Esempio n. 1
static void
VisitLoopBlock(MBasicBlock *block, MBasicBlock *header, MInstruction *hoistPoint, bool hasCalls)
    for (auto insIter(block->begin()), insEnd(block->end()); insIter != insEnd; ) {
        MInstruction *ins = *insIter++;

        if (!IsHoistable(ins, header, hasCalls)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
            if (IsHoistableIgnoringDependency(ins, hasCalls)) {
                JitSpew(JitSpew_LICM, "    %s%u isn't hoistable due to dependency on %s%u",
                        ins->opName(), ins->id(),
                        ins->dependency()->opName(), ins->dependency()->id());

        // Don't hoist a cheap constant if it doesn't enable us to hoist one of
        // its uses. We want those instructions as close as possible to their
        // use, to minimize register pressure.
        if (RequiresHoistedUse(ins, hasCalls)) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_LICM, "    %s%u will be hoisted only if its users are",
                    ins->opName(), ins->id());

        // Hoist operands which were too cheap to hoist on their own.
        MoveDeferredOperands(ins, hoistPoint, hasCalls);

        JitSpew(JitSpew_LICM, "    Hoisting %s%u", ins->opName(), ins->id());

        // Move the instruction to the hoistPoint.
        block->moveBefore(hoistPoint, ins);
Esempio n. 2
static void
VisitLoop(MIRGraph &graph, MBasicBlock *header)
    MInstruction *hoistPoint = header->loopPredecessor()->lastIns();

    JitSpew(JitSpew_LICM, "  Visiting loop with header block%u, hoisting to %s%u",
            header->id(), hoistPoint->opName(), hoistPoint->id());

    MBasicBlock *backedge = header->backedge();

    // This indicates whether the loop contains calls or other things which
    // clobber most or all floating-point registers. In such loops,
    // floating-point constants should not be hoisted unless it enables further
    // hoisting.
    bool hasCalls = LoopContainsPossibleCall(graph, header, backedge);

    for (auto i(graph.rpoBegin(header)); ; ++i) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(i != graph.rpoEnd(), "Reached end of graph searching for blocks in loop");
        MBasicBlock *block = *i;
        if (!block->isMarked())

        VisitLoopBlock(block, header, hoistPoint, hasCalls);

        if (block == backedge)
Esempio n. 3
// In preparation for hoisting an instruction, hoist any of its operands which
// were too cheap to hoist on their own.
static void
MoveDeferredOperands(MInstruction* ins, MInstruction* hoistPoint, bool hasCalls)
    // If any of our operands were waiting for a user to be hoisted, make a note
    // to hoist them.
    for (size_t i = 0, e = ins->numOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
        MDefinition* op = ins->getOperand(i);
        if (!IsInLoop(op))
        MOZ_ASSERT(RequiresHoistedUse(op, hasCalls),
                   "Deferred loop-invariant operand is not cheap");
        MInstruction* opIns = op->toInstruction();

        // Recursively move the operands. Note that the recursion is bounded
        // because we require RequiresHoistedUse to be set at each level.
        MoveDeferredOperands(opIns, hoistPoint, hasCalls);

#ifdef DEBUG
        JitSpew(JitSpew_LICM, "    Hoisting %s%u (now that a user will be hoisted)",
                opIns->opName(), opIns->id());

        opIns->block()->moveBefore(hoistPoint, opIns);
Esempio n. 4
// Fold AddIs with one variable and two or more constants into one AddI.
static void AnalyzeAdd(TempAllocator& alloc, MAdd* add) {
  if (add->specialization() != MIRType::Int32 || add->isRecoveredOnBailout()) {

  if (!add->hasUses()) {

  JitSpew(JitSpew_FLAC, "analyze add: %s%u", add->opName(), add->id());

  SimpleLinearSum sum = ExtractLinearSum(add);
  if (sum.constant == 0 || !sum.term) {

