void RadiosityRenderer::printTransformData(const MDagPath& dagPath)
	//This method simply determines the transformation information on the DAG node and prints it out.
    MStatus status;
    MObject transformNode = dagPath.transform(&status);
    // This node has no transform - i.e., it’s the world node
    if (!status && status.statusCode () == MStatus::kInvalidParameter)
    MFnDagNode transform (transformNode, &status);
    if (!status) {
        status.perror("MFnDagNode constructor");
    MTransformationMatrix matrix (transform.transformationMatrix());
	//cout << " translation: " << matrix.translation(MSpace::kWorld)
	//<< endl;
    double threeDoubles[3];
    MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder rOrder;
    matrix.getRotation (threeDoubles, rOrder, MSpace::kWorld);
	cout << " rotation: ["
	<< threeDoubles[0] << ", "
	<< threeDoubles[1] << ", "
	<< threeDoubles[2] << "]\n";
    matrix.getScale (threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);
	cout << " scale: ["
	<< threeDoubles[0] << ", "
	<< threeDoubles[1] << ", "
	<< threeDoubles[2] << "]\n";
Esempio n. 2
	MStatus Mesh::TranslationMatrix(ostream& fout) const {
		MStatus status;
		MObject	transformNode = dagPath.transform(&status);
		if (!status && status.statusCode () == MStatus::kInvalidParameter) return MStatus::kFailure;
		MFnDagNode transform(transformNode, &status);
		if (!status) return MStatus::kFailure;
		MTransformationMatrix matrix (transform.transformationMatrix());
		MVector translation = matrix.translation(MSpace::kWorld);
		fout << "Translate " <<  translation.x << " " << translation.y << " " << translation.z << endl;
		MEulerRotation rotation = matrix.eulerRotation().reorder(MEulerRotation::kXYZ);
		fout << "Rotation " << rotation.x << " 1 0 0" << endl;
		fout << "Rotation " << rotation.y << " 0 1 0" << endl;
		fout << "Rotation " << rotation.z << " 0 0 1" << endl;
		double scale[3];
		matrix.getScale(scale, MSpace::kWorld);
		fout << "Scale " << scale[0] << " " << scale[1] << " " << scale[2] << endl;
		return MStatus::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 3
void SurfaceAttach::setOutPlugs(MDataBlock dataBlock, const MFnNurbsSurface &fnSurface,
                                const double dataOffset, const bool dataReverse, const short dataGenus, const double dataStaticLength,
                                const MMatrix &dataParentInverse, const short dataDirection) {

    MTransformationMatrix tfm;
    MVector t;
    MEulerRotation r;

    MArrayDataHandle outputHandle = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(SurfaceAttach::out);
    std::int32_t count = outputHandle.elementCount();
    MDataHandle o;

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < count; ++k) {

        // Get Transformations
        tfm = this->matrix(fnSurface, outputHandle.elementIndex(), dataOffset, dataReverse, dataGenus,
                           dataStaticLength, dataParentInverse, dataDirection);
        t = tfm.translation(MSpace::Space::kWorld);
        r = tfm.eulerRotation();

        o = outputHandle.outputValue();
        o.child(SurfaceAttach::rotate).set(r.x, r.y, r.z);

    // Mark Clean
Esempio n. 4
MTransformationMatrix ffdPlanar::getXyzToStuTransformation( MBoundingBox& boundingBox )
    MTransformationMatrix transform = MTransformationMatrix();
    double scale[3] = { FFD_DIMENSIONS_S > 0 ? 1.f / boundingBox.width() : 1.f,
                        FFD_DIMENSIONS_T > 0 ? 1.f / boundingBox.height() : 1.f,
                        FFD_DIMENSIONS_U > 0 ? 1.f / boundingBox.depth() : 1.f };
    transform.addScale( scale, MSpace::kObject );
    MVector boundsMinOffset = MPoint::origin - boundingBox.min();
    transform.addTranslation( boundsMinOffset, MSpace::kObject );
    return transform;
Esempio n. 5
MBoundingBox ovalLocator::boundingbox (float multiplier /*=1.0f*/) {
	static MBoundingBox boundingbox ;
	if ( boundingbox.min () == boundingbox.max () ) {
		MPointArray vert =ovalLocator::vertices () ;
		for ( unsigned int i =0 ; i < vert.length () ; i++ )
			boundingbox.expand (vert [i]) ;
	MBoundingBox bbox (boundingbox) ;
	if ( multiplier != 1.0f ) {
		double factors [3] ={ multiplier, multiplier, multiplier } ;
		MTransformationMatrix mat ;
		mat.setScale (factors, MSpace::kWorld) ;
		bbox.transformUsing (mat.asScaleMatrix ()) ;
	return (bbox) ;
Esempio n. 6
IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> convertTransf( const MTransformationMatrix &from )
	IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> to;
	double vector[3];
	to.scalePivot = convert< Imath::Vec3<T>, MPoint >( from.scalePivot( MSpace::kTransform ) );
	from.getScale( vector, MSpace::kTransform );
	to.scale = Imath::Vec3<T>( static_cast<T>(vector[0]), static_cast<T>(vector[1]), static_cast<T>(vector[2]) );
	from.getShear( vector, MSpace::kTransform );
	to.shear = Imath::Vec3<T>( static_cast<T>(vector[0]), static_cast<T>(vector[1]), static_cast<T>(vector[2]) );
	to.scalePivotTranslation = convert< Imath::Vec3<T>, MVector>( from.scalePivotTranslation( MSpace::kTransform ) );
	to.rotatePivot = convert< Imath::Vec3<T>, MPoint>( from.rotatePivot( MSpace::kTransform ) );
	to.rotationOrientation = convert< Imath::Quat<T>, MQuaternion>( from.rotationOrientation() );
	to.rotate = convert< Imath::Euler<T>, MEulerRotation>( from.eulerRotation() );
	to.rotatePivotTranslation = convert< Imath::Vec3<T>, MVector >( from.rotatePivotTranslation( MSpace::kTransform ) );
	to.translate = convert< Imath::Vec3<T>, MVector >( from.getTranslation( MSpace::kTransform ) );
	return to;
Esempio n. 7
MTransformationMatrix convertTransf( const IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> &from )
	MTransformationMatrix to;
	double vector[3];
	to.setScalePivot( convert< MPoint, Imath::Vec3<T> >( from.scalePivot ), MSpace::kTransform, false );
	vector[0] = static_cast<double>( from.scale[0] );
	vector[1] = static_cast<double>( from.scale[1] );
	vector[2] = static_cast<double>( from.scale[2] );
	to.setScale( vector, MSpace::kTransform );
	vector[0] = static_cast<double>( from.shear[0] );
	vector[1] = static_cast<double>( from.shear[1] );
	vector[2] = static_cast<double>( from.shear[2] );
	to.setShear( vector, MSpace::kTransform );
	to.setScalePivotTranslation( convert< MVector, Imath::Vec3<T> >( from.scalePivotTranslation ), MSpace::kTransform );
	to.setRotatePivot( convert< MPoint, Imath::Vec3<T> >( from.rotatePivot ), MSpace::kTransform, false );
	to.setRotationOrientation( convert< MQuaternion, Imath::Quat<T> >( from.rotationOrientation ) );
	to.rotateTo( convert< MEulerRotation, Imath::Euler<T> >( from.rotate ) );
	to.setRotatePivotTranslation( convert< MVector, Imath::Vec3<T> >( from.rotatePivotTranslation ), MSpace::kTransform );
	to.setTranslation( convert< MVector, Imath::Vec3<T> >( from.translate ), MSpace::kTransform );
	return to;
MStatus lrutils::setParentConstraintOffset(MObject constraintObj, MTransformationMatrix transform) {
    MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

