Esempio n. 1
/* static */
        const UsdGeomCurves& curves,
        MObject parentNode,
        const PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderArgs& args,
        PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderContext* context)
    if (not curves) {
        return false;

    const UsdPrim& prim = curves.GetPrim();

    MStatus status;

    // Create node (transform)
    MObject mayaNodeTransformObj;
    if (not PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::CreateTransformNode(prim,
                                                          &mayaNodeTransformObj)) {
        return false;

    VtArray<GfVec3f> points;
    VtArray<int>     curveOrder;
    VtArray<int>     curveVertexCounts;
    VtArray<float>   curveWidths;
    VtArray<GfVec2d> curveRanges;
    VtArray<double>  curveKnots;

    // LIMITATION:  xxx REVISIT xxx
    //   Non-animated Attrs
    //   Assuming that a number of these USD attributes are assumed to not be animated
    //   Some we may want to expose as animatable later.
    curves.GetCurveVertexCountsAttr().Get(&curveVertexCounts); // not animatable

    // XXX:
    // Only supporting single curve for now.
    // Sanity Checks
    if (curveVertexCounts.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("VertexCount arrays is empty on NURBS curves <%s>. Skipping...", 
        return false; // No verts for the curve, so exit
    } else if (curveVertexCounts.size() > 1) {
            TfStringPrintf("Multiple curves in <%s>. Reading first one...", 

    int curveIndex = 0;
    curves.GetWidthsAttr().Get(&curveWidths); // not animatable

    // Gather points. If args.GetReadAnimData() is TRUE,
    // pick the first avaiable sample or default
    UsdTimeCode pointsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    std::vector<double> pointsTimeSamples;
    size_t numTimeSamples = 0;
    if (args.GetReadAnimData()) {
        numTimeSamples = pointsTimeSamples.size();
        if (numTimeSamples>0) {
            pointsTimeSample = pointsTimeSamples[0];
    curves.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSample);
    if (points.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("Points arrays is empty on NURBS curves <%s>. Skipping...", 
        return false; // invalid nurbscurves, so exit

    if (UsdGeomNurbsCurves nurbsSchema = UsdGeomNurbsCurves(prim)) {
        nurbsSchema.GetOrderAttr().Get(&curveOrder);   // not animatable
        nurbsSchema.GetKnotsAttr().Get(&curveKnots);   // not animatable
        nurbsSchema.GetRangesAttr().Get(&curveRanges); // not animatable
    } else {

        // Handle basis curves originally modelled in Maya as nurbs.

        UsdGeomBasisCurves basisSchema = UsdGeomBasisCurves(prim);
        TfToken typeToken;
        if (typeToken == UsdGeomTokens->linear) {
            curveOrder[0] = 2;
            for (size_t i=0; i < curveKnots.size(); ++i) {
                curveKnots[i] = i;
        } else {
            curveOrder[0] = 4;

            // Strip off extra end points; assuming this is non-periodic.
            VtArray<GfVec3f> tmpPts(points.size() - 2);
            std::copy(points.begin() + 1, points.end() - 1, tmpPts.begin());

            // Cubic curves in Maya have numSpans + 2*3 - 1, and for geometry
            // that came in as basis curves, we have numCV's - 3 spans.  See the
            // MFnNurbsCurve documentation and the nurbs curve export
            // implementation in mojitoplugmaya for more details.
            curveKnots.resize(points.size() -3 + 5);
            int knotIdx = 0;
            for (size_t i=0; i < curveKnots.size(); ++i) {
                if (i < 3) {
                    curveKnots[i] = 0.0;
                } else {
                    if (i <= curveKnots.size() - 3) {
                    curveKnots[i] = double(knotIdx);

    // == Convert data
    size_t mayaNumVertices = points.size();
    MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
    for (size_t i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
        mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

    double *;
    MDoubleArray mayaKnots( knots, curveKnots.size());

    int mayaDegree = curveOrder[curveIndex] - 1;

    MFnNurbsCurve::Form mayaCurveForm = MFnNurbsCurve::kOpen; // HARDCODED
    bool mayaCurveCreate2D = false;
    bool mayaCurveCreateRational = true;

    // == Create NurbsCurve Shape Node
    MFnNurbsCurve curveFn;
    MObject curveObj = curveFn.create(mayaPoints, 
     if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
         return false;
    MString nodeName( prim.GetName().GetText() );
    nodeName += "Shape";
    curveFn.setName(nodeName, false, &status);

    std::string nodePath( prim.GetPath().GetText() );
    nodePath += "/";
    nodePath += nodeName.asChar();
    if (context) {
        context->RegisterNewMayaNode( nodePath, curveObj ); // used for undo/redo

