 * Creates a footprint position file
 * aSide = 0 -> Back (bottom) side)
 * aSide = 1 -> Front (top) side)
 * aSide = 2 -> both sides
 * if aFullFileName is empty, the file is not created, only the
 * count of footprints to place is returned
int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName,
        bool aUnitsMM,
        bool aForceSmdItems, int aSide )
    MODULE*     module;
    char        line[1024];

    File_Place_Offset = GetAuxOrigin();

    // Calculating the number of useful modules (CMS attribute, not VIRTUAL)
    int moduleCount = 0;

    for( module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        if( aSide < 2 )
            if( module->GetLayer() == B_Cu && aSide == 1)
            if( module->GetLayer() == F_Cu && aSide == 0)

        if( module->GetAttributes() & MOD_VIRTUAL )
            DBG( printf( "skipping module %s because it's virtual\n",
                         TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ) );)
    MODULE* module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;

    m_Type = text_type;

    m_NoShow = false;

    // Set text tickness to a default value
    m_Thickness = Millimeter2iu( 0.15 );


    if( module && ( module->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T ) )
        m_Pos = module->GetPosition();

        if( IsBackLayer( module->GetLayer() ) )
            SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_BACK );
            m_Mirror = true;
            SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT );
            m_Mirror = false;
    MODULE* module = static_cast<MODULE*>( m_Parent );

    m_Type = text_type;
    m_unlocked = false;

    // Set text thickness to a default value
    SetThickness( Millimeter2iu( 0.15 ) );
    SetLayer( F_SilkS );

    // Set position and give a default layer if a valid parent footprint exists
    if( module && ( module->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T ) )
        SetTextPos( module->GetPosition() );

        if( IsBackLayer( module->GetLayer() ) )
            SetLayer( B_SilkS );
            SetMirrored( true );

Esempio n. 4
bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Load_Module_From_BOARD( MODULE* aModule )
    MODULE* newModule;
    PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );

    if( frame == NULL )     // happens if no board editor opened
        return false;

    if( aModule == NULL )
        if( ! frame->GetBoard() || ! frame->GetBoard()->m_Modules )
            return false;

        aModule = SelectFootprint( frame->GetBoard() );

    if( aModule == NULL )
        return false;

    SetCurItem( NULL );

    Clear_Pcb( false );

    GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
    newModule = new MODULE( *aModule );
    newModule->SetParent( GetBoard() );
    newModule->SetLink( aModule->GetTimeStamp() );

    aModule = newModule;

    GetBoard()->Add( newModule );


    // Clear references to net info, because the footprint editor
    // does know any thing about nets handled by the current edited board.
    // Morever the main board can change or the net info relative to this main board
    // can change while editing this footprint in the footprint editor
    for( D_PAD* pad = newModule->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        pad->SetNetCode( NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED );

    SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    PlaceModule( newModule, NULL );

    // Put it on FRONT layer,
    // because this is the default in ModEdit, and in libs
    if( newModule->GetLayer() != LAYER_N_FRONT )
        newModule->Flip( newModule->GetPosition() );

    // Put it in orientation 0,
    // because this is the default orientation in ModEdit, and in libs
    Rotate_Module( NULL, newModule, 0, false );
    Zoom_Automatique( false );

    return true;
 * Creates a footprint position file
 * aSide = 0 -> Back (bottom) side)
 * aSide = 1 -> Front (top) side)
 * aSide = 2 -> both sides
 * if aFullFileName is empty, the file is not created, only the
 * count of footprints to place is returned
int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName,
                                                 bool aUnitsMM,
                                                 bool aForceSmdItems, int aSide,
                                                 bool aFormatCSV )
    MODULE*     footprint;

    // Minimal text lengths:
    int lenRefText = 8;
    int lenValText = 8;
    int lenPkgText = 16;

    File_Place_Offset = GetAuxOrigin();

    // Calculating the number of useful footprints (CMS attribute, not VIRTUAL)
    int footprintCount = 0;

    // Select units:
    double conv_unit = aUnitsMM ? conv_unit_mm : conv_unit_inch;
    const char *unit_text = aUnitsMM ? unit_text_mm : unit_text_inch;

    // Build and sort the list of footprints alphabetically
    std::vector<LIST_MOD> list;
    list.reserve( footprintCount );

    for( footprint = GetBoard()->m_Modules; footprint; footprint = footprint->Next() )
        if( aSide != PCB_BOTH_SIDES )
            if( footprint->GetLayer() == B_Cu && aSide == PCB_FRONT_SIDE)
            if( footprint->GetLayer() == F_Cu && aSide == PCB_BACK_SIDE)

        if( footprint->GetAttributes() & MOD_VIRTUAL )
            DBG( printf( "skipping footprint %s because it's virtual\n",
                         TO_UTF8( footprint->GetReference() ) );)
Esempio n. 6
MODULE* MWAVE::CreateMicrowaveInductor( INDUCTOR_PATTERN& inductorPattern,
                    PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aPcbFrame, wxString& aErrorMessage )
    /* Build a microwave inductor footprint.
     * - Length Mself.lng
     * - Extremities Mself.m_Start and Mself.m_End
     * We must determine:
     * Mself.nbrin = number of segments perpendicular to the direction
     * (The coil nbrin will demicercles + 1 + 2 1 / 4 circle)
     * Mself.lbrin = length of a strand
     * Mself.radius = radius of rounded parts of the coil
     * Mself.delta = segments extremities connection between him and the coil even
     * The equations are
     * Mself.m_Size.x = 2 * Mself.radius + Mself.lbrin
     * Mself.m_Size.y * Mself.delta = 2 + 2 * Mself.nbrin * Mself.radius
     * Mself.lng = 2 * Mself.delta / / connections to the coil
     + (Mself.nbrin-2) * Mself.lbrin / / length of the strands except 1st and last
     + (Mself.nbrin 1) * (PI * Mself.radius) / / length of rounded
     * Mself.lbrin + / 2 - Melf.radius * 2) / / length of 1st and last bit
     * The constraints are:
     * Nbrin >= 2
     * Mself.radius < Mself.m_Size.x
     * Mself.m_Size.y = Mself.radius * 4 + 2 * Mself.raccord
     * Mself.lbrin> Mself.radius * 2
     * The calculation is conducted in the following way:
     * Initially:
     * Nbrin = 2
     * Radius = 4 * m_Size.x (arbitrarily fixed value)
     * Then:
     * Increasing the number of segments to the desired length
     * (Radius decreases if necessary)