    MFnTransform constraintFn;
    status = constraintFn.setObject( constraintObj );
    MyCheckStatusReturn(status, "invalid MObject provided for MFnTransform.setObject()");
    MString constraintName = constraintFn.name();

    if ( status = MS::kSuccess ) {
        MVector vTranslation = transform.getTranslation(MSpace::kTransform);
        MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr \""+constraintName+".target[0].targetOffsetTranslateX\" "+vTranslation.x+";");
        MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr \""+constraintName+".target[0].targetOffsetTranslateY\" "+vTranslation.y+";");
        MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr \""+constraintName+".target[0].targetOffsetTranslateZ\" "+vTranslation.z+";");
        double* rotation = new double[3];
        MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ;
        MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr \""+constraintName+".target[0].targetOffsetRotateX\" "+rotation[0]+";");
        MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr \""+constraintName+".target[0].targetOffsetRotateY\" "+rotation[1]+";");
        MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr \""+constraintName+".target[0].targetOffsetRotateZ\" "+rotation[2]+";");

    return status;
IECore::ObjectPtr FromMayaTransformConverter::doConversion( const MDagPath &dagPath, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const
	MTransformationMatrix transform;

	if( m_spaceParameter->getNumericValue()==Local )
		MFnTransform fnT( dagPath );
		transform = fnT.transformation();
		unsigned instIndex = dagPath.instanceNumber();

		MObject dagNode = dagPath.node();
		MFnDependencyNode fnN( dagNode );

		MPlug plug = fnN.findPlug( "worldMatrix" );
		MPlug instPlug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex( instIndex );

		MObject matrix;
		instPlug.getValue( matrix );

		MFnMatrixData fnM( matrix );
		transform = fnM.transformation();

		if ( m_spaceParameter->getNumericValue() == Custom )
			// multiply world transform by the inverse of the custom space matrix.
			transform = transform.asMatrix() * IECore::convert< MMatrix, Imath::M44f >( operands->member< IECore::M44fData >("customSpace", true)->readable().inverse() );

	if( m_zeroPivotsParameter->getTypedValue() )
		transform.setScalePivot( MPoint( 0, 0, 0 ), MSpace::kTransform, true );
		transform.setRotatePivot( MPoint( 0, 0, 0 ), MSpace::kTransform, true );

	if( m_eulerFilterParameter->getTypedValue() && m_lastRotationValid )
		transform.rotateTo( transform.eulerRotation().closestSolution( m_lastRotation ) );

	m_lastRotation = transform.eulerRotation();
	m_lastRotationValid = true;

	return new IECore::TransformationMatrixdData( IECore::convert<IECore::TransformationMatrixd, MTransformationMatrix>( transform ) );
Esempio n. 10
// COMPUTE ======================================
MStatus gear_rollSplineKine::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)

	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Error check
    if (plug != output)
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Get inputs matrices ------------------------------
	// Inputs Parent
	MArrayDataHandle adh = data.inputArrayValue( ctlParent );
	int count = adh.elementCount();
	if (count < 1)
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputsP(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputsP[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	// Inputs
	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputs );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputs(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputs[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputsRoll );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MDoubleArray roll(adh.elementCount());
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		roll[i] = degrees2radians((double)adh.inputValue().asFloat());

	// Output Parent
	MDataHandle ha = data.inputValue( outputParent );
	MMatrix outputParent = ha.asMatrix();
    // Get inputs sliders -------------------------------
    double in_u = (double)data.inputValue( u ).asFloat();
    bool in_resample = data.inputValue( resample ).asBool();
    int in_subdiv = data.inputValue( subdiv ).asShort();
    bool in_absolute = data.inputValue( absolute ).asBool();
    // Process ------------------------------------------
    // Get roll, pos, tan, rot, scl
    MVectorArray pos(count);
    MVectorArray tan(count);
	MQuaternion *rot;
	rot = new MQuaternion[count];
    MVectorArray scl(count);
	double threeDoubles[3];
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		MTransformationMatrix tp(inputsP[i]);
		MTransformationMatrix t(inputs[i]);
		pos[i] = t.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);
		rot[i] = tp.rotation();

		t.getScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);
		scl[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]);
		tan[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0] * 2.5, 0, 0).rotateBy(t.rotation());
    // Get step and indexes
    // We define between wich controlers the object is to be able to
    // calculate the bezier 4 points front this 2 objects
	double step = 1.0 / max( 1, count-1.0 );
	int index1 = (int)min( count-2.0, in_u/step );
	int index2 = index1+1;
	int index1temp = index1;
	int index2temp = index2;
	double v = (in_u - step * double(index1)) / step;
	double vtemp = v;
   // calculate the bezier
   MVector bezierPos;
   MVector xAxis, yAxis, zAxis;
      // straight bezier solve
      MVectorArray results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
      bezierPos = results[0];
      xAxis = results[1];
   else if(!in_absolute){
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[index1];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[index1];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results(2);
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],sampleu);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(v>=samplelen[i] && v <=  samplelen[i+1]){
            v = (v - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],v);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],v);
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[0];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[0];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results;
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         index1 = (int)min(count-2,sampleu / step);
         index2 = index1+1;
         v = (sampleu - step * double(index1)) / step;
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(in_u>=samplelen[i] && in_u <= samplelen[i+1]){
            in_u = (in_u - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],in_u);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],in_u);

	// compute the scaling (straight interpolation!)
	MVector scl1 = linearInterpolate(scl[index1temp], scl[index2temp],vtemp);

	// compute the rotation!
	MQuaternion q = slerp(rot[index1temp], rot[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = MVector(0,1,0);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy(q);
	// use directly or project the roll values!
	// print roll
	double a = linearInterpolate(roll[index1temp], roll[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy( MQuaternion(xAxis.x * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.y * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.z * sin(a/2.0), cos(a/2.0)));
	zAxis = xAxis ^ yAxis;
	yAxis = zAxis ^ xAxis;

	// Output -------------------------------------------
	MTransformationMatrix result;

	// translation
	result.setTranslation(bezierPos, MSpace::kWorld);
	// rotation
	q = getQuaternionFromAxes(xAxis,yAxis,zAxis);
	result.setRotationQuaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
	// scaling
	threeDoubles[0] = 1;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.y;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.z;
	result.setScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);

	MDataHandle h = data.outputValue( output );
	h.setMMatrix( result.asMatrix() * outputParent.inverse() );

	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
/** Create a RIB compatible representation of a Maya polygon mesh.
liqRibMeshData::liqRibMeshData( MObject mesh )
: numFaces( 0 ),
  numPoints ( 0 ),
  numNormals ( 0 ),

	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int j;
  areaLight = false;
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> creating mesh\n" );
  MFnMesh fnMesh( mesh );
  objDagPath = fnMesh.dagPath();
  MStatus astatus;
  name = fnMesh.name();
  areaLight =( liquidGetPlugValue( fnMesh, "areaIntensity", areaIntensity, astatus ) == MS::kSuccess )? true : false ; 

  if ( areaLight ) 
    MDagPath meshDagPath;
    meshDagPath = fnMesh.dagPath();
    MTransformationMatrix worldMatrix = meshDagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
    MMatrix worldMatrixM = worldMatrix.asMatrix();
    worldMatrixM.get( transformationMatrix );

  numPoints = fnMesh.numVertices();
  numNormals = fnMesh.numNormals();