    // == Animate points ==
    //   Use blendShapeDeformer so that all the points for a frame are contained in a single node
    //   Almost identical code as used with MayaMeshReader.cpp
    if (numTimeSamples > 0) {
        MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
        MObject curveAnimObj;

        MFnBlendShapeDeformer blendFn;
        MObject blendObj = blendFn.create(curveObj);
        if (context) {
            context->RegisterNewMayaNode(, blendObj ); // used for undo/redo
        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < numTimeSamples; ++ti) {
             curves.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
                mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

            // == Create NurbsCurve Shape Node
            MFnNurbsCurve curveFn;
            if ( curveAnimObj.isNull() ) {
                curveAnimObj = curveFn.create(mayaPoints, 
                if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
            else {
                // Reuse the already created curve by copying it and then setting the points
                curveAnimObj = curveFn.copy(curveAnimObj, mayaNodeTransformObj, &status);
            blendFn.addTarget(curveObj, ti, curveAnimObj, 1.0);
            if (context) {
                context->RegisterNewMayaNode( curveFn.fullPathName().asChar(), curveAnimObj ); // used for undo/redo

        // Animate the weights so that curve0 has a weight of 1 at frame 0, etc.
        MFnAnimCurve animFn;

        // Construct the time array to be used for all the keys
        MTimeArray timeArray;
        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < numTimeSamples; ++ti) {
            timeArray.set( MTime(pointsTimeSamples[ti]), ti);

        // Key/Animate the weights
        MPlug plgAry = blendFn.findPlug( "weight" );
        if ( !plgAry.isNull() && plgAry.isArray() ) {
            for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < numTimeSamples; ++ti) {
                MPlug plg = plgAry.elementByLogicalIndex(ti, &status);
                MDoubleArray valueArray(numTimeSamples, 0.0);
                valueArray[ti] = 1.0; // Set the time value where this curve's weight should be 1.0
                MObject animObj = animFn.create(plg, NULL, &status);
                animFn.addKeys(&timeArray, &valueArray);
                if (context) {
                    context->RegisterNewMayaNode(, animObj ); // used for undo/redo

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
MStatus multiCurve::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;

	if ( plug == outputCurves )
		MDataHandle numCurvesHandle =  data.inputValue(numCurves, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting numCurves");
		int num = numCurvesHandle.asLong();

		MDataHandle curveOffsetHandle =  data.inputValue(curveOffset, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting curveOffset");
		double baseOffset = curveOffsetHandle.asDouble();

		MDataHandle inputCurveHandle = data.inputValue(inputCurve, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting inputCurve");

		MObject inputCurveObject ( inputCurveHandle.asNurbsCurveTransformed() );
		MFnNurbsCurve inCurveFS ( inputCurveObject );

		MArrayDataHandle outputArray = data.outputArrayValue(outputCurves,
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute getting output data handle");

		// Create an array data build that is preallocated to hold just
		// the number of curves we plan on creating.  When this builder
		// is set in to the MArrayDataHandle at the end of the compute
		// method, the new array will replace the existing array in the
		// scene.
		// If the number of elements of the multi does not change between
		// compute cycles, then one can reuse the space allocated on a
		// previous cycle by extracting the existing builder from the
		// MArrayDataHandle:
		//		MArrayDataBuilder builder( outputArray.builder(&stat) );
		// this later form of the builder will allow you to rewrite elements
		// of the array, and to grow it, but the array can only be shrunk by
		// explicitly removing elements with the method
		//		MArrayDataBuilder::removeElement(unsigned index);
		MArrayDataBuilder builder(outputCurves, num, &stat);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute creating builder");
		for (int curveNum = 0; curveNum < num; curveNum++) {
			MDataHandle outHandle = builder.addElement(curveNum);
			MFnNurbsCurveData dataCreator;
			MObject outCurveData = dataCreator.create();
			MObject outputCurve  = inCurveFS.copy(inputCurveObject,
												  outCurveData, &stat);
			PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute copying curve");

			MFnNurbsCurve outCurveFS ( outputCurve );
			MPointArray cvs;

			double offset = baseOffset * (curveNum+1);

			outCurveFS.getCVs ( cvs, MSpace::kWorld );
			int numCVs = cvs.length();
			for (int i = 0; i < numCVs; i++) {
				cvs[i].x += offset;
			outCurveFS.setCVs ( cvs );

		// Set the builder back into the output array.  This statement
		// is always required, no matter what constructor was used to
		// create the builder.
		stat = outputArray.set(builder);
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute setting the builder");

		// Since we compute all the elements of the array, instead of
		// just marking the plug we were asked to compute as clean, mark
		// every element of the array as clean to prevent further calls
		// to this compute method during this DG evaluation cycle.
		stat = outputArray.setAllClean();
		PERRORfail(stat, "multiCurve::compute cleaning outputCurves");

	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;
	return stat;