Esempio n. 1
    static void SaveObject(Player* player, uint32 GObjectID, bool isHex, bool message = false)
        GameObject* object = GetObjectByGObjectID(player, GObjectID, isHex);
        if (!object)

        Map* map = player->GetMap();
        GameObject* saved = new GameObject;
        uint32 guidLow = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT);
        float x, y, z, o;
        object->GetPosition(x, y, z, o);
        if (!saved->Create(guidLow, object->GetEntry(), map, object->GetPhaseMask(), x, y, z, o, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GO_STATE_READY))
            delete saved;
        saved->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), object->GetPhaseMask());
        if (!saved->LoadGameObjectFromDB(guidLow, map))
            delete saved;
        sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(guidLow, sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow));

        DeleteObject(object/*, isHex ? GObjectID : 0*/); // delete old
        std::ostringstream ss;
            ss << "GOMOVE|SWAP|" << std::dec << GObjectID << std::dec << "||" << guidLow;
            ss << "GOMOVE|SWAP|" << "0x" << std::hex << GObjectID << std::dec << "||" << guidLow;
        SendAddonMessage(player, ss.str().c_str());
Esempio n. 2
    //add spawn of creature
    static bool HandleNpcAddCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;
        char* charID = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args,"Hcreature_entry");
        if (!charID)
            return false;

        char* team = strtok(NULL, " ");
        int32 teamval = 0;
        if (team) {
            teamval = atoi(team);
        if (teamval < 0) {
            teamval = 0;

        uint32 id  = atoi(charID);

        Player *chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
        float x = chr->GetPositionX();
        float y = chr->GetPositionY();
        float z = chr->GetPositionZ();
        float o = chr->GetOrientation();
        Map *map = chr->GetMap();

        if (chr->GetTransport())
            uint32 tguid = chr->GetTransport()->AddNPCPassenger(0, id, chr->GetTransOffsetX(), chr->GetTransOffsetY(), chr->GetTransOffsetZ(), chr->GetTransOffsetO());
            if (tguid > 0)
                WorldDatabase.PQuery("INSERT INTO creature_transport (guid, npc_entry, transport_entry,  TransOffsetX, TransOffsetY, TransOffsetZ, TransOffsetO) values (%u, %u, %f, %f, %f, %f, %u)", tguid, id, chr->GetTransport()->GetEntry(), chr->GetTransOffsetX(), chr->GetTransOffsetY(), chr->GetTransOffsetZ(), chr->GetTransOffsetO());

            return true;

        Creature* pCreature = new Creature;
        if (!pCreature->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), id, 0, (uint32)teamval, x, y, z, o))
            delete pCreature;
            return false;

        pCreature->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());

        uint32 db_guid = pCreature->GetDBTableGUIDLow();

        // To call _LoadGoods(); _LoadQuests(); CreateTrainerSpells();
        pCreature->LoadFromDB(db_guid, map);

        sObjectMgr->AddCreatureToGrid(db_guid, sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(db_guid));
        return true;
Esempio n. 3
    static bool HandleWpShowCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        // first arg: on, off, first, last
        char* show_str = strtok((char*)args, " ");
        if (!show_str)
            return false;

        // second arg: GUID (optional, if a creature is selected)
        char* guid_str = strtok((char*)NULL, " ");

        uint32 pathid = 0;
        Creature* target = handler->getSelectedCreature();

        // Did player provide a PathID?

        if (!guid_str)
            // No PathID provided
            // -> Player must have selected a creature

            if (!target)
                return false;

            pathid = target->GetWaypointPath();
            // PathID provided
            // Warn if player also selected a creature
            // -> Creature selection is ignored <-
            if (target)

            pathid = atoi((char*)guid_str);

        std::string show = show_str;
        uint32 Maxpoint;

        //handler->PSendSysMessage("wpshow - show: %s", show);

        // Show info for the selected waypoint
        if (show == "info")
            // Check if the user did specify a visual waypoint
            if (target->GetEntry() != VISUAL_WAYPOINT)
                return false;

            QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, point, delay, move_flag, action, action_chance FROM waypoint_data WHERE wpguid = %u", target->GetGUIDLow());

            if (!result)
                return true;

            handler->SendSysMessage("|cff00ffffDEBUG: wp show info:|r");
                Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                pathid                  = fields[0].GetUInt32();
                uint32 point            = fields[1].GetUInt32();
                uint32 delay            = fields[2].GetUInt32();
                uint32 flag             = fields[3].GetUInt32();
                uint32 ev_id            = fields[4].GetUInt32();
                uint32 ev_chance        = fields[5].GetUInt32();

                handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: for current point: |r|cff00ffff%u|r|cff00ff00, Path ID: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", point, pathid);
                handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: delay: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", delay);
                handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: Move flag: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", flag);
                handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: Waypoint event: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", ev_id);
                handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: Event chance: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", ev_chance);
            while (result->NextRow());

            return true;

        if (show == "on")
            QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT point, position_x, position_y, position_z FROM waypoint_data WHERE id = '%u'", pathid);

            if (!result)
                handler->SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffPath no found.|r");
                return false;

            handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp on, PathID: |cff00ffff%u|r", pathid);

            // Delete all visuals for this NPC
            QueryResult result2 = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT wpguid FROM waypoint_data WHERE id = '%u' and wpguid <> 0", pathid);

            if (result2)
                bool hasError = false;
                    Field* fields = result2->Fetch();
                    uint32 wpguid = fields[0].GetUInt32();
                    Creature* creature = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(MAKE_NEW_GUID(wpguid, VISUAL_WAYPOINT, HIGHGUID_UNIT));

                    if (!creature)
                        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTREMOVED, wpguid);
                        hasError = true;

                        PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_DEL_CREATURE);

                        stmt->setUInt32(0, wpguid);


                while (result2->NextRow());

                if (hasError)

                Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                uint32 point    = fields[0].GetUInt32();
                float x         = fields[1].GetFloat();
                float y         = fields[2].GetFloat();
                float z         = fields[3].GetFloat();

                uint32 id = VISUAL_WAYPOINT;

                Player* chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
                Map* map = chr->GetMap();
                float o = chr->GetOrientation();

                Creature* wpCreature = new Creature;
                if (!wpCreature->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), id, 0, 0, x, y, z, o))
                    handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_VP_NOTCREATED, id);
                    delete wpCreature;
                    return false;

                // Set "wpguid" column to the visual waypoint
                PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_WPGUID);

                stmt->setInt32(0, int32(wpCreature->GetGUIDLow()));
                stmt->setUInt32(1, pathid);
                stmt->setUInt32(2, point);


                wpCreature->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
                // To call _LoadGoods(); _LoadQuests(); CreateTrainerSpells();
                if (!wpCreature->LoadCreatureFromDB(wpCreature->GetDBTableGUIDLow(), map))
                    handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_VP_NOTCREATED, id);
                    delete wpCreature;
                    return false;

                if (target)
                    wpCreature->SetFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X, 0.5f);
                    wpCreature->SetLevel(point > STRONG_MAX_LEVEL ? STRONG_MAX_LEVEL : point);
            while (result->NextRow());

            handler->SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Showing the current creature's path.|r");
            return true;

        if (show == "first")
            handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp first, GUID: %u|r", pathid);

            QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z FROM waypoint_data WHERE point='1' AND id = '%u'", pathid);
            if (!result)
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTFOUND, pathid);
                return false;

            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            float x         = fields[0].GetFloat();
            float y         = fields[1].GetFloat();
            float z         = fields[2].GetFloat();
            uint32 id = VISUAL_WAYPOINT;

            Player* chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
            float o = chr->GetOrientation();
            Map* map = chr->GetMap();

            Creature* creature = new Creature;
            if (!creature->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), id, 0, 0, x, y, z, o))
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_VP_NOTCREATED, id);
                delete creature;
                return false;

            creature->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
            if (!creature->LoadCreatureFromDB(creature->GetDBTableGUIDLow(), map))
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_VP_NOTCREATED, id);
                delete creature;
                return false;

            if (target)
                creature->SetFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X, 0.5f);

            return true;

        if (show == "last")
            handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp last, PathID: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", pathid);

            QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT MAX(point) FROM waypoint_data WHERE id = '%u'", pathid);
            if (result)
                Maxpoint = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();
                Maxpoint = 0;

            result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation FROM waypoint_data WHERE point ='%u' AND id = '%u'", Maxpoint, pathid);
            if (!result)
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTFOUNDLAST, pathid);
                return false;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            float x = fields[0].GetFloat();
            float y = fields[1].GetFloat();
            float z = fields[2].GetFloat();
            float o = fields[3].GetFloat();
            uint32 id = VISUAL_WAYPOINT;

            Player* chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
            Map* map = chr->GetMap();

            Creature* creature = new Creature;
            if (!creature->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), id, 0, 0, x, y, z, o))
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTCREATED, id);
                delete creature;
                return false;

            creature->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
            if (!creature->LoadCreatureFromDB(creature->GetDBTableGUIDLow(), map))
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTCREATED, id);
                delete creature;
                return false;

            if (target)
                creature->SetFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X, 0.5f);

            return true;

        if (show == "off")
            QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid FROM creature WHERE id = '%u'", 1);
            if (!result)
                return false;
            bool hasError = false;
                Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32();
                Creature* creature = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(MAKE_NEW_GUID(guid, VISUAL_WAYPOINT, HIGHGUID_UNIT));
                if (!creature)
                    handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTREMOVED, guid);
                    hasError = true;

                    PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_DEL_CREATURE);

                    stmt->setUInt32(0, guid);

            while (result->NextRow());
            // set "wpguid" column to "empty" - no visual waypoint spawned
            PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WOLRD_UPD_ALL_WAYPOINT_DATA_WPGUID);

            //WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE creature_movement SET wpguid = '0' WHERE wpguid <> '0'");

            if (hasError)

            return true;

        handler->PSendSysMessage("|cffff33ffDEBUG: wpshow - no valid command found|r");
        return true;
Esempio n. 4
    static bool HandleWpModifyCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        // first arg: add del text emote spell waittime move
        char* show_str = strtok((char*)args, " ");
        if (!show_str)
            return false;

        std::string show = show_str;
        // Check
        // Remember: "show" must also be the name of a column!
        if ((show != "delay") && (show != "action") && (show != "action_chance")
            && (show != "move_flag") && (show != "del") && (show != "move") && (show != "wpadd")
            return false;

        // Next arg is: <PATHID> <WPNUM> <ARGUMENT>
        char* arg_str = NULL;

        // Did user provide a GUID
        // or did the user select a creature?
        // -> variable lowguid is filled with the GUID of the NPC
        uint32 pathid = 0;
        uint32 point = 0;
        uint32 wpGuid = 0;
        Creature* target = handler->getSelectedCreature();

        if (!target || target->GetEntry() != VISUAL_WAYPOINT)
            handler->SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: You must select a waypoint.|r");
            return false;

        // The visual waypoint
        wpGuid = target->GetGUIDLow();

        // User did select a visual waypoint?

        // Check the creature
        QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, point FROM waypoint_data WHERE wpguid = %u", wpGuid);

        if (!result)
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTFOUNDSEARCH, target->GetGUIDLow());
            // Select waypoint number from database
            // Since we compare float values, we have to deal with
            // some difficulties.
            // Here we search for all waypoints that only differ in one from 1 thousand
            // (0.001) - There is no other way to compare C++ floats with mySQL floats
            // See also:
            const char* maxDIFF = "0.01";
            result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, point FROM waypoint_data WHERE (abs(position_x - %f) <= %s) and (abs(position_y - %f) <= %s) and (abs(position_z - %f) <= %s)",
                target->GetPositionX(), maxDIFF, target->GetPositionY(), maxDIFF, target->GetPositionZ(), maxDIFF);
            if (!result)
                handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_NOTFOUNDDBPROBLEM, wpGuid);
                return true;

            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            pathid = fields[0].GetUInt32();
            point  = fields[1].GetUInt32();
        while (result->NextRow());