  // UV sets -------------------
  //const unsigned numSTs( fnMesh.numUVs() );
  const unsigned numUVSets( fnMesh.numUVSets() );
  MString currentUVSetName;
  MStringArray extraUVSetNames;
  fnMesh.getCurrentUVSetName( currentUVSetName );
    MStringArray UVSetNames;
    fnMesh.getUVSetNames( UVSetNames );

    for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i<numUVSets; i++ ) 
      if ( UVSetNames[i] != currentUVSetName ) 
        extraUVSetNames.append( UVSetNames[i] );

  numFaces = fnMesh.numPolygons();
  const unsigned numFaceVertices( fnMesh.numFaceVertices() );

	if ( numPoints < 1 )
//		MGlobal::displayInfo( MString( "fnMesh: " ) + fnMesh.name() );
//		cerr << "Liquid : Could not export degenerate mesh '"<< fnMesh.fullPathName( &astatus ).asChar() << "'" << endl << flush;

  unsigned face = 0;
  unsigned faceVertex = 0;
  unsigned count;
  unsigned vertex;
  unsigned normal;
  float S;
  float T;
  MPoint point;
  liqTokenPointer pointsPointerPair;
  liqTokenPointer normalsPointerPair;
  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexSPointer;
  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexTPointer;

  // Allocate memory and tokens
  numFaces = numFaces;
  nverts = shared_array< liqInt >( new liqInt[ numFaces ] );
  verts = shared_array< liqInt >( new liqInt[ numFaceVertices ] );

  pointsPointerPair.set( "P", rPoint, numPoints );
  pointsPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );

  if ( numNormals == numPoints ) 
    normalsPointerPair.set( "N", rNormal, numPoints );
    normalsPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
    normalsPointerPair.set( "N", rNormal, numFaceVertices );
    normalsPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );
  // uv
  std::vector<liqTokenPointer> UVSetsArray;
  UVSetsArray.reserve( 1 + extraUVSetNames.length() );

  liqTokenPointer currentUVSetUPtr;
  liqTokenPointer currentUVSetVPtr;
  liqTokenPointer currentUVSetNamePtr;
  liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsUPtr;
  liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsVPtr;
  liqTokenPointer extraUVSetsNamePtr;
	  currentUVSetUPtr.set( "s", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
	  currentUVSetUPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

	  currentUVSetVPtr.set( "t", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
	  currentUVSetVPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

	  currentUVSetNamePtr.set( "currentUVSet", rString, 1 );
	  currentUVSetNamePtr.setDetailType( rConstant );

	  if( numUVSets > 1 )
		  extraUVSetsUPtr.set( "u_uvSet", rFloat, numFaceVertices, numUVSets-1 );
		  extraUVSetsUPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  extraUVSetsVPtr.set( "v_uvSet", rFloat, numFaceVertices, numUVSets-1 );
		  extraUVSetsVPtr.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  extraUVSetsNamePtr.set( "extraUVSets", rString, numUVSets-1 );
		  extraUVSetsNamePtr.setDetailType( rConstant );
	  if ( numUVSets > 0 ) 
		liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexPointerPair;

		pFaceVertexPointerPair.set( "st", rFloat, numFaceVertices, 2 );
		pFaceVertexPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		UVSetsArray.push_back( pFaceVertexPointerPair );

		for ( unsigned j( 0 ); j<extraUVSetNames.length(); j++) 
		  liqTokenPointer pFaceVertexPointerPair;

		  pFaceVertexPointerPair.set( extraUVSetNames[j].asChar(), rFloat, numFaceVertices, 2 );
		  pFaceVertexPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  UVSetsArray.push_back( pFaceVertexPointerPair );

		if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshUVs ) 
		  // Match MTOR, which also outputs face-varying STs as well for some reason - Paul
		  // not anymore - Philippe
		  pFaceVertexSPointer.set( "u", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
		  pFaceVertexSPointer.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

		  pFaceVertexTPointer.set( "v", rFloat, numFaceVertices );
		  pFaceVertexTPointer.setDetailType( rFaceVarying );

  vertexParam = pointsPointerPair.getTokenFloatArray();
  normalParam = normalsPointerPair.getTokenFloatArray();

  // Read the mesh from Maya
  MFloatVectorArray normals;
  fnMesh.getNormals( normals );

  for ( MItMeshPolygon polyIt ( mesh ); polyIt.isDone() == false; polyIt.next() ) 
    count = polyIt.polygonVertexCount();
    nverts[face] = count;
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ )    // boucle sur les vertex de la face
      vertex = polyIt.vertexIndex( i );
      verts[faceVertex] = vertex;
      point = polyIt.point( i, MSpace::kObject );
      pointsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( vertex, point.x, point.y, point.z );
      normal = polyIt.normalIndex( i );

      if( numNormals == numPoints ) 
        normalsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( vertex, normals[normal].x, normals[normal].y, normals[normal].z );
        normalsPointerPair.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, normals[normal].x, normals[normal].y, normals[normal].z );

	  if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshAsRMSArrays )
		  for( j=0; j<numUVSets; j++ )
				  MString uvSetName = currentUVSetName;
				  // set uvSet name
				  currentUVSetNamePtr.setTokenString( 0, currentUVSetName.asChar() );
				  // set uv values
				  fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );

				  currentUVSetUPtr.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, S );
				  currentUVSetVPtr.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1-T );
				  MString uvSetName = extraUVSetNames[j-1];
				  // set uvSet name
				  extraUVSetsNamePtr.setTokenString( j-1, extraUVSetNames[j-1].asChar() );
				  // set uv values
				  fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );
				  extraUVSetsUPtr.setTokenFloat( (numFaceVertices*(j-1)) + faceVertex, S );
				  extraUVSetsVPtr.setTokenFloat( (numFaceVertices*(j-1)) + faceVertex, 1-T );
		  if ( numUVSets ) 
			  for( j=0; j<numUVSets; j++ )
				  MString uvSetName;
					  uvSetName = currentUVSetName;
					  uvSetName = extraUVSetNames[j-1];
				  fnMesh.getPolygonUV( face, i, S, T, &uvSetName );
				  UVSetsArray[j].setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 0, S );
				  UVSetsArray[j].setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1, 1-T );
				  //printf("V%d  %s : %f %f  =>  %f %f \n", i, uvSetName.asChar(), S, T, S, 1-T);

				  if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshUVs && j==0)
					  // Match MTOR, which always outputs face-varying STs as well for some reason - Paul
					  pFaceVertexSPointer.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, S );
					  pFaceVertexTPointer.setTokenFloat( faceVertex, 1-T );
      // printf( "[%d] faceVertex = %d  vertex = %d\n", i, faceVertex, vertex );

  // Add tokens to array and clean up after
  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pointsPointerPair );
  tokenPointerArray.push_back( normalsPointerPair );

	  tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetNamePtr );
	  tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetUPtr );
	  tokenPointerArray.push_back( currentUVSetVPtr );
	  if( numUVSets > 1 )
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsNamePtr );
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsUPtr );
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( extraUVSetsVPtr );
	  if( UVSetsArray.size() ) 
		  tokenPointerArray.insert( tokenPointerArray.end(), UVSetsArray.begin(), UVSetsArray.end() );

	  if( liqglo.liqglo_outputMeshUVs ) 
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pFaceVertexSPointer );
		  tokenPointerArray.push_back( pFaceVertexTPointer );

  addAdditionalSurfaceParameters( mesh );
Esempio n. 12
void dagPoseInfo::printDagPoseInfo(MObject& dagPoseNode, unsigned index)
// Description:
//   Given a dagPose and an index corresponding to a joint, print out
//   the matrix info for the joint.
// Return:
//	 None.
    MFnDependencyNode nDagPose(dagPoseNode);