  // Determine which operand is the constant.
  int idx = add->getOperand(0)->isConstant() ? 0 : 1;
  if (add->getOperand(idx)->isConstant()) {
    // Do not replace an add where the outcome is the same add instruction.
    MOZ_ASSERT(add->getOperand(idx)->toConstant()->type() == MIRType::Int32);
    if (sum.term == add->getOperand(1 - idx) ||
        sum.constant == add->getOperand(idx)->toConstant()->toInt32()) {

  MInstruction* rhs = MConstant::New(alloc, Int32Value(sum.constant));
  add->block()->insertBefore(add, rhs);

  MAdd* addNew =
      MAdd::New(alloc, sum.term, rhs, MIRType::Int32, add->truncateKind());

  add->block()->insertBefore(add, addNew);
  JitSpew(JitSpew_FLAC, "replaced with: %s%u", addNew->opName(), addNew->id());
  JitSpew(JitSpew_FLAC, "and constant: %s%u (%d)", rhs->opName(), rhs->id(),

  // Mark the stale nodes as RecoveredOnBailout since the Sink pass has
  // been run before this pass. DCE will then remove the unused nodes.
Esempio n. 5
// This pass annotates every load instruction with the last store instruction
// on which it depends. The algorithm is optimistic in that it ignores explicit
// dependencies and only considers loads and stores.
// Loads inside loops only have an implicit dependency on a store before the
// loop header if no instruction inside the loop body aliases it. To calculate
// this efficiently, we maintain a list of maybe-invariant loads and the combined
// alias set for all stores inside the loop. When we see the loop's backedge, this
// information is used to mark every load we wrongly assumed to be loop invariant as
// having an implicit dependency on the last instruction of the loop header, so that
// it's never moved before the loop header.
// The algorithm depends on the invariant that both control instructions and effectful
// instructions (stores) are never hoisted.
    Vector<MInstructionVector, AliasSet::NumCategories, JitAllocPolicy> stores(alloc());

    // Initialize to the first instruction.
    MInstruction* firstIns = *graph_.entryBlock()->begin();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < AliasSet::NumCategories; i++) {
        MInstructionVector defs(alloc());
        if (!defs.append(firstIns))
            return false;
        if (!stores.append(Move(defs)))
            return false;

    // Type analysis may have inserted new instructions. Since this pass depends
    // on the instruction number ordering, all instructions are renumbered.
    uint32_t newId = 0;

    for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Alias Analysis (main loop)"))
            return false;

        if (block->isLoopHeader()) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_Alias, "Processing loop header %d", block->id());
            loop_ = new(alloc()) LoopAliasInfo(alloc(), loop_, *block);

        for (MPhiIterator def(block->phisBegin()), end(block->phisEnd()); def != end; ++def)

        for (MInstructionIterator def(block->begin()), end(block->begin(block->lastIns()));
             def != end;

            AliasSet set = def->getAliasSet();
            if (set.isNone())

            // For the purposes of alias analysis, all recoverable operations
            // are treated as effect free as the memory represented by these
            // operations cannot be aliased by others.
            if (def->canRecoverOnBailout())

            if (set.isStore()) {
                for (AliasSetIterator iter(set); iter; iter++) {
                    if (!stores[*iter].append(*def))
                        return false;

                if (JitSpewEnabled(JitSpew_Alias)) {
                    Fprinter& out = JitSpewPrinter();
                    out.printf("Processing store ");
                    out.printf(" (flags %x)\n", set.flags());
            } else {
                // Find the most recent store on which this instruction depends.
                MInstruction* lastStore = firstIns;

                for (AliasSetIterator iter(set); iter; iter++) {
                    MInstructionVector& aliasedStores = stores[*iter];
                    for (int i = aliasedStores.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        MInstruction* store = aliasedStores[i];
                        if (genericMightAlias(*def, store) != MDefinition::AliasType::NoAlias &&
                            def->mightAlias(store) != MDefinition::AliasType::NoAlias &&
                            BlockMightReach(store->block(), *block))
                            if (lastStore->id() < store->id())
                                lastStore = store;

                IonSpewDependency(*def, lastStore, "depends", "");