    D_PAD*   pad;
    int      ll;
    wxString msg;

    auto pt = inductorPattern.m_End - inductorPattern.m_Start;
    int     min_len = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( pt ) );
    inductorPattern.m_length = min_len;

    // Enter the desired length.
    msg = StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, inductorPattern.m_length );
    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( nullptr, wxEmptyString, _( "Length of Trace:" ), msg );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return nullptr; // canceled by user

    msg = dlg.GetValue();
    inductorPattern.m_length = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );

    // Control values (ii = minimum length)
    if( inductorPattern.m_length < min_len )
        aErrorMessage = _( "Requested length < minimum length" );
        return nullptr;

    // Calculate the elements.
    std::vector <wxPoint> buffer;
    ll = BuildCornersList_S_Shape( buffer, inductorPattern.m_Start,
                                   inductorPattern.m_End, inductorPattern.m_length,
                                   inductorPattern.m_Width );

    if( !ll )
        aErrorMessage = _( "Requested length too large" );
        return nullptr;

    // Generate footprint. the value is also used as footprint name.
    msg = "L";
    wxTextEntryDialog cmpdlg( nullptr, wxEmptyString, _( "Component Value:" ), msg );
    cmpdlg.SetTextValidator( FILE_NAME_CHAR_VALIDATOR( &msg ) );

    if( ( cmpdlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) || msg.IsEmpty() )
        return nullptr;    //  Aborted by user

    MODULE* module = aPcbFrame->CreateNewModule( msg );

    // here the module is already in the BOARD, CreateNewModule() does that.
    module->SetFPID( LIB_ID( wxString( "mw_inductor" ) ) );
    module->SetAttributes( MOD_VIRTUAL | MOD_CMS );
    module->SetPosition( inductorPattern.m_End );

    // Generate segments
    for( unsigned jj = 1; jj < buffer.size(); jj++ )
        EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm;
        PtSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( module );
        PtSegm->SetStart( buffer[jj - 1] );
        PtSegm->SetEnd( buffer[jj] );
        PtSegm->SetWidth( inductorPattern.m_Width );
        PtSegm->SetLayer( module->GetLayer() );
        PtSegm->SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
        PtSegm->SetStart0( PtSegm->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );
        PtSegm->SetEnd0( PtSegm->GetEnd() - module->GetPosition() );
        module->GraphicalItemsList().PushBack( PtSegm );

    // Place a pad on each end of coil.
    pad = new D_PAD( module );

    module->PadsList().PushFront( pad );

    pad->SetName( "1" );
    pad->SetPosition( inductorPattern.m_End );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    pad->SetSize( wxSize( inductorPattern.m_Width, inductorPattern.m_Width ) );

    pad->SetLayerSet( LSET( module->GetLayer() ) );
    pad->SetAttribute( PAD_ATTRIB_SMD );
    pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );

    D_PAD* newpad = new D_PAD( *pad );

    module->PadsList().Insert( newpad, pad->Next() );

    pad = newpad;
    pad->SetName( "2" );
    pad->SetPosition( inductorPattern.m_Start );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    // Modify text positions.
    wxPoint refPos( ( inductorPattern.m_Start.x + inductorPattern.m_End.x ) / 2,
                    ( inductorPattern.m_Start.y + inductorPattern.m_End.y ) / 2 );

    wxPoint valPos = refPos;

    refPos.y -= module->Reference().GetTextSize().y;
    module->Reference().SetPosition( refPos );
    valPos.y += module->Value().GetTextSize().y;
    module->Value().SetPosition( valPos );

    return module;
// Redraw the BOARD items but not cursors, axis or grid
void BOARD::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* DC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, const wxPoint& offset )
    /* The order of drawing is flexible on some systems and not on others.  For
     * OSes which use OR to draw, the order is not important except for the
     * effect of the highlight and its relationship to markers. See comment
     * below.
     * This order independence comes from the fact that a binary OR operation is
     * commutative in nature.
     * However on the OSX, the OR operation is not used, and so this sequence
     * below is chosen to give MODULEs the highest visible priority.

    /* Draw all tracks and zones.  As long as dark colors are used for the
     * tracks,  Then the OR draw mode should show tracks underneath other
     * tracks.  But a white track will cover any other color since it has
     * more bits to OR in.
    for( TRACK* track = m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->IsMoving() )

        track->Draw( aPanel, DC, aDrawMode );

    // Draw areas (i.e. zones)
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetArea( ii );

        // Areas must be drawn here only if not moved or dragged,
        // because these areas are drawn by ManageCursor() in a specific manner
        if( ( zone->GetEditFlags() & (IN_EDIT | IS_DRAGGED | IS_MOVED) ) == 0 )
            zone->Draw( aPanel, DC, aDrawMode );
            zone->DrawFilledArea( aPanel, DC, aDrawMode );

    // Draw the graphic items
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->IsMoving() )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_DIMENSION_T:
        case PCB_TEXT_T:
        case PCB_TARGET_T:
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            item->Draw( aPanel, DC, aDrawMode );


    LSET all_cu = LSET::AllCuMask();

    for( MODULE* module = m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        bool    display = true;
        LSET    layerMask = all_cu;

        if( module->IsMoving() )

        if( !IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_FR ) )
            if( module->GetLayer() == F_Cu )
                display = false;

            layerMask.set( F_Cu, false );

        if( !IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_BK ) )
            if( module->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
                display = false;

            layerMask.set( B_Cu, false );

        if( display )
            module->Draw( aPanel, DC, aDrawMode );
            Trace_Pads_Only( aPanel, DC, module, 0, 0, layerMask, aDrawMode );

    // draw the BOARD's markers last, otherwise the high light will erase any marker on a pad
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_markers.size(); ++i )
        m_markers[i]->Draw( aPanel, DC, aDrawMode );
 * Function Draw
 * Draw the text according to the footprint pos and orient
 * @param panel = draw panel, Used to know the clip box
 * @param DC = Current Device Context
 * @param offset = draw offset (usually wxPoint(0,0)
 * @param draw_mode = GR_OR, GR_XOR..
void TEXTE_MODULE::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, GR_DRAWMODE draw_mode,
                         const wxPoint& offset )
    MODULE* module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;