    // construct plugs for this joints world and local matrices
    MObject aWorldMatrix = nDagPose.attribute("worldMatrix");
    MPlug pWorldMatrix(dagPoseNode,aWorldMatrix);

    MObject aMatrix = nDagPose.attribute("xformMatrix");
    MPlug pMatrix(dagPoseNode,aMatrix);

    // get and print the world matrix data
    MObject worldMatrix, xformMatrix;
    MStatus status = pWorldMatrix.getValue(worldMatrix);
    if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
        displayError("Problem retrieving world matrix.");
    } else {
        bool foundMatrix = 0;
        MFnMatrixData dMatrix(worldMatrix);
        MMatrix wMatrix = dMatrix.matrix(&status);
        if (MS::kSuccess == status) {
            foundMatrix = 1;
            unsigned jj,kk;
            for (jj = 0; jj < 4; ++jj) {
                for (kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk) {
                    double val = wMatrix(jj,kk);
                    fprintf(file,"%f ",val);
        if (!foundMatrix) {
            displayError("Error getting world matrix data.");

    // get and print the local matrix data
    status = pMatrix.getValue(xformMatrix);
    if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
        displayError("Problem retrieving xform matrix.");
    } else {
        bool foundMatrix = 0;
        MFnMatrixData dMatrix(xformMatrix);
        if (dMatrix.isTransformation()) {
            MTransformationMatrix xform = dMatrix.transformation(&status);
            if (MS::kSuccess == status) {
                foundMatrix = 1;
                MMatrix xformAsMatrix = xform.asMatrix();
                unsigned jj,kk;
                for (jj = 0; jj < 4; ++jj) {
                    for (kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk) {
                        double val = xformAsMatrix(jj,kk);
                        fprintf(file,"%f ",val);
        if (!foundMatrix) {
            displayError("Error getting local matrix data.");
// Purpose: Export the specified bits of the maya scene into the specified file
// Input  : mArgDatabase	The command line arguments as passed
// Output : MS::kSuccess if ok, MS::kFailure otherwise
MStatus CVstSmdIOCmd::DoImport(
	const MArgDatabase &mArgDatabase )
	MString optFilename;
	if ( mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptFilename, 0, optFilename ) != MS::kSuccess || optFilename.length() == 0 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "No filename specified for import" );
		return MS::kFailure;

	MString optGame;
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptGame ) )
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptGame, 0, optGame );

	MString optTextureArchive;
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptTextureArchive ) )
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptTextureArchive, 0, optTextureArchive );

	CQcData qcData;
	char fullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !_fullpath( fullPath, optFilename.asChar(), sizeof( fullPath ) ) )
		strncpy( fullPath, optFilename.asChar(), sizeof( fullPath ) );
	qcData.GetQcData( fullPath );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptUpAxis ) )
		MString upAxis;
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptUpAxis, 0, upAxis );
		switch ( *upAxis.asChar() )
		case 'x':
		case 'X':
			qcData.m_upAxis = 0;
		case 'y':
		case 'Y':
			qcData.m_upAxis = 1;
		case 'z':
		case 'Z':
			qcData.m_upAxis = 2;

	CSmdImport smdImport( optGame.asChar(), optTextureArchive.asChar() );
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptImportSkeleton ) && !mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptImportSkeleton, 0, smdImport.m_optImportSkeleton );
	smdImport.SetNodeAddPrefix( GetNodeAddPrefix( mArgDatabase ) );
	smdImport.SetNodeDelPrefix( GetNodeDelPrefix( mArgDatabase ) );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptImportType ) )
		MString optImportType;
		if ( mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptImportType, 0, optImportType ) && (
			*optImportType.asChar() == 'a' || *optImportType.asChar() == 'A' ||
			*optImportType.asChar() == 's' || *optImportType.asChar() == 'S' ) )
			MSelectionList mSelectionList;
			mArgDatabase.getObjects( mSelectionList );
			MDagPath rootDagPath;
			if ( mSelectionList.length() && mSelectionList.getDagPath( 0, rootDagPath ) )
				return smdImport.ImportAnimation( optFilename.asChar(), rootDagPath, qcData, m_undo );
				merr << "Cannot import animation without the root of the skeleton is selected or specified" << std::endl;
				return MS::kFailure;

	MTransformationMatrix topLevel;

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptOrigin ) )
		MVector o;
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptOrigin, 0, o.x );
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptOrigin, 1, o.y );
		mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptOrigin, 2, o.z );

		topLevel.setTranslation( o, MSpace::kObject );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptAngles ) )
		MVector a;
		if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
			// The angles are specified in Yaw Pitch Roll order ( YZX )
			// but they're still an XYZ rotation
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 0, a.y );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 1, a.z );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 2, a.x );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 0, a.x );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 1, a.y );
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgument( kOptAngles, 2, a.z );

		const MEulerRotation e( a.x / 180.0 * M_PI, a.y / 180.0 * M_PI, a.z / 180.0 * M_PI, MEulerRotation::kXYZ );
		topLevel.rotateBy( e.asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
		if ( qcData.m_upAxis == 1U )
			topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( 90.0 / 180.0 * M_PI, 0.0, 90.0 / 180.0 * M_PI ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
			topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 / 180.0 * M_PI ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
		switch ( qcData.m_upAxis )
		case 0U:	// X Up
			if ( MGlobal::isYAxisUp() )
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( -M_PI / 2.0, M_PI / 2.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( 0.0, M_PI / 2.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
		case 1U:	// Y Up
			if ( MGlobal::isZAxisUp() )
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( M_PI / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );
		case 2U:	// Z Up
			if ( MGlobal::isYAxisUp() )
				topLevel.rotateBy( MEulerRotation( -M_PI / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).asQuaternion(), MSpace::kObject );

	MDagPath mDagPath( smdImport.DoIt( optFilename.asChar(), qcData, topLevel, m_undo ) );

	if ( mDagPath.isValid() && mDagPath.length() )
		if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptVmf ) )
			MFnNumericAttribute nFn;
			MObject aObj( nFn.create( "yUp", "yUp", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false ) );
			MDagPath sDagPath( mDagPath );
			sDagPath.extendToShapeDirectlyBelow( 0 );
			m_undo.DagModifier().addAttribute( sDagPath.node(), aObj );
			MPlug aP( sDagPath.node(), aObj );

			if ( qcData.m_upAxis == 1U )
				aP.setValue( true );
				aP.setValue( false );


		MGlobal::select( mDagPath, MObject::kNullObj, MGlobal::kReplaceList );
		setResult( mDagPath.partialPathName() );

		return MS::kSuccess;


	return MS::kFailure;
Esempio n. 14
 * Description:   Deform the point using the Sederberg-Parry FFD algorithm.
 * Arguments:
 *  block       : the datablock of the node
 *  iter        : an iterator for the geometry to be deformed
 *  m           : matrix to transform the point into world space
 *  multiIndex  : the index of the geometry that we are deforming
MStatus ffdPlanar::deform( MDataBlock& block,
                          MItGeometry& iter,
                          const MMatrix& /*m*/,
                          unsigned int multiIndex )
    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
    // Determine the displacement lattice points.
    MDataHandle row1Data = block.inputValue( latticeRow1, &status );
    MCheckErr( status, "Error getting r1 data handle\n" );
    MVector row1Vector = row1Data.asVector();
    MDataHandle row2Data = block.inputValue( latticeRow2, &status );
    MCheckErr( status, "Error getting r2 data handle\n" );
    MVector row2Vector = row2Data.asVector();
    MDataHandle row3Data = block.inputValue( latticeRow3, &status );
    MCheckErr( status, "Error getting r3 data\n" );
    MVector row3Vector = row3Data.asVector();