        // We have the waypoint number and the GUID of the "master npc"
        // Text is enclosed in "<>", all other arguments not
        arg_str = strtok((char*)NULL, " ");

        // Check for argument
        if (show != "del" && show != "move" && arg_str == NULL)
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_ARGUMENTREQ, show_str);
            return false;

        if (show == "del" && target)
            handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp modify del, PathID: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", pathid);

            // wpCreature
            Creature* wpCreature = NULL;

            if (wpGuid != 0)
                wpCreature = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(MAKE_NEW_GUID(wpGuid, VISUAL_WAYPOINT, HIGHGUID_UNIT));

            PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_DEL_WAYPOINT_DATA);

            stmt->setUInt32(0, pathid);
            stmt->setUInt32(1, point);


            stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_POINT);

            stmt->setUInt32(0, pathid);
            stmt->setUInt32(1, point);


            return true;
        }                                                       // del

        if (show == "move" && target)
            handler->PSendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp move, PathID: |r|cff00ffff%u|r", pathid);

            Player* chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
            Map* map = chr->GetMap();
                // wpCreature
                Creature* wpCreature = NULL;
                // What to do:
                // Move the visual spawnpoint
                // Respawn the owner of the waypoints
                if (wpGuid != 0)
                    wpCreature = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(MAKE_NEW_GUID(wpGuid, VISUAL_WAYPOINT, HIGHGUID_UNIT));
                    // re-create
                    Creature* wpCreature2 = new Creature;
                    if (!wpCreature2->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), VISUAL_WAYPOINT, 0, 0, chr->GetPositionX(), chr->GetPositionY(), chr->GetPositionZ(), chr->GetOrientation()))
                        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_VP_NOTCREATED, VISUAL_WAYPOINT);
                        delete wpCreature2;
                        return false;

                    wpCreature2->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
                    // To call _LoadGoods(); _LoadQuests(); CreateTrainerSpells();
                    //TODO: Should we first use "Create" then use "LoadFromDB"?
                    if (!wpCreature2->LoadCreatureFromDB(wpCreature2->GetDBTableGUIDLow(), map))
                        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_VP_NOTCREATED, VISUAL_WAYPOINT);
                        delete wpCreature2;
                        return false;

                PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_POSITION);

                stmt->setFloat(0, chr->GetPositionX());
                stmt->setFloat(1, chr->GetPositionY());
                stmt->setFloat(2, chr->GetPositionZ());
                stmt->setUInt32(3, pathid);
                stmt->setUInt32(4, point);


            return true;
        }                                                       // move

        const char *text = arg_str;

        if (text == 0)
            // show_str check for present in list of correct values, no sql injection possible
            WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE waypoint_data SET %s=NULL WHERE id='%u' AND point='%u'", show_str, pathid, point); // Query can't be a prepared statement
            // show_str check for present in list of correct values, no sql injection possible
            std::string text2 = text;
            WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE waypoint_data SET %s='%s' WHERE id='%u' AND point='%u'", show_str, text2.c_str(), pathid, point); // Query can't be a prepared statement

        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_WAYPOINT_CHANGED_NO, show_str);
        return true;
Esempio n. 5
    //spawn go
    static bool HandleGameObjectAddCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        // number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hgameobject_entry:go_id|h[name]|h|r
        char* id = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args, "Hgameobject_entry");
        if (!id)
            return false;

        uint32 objectId = atol(id);
        if (!objectId)
            return false;

        char* spawntimeSecs = strtok(NULL, " ");

        const GameObjectTemplate* objectInfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(objectId);

        if (!objectInfo)
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANGUAGE_GAMEOBJECT_NOT_EXIST, objectId);
            return false;

        if (objectInfo->displayId && !sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(objectInfo->displayId))
            // report to DB errors log as in loading case
            sLog->outErrorDb("Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.", objectId, objectInfo->type, objectInfo->displayId);
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANGUAGE_GAMEOBJECT_HAVE_INVALID_DATA, objectId);
            return false;

        Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
        float x = float(player->GetPositionX());
        float y = float(player->GetPositionY());
        float z = float(player->GetPositionZ());
        float o = float(player->GetOrientation());
        Map* map = player->GetMap();

        GameObject* object = new GameObject;
        uint32 guidLow = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT);

        if (!object->Create(guidLow, objectInfo->entry, map, player->GetPhaseMgr().GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), x, y, z, o, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GO_STATE_READY))
            delete object;
            return false;

        if (spawntimeSecs)
            uint32 value = atoi((char*)spawntimeSecs);

        // fill the gameobject data and save to the db
        object->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), player->GetPhaseMgr().GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());

        // this will generate a new guid if the object is in an instance
        if (!object->LoadGameObjectFromDB(guidLow, map))
            delete object;
            return false;

        // TODO: is it really necessary to add both the real and DB table guid here ?
        sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(guidLow, sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow));

        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANGUAGE_GAMEOBJECT_ADD, objectId, objectInfo->name.c_str(), guidLow, x, y, z);
        return true;
Esempio n. 6
    //spawn go
    static bool HandleGameObjectAddCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        // number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hgameobject_entry:go_id|h[name]|h|r
        char* cId = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args,"Hgameobject_entry");
        if (!cId)
            return false;

        uint32 id = atol(cId);
        if (!id)
            return false;

        char* spawntimeSecs = strtok(NULL, " ");

        const GameObjectInfo *gInfo = ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectInfo(id);

        if (!gInfo)
            return false;

        if (gInfo->displayId && !sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(gInfo->displayId))
            // report to DB errors log as in loading case
            sLog->outErrorDb("Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.",id, gInfo->type, gInfo->displayId);
            return false;

        Player *chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
        float x = float(chr->GetPositionX());
        float y = float(chr->GetPositionY());
        float z = float(chr->GetPositionZ());
        float o = float(chr->GetOrientation());
        Map *map = chr->GetMap();

        GameObject* pGameObj = new GameObject;
        uint32 db_lowGUID = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT);

        if (!pGameObj->Create(db_lowGUID, gInfo->id, map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), x, y, z, o, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GO_STATE_READY))
            delete pGameObj;
            return false;

        if (spawntimeSecs)
            uint32 value = atoi((char*)spawntimeSecs);
            //sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_TSCR, "*** spawntimeSecs: %d", value);

        // fill the gameobject data and save to the db
        pGameObj->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()),chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());

        // this will generate a new guid if the object is in an instance
        if (!pGameObj->LoadFromDB(db_lowGUID, map))
            delete pGameObj;
            return false;


        // TODO: is it really necessary to add both the real and DB table guid here ?
        sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(db_lowGUID, sObjectMgr->GetGOData(db_lowGUID));

        return true;
Esempio n. 7
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstanceForPlayer(const uint32 mapId, Player* player)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
        return NULL;

    Map* map = NULL;
    uint32 newInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map.

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // Instantiate or find existing bg map for player. The instance id is set in battlegroundid.
        newInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!newInstanceId)
            return NULL;

        map = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapId, newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* bg = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(newInstanceId, bg);
                return NULL;
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
        InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

        // The player's permanent player bind is taken into consideration first, then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
            InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = NULL;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();

            // Use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's).
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
                    pSave = groupBind->save;

        if (pSave)
            // Solo / permanent / group lock exists.
            newInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);

            if (IsRaid())
                if (player->IsOnDynamicDifficultyMap())
                    // Dynamic Difficulty lock: create an instance that matches the difficulty the player changes to.
                    if (player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) != pSave->GetDifficulty() || map && map->GetSpawnMode() != player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()))
                        map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
                    // Shared locks: create an instance to match the current player raid difficulty, if the save and player difficulties don't match.
                    // We must check for save difficulty going original diff -> new one, and map spawn mode going new -> original, to make sure all cases are handled.
                    // Although Heroic 10 / 25 Man also theoretically share a cooldown, if you kill a boss on 10 / 25 Heroic you cannot enter any other Heroic size version of the raid (cannot switch).
                    // Heroic size switching is already handled with no checks needed. The map is created on the save difficulty and you can only switch difficulty dynamically, from inside.
                    if (pSave->GetDifficulty() == RAID_DIFFICULTY_10MAN_NORMAL || pSave->GetDifficulty() == RAID_DIFFICULTY_25MAN_NORMAL)
                        // Normal. The map is created on the player difficulty.
                        if (player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) != pSave->GetDifficulty() || map && map->GetSpawnMode() != player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()))
                            map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));