                // If the last store was before the current loop, we assume this load
                // is loop invariant. If a later instruction writes to the same location,
                // we will fix this at the end of the loop.
                if (loop_ && lastStore->id() < loop_->firstInstruction()->id()) {
                    if (!loop_->addInvariantLoad(*def))
                        return false;

        // Renumber the last instruction, as the analysis depends on this and the order.

        if (block->isLoopBackedge()) {
            MOZ_ASSERT(loop_->loopHeader() == block->loopHeaderOfBackedge());
            JitSpew(JitSpew_Alias, "Processing loop backedge %d (header %d)", block->id(),
            LoopAliasInfo* outerLoop = loop_->outer();
            MInstruction* firstLoopIns = *loop_->loopHeader()->begin();

            const MInstructionVector& invariant = loop_->invariantLoads();

            for (unsigned i = 0; i < invariant.length(); i++) {
                MInstruction* ins = invariant[i];
                AliasSet set = ins->getAliasSet();

                bool hasAlias = false;
                for (AliasSetIterator iter(set); iter; iter++) {
                    MInstructionVector& aliasedStores = stores[*iter];
                    for (int i = aliasedStores.length() - 1;; i--) {
                        MInstruction* store = aliasedStores[i];
                        if (store->id() < firstLoopIns->id())
                        if (genericMightAlias(ins, store) != MDefinition::AliasType::NoAlias &&
                            ins->mightAlias(store) != MDefinition::AliasType::NoAlias)
                            hasAlias = true;
                            IonSpewDependency(ins, store, "aliases", "store in loop body");
                    if (hasAlias)

                if (hasAlias) {
                    // This instruction depends on stores inside the loop body. Mark it as having a
                    // dependency on the last instruction of the loop header. The last instruction is a
                    // control instruction and these are never hoisted.
                    MControlInstruction* controlIns = loop_->loopHeader()->lastIns();
                    IonSpewDependency(ins, controlIns, "depends", "due to stores in loop body");
                } else {
                    IonSpewAliasInfo("Load", ins, "does not depend on any stores in this loop");

                    if (outerLoop && ins->dependency()->id() < outerLoop->firstInstruction()->id()) {
                        IonSpewAliasInfo("Load", ins, "may be invariant in outer loop");
                        if (!outerLoop->addInvariantLoad(ins))
                            return false;
            loop_ = loop_->outer();


    MOZ_ASSERT(loop_ == nullptr);
    return true;
Esempio n. 6
// Test whether any instruction in the loop possiblyCalls().
static bool
LoopContainsPossibleCall(MIRGraph &graph, MBasicBlock *header, MBasicBlock *backedge)
    for (auto i(graph.rpoBegin(header)); ; ++i) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(i != graph.rpoEnd(), "Reached end of graph searching for blocks in loop");
        MBasicBlock *block = *i;
        if (!block->isMarked())

        for (auto insIter(block->begin()), insEnd(block->end()); insIter != insEnd; ++insIter) {
            MInstruction *ins = *insIter;
            if (ins->possiblyCalls()) {
                JitSpew(JitSpew_LICM, "    Possile call found at %s%u", ins->opName(), ins->id());
                return true;

        if (block == backedge)
    return false;
Esempio n. 7
// Visit |def|.
ValueNumberer::visitDefinition(MDefinition* def)
    // Nop does not fit in any of the previous optimization, as its only purpose
    // is to reduce the register pressure by keeping additional resume
    // point. Still, there is no need consecutive list of MNop instructions, and
    // this will slow down every other iteration on the Graph.
    if (def->isNop()) {
        MNop* nop = def->toNop();
        MBasicBlock* block = nop->block();

        // We look backward to know if we can remove the previous Nop, we do not
        // look forward as we would not benefit from the folding made by GVN.
        MInstructionReverseIterator iter = ++block->rbegin(nop);

        // This nop is at the beginning of the basic block, just replace the
        // resume point of the basic block by the one from the resume point.
        if (iter == block->rend()) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Removing Nop%u", nop->id());
            return true;

        // The previous instruction is also a Nop, no need to keep it anymore.
        MInstruction* prev = *iter;
        if (prev->isNop()) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Removing Nop%u", prev->id());
            return true;

        return true;