    // Determine the envelope (this is a global scale factor for the deformer).
    MDataHandle envData = block.inputValue(envelope,&status);
    MCheckErr(status, "Error getting envelope data handle\n");
    float env = envData.asFloat();
    // Generate the FFD lattice.
    MVector lattice[FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_S][FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_T][FFD_LATTICE_POINTS_U] = { // Since dimensions known ahead of time, generate array now.
        { // x = 0
            { MVector(0.f, row1Vector.x, 0.f), MVector(0.f, row1Vector.y, .5f), MVector(0.f, row1Vector.z, 1.f) }, // y = 0
        { // x = 1
            { MVector(.5f, row2Vector.x, 0.f), MVector(.5f, row2Vector.y, .5f), MVector(.5f, row2Vector.z, 1.f) }, // y = 0
        { // x = 2
            { MVector(1.f, row3Vector.x, 0.f), MVector(1.f, row3Vector.y, .5f), MVector(1.f, row3Vector.z, 1.f) }, // y = 0
    MBoundingBox boundingBox;
    status = getBoundingBox( block, multiIndex, boundingBox );
    MCheckErr( status, "Error getting bounding box\n" );
    MTransformationMatrix transform = getXyzToStuTransformation( boundingBox );
    MMatrix transformMatrix = transform.asMatrix();
    MMatrix inverseMatrix = transform.asMatrixInverse();
    // Iterate through each point in the geometry.
    for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() )
        MPoint pt = iter.position();
        MPoint ptStu = pt * transformMatrix;
        MPoint deformed = getDeformedPoint( ptStu, lattice ) * inverseMatrix;

        if ( env != 1.f )
            MVector diff = deformed - pt;
            deformed = pt + env * diff;
        iter.setPosition( deformed );
    return status;
Esempio n. 15
File: utils.cpp Progetto: JT-a/USD
/* static */
        const MBoundingBox& bounds,
        const GfVec4f& color,
        const MMatrix& worldViewMat,
        const MMatrix& projectionMat)
    static const GfVec3f cubeLineVertices[24] = {
        // Vertical edges
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f),
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),

        GfVec3f(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f),
        GfVec3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),

        GfVec3f(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f),
        GfVec3f(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f),

        GfVec3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f),
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f),

        // Top face edges
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
        GfVec3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),

        GfVec3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
        GfVec3f(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f),

        GfVec3f(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f),
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f),

        GfVec3f(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f),
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),

        // Bottom face edges
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f),
        GfVec3f(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f),

        GfVec3f(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f),
        GfVec3f(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f),

        GfVec3f(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f),
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f),

        GfVec3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f),
        GfVec3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f),

    static const std::string vertexShaderSource(
        "#version 140\n"
        "in vec3 position;\n"
        "uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;\n"
        "void main()\n"
        "    gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0) * mvpMatrix;\n"

    static const std::string fragmentShaderSource(
        "#version 140\n"
        "uniform vec4 color;\n"
        "out vec4 outColor;\n"
        "void main()\n"
        "    outColor = color;\n"

    PxrMayaGLSLProgram renderBoundsProgram;

    if (!renderBoundsProgram.CompileShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
                                           vertexShaderSource)) {
        MGlobal::displayError("Failed to compile bounding box vertex shader");
        return false;

    if (!renderBoundsProgram.CompileShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,
                                           fragmentShaderSource)) {
        MGlobal::displayError("Failed to compile bounding box fragment shader");
        return false;

    if (!renderBoundsProgram.Link()) {
        MGlobal::displayError("Failed to link bounding box render program");
        return false;

    if (!renderBoundsProgram.Validate()) {
        MGlobal::displayError("Failed to validate bounding box render program");
        return false;

    GLuint renderBoundsProgramId = renderBoundsProgram.GetProgramId();


    // Populate an array buffer with the cube line vertices.
    GLuint cubeLinesVBO;
    glGenBuffers(1, &cubeLinesVBO);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cubeLinesVBO);

    // Create a transformation matrix from the bounding box's center and
    // dimensions.
    MTransformationMatrix bboxTransformMatrix = MTransformationMatrix::identity;
    bboxTransformMatrix.setTranslation(bounds.center(), MSpace::kTransform);
    const double scales[3] = { bounds.width(), bounds.height(), bounds.depth() };
    bboxTransformMatrix.setScale(scales, MSpace::kTransform);

    const MMatrix mvpMatrix =
        bboxTransformMatrix.asMatrix() * worldViewMat * projectionMat;

    GLfloat mvpMatrixArray[4][4];

    // Populate the shader variables.
    GLuint mvpMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(renderBoundsProgramId, "mvpMatrix");
    glUniformMatrix4fv(mvpMatrixLocation, 1, GL_TRUE, &mvpMatrixArray[0][0]);

    GLuint colorLocation = glGetUniformLocation(renderBoundsProgramId, "color");
    glUniform4fv(colorLocation, 1, color.data());

    // Enable the position attribute and draw.
    glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
    glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, sizeof(cubeLineVertices));

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
    glDeleteBuffers(1, &cubeLinesVBO);


    return true;
void AppleseedRenderer::defineLights()
	MStatus stat;
	MFnDependencyNode rGlNode(getRenderGlobalsNode());
	// first get the globals node and serach for a directional light connection
	MObject coronaGlobals = getRenderGlobalsNode();
	std::shared_ptr<RenderGlobals> renderGlobals = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldRenderGlobalsPtr;
	std::shared_ptr<MayaScene> mayaScene = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->worldScenePtr;

	for (auto mobj : mayaScene->lightList)
		std::shared_ptr<mtap_MayaObject> obj(std::static_pointer_cast<mtap_MayaObject>(mobj));
		if (!obj->visible)

		if (isSunLight(obj->mobject))

		asr::Assembly *lightAssembly = getCreateObjectAssembly(obj.get());

