read(buf1, nsize - readsize); if(rret <= 0){ stResponse->nFlag |= FLAG_LAST_PACKET; break; } readsize += rret; buf1 += rret; } buflen = nsize; stResponse->nNextOffset = stResponse->nOffset + readsize; stResponse->stNextDateTime = stResponse->stOffsetTime; break; default: return FLAG_SERVER_ERROR; } stFile.UnLockFile(0, stFile.GetFileLength()); return stResponse->nFlag; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { setbuf(stdout, NULL); // Make stdout unbuffered. gameNumberT gNumber; bool option_ForceReplace = false; bool option_PreGameComments = true; uint pgnFileSize = 0; char *progname = argv[0]; fileNameT fname; fileNameT baseName; uint argsleft = argc - 1; char ** nextArg = argv + 1; // Parse command-line argments: while (argsleft > 0 && nextArg[0][0] == '-') { if (! strCompare (*nextArg, "-f")) { option_ForceReplace = true; } else if (! strCompare (*nextArg, "-x")) { option_PreGameComments = false; } else { usage (progname); } argsleft--; nextArg++; } if (argsleft != 1 && argsleft != 2) { usage (progname); } char * pgnName = *nextArg; MFile pgnFile; pgnFileSize = fileSize (pgnName, ""); // Ensure positive file size counter to avoid division by zero: if (pgnFileSize < 1) { pgnFileSize = 1; } // Make baseName from pgnName if baseName is not provided: if (argsleft == 1) { strCopy (baseName, pgnName); // If a gzip file, remove two suffixes, the first being ".gz": const char * lastSuffix = strFileSuffix (baseName); if (lastSuffix != NULL && strEqual (lastSuffix, GZIP_SUFFIX)) { strTrimFileSuffix (baseName); } // Trim the ".pgn" suffix: strTrimFileSuffix (baseName); } else { strCopy (baseName, nextArg[1]); } // Check for existing database, avoid overwriting it: if (! option_ForceReplace) { if (fileSize (baseName, INDEX_SUFFIX) > 0) { // Scid index file already exists: fprintf (stderr, "%s: database already exists: %s\n", progname, baseName); fprintf (stderr, "You can use: %s -f %s to overwrite" " the existing database.\n", progname, pgnName); exit(1); } } if (pgnFile.Open (pgnName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not open file %s\n", progname, pgnName); exit(1); } // Try opening the log file: strCopy (fname, baseName); strAppend (fname, ".err"); FILE * logFile = fopen (fname, "w"); if (logFile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not open log file: %s\n", progname, fname); exit(1); } printf ("Converting file %s to Scid database %s:\n", pgnName, baseName); printf ("Errors/warnings will be written to %s.\n\n", fname); scid_Init(); GFile * gameFile = new GFile; if ((gameFile->Create (baseName, FMODE_WriteOnly)) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not create the file %s%s\n", progname, baseName, GFILE_SUFFIX); fprintf (stderr, "The file may already exist and be read-only, or\n"); fprintf (stderr, "you may not have permission to create this file.\n"); exit(1); } NameBase * nb = new NameBase; Index * idx = new Index; IndexEntry * ie = new IndexEntry; idx->SetFileName (baseName); idx->CreateIndexFile (FMODE_WriteOnly); Game * game = new Game; ProgBar progBar(stdout); progBar.Start(); ByteBuffer *bbuf = new ByteBuffer; bbuf->SetBufferSize (BBUF_SIZE); // 32768 PgnParser pgnParser (&pgnFile); pgnParser.SetErrorFile (logFile); pgnParser.SetPreGameText (option_PreGameComments); // TODO: Add command line option for ignored tags, rather than // just hardcoding PlyCount as the only ignored tag. pgnParser.AddIgnoredTag ("PlyCount"); // Add each game found to the database: while (pgnParser.ParseGame(game) != ERROR_NotFound) { ie->Init(); if (idx->AddGame (&gNumber, ie) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "\nLimit of %d games reached!\n", MAX_GAMES); exit(1); } // Add the names to the namebase: idNumberT id = 0; if (nb->AddName (NAME_PLAYER, game->GetWhiteStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_PLAYER); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_PLAYER, id, 1); ie->SetWhite (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_PLAYER, game->GetBlackStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_PLAYER); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_PLAYER, id, 1); ie->SetBlack (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_EVENT, game->GetEventStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_EVENT); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_EVENT, id, 1); ie->SetEvent (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_SITE, game->GetSiteStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_SITE); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_SITE, id, 1); ie->SetSite (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_ROUND, game->GetRoundStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_ROUND); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_ROUND, id, 1); ie->SetRound (id); bbuf->Empty(); if (game->Encode (bbuf, ie) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error encoding game!\n"); abort(); } uint offset = 0; if (gameFile->AddGame (bbuf, &offset) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error writing game file!\n"); abort(); } ie->SetOffset (offset); ie->SetLength (bbuf->GetByteCount()); idx->WriteEntries (ie, gNumber, 1); // Update the progress bar: if (! (gNumber % 100)) { int bytesSeen = pgnParser.BytesUsed(); int percentDone = 1 + ((bytesSeen) * 100 / pgnFileSize); progBar.Update (percentDone); } } uint t = 0; // = time(0); nb->SetTimeStamp(t); nb->SetFileName (baseName); if (nb->WriteNameFile() != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error writing name file!\n"); exit(1); } progBar.Finish(); printf ("\nDatabase `%s': %d games, %d players, %d events, %d sites.\n", baseName, idx->GetNumGames(), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_PLAYER), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_EVENT), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_SITE)); fclose (logFile); if (pgnParser.ErrorCount() > 0) { printf ("There were %u errors or warnings; ", pgnParser.ErrorCount()); printf ("examine the file \"%s.err\"\n", baseName); } else { printf ("There were no warnings or errors.\n"); removeFile (baseName, ".err"); } gameFile->Close(); idx->CloseIndexFile(); // If there is a tree cache file for this database, it is out of date: removeFile (baseName, TREEFILE_SUFFIX); #ifdef ASSERTIONS printf("%d asserts were tested\n", numAsserts); #endif return 0; }