    // If this instruction has a dependency() into an unreachable block, we'll
    // need to update AliasAnalysis.
    MInstruction* dep = def->dependency();
    if (dep != nullptr && (dep->isDiscarded() || dep->block()->isDead())) {
        JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      AliasAnalysis invalidated");
        if (updateAliasAnalysis_ && !dependenciesBroken_) {
            // TODO: Recomputing alias-analysis could theoretically expose more
            // GVN opportunities.
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "        Will recompute!");
            dependenciesBroken_ = true;
        // Temporarily clear its dependency, to protect foldsTo, which may
        // wish to use the dependency to do store-to-load forwarding.
    } else {
        dep = nullptr;

    // Look for a simplified form of |def|.
    MDefinition* sim = simplified(def);
    if (sim != def) {
        if (sim == nullptr)
            return false;

        // If |sim| doesn't belong to a block, insert it next to |def|.
        if (sim->block() == nullptr)
            def->block()->insertAfter(def->toInstruction(), sim->toInstruction());

#ifdef DEBUG
        JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Folded %s%u to %s%u",
                def->opName(), def->id(), sim->opName(), sim->id());
        ReplaceAllUsesWith(def, sim);

        // The node's foldsTo said |def| can be replaced by |rep|. If |def| is a
        // guard, then either |rep| is also a guard, or a guard isn't actually
        // needed, so we can clear |def|'s guard flag and let it be discarded.

        if (DeadIfUnused(def)) {
            if (!discardDefsRecursively(def))
                return false;

            // If that ended up discarding |sim|, then we're done here.
            if (sim->isDiscarded())
                return true;

        // Otherwise, procede to optimize with |sim| in place of |def|.
        def = sim;

    // Now that foldsTo is done, re-enable the original dependency. Even though
    // it may be pointing into a discarded block, it's still valid for the
    // purposes of detecting congruent loads.
    if (dep != nullptr)

    // Look for a dominating def which makes |def| redundant.
    MDefinition* rep = leader(def);
    if (rep != def) {
        if (rep == nullptr)
            return false;
        if (rep->updateForReplacement(def)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                    "      Replacing %s%u with %s%u",
                    def->opName(), def->id(), rep->opName(), rep->id());
            ReplaceAllUsesWith(def, rep);

            // The node's congruentTo said |def| is congruent to |rep|, and it's
            // dominated by |rep|. If |def| is a guard, it's covered by |rep|,
            // so we can clear |def|'s guard flag and let it be discarded.

            if (DeadIfUnused(def)) {
                // discardDef should not add anything to the deadDefs, as the
                // redundant operation should have the same input operands.
                mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> r = discardDef(def);
                MOZ_ASSERT(r, "discardDef shouldn't have tried to add anything to the worklist, "
                              "so it shouldn't have failed");
                           "discardDef shouldn't have added anything to the worklist");
            def = rep;

    return true;
Esempio n. 8
// Visit |def|.
ValueNumberer::visitDefinition(MDefinition* def)
    // Nop does not fit in any of the previous optimization, as its only purpose
    // is to reduce the register pressure by keeping additional resume
    // point. Still, there is no need consecutive list of MNop instructions, and
    // this will slow down every other iteration on the Graph.
    if (def->isNop()) {
        MNop* nop = def->toNop();
        MBasicBlock* block = nop->block();

        // We look backward to know if we can remove the previous Nop, we do not
        // look forward as we would not benefit from the folding made by GVN.
        MInstructionReverseIterator iter = ++block->rbegin(nop);

        // This nop is at the beginning of the basic block, just replace the
        // resume point of the basic block by the one from the resume point.
        if (iter == block->rend()) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Removing Nop%u", nop->id());
            return true;

        // The previous instruction is also a Nop, no need to keep it anymore.
        MInstruction* prev = *iter;
        if (prev->isNop()) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Removing Nop%u", prev->id());
            return true;