		MFnDependencyNode depFn(obj->mobject);
		asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light> light;

		if (obj->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kPointLight))
			bool cast_indirect_light = getBoolAttr("mtap_cast_indirect_light", depFn, true);
			float importance_multiplier = getFloatAttr("mtap_importance_multiplier", depFn, 1.0f);
			MColor col = getColorAttr("color", depFn);
			float intensity = getFloatAttr("intensity", depFn, 1.0f);
			MString colorAttribute = obj->shortName + "_intensity";
			defineColor(colorAttribute, col, intensity);
			int decay = getEnumInt("decayRate", depFn);
			light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
					.insert("intensity", colorAttribute)
					.insert("intensity_multiplier", intensity)
					.insert("importance_multiplier", importance_multiplier)
					.insert("cast_indirect_light", cast_indirect_light)
		if (obj->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kSpotLight))
			// redefinition because it is possible that this value is textured
			bool cast_indirect_light = getBoolAttr("mtap_cast_indirect_light", depFn, true);
			float importance_multiplier = getFloatAttr("mtap_importance_multiplier", depFn, 1.0f);
			MColor col = getColorAttr("color", depFn);
			float intensity = getFloatAttr("intensity", depFn, 1.0f);
			MString colorAttribute = obj->shortName + "_intensity";
			defineColor(colorAttribute, col, intensity);
			Logging::debug(MString("Creating spotLight: ") + depFn.name());
			float coneAngle = getDegree("coneAngle", depFn);
			float penumbraAngle = getDegree("penumbraAngle", depFn);
			float inner_angle = coneAngle;
			float outer_angle = coneAngle + penumbraAngle;

			light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
					.insert("radiance", colorAttribute)
						.insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity)
						.insert("inner_angle", inner_angle)
						.insert("outer_angle", outer_angle)
						.insert("importance_multiplier", importance_multiplier)
						.insert("cast_indirect_light", cast_indirect_light)
		if (obj->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kDirectionalLight))
			bool cast_indirect_light = getBoolAttr("mtap_cast_indirect_light", depFn, true);
			float importance_multiplier = getFloatAttr("mtap_importance_multiplier", depFn, 1.0f);
			MVector lightDir(0, 0, -1);
			MVector lightDirTangent(1, 0, 0);
			MVector lightDirBiTangent(0, 1, 0);
			MColor col = getColorAttr("color", depFn);
			float intensity = getFloatAttr("intensity", depFn, 1.0f);
			MString colorAttribute = obj->shortName + "_intensity";
			defineColor(colorAttribute, col, intensity);

			if( isSunLight(obj->mobject))
				//Logging::debug(MString("Found sunlight."));
				//light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
				//	asr::SunLightFactory().create(
				//	"sunLight",
				//	asr::ParamArray()
				//		.insert("environment_edf", "sky_edf")
				//		.insert("turbidity", renderGlobals->sunTurbidity)
				//		.insert("radiance_multiplier", renderGlobals->sunExitanceMultiplier * intensity / 30.0f)
				//		));
				light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
						.insert("irradiance", colorAttribute)
						.insert("irradiance_multiplier", intensity)
						.insert("importance_multiplier", importance_multiplier)
						.insert("cast_indirect_light", cast_indirect_light)

		if (obj->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kAreaLight))
			MString areaLightName = obj->fullNiceName;
			asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::MeshObject> plane = defineStandardPlane();
			MayaObject *assemblyObject = getAssemblyMayaObject(obj.get());
			asr::Assembly *ass = getCreateObjectAssembly(obj.get());
			asr::MeshObject *meshPtr = (asr::MeshObject *)ass->objects().get_by_name(areaLightName.asChar());
			MString objectInstanceName = getObjectInstanceName(obj.get());
			MMatrix assemblyObjectMatrix = assemblyObject->dagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
			// rotate the defalt up pointing standard plane by 90 degree to match the area light direction
			MTransformationMatrix tm;
			double rotate90Deg[3] = { -M_PI_2, 0, 0 };
			tm.setRotation(rotate90Deg, MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ);
			MMatrix objectMatrix = tm.asMatrix();
			MMatrix diffMatrix = objectMatrix;// *assemblyObjectMatrix;
			asf::Matrix4d appleMatrix;
			MMatrixToAMatrix(diffMatrix, appleMatrix);

			MString areaLightMaterialName = areaLightName + "_material";

			MString physicalSurfaceName = areaLightName + "_physical_surface_shader";
			MString areaLightColorName = areaLightName + "_color";
			MString edfName = areaLightName + "_edf";
			asr::ParamArray edfParams;
			MString lightColor = lightColorAsString(depFn);
			MColor color = getColorAttr("color", depFn);
			defineColor(areaLightColorName, color, getFloatAttr("intensity", depFn, 1.0f));
			edfParams.insert("radiance", areaLightColorName.asChar());
			//edfParams.insert("radiance_multiplier", getFloatAttr("intensity", depFn, 1.0f));

			asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::EDF> edf = asr::DiffuseEDFFactory().create(edfName.asChar(), edfParams);

				.insert("surface_shader", physicalSurfaceName.asChar())
				.insert("edf", edfName.asChar())));

			asr::ParamArray objInstanceParamArray;
			addVisibilityFlags(obj, objInstanceParamArray);

				.insert("slot0", areaLightMaterialName.asChar()),
				.insert("slot0", "default")));

		if ( light.get() != nullptr)
	//std::shared_ptr<MayaObject> mlight = obj;
	//asf::Matrix4d appMatrix = asf::Matrix4d::identity();
	//Logging::debug(MString("Creating light: ") + mlight->shortName);
	//MMatrix colMatrix = mlight->transformMatrices[0];
	//this->MMatrixToAMatrix(colMatrix, appMatrix);

	//MFnLight lightFn(mlight->mobject, &stat);
	//if( !stat )
	//	Logging::error(MString("Could not get light info from ") + mlight->shortName);
	//	return;

	//float intensity = 1.0f;
	//getFloat(MString("intensity"), lightFn, intensity);
	//intensity *= 100 * this->renderGlobals->sceneScale;

	//// multiplier 30 was the default value in the example
	//MString colorAttribute = this->defineColor(lightFn, MString("color"), "srgb", 1.0f);

	//asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light> light;
	//if( mlight->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kSpotLight))
	//	// redefinition because it is possible that this value is textured
	//	colorAttribute = defineColorAttributeWithTexture(lightFn, MString("color"), 1.0f);
	//	Logging::debug(MString("Creating spotLight: ") + lightFn.name());
	//	float coneAngle = 45.0f;
	//	float penumbraAngle = 3.0f;
	//	getFloat(MString("coneAngle"), lightFn, coneAngle);
	//	getFloat(MString("penumbraAngle"), lightFn, penumbraAngle);
	//	coneAngle = (float)RadToDeg(coneAngle);
	//	penumbraAngle = (float)RadToDeg(penumbraAngle);
	//	float inner_angle = coneAngle;
	//	float outer_angle = coneAngle + penumbraAngle;

	//	if( !update )
	//	{
	//		light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
	//			asr::SpotLightFactory().create(
	//				mlight->shortName.asChar(),
	//				asr::ParamArray()
	//					.insert("radiance", colorAttribute.asChar())
	//					.insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity)
	//					.insert("inner_angle", inner_angle)
	//					.insert("outer_angle", outer_angle)
	//					));

	//		ass->lights().insert(light);		
	//	}else{
	//		asr::Light *pLight = ass->lights().get_by_name(obj->shortName.asChar());
	//		pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance", colorAttribute.asChar());
	//		pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity);
	//		pLight->get_parameters().insert("inner_angle", inner_angle);
	//		pLight->get_parameters().insert("outer_angle", outer_angle);
	//	}
	//if( mlight->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kDirectionalLight))
	//	if( !update )
	//	{
	//		if( this->isSunLight(mlight))
	//		{
	//			Logging::debug(MString("Found sunlight."));
	//			light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
	//				asr::SunLightFactory().create(
	//				"sunLight",
	//				asr::ParamArray()
	//					.insert("environment_edf", "sky_edf")
	//					.insert("turbidity", renderGlobals->sunTurbidity)
	//					.insert("radiance_multiplier", renderGlobals->sunExitanceMultiplier * intensity / 30.0f)
	//					));
	//		}else{
	//			light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
	//				asr::DirectionalLightFactory().create(
	//					mlight->shortName.asChar(),
	//					asr::ParamArray()
	//						.insert("radiance", colorAttribute.asChar())
	//						.insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity)
	//						));
	//		}
	//		ass->lights().insert(light);
	//	}else{
	//		asr::Light *pLight = ass->lights().get_by_name(obj->shortName.asChar());
	//		if( this->isSunLight(mlight))
	//		{
	//			pLight->get_parameters().insert("environment_edf", "sky_edf");
	//			pLight->get_parameters().insert("turbidity", renderGlobals->sunTurbidity);
	//			pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance_multiplier", renderGlobals->sunExitanceMultiplier * intensity / 30.0f);
	//		}else{
	//			pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance", colorAttribute.asChar());
	//			pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity);
	//		}
	//	}

