Esempio n. 1
void GeometryButton::Display(TimeValue t, ViewExp *vpt, int flags)
	if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() )
		// why are we here?
		DbgAssert(!_T("Doing Display() on invalid viewport!"));

	//set the location before it's displayed.
	if(vpt->IsActive()==TRUE &&vpt->GetHWnd()&&GetEnabled()==true)
		MSTR st = GetLabel();
		vpt->getGW()->setRndLimits(vpt->getGW()->getRndMode() & ~GW_Z_BUFFER);
		vpt->getGW()->setColor(TEXT_COLOR, mColor);
		vpt->getGW()->wText(&IPoint3(mLocation.x,mLocation.y, 0),; //draw it undrneath the viewport text!
void mrShaderButtonHandler::Update() {

	DbgAssert(m_dialogHWnd != NULL);

	HWND ctrlHWnd = GetDlgItem(m_dialogHWnd, m_ctrlID);
	ICustButton* custButton = GetICustButton(ctrlHWnd);
	if(custButton != NULL) {

		MSTR text;
		Texmap* shader = GetShader();
		if(shader != NULL)
			text = shader->GetFullName();
			text = GetNoneString();

	else {
const TCHAR * SlaveControlFloatClassDesc::ClassName()
    static MSTR class_name = MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_SLAVE_FLOAT_CLASS);
const TCHAR * DaySlaveControlMatrix3ClassDesc::ClassName() 
	static MSTR name = MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_DAY_SLAVE_POS_CLASS);
const TCHAR* NatLightAssemblyClassDesc::ClassName()
	static MSTR class_name = MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_NAT_LIGHT_NAME);
Esempio n. 6
AWDTexture *
AWDExporter::ExportTexture(AWD *awd, awd_ncache *ncache,Texmap* tex, Class_ID cid, int subNo, AWDMaterial * mat ) {

    AWDTexture *awd_tex;

    const char* name;
    int name_len;
    bool hasAlpha = false;

    MSTR path;

    awd_uint8 * buf;
    int buf_len;

    if (!tex) return NULL;
    if (tex->ClassID() != Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00) ) return NULL;

    // texture already exist in cache
    awd_tex = (AWDTexture *)awd_ncache_get( ncache, tex );
    if( awd_tex ) return awd_tex;

    BitmapTex *bmptex = (BitmapTex*)tex;

    MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser asset = bmptex->GetMap();

    hasAlpha = bmptex->GetBitmap( GetStaticFrame() )->HasAlpha();

    if( !asset.GetFullFilePath(path) ) {
        fprintf( logfile, " export !asset.GetFullFilePath(path) : %i \n", asset.GetType() );
        fflush( logfile );

        //return NULL;

    fprintf( logfile, " export  : %s \n", path );
    fflush( logfile );

    AWD_tex_type textype = EXTERNAL;

    if( GetIncludeMaps() &&
            asset.GetType() == MaxSDK::AssetManagement::kBitmapAsset
      ) {

        const char * dot;
        dot = strrchr(path,'.');

        if( !strcmp(dot, ".jpg")||
                !strcmp(dot, ".JPG")||
                !strcmp(dot, ".jpeg")||
                !strcmp(dot, ".JPEG")
          ) {
            textype = EMBEDDED_JPEG;
        } else if (
            !strcmp(dot, ".png")||
            !strcmp(dot, ".PNG")
        ) {
            textype = EMBEDDED_PNG;

        if( textype == 0 ) {

            fprintf( logfile, " export texture : %s \n", path );
            fflush( logfile );
            // try to extract data
            Bitmap *bmp = bmptex->GetBitmap( GetStaticFrame() );

            BitmapInfo bi;

            MaxSDK::Util::Path *temppath;

            bi.SetWidth( bmp->Width() );
            bi.SetHeight( bmp->Height() );
            if( hasAlpha ) {
                bi.SetType( BMM_TRUE_32 );
                bi.SetFlags( MAP_HAS_ALPHA );
                path = "C:\\Users\\lepersp\\Desktop\\temp\\awdexporttempjpg.png";
                textype = EMBEDDED_PNG;
            } else {
                bi.SetType( BMM_TRUE_24 );
                path = "C:\\Users\\lepersp\\Desktop\\temp\\awdexporttempjpg.jpg";
                textype = EMBEDDED_JPEG;

            temppath = new MaxSDK::Util::Path( path );
            bi.SetPath( *temppath );

            bmp->OpenOutput( & bi );
            bmp->Write( & bi );
            bmp->Close(& bi);


        if( path != NULL ) {

            size_t result;

            int fd;
            errno_t err = _sopen_s( &fd, path, _O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD );

            if( err == 0 ) {

                struct stat *s;
                s = (struct stat *)malloc(sizeof(struct stat));
                fstat(fd, s);

                buf_len = s->st_size;
                buf = (awd_uint8 *) malloc (buf_len * sizeof( awd_uint8 ) );

                lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                result = read(fd, buf, buf_len);

                if (result != buf_len) {
                    textype = EXTERNAL;

                _close( fd );
            } else {
                textype = EXTERNAL;

    name = tex->GetName();
    name_len = strlen( name );
    char* namecpy = (char*) malloc( name_len*sizeof( char ) ) ;
    strcpy( namecpy, name );

    awd_tex = new AWDTexture( textype, namecpy, name_len );

    if( textype != 0 ) {
        awd_tex->set_embed_data(buf, buf_len);

    char * pathcpy = (char *) malloc( (path.length()+1) * sizeof( char ) );
    strcpy( pathcpy, );

    awd_tex->set_url( pathcpy, strlen( pathcpy ) );

    awd->add_texture( awd_tex );

    awd_ncache_add( ncache, tex, awd_tex );

    if( subNo == ID_DI ) {
        mat->set_texture( awd_tex );
        mat->alpha_blending = hasAlpha;

    return awd_tex;