Esempio n. 1
MStatus PRTAttrs::addParameter(MFnDependencyNode & node, MObject & attr, MFnAttribute& tAttr) {
	if(!(node.hasAttribute(tAttr.shortName()))) {
		MCHECK(tAttr.setKeyable (true));
	return MS::kSuccess;
    MPlug DagHelper::addAttribute ( const MObject& node, const MObject& attribute )
        MPlug plug;
        MFnAttribute attributeFn ( attribute );
        MFnDependencyNode depFn ( node );
        MStatus status = depFn.addAttribute ( attribute, MFnDependencyNode::kLocalDynamicAttr );
        if ( status == MStatus::kSuccess )
            plug = depFn.findPlug ( attribute );

        return plug;
Esempio n. 3
MStatus Maya::SetNodeID( const MObject& node, const Helium::TUID& id )
  MStatus status;
  MFnDependencyNode nodeFn (node);

  // make sure we have the dynamic attribute to store our id created
  MObject attr = nodeFn.attribute(MString (s_TUIDAttributeName), &status);
  if (status == MS::kFailure)
    // check to see if we are a locked node
    bool nodeWasLocked = nodeFn.isLocked();
    if ( nodeWasLocked )
      // turn off any node locking so an attribute can be added
      nodeFn.setLocked( false );

    // create the attribute
    MFnTypedAttribute attrFn;
    attr = attrFn.create(MString (s_TUIDAttributeName), MString (s_TUIDAttributeName), MFnData::kString);
    status = nodeFn.addAttribute(attr);

    // reset to the prior state of wasLocked
    if ( nodeWasLocked )
      nodeFn.setLocked( nodeWasLocked );

    // error check
    if (status == MS::kFailure)
      MGlobal::displayError(MString ("Unable to create TUID attribute on maya node: ") +;
      return status;

  MPlug plug (node, nodeFn.attribute(MString (s_TUIDAttributeName)));


  tstring s;


  return status;
    MObject DagHelper::createAttribute (
        const MObject& node,
        const char* attributeName,
        const char* attributeShortName,
        MFnData::Type type,
        const char *value )
        // Before creating a new attribute: verify that an old one doesn't already exist
        MStatus status;
        MObject attribute;
        MFnDependencyNode nodeFn ( node );
        MPlug plug = nodeFn.findPlug ( attributeShortName, status );

        if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess )
            MFnTypedAttribute attr;
            MStatus status;
            attribute = attr.create ( attributeName,attributeShortName,type,&status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MObject::kNullObj;

            attr.setStorable ( true );
            attr.setKeyable ( false );
            attr.setCached ( true );
            attr.setReadable ( true );
            attr.setWritable ( true );
            status = nodeFn.addAttribute ( attribute, MFnDependencyNode::kLocalDynamicAttr );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MObject::kNullObj;

            plug = nodeFn.findPlug ( attribute, &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MObject::kNullObj;

        status = plug.setValue ( value );
        if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MObject::kNullObj;

        return attribute;
MStatus testGlassCmd::doIt(const MArgList &args)
	MStatus stat=MStatus::kSuccess;

	MSelectionList list;
	MFnDependencyNode meshDependFn;
	MFnDependencyNode materialDependFn;
	MDGModifier dgMod;

	//create a new material node, here is the test glass node
	MObject testGNode=dgMod.createNode(testGlassNode::id);
	MGlobal::displayInfo(testName+" god, please give me the node first time");

	//find the mesh node(s) from selected object(s)
	//create a new "yafaray material" attribute if the mesh node(s) dont have
	//then conect the material node to the mesh node(s)
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( list );
	MItSelectionList iter( list, MFn::kMesh );
	for( ; !iter.isDone();
		MObject meshDependNode;
		MFnNumericAttribute numAttr;

		iter.getDependNode( meshDependNode );
		meshDependFn.setObject( meshDependNode );
		//MGlobal::displayInfo(dependName+" is here\n");

		if( !meshDependFn.hasAttribute("YafarayMaterial") )
			MObject attrYafarayMaterial=numAttr.create("YafarayMaterial","yama",MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
			numAttr.setDefault( true );
			numAttr.setStorable( true );

        //find the source plug and the result plug, then connect them
		//if the result plug as  already had a sourse plug connected to it, disconnect first
		MPlug glassPlug=materialDependFn.findPlug("OutGlass");
		MPlug meshPlug=meshDependFn.findPlug("YafarayMaterial");

		MPlugArray srcMeshPlug;		
		if(meshPlug.connectedTo(srcMeshPlug, true, false))
			MPlug srcPlug;

			dgMod.disconnect(srcPlug, meshPlug);



	//why still cant got the name here?
	MGlobal::displayInfo(testName+" god, please give me the node second time");
	return stat;