MStatus geometrySurfaceConstraintCommand::connectObjectAndConstraint( MDGModifier& modifier )
	MObject transform = transformObject();
	if ( transform.isNull() )
		MGlobal::displayError("Failed to get transformObject()");
		return MS::kFailure;

	MStatus status;
	MFnTransform transformFn( transform );
	MVector translate = transformFn.getTranslation(MSpace::kTransform,&status);
	if (!status) { status.perror(" transformFn.getTranslation"); return status;}

	MPlug translatePlug = transformFn.findPlug( "translate", &status );
	if (!status) { status.perror(" transformFn.findPlug"); return status;}

	if ( MPlug::kFreeToChange == translatePlug.isFreeToChange() )
		MFnNumericData nd;
		MObject translateData = nd.create( MFnNumericData::k3Double, &status );
		status = nd.setData3Double( translate.x,translate.y,translate.z);
		if (!status) { status.perror("nd.setData3Double"); return status;}
		status = modifier.newPlugValue( translatePlug, translateData );
		if (!status) { status.perror("modifier.newPlugValue"); return status;}

		status = connectObjectAttribute( 
					geometrySurfaceConstraint::constraintGeometry, false );
		if (!status) { status.perror("connectObjectAttribute"); return status;}

	status = connectObjectAttribute( 
			geometrySurfaceConstraint::constraintParentInverseMatrix, true, true );
	if (!status) { status.perror("connectObjectAttribute"); return status;}

	return MS::kSuccess;
//- This method is plugToManipConversionCallback function
//- You implement it so that a specific component of the manipulator
//- will be modified automatically when some plug value changes on 
//- the custom locator.
//- Arguments:
//- 	manipIndex - the index of the component on the manip you want to affect, 
//-                  in this case, it is the center point of this manip
//-	Return Values:
//-		MManipData object, which represents the updated value
MManipData arrowLocatorManip::centerPointCallback(unsigned int manipIndex)
	MStatus status;

	//Get parent transform node of the locator node
	MObject parentTransform = fNodePath.transform(&status);

	//Get the transform node DAG path
	MDagPath transformPath;

	//Retrieve world space translation
	MFnTransform fnTrans(transformPath,&status);
	MVector translation = fnTrans.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld,&status);

	MFnNumericData numData;
	MObject numDataValue = numData.create(MFnNumericData::k3Double,&status);
	status = numData.setData3Double(translation.x,translation.y,translation.z);

	MManipData manipData(numDataValue);
	return manipData;