            // It is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't, create it.
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficulty());
            // If no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found, the instance will be created for the first time.
            newInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) : player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid());

            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, NULL, diff);

    return map;
Esempio n. 8
    //spawn go
    static bool HandleGameObjectAddCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        // number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hgameobject_entry:go_id|h[name]|h|r
        char* id = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args, "Hgameobject_entry");
        if (!id)
            return false;

        uint32 objectId = atoul(id);
        if (!objectId)
            return false;

        char* spawntimeSecs = strtok(nullptr, " ");

        GameObjectTemplate const* objectInfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(objectId);
        if (!objectInfo)
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_NOT_EXIST, objectId);
            return false;

        if (objectInfo->displayId && !sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(objectInfo->displayId))
            // report to DB errors log as in loading case
            TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.", objectId, objectInfo->type, objectInfo->displayId);
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_HAVE_INVALID_DATA, objectId);
            return false;

        Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
        Map* map = player->GetMap();

        GameObject* object = new GameObject();
        ObjectGuid::LowType guidLow = map->GenerateLowGuid<HighGuid::GameObject>();

        QuaternionData rot = QuaternionData::fromEulerAnglesZYX(player->GetOrientation(), 0.f, 0.f);
        if (!object->Create(guidLow, objectInfo->entry, map, player->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), *player, rot, 255, GO_STATE_READY))
            delete object;
            return false;

        if (spawntimeSecs)
            int32 value = atoi((char*)spawntimeSecs);

        // fill the gameobject data and save to the db
        object->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), player->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
        guidLow = object->GetSpawnId();

        // delete the old object and do a clean load from DB with a fresh new GameObject instance.
        // this is required to avoid weird behavior and memory leaks
        delete object;

        object = new GameObject();
        // this will generate a new guid if the object is in an instance
        if (!object->LoadFromDB(guidLow, map, true))
            delete object;
            return false;

        /// @todo is it really necessary to add both the real and DB table guid here ?
        sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(guidLow, sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectData(guidLow));

        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_ADD, objectId, objectInfo->name.c_str(), guidLow, player->GetPositionX(), player->GetPositionY(), player->GetPositionZ());
        return true;
Esempio n. 9
    static bool HandleNpcBotSpawnCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
        if (!*args)
            handler->SendSysMessage(".npcbot spawn");
            handler->SendSysMessage("Adds new npcbot spawn of given entry in world. You can shift-link the npc");
            handler->SendSysMessage("Syntax: .npcbot spawn #entry");
            return false;

        char* charID = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args, "Hcreature_entry");
        if (!charID)
            return false;

        uint32 id = atoi(charID);

        CreatureTemplate const* creInfo = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate(id);

        if (!creInfo)
            handler->PSendSysMessage("creature %u does not exist!", id);
            return false;

        if (!(creInfo->flags_extra & CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_NPCBOT))
            handler->PSendSysMessage("creature %u is not a npcbot!", id);
            return false;

        PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_NPCBOT_OWNER);
        //"SELECT owner FROM character_npcbot WHERE entry = ?", CONNECTION_SYNCH
        stmt->setUInt32(0, id);
        PreparedQueryResult res1 = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
        if (res1)
            handler->PSendSysMessage("Npcbot %u already exists in `characters_npcbot` table!", id);
            handler->SendSysMessage("If you want to replace this bot to new location use '.npc move' command");
            return false;

        stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_SEL_CREATURE_BY_ID);
        //"SELECT guid FROM creature WHERE id = ?", CONNECTION_SYNCH
        stmt->setUInt32(0, id);
        PreparedQueryResult res2 = WorldDatabase.Query(stmt);
        if (res2)
            handler->PSendSysMessage("Npcbot %u already exists in `creature` table!", id);
            return false;