	//if( mlight->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kPointLight))

	//	if( !update )
	//	{
	//		light = asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::Light>(
	//			asr::PointLightFactory().create(
	//				mlight->shortName.asChar(),
	//				asr::ParamArray()
	//					.insert("radiance", colorAttribute.asChar())
	//					.insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity)
	//					));
	//		ass->lights().insert(light);
	//	}else{
	//		asr::Light *pLight = ass->lights().get_by_name(obj->shortName.asChar());
	//		pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance", colorAttribute.asChar());
	//		pLight->get_parameters().insert("radiance_multiplier", intensity);
	//	}
Esempio n. 17
MStatus buildRotation::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus returnStatus;
	if ((plug == rotate) || (plug.parent() == rotate) || (plug == rotateMatrix)) {
		MDataHandle upData = data.inputValue( up, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr(returnStatus,"ERROR getting up vector data");

		MDataHandle forwardData = data.inputValue( forward, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr(returnStatus,"ERROR getting forward vector data");

		MVector up = upData.asVector();
		MVector forward = forwardData.asVector();

		// Make sure that the up and forward vectors are orthogonal
		if ( fabs( up * forward ) > EPSILON ) {
			// Non-zero dot product
			MVector orthoVec = up ^ forward;
			MVector newForward = orthoVec ^ up;
			if ( forward * newForward < 0.0 ) {
				// Reverse the vector
				newForward *= -1.0;
			forward = newForward;

		// Calculate the rotation required to align the y-axis with the up
		// vector
		MTransformationMatrix firstRot;
		MVector rotAxis = MVector::yAxis ^ up;
		firstRot.setToRotationAxis( rotAxis, MVector::yAxis.angle( up ) );
		// Calculate the second rotation required to align the forward vector
		MTransformationMatrix secondRot;
		MVector transformedForward = firstRot.asMatrix() * forward;
		double angle = transformedForward.angle( MVector::zAxis );
		if ( transformedForward.x < 0.0 ) {
			// Compensate for the fact that the angle method returns
			// the absolute value
			angle *= -1.0;
		secondRot.setToRotationAxis( up, angle );

		// Get the requested rotation order
		MDataHandle orderHandle = data.inputValue( rotateOrder );
		short order = orderHandle.asShort();
		MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder rotOrder;
		switch ( order ) {
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kYZX; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kZXY; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXZY; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kYXZ; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kZYX; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kInvalid; break;

		MTransformationMatrix result = firstRot.asMatrix() * secondRot.asMatrix();
		result.reorderRotation( rotOrder );

		double rotation[3];
		result.getRotation( rotation, rotOrder, MSpace::kTransform );
		MDataHandle outputRot = data.outputValue( rotate );
		outputRot.set( rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2] );

		MDataHandle outputMatrix = data.outputValue( rotateMatrix );
		outputMatrix.set( result.asMatrix() );
	} else
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 18
MStatus SklWriter::dumpData()
    MStatus status;
    MDagPath dag_path;
    MFnIkJoint fn_joint;

    // MItDag::kDepthFirst used to assure hierarchical order :)
    MItDag it_dag(MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kJoint, &status);
    if (status != MStatus::kSuccess)
        FAILURE("SklWriter: MItDag::MItDag()");

    int num_joints = 0;
    for (; !it_dag.isDone(); it_dag.next())
        SklBone bone;
        MString jointName = fn_joint.name();
        strcpy_s(bone.name, SklBone::kNameLen, jointName.asChar());
        MQuaternion rotation, axe;
        axe = fn_joint.rotateOrientation(MSpace::kTransform);
        fn_joint.getRotation(rotation, MSpace::kWorld); // since it's kWorld it will get orientation too.
        rotation = axe * rotation; // but care the devil in the details :)
        MVector translation = fn_joint.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);
        MTransformationMatrix transform;
        transform.setRotationQuaternion(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w, MSpace::kWorld);
        transform.setTranslation(translation, MSpace::kWorld);
        MMatrix mat = transform.asMatrix();
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                bone.transform[j][k] = static_cast<float>(mat[j][k]);
    data_.num_bones = num_joints;

    // parenting bones
    for (int i = 0; i < num_joints; i++)
        if (fn_joint.parentCount() == 1 && fn_joint.parent(0).apiType() == MFn::kJoint)
            MFnIkJoint fnParentJoint(fn_joint.parent(0));
            int j = 0;
            for (; j < num_joints; j++)
                if (dag_path == data_.joints[j])
                    data_.bones[i].parent = j;
            if (j == num_joints)
                FAILURE("SklWriter: parent is not upper in hierarchy ? .. oO");
            data_.bones[i].parent = -1;

    return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 19
MStatus sgBDataCmd_key::writeData( bool exportByMatrix )
	MStatus status;
	double dTime  = MAnimControl::currentTime().value();

	if( exportByMatrix )
		for( unsigned int i=0; i<m_pathArrExport.length(); i++ )
			m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrTime.append( dTime );
			MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].oTargetNode );

			if( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].numAttr == 0 )
			if( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].numAttr == 1 )
				MPlug plug = fnNode.findPlug( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].namesAttribute[0] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( plug.asDouble() );
				if( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].numAttr == 10 )
					MPlug plug = fnNode.findPlug( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].namesAttribute[0] );
					m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( plug.asDouble() );

				MDagPath dagPath;
				dagPath.getAPathTo( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].oTargetNode, dagPath );

				MTransformationMatrix trMtx = dagPath.inclusiveMatrix() * dagPath.exclusiveMatrixInverse();
				MVector trans   = trMtx.translation( MSpace::kTransform );
				double rotValues[3] ={0,0,0};
				MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder order = MTransformationMatrix::kZXY;
				trMtx.getRotation( rotValues, order, MSpace::kTransform );
				double scales[3];
				trMtx.getScale( scales, MSpace::kTransform );