    /* parent must *not* be NULL (a module text without a footprint
       parent has no sense) */
    wxASSERT( module );

    if( panel == NULL )

    BOARD* brd = GetBoard( );
    EDA_COLOR_T color;
    // Determine the element color or suppress it element if hidden
    switch( module->GetLayer() )
    case LAYER_N_BACK:
        if( !brd->IsElementVisible( MOD_TEXT_BK_VISIBLE ) )
        color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor( MOD_TEXT_BK_VISIBLE );

    case LAYER_N_FRONT:
        if( !brd->IsElementVisible( MOD_TEXT_FR_VISIBLE ) )
        color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor( MOD_TEXT_FR_VISIBLE );

        color = brd->GetLayerColor( module->GetLayer() );

    // 'Ghost' the element if forced show
    if( m_NoShow )
        if( !brd->IsElementVisible( MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE ) )
        color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor( MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE );

    // Draw mode compensation for the width
    PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) panel->GetParent();
    int width = m_Thickness;
    if( ( frame->m_DisplayModText == LINE )
        || ( DC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( width ) <= MIN_DRAW_WIDTH ) )
        width = 0;
    else if( frame->m_DisplayModText == SKETCH )
        width = -width;

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, draw_mode );
    wxPoint pos( m_Pos.x - offset.x,
                 m_Pos.y - offset.y);

    // Draw the text anchor point
    if( brd->IsElementVisible( ANCHOR_VISIBLE ) )
        EDA_COLOR_T anchor_color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor(ANCHOR_VISIBLE);
        GRDrawAnchor( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                      DIM_ANCRE_TEXTE, anchor_color );

    // Draw the text proper, with the right attributes
    wxSize size   = m_Size;
    double orient = GetDrawRotation();

    // If the text is mirrored : negate size.x (mirror / Y axis)
    if( m_Mirror )
        size.x = -size.x;

    EDA_RECT* clipbox = panel? panel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    DrawGraphicText( clipbox, DC, pos, color, m_Text, orient,
                     size, m_HJustify, m_VJustify, width, m_Italic, m_Bold );

    // Enable these line to draw the bounding box (debug tests purposes only)
#if 0
        EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = GetBoundingBox();
        GRRect( clipbox, DC, BoundaryBox, 0, BROWN );
Esempio n. 9
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_SelectItems()
    int layerMask;


    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* itemsList = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_ItemsSelection;
    ITEM_PICKER        picker( NULL, UR_UNSPECIFIED );

    // Add modules
    if( blockIncludeModules )
        for( MODULE* module = m_Pcb->m_Modules; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
            int layer = module->GetLayer();

            if( module->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate )
                && ( !module->IsLocked() || blockIncludeLockedModules ) )
                if( blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers || m_Pcb->IsModuleLayerVisible( layer ) )
                    picker.SetItem ( module );
                    itemsList->PushItem( picker );

    // Add tracks and vias
    if( blockIncludeTracks )
        for( TRACK* pt_segm = m_Pcb->m_Track; pt_segm != NULL; pt_segm = pt_segm->Next() )
            if( pt_segm->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ) )
                if( blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers
                  || m_Pcb->IsLayerVisible( pt_segm->GetLayer() ) )
                    picker.SetItem ( pt_segm );
                    itemsList->PushItem( picker );

    // Add graphic items
    layerMask = EDGE_LAYER;

    if( blockIncludeItemsOnTechLayers )
        layerMask = ALL_LAYERS;

    if( !blockIncludeBoardOutlineLayer )
        layerMask &= ~EDGE_LAYER;

    for( BOARD_ITEM* PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Next() )
        if( !m_Pcb->IsLayerVisible( PtStruct->GetLayer() ) && ! blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers)
        bool select_me = false;
        switch( PtStruct->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            if( (GetLayerMask( PtStruct->GetLayer() ) & layerMask) == 0  )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            if( !blockIncludePcbTexts )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it

        case PCB_TARGET_T:
            if( ( GetLayerMask( PtStruct->GetLayer() ) & layerMask ) == 0  )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it

        case PCB_DIMENSION_T:
            if( ( GetLayerMask( PtStruct->GetLayer() ) & layerMask ) == 0 )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it


        if( select_me )
            picker.SetItem ( PtStruct );
            itemsList->PushItem( picker );

    // Add zones
    if( blockIncludeZones )
        for( int ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
            ZONE_CONTAINER* area = m_Pcb->GetArea( ii );

            if( area->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ) )
                if( blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers
                  || m_Pcb->IsLayerVisible( area->GetLayer() ) )
                    BOARD_ITEM* zone_c = (BOARD_ITEM*) area;
                    picker.SetItem ( zone_c );
                    itemsList->PushItem( picker );
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::initValues()
    wxString    msg;
    double      angle;

    // Disable pad net name wxTextCtrl if the caller is the footprint editor
    // because nets are living only in the board managed by the board editor
    m_canEditNetName = m_parent->IsType( FRAME_PCB );

    // Setup layers names from board
    // Should be made first, before calling m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection()
    m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 0, m_board->GetLayerName( F_Cu ) );
    m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 1, m_board->GetLayerName( B_Cu ) );

    m_PadLayerAdhCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Adhes ) );
    m_PadLayerAdhCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Adhes ) );
    m_PadLayerPateCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Paste ) );
    m_PadLayerPateCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Paste ) );
    m_PadLayerSilkCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_SilkS ) );
    m_PadLayerSilkCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_SilkS ) );
    m_PadLayerMaskCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Mask ) );
    m_PadLayerMaskCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Mask ) );
    m_PadLayerECO1->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Eco1_User ) );
    m_PadLayerECO2->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Eco2_User ) );
    m_PadLayerDraft->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Dwgs_User ) );

    m_isFlipped = false;

    if( m_currentPad )
        MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent();

        if( module->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
            m_isFlipped = true;
            m_staticModuleSideValue->SetLabel( _( "Back side (footprint is mirrored)" ) );

        msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f" ), module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 );
        m_staticModuleRotValue->SetLabel( msg );

    if( m_isFlipped )
        wxPoint pt = m_dummyPad->GetOffset();
        NEGATE( pt.y );
        m_dummyPad->SetOffset( pt );

        wxSize sz = m_dummyPad->GetDelta();
        NEGATE( sz.y );
        m_dummyPad->SetDelta( sz );