        // The Nop is introduced to capture the result and make sure the operands
        // are not live anymore when there are no further uses. Though when
        // all operands are still needed the Nop doesn't decrease the liveness
        // and can get removed.
        MResumePoint* rp = nop->resumePoint();
        if (rp && rp->numOperands() > 0 &&
            rp->getOperand(rp->numOperands() - 1) == prev &&
            !nop->block()->lastIns()->isThrow() &&
            size_t numOperandsLive = 0;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < prev->numOperands(); j++) {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < rp->numOperands(); i++) {
                    if (prev->getOperand(j) == rp->getOperand(i)) {

            if (numOperandsLive == prev->numOperands()) {
                JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Removing Nop%u", nop->id());

        return true;

    // Skip optimizations on instructions which are recovered on bailout, to
    // avoid mixing instructions which are recovered on bailouts with
    // instructions which are not.
    if (def->isRecoveredOnBailout())
        return true;

    // If this instruction has a dependency() into an unreachable block, we'll
    // need to update AliasAnalysis.
    MDefinition* dep = def->dependency();
    if (dep != nullptr && (dep->isDiscarded() || dep->block()->isDead())) {
        JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      AliasAnalysis invalidated");
        if (updateAliasAnalysis_ && !dependenciesBroken_) {
            // TODO: Recomputing alias-analysis could theoretically expose more
            // GVN opportunities.
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "        Will recompute!");
            dependenciesBroken_ = true;
        // Temporarily clear its dependency, to protect foldsTo, which may
        // wish to use the dependency to do store-to-load forwarding.
    } else {
        dep = nullptr;

    // Look for a simplified form of |def|.
    MDefinition* sim = simplified(def);
    if (sim != def) {
        if (sim == nullptr)
            return false;

        bool isNewInstruction = sim->block() == nullptr;

        // If |sim| doesn't belong to a block, insert it next to |def|.
        if (isNewInstruction)
            def->block()->insertAfter(def->toInstruction(), sim->toInstruction());

        JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Folded %s%u to %s%u",
                def->opName(), def->id(), sim->opName(), sim->id());
        ReplaceAllUsesWith(def, sim);

        // The node's foldsTo said |def| can be replaced by |rep|. If |def| is a
        // guard, then either |rep| is also a guard, or a guard isn't actually
        // needed, so we can clear |def|'s guard flag and let it be discarded.

        if (def->isGuardRangeBailouts())

        if (DeadIfUnused(def)) {
            if (!discardDefsRecursively(def))
                return false;

            // If that ended up discarding |sim|, then we're done here.
            if (sim->isDiscarded())
                return true;

        if (!rerun_ && def->isPhi() && !sim->isPhi()) {
            rerun_ = true;
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Replacing phi%u may have enabled cascading optimisations; "
                                 "will re-run", def->id());

        // Otherwise, procede to optimize with |sim| in place of |def|.
        def = sim;

        // If the simplified instruction was already part of the graph, then we
        // probably already visited and optimized this instruction.
        if (!isNewInstruction)
            return true;

    // Now that foldsTo is done, re-enable the original dependency. Even though
    // it may be pointing into a discarded block, it's still valid for the
    // purposes of detecting congruent loads.
    if (dep != nullptr)

    // Look for a dominating def which makes |def| redundant.
    MDefinition* rep = leader(def);
    if (rep != def) {
        if (rep == nullptr)
            return false;
        if (rep->updateForReplacement(def)) {
                    "      Replacing %s%u with %s%u",
                    def->opName(), def->id(), rep->opName(), rep->id());
            ReplaceAllUsesWith(def, rep);

            // The node's congruentTo said |def| is congruent to |rep|, and it's
            // dominated by |rep|. If |def| is a guard, it's covered by |rep|,
            // so we can clear |def|'s guard flag and let it be discarded.

            if (DeadIfUnused(def)) {
                // discardDef should not add anything to the deadDefs, as the
                // redundant operation should have the same input operands.
                mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> r = discardDef(def);
                MOZ_ASSERT(r, "discardDef shouldn't have tried to add anything to the worklist, "
                              "so it shouldn't have failed");
                           "discardDef shouldn't have added anything to the worklist");
            def = rep;

    return true;