				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( trans.x );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( trans.y );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( trans.z );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( rotValues[0] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( rotValues[1] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( rotValues[2] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( scales[0] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( scales[1] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( scales[2] );
		for( unsigned int i=0; i<m_pathArrExport.length(); i++ )
			m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrTime.append( dTime );
			MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].oTargetNode );

			for( unsigned int j=0; j< m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].numAttr; j++ )
				MPlug plug = fnNode.findPlug( m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].namesAttribute[j] );
				m_objectKeyDatasExport[i].dArrValuesArray.append( plug.asDouble() );

	return MS::kSuccess;
void GlobalComponent::updateComponent(MDGModifier & dgMod,bool forceUpdate, bool globalPos) {
    MStatus status;
    if( !this->m_metaDataNode.isNull() ) {
        //get the rig name
        MFnDependencyNode metaDataNodeFn( m_metaDataNode );
        MString metaNodeName = metaDataNodeFn.name();
        MStringArray nameArray;
        metaNodeName.split('_', nameArray);
        MString rigName = nameArray[1];
        //get the controller name
        MString controllerName = nameArray[2];
        MString compXmlName = this->m_pCompGuide->getName();
        //update names of component objects
        if( rigName != this->m_rigName || controllerName != compXmlName ) {
            //set the metadata node name
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(metaNodeName, rigName, this->m_rigName);
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(metaNodeName, controllerName, this->m_pCompGuide->getName());
            //set controller object name
            MObject globalCtlObj;
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(this->m_metaDataNode, globalCtlObj, "controller");
            MFnDependencyNode globalCtlFn( globalCtlObj );
            MString globalCtlName = globalCtlFn.name();
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(globalCtlName, rigName, this->m_rigName);
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(globalCtlName, controllerName, this->m_pCompGuide->getName());
            //set controller group object name
            MObject globalCtlGroupObj;
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(this->m_metaDataNode, globalCtlGroupObj, "controllerGroup");
            MFnDependencyNode globalCtlGroupFn( globalCtlGroupObj );
            MString globalCtlGroupName = globalCtlGroupFn.name();
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(globalCtlGroupName, rigName, this->m_rigName);
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(globalCtlGroupName, controllerName, this->m_pCompGuide->getName());
            //set rigParentConstraint object name
            MObject rigParentConstraintObj;
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(this->m_metaDataNode, rigParentConstraintObj, "rigParentConstraint");
            MFnDependencyNode rigParentConstraintFn( rigParentConstraintObj );
            MString rigParentConstraintName = rigParentConstraintFn.name();
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(rigParentConstraintName, rigName, this->m_rigName);
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(rigParentConstraintName, controllerName, this->m_pCompGuide->getName());
            //set rigScaleConstraint object name
            MObject rigScaleConstraintObj;
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(this->m_metaDataNode, rigScaleConstraintObj, "rigScaleConstraint");
            MFnDependencyNode rigScaleConstraintFn( rigScaleConstraintObj );
            MString rigScaleConstraintName = rigScaleConstraintFn.name();
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(rigScaleConstraintName, rigName, this->m_rigName);
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(rigScaleConstraintName, controllerName, this->m_pCompGuide->getName());
            //set noTransformScaleConstraint object name
            MObject noTransformScaleConstraintObj;
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(this->m_metaDataNode, noTransformScaleConstraintObj, "noTransformScaleConstraint");
            MFnDependencyNode noTransformScaleConstraintFn( noTransformScaleConstraintObj );
            MString noTransformScaleConstraintName = noTransformScaleConstraintFn.name();
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(noTransformScaleConstraintName, rigName, this->m_rigName);
            lrutils::stringReplaceAll(noTransformScaleConstraintName, controllerName, this->m_pCompGuide->getName());
        //update component settings, if the version increment is raised
        //or force update is true
        MPlug versionPlug = metaDataNodeFn.findPlug( "version" );
        float nodeVersion; 
        if( (this->m_pCompGuide->getVersion() > nodeVersion) || forceUpdate ) {
            versionPlug.setValue( this->m_pCompGuide->getVersion() );
            //make a new controller object based upon the xml settings    
            GlobalComponentGuidePtr globalGuide = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GlobalComponentGuide>(this->m_pCompGuide);
            MString ctlColor = globalGuide->getColor();
            MString ctlIcon = globalGuide->getIcon();

            MGlobal::executeCommand( "python(\"control = rig101().rig101WCGetByName('" + ctlIcon + "')\");" );
            MGlobal::executeCommand( "python(\"Utils.setControllerColor(control, '" + ctlColor + "')\");" );
            MCommandResult res;
            MGlobal::executeCommand( MString("python(\"control.fullPath()\");"), res );        
            MString sResult;
            MObject ctlObj;
            MStatus status = lrutils::getObjFromName(sResult, ctlObj);
            MyCheckStatus(status, "lrutils::getObjFromName() failed");
            //apply the scale of the controller location to the new shape
            MVectorArray ctlLocation = this->m_pCompGuide->getLocation(0);
            MFnTransform ctlFn( ctlObj );
            lrutils::setLocation(ctlObj, ctlLocation, MFnTransform::MFnTransform(), false, false, true);

            //get the global transforms of the controller for all keyframes and save them for later use
            MObject oldCtlObj;
            status = lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection( this->m_metaDataNode, oldCtlObj, "controller" );
            MyCheckStatus(status, "getMetaNodeConnection() failed");
            MFnTransform oldCtlFn( oldCtlObj );
            std::map<double, MMatrix> oldCtlWorldMatrices;
            if(globalPos) {
                status = lrutils::getAllWorldTransforms(oldCtlObj, oldCtlWorldMatrices);
                MyCheckStatus(status, "lrutils::getAllWorldTransforms() failed");

            //get the shape node of the original controller object
            MStringArray sResults;
            MGlobal::executeCommand( "listRelatives -s -fullPath "+oldCtlFn.name()+";", sResults );
            MString oldCtlShapePath = sResults[0];
            MGlobal::executeCommand( "listRelatives -s -path "+oldCtlFn.name()+";", sResults );
            MString oldCtlShapeName = sResults[0];
            MObject oldCtlShapeObj; lrutils::getObjFromName(oldCtlShapePath, oldCtlShapeObj);
            //delete the old shape node
            MGlobal::deleteNode( oldCtlShapeObj );
            //get the new shape node
            MGlobal::executeCommand( "listRelatives -s -fullPath "+ctlFn.name()+";", sResults );
            MString ctlShapePath = sResults[0];
            MObject ctlShapeObj; lrutils::getObjFromName(ctlShapePath, ctlShapeObj);
            //instance the new shape node under the old controller node
            MString command = "parent -s -add " + ctlShapePath + " " + oldCtlFn.name() + ";";
            MGlobal::executeCommand( command );
            MFnDependencyNode ctlShapeFn( ctlShapeObj );
            ctlShapeFn.setName( oldCtlShapeName );
            //set the old controller group translation to the new location
            MObject oldCtlGroupObj;
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection( this->m_metaDataNode, oldCtlGroupObj, "controllerGroup" );
            MFnTransform oldCtlGroupFn( oldCtlGroupObj );
            //save the original old controller position
            MTransformationMatrix oldXForm = oldCtlGroupFn.transformation();
            lrutils::setLocation(oldCtlGroupObj, ctlLocation, oldCtlGroupFn, true, true, false);
            //compute the inverse transformation matrix of the old control group
            MTransformationMatrix oldCtlGrpXform = oldCtlGroupFn.transformation();
            MTransformationMatrix inverseXform = MTransformationMatrix(oldCtlGrpXform.asMatrixInverse());
            //set the target offset for the rigParentConstraint node
            lrutils::getMetaNodeConnection(this->m_metaDataNode, this->m_rigParentConstraint, "rigParentConstraint");
            lrutils::setParentConstraintOffset( this->m_rigParentConstraint, inverseXform );
            //delete the new controller transform
            MGlobal::deleteNode( ctlObj );
            //find the global transformation matrix of the controller group
            MDagPath groupPath;
            status = oldCtlGroupFn.getPath(groupPath);
            MyCheckStatus(status, "MFnDagNode.getPath() failed");
            MMatrix oldCtlGroupWorldMatrix = groupPath.inclusiveMatrix(&status);
            MyCheckStatus(status, "MDagPath.inclusiveMatrix() failed");
            if(globalPos) {
                //update the animation curves attached to the old controller
                lrutils::updateAnimCurves(oldCtlObj, oldCtlWorldMatrices, oldCtlGroupWorldMatrix);