        // flip pad's layers
        m_dummyPad->SetLayerSet( FlipLayerMask( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() ) );


    m_PadNumCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetPadName() );
    m_PadNetNameCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetNetname() );

    // Display current unit name in dialog:
    m_PadPosX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadPosY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadDrill_X_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadDrill_Y_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeSizeX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeSizeY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeOffsetX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeOffsetY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadShapeDelta_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_PadLengthDie_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );

    // Display current pad masks clearances units
    m_NetClearanceUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_SolderMaskMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_SolderPasteMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_ThermalWidthUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );
    m_ThermalGapUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) );

    // Display current pad parameters units:
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().y );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().y );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().x );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().y );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x )
        PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x );
        m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 0 );
        PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y );
        m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 1 );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_LengthPadToDieCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetPadToDieLength() );

    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalWidthCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalWidth() );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalGapCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalGap() );

    // These 2 parameters are usually < 0, so prepare entering a negative value, if current is 0
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() == 0 )
        m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->GetValue() );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 && msg[0] == '0' )
        // Sometimes Printf adds a sign if the value is small
        m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + msg );
        m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg );

    switch( m_dummyPad->GetZoneConnection() )
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 0 );

    case PAD_IN_ZONE:
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 1 );

    case THERMAL_PAD:
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 2 );

    case PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE:
        m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 3 );

    if( m_currentPad )
        MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent();

        angle = m_currentPad->GetOrientation() - module->GetOrientation();

        if( m_isFlipped )
            NEGATE( angle );

        m_dummyPad->SetOrientation( angle );

    angle = m_dummyPad->GetOrientation();

    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_180( angle );    // ? normalizing is in D_PAD::SetOrientation()

    // Set layers used by this pad: :
    setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() );

    // Pad Orient
    switch( int( angle ) )
    case 0:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 0 );

    case 900:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 1 );

    case -900:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 2 );

    case 1800:
    case -1800:
        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 3 );

        m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 4 );

    switch( m_dummyPad->GetShape() )
    case PAD_CIRCLE:
        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 0 );

    case PAD_OVAL:
        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 1 );

    case PAD_RECT:
        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 2 );

        m_PadShape->SetSelection( 3 );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), angle );
    m_PadOrientCtrl->SetValue( msg );

    // Type of pad selection
    m_PadType->SetSelection( 0 );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( code_type ); ii++ )
        if( code_type[ii] == m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() )
            m_PadType->SetSelection( ii );

    // Enable/disable Pad name,and pad length die
    // (disable for NPTH pads (mechanical pads)
    bool enable = m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED;

    m_PadNumCtrl->Enable( enable );
    m_PadNetNameCtrl->Enable( m_canEditNetName && enable && m_currentPad != NULL );
    m_LengthPadToDieCtrl->Enable( enable );

    if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_OBLONG )
        m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );
        m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 1 );

    // Update some dialog widgets state (Enable/disable options):
    wxCommandEvent cmd_event;
    setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() );
    OnDrillShapeSelected( cmd_event );
    OnPadShapeSelection( cmd_event );
Esempio n. 11
 * Function Inspect
 * is the examining function within the INSPECTOR which is passed to the
 * Iterate function.  Searches and collects all the objects that the old
 * function PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay() would find, except that it keeps all
 * that it finds and does not do any displaying.
 * @param testItem An EDA_ITEM to examine.
 * @param testData The const void* testData, not used here.
 * @return SEARCH_RESULT - SEARCH_QUIT if the Iterator is to stop the scan,
 *   else SCAN_CONTINUE;
SEARCH_RESULT GENERAL_COLLECTOR::Inspect( EDA_ITEM* testItem, const void* testData )
    BOARD_ITEM* item   = (BOARD_ITEM*) testItem;
    MODULE*     module = NULL;
    D_PAD*      pad    = NULL;
    bool        pad_through = false;
    SEGVIA*     via    = NULL;
    MARKER_PCB* marker = NULL;

#if 0   // debugging
    static int  breakhere = 0;

    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_PAD_T:
            MODULE* m = (MODULE*) item->GetParent();

            if( m->GetReference() == wxT( "Y2" ) )

    case PCB_VIA_T:

    case PCB_TRACE_T:

    case PCB_ZONE_T:

    case PCB_TEXT_T:

    case PCB_LINE_T:


            TEXTE_MODULE* tm = (TEXTE_MODULE*) item;

            if( tm->GetText() == wxT( "10uH" ) )

    case PCB_MODULE_T:
            MODULE* m = (MODULE*) item;

            if( m->GetReference() == wxT( "C98" ) )

    case PCB_MARKER_T:



    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_PAD_T:
        // there are pad specific visibility controls.
        // Criterias to select a pad is:
        // for smd pads: the module parent must be seen, and pads on the corresponding
        // board side must be seen
        // if pad is a thru hole, then it can be visible when its parent module is not.
        // for through pads: pads on Front or Back board sides must be seen
        pad = (D_PAD*) item;

        if( (pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_SMD) &&
            (pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_CONN) )    // a hole is present, so multiple layers
            // proceed to the common tests below, but without the parent module test,
            // by leaving module==NULL, but having pad != null
            pad_through = true;
        else  // smd, so use pads test after module test
            module = (MODULE*) item->GetParent();


    case PCB_VIA_T:     // vias are on many layers, so layer test is specific
        via = (SEGVIA*) item;

    case PCB_TRACE_T:

    case PCB_ZONE_T:

    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:

    case PCB_TEXT_T:

    case PCB_LINE_T:


    case PCB_TARGET_T:

        module = (MODULE*) item->GetParent();

        if( m_Guide->IgnoreMTextsMarkedNoShow() && !( (TEXTE_MODULE*) item )->IsVisible() )
            goto exit;

        if( module )
            if( m_Guide->IgnoreMTextsOnCopper() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_BACK )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnoreMTextsOnCmp() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_FRONT )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesVals() && item == &module->Value() )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesRefs() && item == &module->Reference() )
                goto exit;

    case PCB_MODULE_T:
        module = (MODULE*) item;

    case PCB_MARKER_T:
        marker = (MARKER_PCB*) item;


    // common tests:

    if( module )    // true from case PCB_PAD_T, PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T, or PCB_MODULE_T
        if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesOnCu() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_BACK )
            goto exit;

        if( m_Guide->IgnoreModulesOnCmp() && module->GetLayer()==LAYER_N_FRONT )
            goto exit;

    // Pads are not sensitive to the layer visibility controls.
    // They all have their own separate visibility controls
    // skip them if not visible
    if( pad )
        if( m_Guide->IgnorePads() )
            goto exit;

        if( ! pad_through )
            if( m_Guide->IgnorePadsOnFront() && pad->IsOnLayer(LAYER_N_FRONT ) )
                goto exit;

            if( m_Guide->IgnorePadsOnBack() && pad->IsOnLayer(LAYER_N_BACK ) )
                goto exit;

    if( marker )
        // Markers are not sensitive to the layer
        if( marker->HitTest( m_RefPos ) )
            Append( item );

        goto exit;

    if( item->IsOnLayer( m_Guide->GetPreferredLayer() ) || m_Guide->IgnorePreferredLayer() )
        LAYER_NUM layer = item->GetLayer();

        // Modules and their subcomponents: text and pads are not sensitive to the layer
        // visibility controls.  They all have their own separate visibility controls
        // for vias, GetLayer() has no meaning, but IsOnLayer() works fine
        if( via || module || pad || m_Guide->IsLayerVisible( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreNonVisibleLayers() )
            if( !m_Guide->IsLayerLocked( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedLayers() )
                if( !item->IsLocked() || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedItems() )
                    if( item->HitTest( m_RefPos ) )
                        Append( item );
                        goto exit;

    if( m_Guide->IncludeSecondary() )
        // for now, "secondary" means "tolerate any layer".  It has
        // no effect on other criteria, since there is a separate "ignore" control for
        // those in the COLLECTORS_GUIDE

        LAYER_NUM layer = item->GetLayer();

        // Modules and their subcomponents: text and pads are not sensitive to the layer
        // visibility controls.  They all have their own separate visibility controls
        if( via || module || pad || m_Guide->IsLayerVisible( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreNonVisibleLayers() )
            if( !m_Guide->IsLayerLocked( layer ) || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedLayers() )
                if( !item->IsLocked() || !m_Guide->IgnoreLockedItems() )
                    if( item->HitTest( m_RefPos ) )
                        Append2nd( item );
                        goto exit;

    return SEARCH_CONTINUE;     // always when collecting
Esempio n. 12
bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Load_Module_From_BOARD( MODULE* aModule )
    MODULE* newModule;
    PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );

    if( frame == NULL )     // happens if no board editor opened
        return false;

    if( aModule == NULL )
        if( ! frame->GetBoard() || ! frame->GetBoard()->m_Modules )
            return false;

        aModule = SelectFootprint( frame->GetBoard() );

    if( aModule == NULL )
        return false;

    SetCurItem( NULL );

    Clear_Pcb( false );

    GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
    newModule = new MODULE( *aModule );
    newModule->SetParent( GetBoard() );
    newModule->SetLink( aModule->GetTimeStamp() );

    aModule = newModule;

    newModule->RunOnChildren( boost::bind( &clearModuleItemFlags, _1 ) );

    GetBoard()->Add( newModule );

    // Clear references to any net info, because the footprint editor
    // does know any thing about nets handled by the current edited board.
    // Morever we do not want to save any reference to an unknown net when
    // saving the footprint in lib cache
    // so we force the ORPHANED dummy net info for all pads

    SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    PlaceModule( newModule, NULL );
    newModule->SetPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ); // cursor in GAL may not be initialized at the moment

    // Put it on FRONT layer,
    // because this is the default in ModEdit, and in libs
    if( newModule->GetLayer() != F_Cu )
        newModule->Flip( newModule->GetPosition() );

    // Put it in orientation 0,
    // because this is the default orientation in ModEdit, and in libs
    Rotate_Module( NULL, newModule, 0, false );
    Zoom_Automatique( false );

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )

    return true;
/* Driver function: processing starts here */
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    wxFileName  fn = GetBoard()->GetFileName();
    FILE*       file;

    wxString    ext = wxT( "cad" );
    wxString    wildcard = _( "GenCAD 1.4 board files (.cad)|*.cad" );

    fn.SetExt( ext );

    wxString pro_dir = wxPathOnly( Prj().GetProjectFullName() );

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save GenCAD Board File" ), pro_dir,
                      fn.GetFullName(), wildcard,
                      wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    if( ( file = wxFopen( dlg.GetPath(), wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
        wxString    msg;

        msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create <%s>" ), GetChars( dlg.GetPath() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg ); return;

    SetLocaleTo_C_standard(); // No pesky decimal separators in gencad

    // Update some board data, to ensure a reliable gencad export

    // Save the auxiliary origin for the rest of the module
    GencadOffsetX = GetAuxOrigin().x;
    GencadOffsetY = GetAuxOrigin().y;

    // No idea on *why* this should be needed... maybe to fix net names?
    Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true );

    /* Temporary modification of footprints that are flipped (i.e. on bottom
     * layer) to convert them to non flipped footprints.
     *  This is necessary to easily export shapes to GenCAD,
     *  that are given as normal orientation (non flipped, rotation = 0))
     * these changes will be undone later
    BOARD*  pcb = GetBoard();
    MODULE* module;

    for( module = pcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        module->SetFlag( 0 );

        if( module->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
            module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );
            module->SetFlag( 1 );

    /* Gencad has some mandatory and some optional sections: some importer
     *  need the padstack section (which is optional) anyway. Also the
     *  order of the section *is* important */

    CreateHeaderInfoData( file, this );     // Gencad header
    CreateBoardSection( file, pcb );        // Board perimeter

    CreatePadsShapesSection( file, pcb );   // Pads and padstacks
    CreateArtworksSection( file );          // Empty but mandatory