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // PBook::ReadFile(): read in a file. errorT PBook::ReadFile () { ASSERT (FileName != NULL); ReadOnly = false; MFile fp; if (fp.Open (FileName, FMODE_Both) != OK) { ReadOnly = true; if (fp.Open (FileName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) { return ERROR_FileOpen; } } LineCount = 1; Position * pos = new Position; DString * line = new DString; ReadLine(line, &fp); DString dstr; while (line->Length() || ! fp.EndOfFile()) { if (pos->ReadFromFEN (line->Data()) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Error reading line: %u\n", LineCount); LineCount++; line->Clear(); ReadLine(line, &fp); continue; //exit (1); } char * s = (char *) line->Data(); // Skip over first four fields, which were the position: while (*s == ' ') { s++; } for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { while (*s != ' ' && *s != 0) { s++; } while (*s == ' ') { s++; } } // Now process each field in turn: while (*s == ';' || *s == ' ') { s++; } dstr.Clear(); while (*s != 0) { while (*s == ';' || *s == ' ') { s++; } bool seenCode = false; while (*s != ';' && *s != 0) { seenCode = true; char ch = *s; // Check for backslash (escape) character: if (ch == '\\') { s++; ch = *s; // "\s" -> semicolon within a field: if (ch == 's') { ch = ';'; } } dstr.AddChar (ch); s++; } if (seenCode) { dstr.AddChar ('\n'); } } if (Insert (pos, dstr.Data()) != OK) { //fprintf (stderr, "Warning: position already exists! Line %u\n", // LineCount); } LineCount++; line->Clear(); ReadLine(line, &fp); } delete pos; delete line; Altered = false; NextIndex = NodeListCount - 1; return OK; }
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // PBook::ReadEcoFile(): // Read an ECO (not EPD) format file. errorT PBook::ReadEcoFile () { MFile fp; if (fp.Open (FileName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) { return ERROR_FileOpen; } ReadOnly = true; LineCount = 1; Position std_start; std_start.StdStart(); DString text; DString moves; ecoStringT ecoStr; ecoT ecoCode; int ch; errorT err = OK; bool done = false; // Loop to read in and add all positions: while (!done) { // Find the next ECO code: while (true) { ch = fp.ReadOneByte(); if (ch == EOF) { done = true; break; } if (ch == '\n') { LineCount++; } if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'E') { break; } if (ch == '#') { while (ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) { ch = fp.ReadOneByte(); } if (ch == EOF) { done = true; } LineCount++; } } if (done) { break; } // Read in the rest of the ECO code: ecoStr[0] = ch; ch = fp.ReadOneByte(); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { goto corrupt; } ecoStr[1] = ch; ch = fp.ReadOneByte(); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { goto corrupt; } ecoStr[2] = ch; ecoStr[3] = 0; // Now check for optional extra part of code, e.g. "A00a1": ch = fp.ReadOneByte(); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { ecoStr[3] = ch; ecoStr[4] = 0; ch = fp.ReadOneByte(); if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '4') { ecoStr[4] = ch; ecoStr[5] = 0; } } // Now put ecoCode in the text string and read the text in quotes: ecoCode = eco_FromString (ecoStr); eco_ToExtendedString (ecoCode, ecoStr); text.Clear(); text.Append ("eco ", ecoStr, " ["); // Find the start of the text: while ((ch = fp.ReadOneByte()) != '"') { if (ch == EOF) { goto corrupt; } } while ((ch = fp.ReadOneByte()) != '"') { if (ch == EOF) { goto corrupt; } text.AddChar ((char) ch); } text.Append ("]\n"); // Now read the position: moves.Clear(); char prev = 0; while ((ch = fp.ReadOneByte()) != '*') { if (ch == EOF) { goto corrupt; } if (ch == '\n') { ch = ' '; LineCount++; } if (ch != ' ' || prev != ' ') { moves.AddChar ((char) ch); } prev = ch; } Position pos (std_start); err = pos.ReadLine (moves.Data()); if (err != OK) { goto corrupt; } text.Append ("moves ", strTrimLeft (moves.Data()), "\n"); if (Insert (&pos, text.Data()) != OK) { // Position already exists: just ignore it. } } return OK; corrupt: return ERROR_Corrupt; }
bool ChooseOneFile( MFile& ioFile) { GtkWidget* dialog = nil; bool result = false; try { dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new(_("Select File"), nil, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); THROW_IF_NIL(dialog); gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), false); gtk_file_chooser_set_local_only(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), false); if (ioFile.IsValid()) { gtk_file_chooser_select_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), ioFile.GetURI().c_str()); } else if (gApp->GetCurrentFolder().length() > 0) { gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder_uri( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), gApp->GetCurrentFolder().c_str()); } if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { char* uri = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog)); if (uri != nil) { ioFile = MFile(uri, true); g_free(uri); gApp->SetCurrentFolder( gtk_file_chooser_get_current_folder_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog))); result = true; } } } catch (exception& e) { if (dialog) gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); throw; } gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); return result; }