    /* Gencad splits a component info in shape, component and device.
     *  We don't do any sharing (it would be difficult since each module is
     *  customizable after placement) */
    CreateShapesSection( file, pcb );
    CreateComponentsSection( file, pcb );
    CreateDevicesSection( file, pcb );

    // In a similar way the netlist is split in net, track and route
    CreateSignalsSection( file, pcb );
    CreateTracksInfoData( file, pcb );
    CreateRoutesSection( file, pcb );

    fclose( file );
    SetLocaleTo_Default();  // revert to the current locale

    // Undo the footprints modifications (flipped footprints)
    for( module = pcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        if( module->GetFlag() )
            module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );
            module->SetFlag( 0 );
Esempio n. 14
    D_PAD*   pad;
    int      ll;
    wxString msg;

    m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
    m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

    if( s_inductor_pattern.m_Flag == false )
        DisplayError( this, wxT( "Starting point not init.." ) );
        return NULL;

    s_inductor_pattern.m_Flag = false;

    s_inductor_pattern.m_End = GetCrossHairPosition();

    wxPoint pt = s_inductor_pattern.m_End - s_inductor_pattern.m_Start;
    int     min_len = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( pt ) );
    s_inductor_pattern.m_lenght = min_len;

    // Enter the desired length.
    msg = StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, s_inductor_pattern.m_lenght );
    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, wxEmptyString, _( "Length of Trace:" ), msg );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return NULL; // canceled by user

    msg = dlg.GetValue();
    s_inductor_pattern.m_lenght = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );

    // Control values (ii = minimum length)
    if( s_inductor_pattern.m_lenght < min_len )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Requested length < minimum length" ) );
        return NULL;

    // Calculate the elements.
    s_inductor_pattern.m_Width = GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth();

    std::vector <wxPoint> buffer;
    ll = BuildCornersList_S_Shape( buffer, s_inductor_pattern.m_Start,
                                   s_inductor_pattern.m_End, s_inductor_pattern.m_lenght,
                                   s_inductor_pattern.m_Width );

    if( !ll )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Requested length too large" ) );
        return NULL;

    // Generate footprint. the value is also used as footprint name.
    wxTextEntryDialog cmpdlg( this, wxEmptyString, _( "Component Value:" ), msg );
    cmpdlg.SetTextValidator( FILE_NAME_CHAR_VALIDATOR( &msg ) );

    if( ( cmpdlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) || msg.IsEmpty() )
        return NULL;    //  Aborted by user

    MODULE* module = CreateNewModule( msg );

    // here the module is already in the BOARD, CreateNewModule() does that.
    module->SetFPID( FPID( std::string( "mw_inductor" ) ) );
    module->SetAttributes( MOD_VIRTUAL | MOD_CMS );
    module->SetPosition( s_inductor_pattern.m_End );

    // Generate segments
    for( unsigned jj = 1; jj < buffer.size(); jj++ )
        EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm;
        PtSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( module );
        PtSegm->SetStart( buffer[jj - 1] );
        PtSegm->SetEnd( buffer[jj] );
        PtSegm->SetWidth( s_inductor_pattern.m_Width );
        PtSegm->SetLayer( module->GetLayer() );
        PtSegm->SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
        PtSegm->SetStart0( PtSegm->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );
        PtSegm->SetEnd0( PtSegm->GetEnd() - module->GetPosition() );
        module->GraphicalItems().PushBack( PtSegm );

    // Place a pad on each end of coil.
    pad = new D_PAD( module );

    module->Pads().PushFront( pad );

    pad->SetPadName( wxT( "1" ) );
    pad->SetPosition( s_inductor_pattern.m_End );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    pad->SetSize( wxSize( s_inductor_pattern.m_Width, s_inductor_pattern.m_Width ) );

    pad->SetLayerSet( LSET( module->GetLayer() ) );
    pad->SetAttribute( PAD_ATTRIB_SMD );
    pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );

    D_PAD* newpad = new D_PAD( *pad );

    module->Pads().Insert( newpad, pad->Next() );

    pad = newpad;
    pad->SetPadName( wxT( "2" ) );
    pad->SetPosition( s_inductor_pattern.m_Start );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    // Modify text positions.
    SetMsgPanel( module );

    wxPoint refPos( ( s_inductor_pattern.m_Start.x + s_inductor_pattern.m_End.x ) / 2,
                    ( s_inductor_pattern.m_Start.y + s_inductor_pattern.m_End.y ) / 2 );

    wxPoint valPos = refPos;

    refPos.y -= module->Reference().GetSize().y;
    module->Reference().SetPosition( refPos );
    valPos.y += module->Value().GetSize().y;
    module->Value().SetPosition( valPos );

    module->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR );

    return module;
Esempio n. 15
    D_PAD*   pad;
    int      ll;
    wxString msg;

    m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
    m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

    if( Self_On == 0 )
        DisplayError( this, wxT( "Starting point not init.." ) );
        return NULL;

    Self_On = 0;

    Mself.m_End = GetCrossHairPosition();

    wxPoint pt = Mself.m_End - Mself.m_Start;
    int     min_len = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( pt ) );
    Mself.lng = min_len;

    // Enter the desired length.
    msg = StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, Mself.lng );
    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "Length:" ), _( "Length" ), msg );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return NULL; // canceled by user

    msg = dlg.GetValue();
    Mself.lng = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );

    // Control values (ii = minimum length)
    if( Mself.lng < min_len )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Requested length < minimum length" ) );
        return NULL;

    // Calculate the elements.
    Mself.m_Width = GetBoard()->GetCurrentTrackWidth();

    std::vector <wxPoint> buffer;
    ll = BuildCornersList_S_Shape( buffer, Mself.m_Start, Mself.m_End, Mself.lng, Mself.m_Width );

    if( !ll )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Requested length too large" ) );
        return NULL;

    // Generate module.
    MODULE* module;
    module = Create_1_Module( wxEmptyString );

    if( module == NULL )
        return NULL;

    // here the module is already in the BOARD, Create_1_Module() does that.
    module->SetFPID( FPID( std::string( "MuSelf" ) ) );
    module->SetAttributes( MOD_VIRTUAL | MOD_CMS );
    module->SetPosition( Mself.m_End );

    // Generate segments
    for( unsigned jj = 1; jj < buffer.size(); jj++ )
        EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm;
        PtSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( module );
        PtSegm->SetStart( buffer[jj - 1] );
        PtSegm->SetEnd( buffer[jj] );
        PtSegm->SetWidth( Mself.m_Width );
        PtSegm->SetLayer( module->GetLayer() );
        PtSegm->SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
        PtSegm->SetStart0( PtSegm->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );
        PtSegm->SetEnd0(   PtSegm->GetEnd()   - module->GetPosition() );
        module->GraphicalItems().PushBack( PtSegm );

    // Place a pad on each end of coil.
    pad = new D_PAD( module );

    module->Pads().PushFront( pad );

    pad->SetPadName( wxT( "1" ) );
    pad->SetPosition( Mself.m_End );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    pad->SetSize( wxSize( Mself.m_Width, Mself.m_Width ) );

    pad->SetLayerMask( GetLayerMask( module->GetLayer() ) );
    pad->SetAttribute( PAD_SMD );
    pad->SetShape( PAD_CIRCLE );

    D_PAD* newpad = new D_PAD( *pad );

    module->Pads().Insert( newpad, pad->Next() );

    pad = newpad;
    pad->SetPadName( wxT( "2" ) );
    pad->SetPosition( Mself.m_Start );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    // Modify text positions.
    SetMsgPanel( module );

    wxPoint refPos( ( Mself.m_Start.x + Mself.m_End.x ) / 2,
                    ( Mself.m_Start.y + Mself.m_End.y ) / 2 );

    wxPoint valPos = refPos;

    refPos.y -= module->Reference().GetSize().y;
    module->Reference().SetTextPosition( refPos );
    valPos.y += module->Value().GetSize().y;
    module->Value().SetTextPosition( valPos );
    module->Reference().SetPos0( module->Reference().GetTextPosition() - module->GetPosition() );
    module->Value().SetPos0( module->Value().GetTextPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    module->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR );

    return module;
void SPECCTRA_DB::FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    sessionBoard = aBoard;      // not owned here

    if( !session )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"session\" section") );

    /* Dick 16-Jan-2012: session need not have a placement section.
    if( !session->placement )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"placement\" section") );

    if( !session->route )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"routes\" section") );

    if( !session->route->library )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"library_out\" section") );

    // delete all the old tracks and vias


    buildLayerMaps( aBoard );

    if( session->placement )
        // Walk the PLACEMENT object's COMPONENTs list, and for each PLACE within
        // each COMPONENT, reposition and re-orient each component and put on
        // correct side of the board.
        COMPONENTS& components = session->placement->components;
        for( COMPONENTS::iterator comp=components.begin();  comp!=components.end();  ++comp )
            PLACES& places = comp->places;
            for( unsigned i=0; i<places.size();  ++i )
                PLACE* place = &places[i];  // '&' even though places[] holds a pointer!

                wxString reference = FROM_UTF8( place->component_id.c_str() );
                MODULE* module = aBoard->FindModuleByReference( reference );
                if( !module )
                    THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("Session file has 'reference' to non-existent component \"%s\""),
                                                      GetChars( reference ) ) );

                if( !place->hasVertex )

                UNIT_RES* resolution = place->GetUnits();
                wxASSERT( resolution );

                wxPoint newPos = mapPt( place->vertex, resolution );
                module->SetPosition( newPos );

                if( place->side == T_front )
                    // convert from degrees to tenths of degrees used in KiCad.
                    int orientation = KiROUND( place->rotation * 10.0 );

                    if( module->GetLayer() != F_Cu )
                        // module is on copper layer (back)
                        module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );

                    module->SetOrientation( orientation );
                else if( place->side == T_back )
                    int orientation = KiROUND( (place->rotation + 180.0) * 10.0 );

                    if( module->GetLayer() != B_Cu )
                        // module is on component layer (front)
                        module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );

                    module->SetOrientation( orientation );
                    // as I write this, the PARSER *is* catching this, so we should never see below:
                    wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("DSN::PARSER did not catch an illegal side := 'back|front'") );

    routeResolution = session->route->GetUnits();

    // Walk the NET_OUTs and create tracks and vias anew.
    NET_OUTS& net_outs = session->route->net_outs;
    for( NET_OUTS::iterator net = net_outs.begin(); net!=net_outs.end(); ++net )
        int         netCode = 0;

        // page 143 of spec says wire's net_id is optional
        if( net->net_id.size() )
            wxString netName = FROM_UTF8( net->net_id.c_str() );
            NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = aBoard->FindNet( netName );

            if( netinfo )
                netCode = netinfo->GetNet();
            else  // else netCode remains 0
                // int breakhere = 1;

        WIRES& wires = net->wires;
        for( unsigned i = 0; i<wires.size(); ++i )
            WIRE*   wire  = &wires[i];
            DSN_T   shape = wire->shape->Type();

            if( shape != T_path )
                /*  shape == T_polygon is expected from freerouter if you have
                    a zone on a non "power" type layer, i.e. a T_signal layer
                    and the design does a round trip back in as session here.
                    We kept our own zones in the BOARD, so ignore this so called

                wxString netId = FROM_UTF8( wire->net_id.c_str() );
                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("Unsupported wire shape: \"%s\" for net: \"%s\""),
                    ) );
                PATH*   path = (PATH*) wire->shape;
                for( unsigned pt=0;  pt<path->points.size()-1;  ++pt )
                    /* a debugging aid, may come in handy
                    if( path->points[pt].x == 547800
                    &&  path->points[pt].y == -380250 )
                        int breakhere = 1;

                    TRACK* track = makeTRACK( path, pt, netCode );
                    aBoard->Add( track );

        WIRE_VIAS& wire_vias = net->wire_vias;
        LIBRARY& library = *session->route->library;
        for( unsigned i=0;  i<wire_vias.size();  ++i )
            int         netCode = 0;

            // page 144 of spec says wire_via's net_id is optional
            if( net->net_id.size() )
                wxString netName = FROM_UTF8( net->net_id.c_str() );

                NETINFO_ITEM* net = aBoard->FindNet( netName );
                if( net )
                    netCode = net->GetNet();

                // else netCode remains 0

            WIRE_VIA* wire_via = &wire_vias[i];

            // example: (via Via_15:8_mil 149000 -71000 )

            PADSTACK* padstack = library.FindPADSTACK( wire_via->GetPadstackId() );
            if( !padstack )
                // Dick  Feb 29, 2008:
                // Freerouter has a bug where it will not round trip all vias.
                // Vias which have a (use_via) element will be round tripped.
                // Vias which do not, don't come back in in the session library,
                // even though they may be actually used in the pre-routed,
                // protected wire_vias. So until that is fixed, create the
                // padstack from its name as a work around.

                // Could use a STRING_FORMATTER here and convert the entire
                // wire_via to text and put that text into the exception.
                wxString psid( FROM_UTF8( wire_via->GetPadstackId().c_str() ) );

                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("A wire_via references a missing padstack \"%s\""),
                                                  GetChars( psid ) ) );

            NETCLASSPTR netclass = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses.GetDefault();

            int via_drill_default = netclass->GetViaDrill();

            for( unsigned v=0;  v<wire_via->vertexes.size();  ++v )
                ::VIA* via = makeVIA( padstack, wire_via->vertexes[v], netCode, via_drill_default );
                aBoard->Add( via );
Esempio n. 17
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_SelectItems()
    LSET layerMask;
    bool selectOnlyComplete = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetWidth() > 0 ;


    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* itemsList = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetItems();
    ITEM_PICKER        picker( NULL, UR_UNSPECIFIED );

    // Add modules
    if( blockIncludeModules )
        for( MODULE* module = m_Pcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
            LAYER_ID layer = module->GetLayer();

            if( module->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete )
                    && ( !module->IsLocked() || blockIncludeLockedModules ) )
                if( blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers || m_Pcb->IsModuleLayerVisible( layer ) )
                    picker.SetItem ( module );
                    itemsList->PushItem( picker );

    // Add tracks and vias
    if( blockIncludeTracks )
        for( TRACK* track = m_Pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
            if( track->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete ) )
                if( blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers
                        || m_Pcb->IsLayerVisible( track->GetLayer() ) )
                    picker.SetItem( track );
                    itemsList->PushItem( picker );

    // Add graphic items
    layerMask = LSET( Edge_Cuts );

    if( blockIncludeItemsOnTechLayers )

    if( !blockIncludeBoardOutlineLayer )
        layerMask.set( Edge_Cuts, false );

    for( BOARD_ITEM* PtStruct = m_Pcb->m_Drawings; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Next() )
        if( !m_Pcb->IsLayerVisible( PtStruct->GetLayer() ) && ! blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers)

        bool select_me = false;

        switch( PtStruct->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            if( !layerMask[PtStruct->GetLayer()] )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            if( !blockIncludePcbTexts )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it

        case PCB_TARGET_T:
            if( !layerMask[PtStruct->GetLayer()] )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it

        case PCB_DIMENSION_T:
            if( !layerMask[PtStruct->GetLayer()] )

            if( !PtStruct->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete ) )

            select_me = true; // This item is in bloc: select it


        if( select_me )
            picker.SetItem ( PtStruct );
            itemsList->PushItem( picker );

    // Add zones
    if( blockIncludeZones )
        for( int ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
            ZONE_CONTAINER* area = m_Pcb->GetArea( ii );

            if( area->HitTest( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate, selectOnlyComplete ) )
                if( blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers
                        || m_Pcb->IsLayerVisible( area->GetLayer() ) )
                    BOARD_ITEM* zone_c = (BOARD_ITEM*) area;
                    picker.SetItem ( zone_c );
                    itemsList->PushItem( picker );
Esempio n. 18
                                                      wxDC*        DC,
                                                      int          type_edge )
    MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
    int     angle  = 0;

    if( module == NULL )
        return NULL;

    if( aEdge == NULL )       // Start a new edge item
        SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_MODEDIT );

        aEdge = new EDGE_MODULE( module );
        MoveVector.x = MoveVector.y = 0;

        // Add the new item to the Drawings list head
        module->m_Drawings.PushFront( aEdge );

        // Update characteristics of the segment or arc.
        aEdge->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
        aEdge->SetAngle( angle );
        aEdge->SetShape( type_edge );

        if( aEdge->GetShape() == S_ARC )
            aEdge->SetAngle( ArcValue );

        aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleSegmentWidth );
        aEdge->SetLayer( module->GetLayer() );

        if( module->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_FRONT )
            aEdge->SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT );

        if( module->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_BACK )
            aEdge->SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_BACK );

        // Initialize the starting point of the new segment or arc
        aEdge->SetStart( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );

        // Initialize the ending point of the new segment or arc
        aEdge->SetEnd( aEdge->GetStart() );

        // Initialize the relative coordinates
        aEdge->SetStart0( aEdge->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );

        RotatePoint( &aEdge->m_Start0, -module->m_Orient );

        aEdge->m_End0 = aEdge->m_Start0;
        m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( ShowNewEdgeModule, Abort_Move_ModuleOutline );
    /* Segment creation in progress.
     * The ending coordinate is updated by the function
     * ShowNewEdgeModule() called on move mouse event
     * during the segment creation
        if( type_edge == S_SEGMENT )
            if( aEdge->m_Start0 != aEdge->m_End0 )
                aEdge->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR );

                EDGE_MODULE* newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( *aEdge );

                // insert _after_ aEdge, which is the same as inserting before aEdge->Next()
                module->m_Drawings.Insert( newedge, aEdge->Next() );

                aEdge = newedge;     // point now new item

                aEdge->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
                aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleSegmentWidth );
                aEdge->SetStart( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
                aEdge->SetEnd( aEdge->GetStart() );

                // Update relative coordinate.
                aEdge->SetStart0( aEdge->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );

                wxPoint pt( aEdge->GetStart0() );

                RotatePoint( &pt, -module->GetOrientation() );

                aEdge->SetStart0( pt );

                aEdge->SetEnd0( aEdge->GetStart0() );

                module->m_LastEdit_Time = time( NULL );
            wxMessageBox( wxT( "Begin_Edge() error" ) );

    return aEdge;