        Player* chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();

        if (chr->GetTransport())
            handler->SendSysMessage("Cannot spawn bots on transport!");
            return false;

        float x = chr->GetPositionX();
        float y = chr->GetPositionY();
        float z = chr->GetPositionZ();
        float o = chr->GetOrientation();
        Map* map = chr->GetMap();

        if (map->Instanceable())
            handler->SendSysMessage("Cannot spawn bots in instances!");
            return false;

        Creature* creature = new Creature();
        if (!creature->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMgr().GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), id, 0, 0, x, y, z, o, 0))
            delete creature;
            return false;

        uint8 roleMask = BOT_ROLE_DPS;

        uint8 m_class = creature->GetCreatureTemplate()->trainer_class;
        if (!(m_class == CLASS_WARRIOR || m_class == CLASS_ROGUE ||
            m_class == CLASS_PALADIN || m_class == CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT ||
            m_class == CLASS_SHAMAN || m_class == BOT_CLASS_BM))
            roleMask |= BOT_ROLE_RANGED;
        if (m_class == CLASS_PRIEST || m_class == CLASS_DRUID ||
            m_class == CLASS_SHAMAN || m_class == CLASS_PALADIN)
            roleMask |= BOT_ROLE_HEAL;

        stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_INS_NPCBOT);
        //"INSERT INTO characters_npcbot (entry, roles) VALUES (?, ?)", CONNECTION_SYNCH
        stmt->setUInt32(0, id);
        stmt->setUInt8(1, roleMask);

        creature->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMgr().GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());

        uint32 db_guid = creature->GetDBTableGUIDLow();
        if (!creature->LoadBotCreatureFromDB(db_guid, map))
            handler->SendSysMessage("Cannot load npcbot from DB!");
            //return false;
            delete creature;
            return false;

        sObjectMgr->AddCreatureToGrid(db_guid, sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(db_guid));

        handler->SendSysMessage("Npcbot successfully spawned.");
        return true;
Esempio n. 10
        static GameObject* place(Player* player, float x, float y, float z, float o, uint32 phase, uint32 guid)
            // e = !move && entry or move && guid (entryorguid
            if (!player || !guid)
                return NULL;

            phase = 1;

            const GameObjectTemplate* objectInfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(guid);

            if(player->GetDistance(x, y, z) > 20)
                ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You cant place that object so far away.");
                return NULL;

            if (!objectInfo)
                ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_NOT_EXIST, guid);
                return NULL;

            if (objectInfo->displayId && !sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(objectInfo->displayId))
                // sLog->outErrorDb("Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.", e, objectInfo->type, objectInfo->displayId);
                ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_HAVE_INVALID_DATA, guid);
                return NULL;

            Map* map = player->GetMap();
            if(player->GetMapId() == 608)
                ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Stop! Not so fast. No placing APTs in here.");
                return NULL;

            GameObject* object = new GameObject;
            uint32 guidLow = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT);

            if (!object->Create(guidLow, objectInfo->entry, map, phase, x, y, z, o, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GO_STATE_READY))
                delete object;
                return NULL;

            object->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), phase);

            if (!object->LoadGameObjectFromDB(guidLow, map))
                delete object;
                return NULL;


            sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(guidLow, sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow));

            uint32 sec = time(NULL);

            QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("INSERT INTO apt_placed_objects VALUES('%u', '%u')", item_script_apt::itemGuid, guidLow);
            result = WorldDatabase.PQuery("INSERT INTO legacy_gameobject VALUES ('%u', '1', '0', '%u')", guidLow, player->GetGUIDLow());

            return object;
Esempio n. 11
    //add spawn of creature
    static bool HandleNpcAddCommand(ChatHandler* handler, const char* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        char* charID = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args, "Hcreature_entry");
        if (!charID)
            return false;

        char* team = strtok(NULL, " ");
        int32 teamval = 0;
        if (team) { teamval = atoi(team); }
        if (teamval < 0) { teamval = 0; }

        uint32 id  = atoi(charID);

        Player* chr = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
        float x = chr->GetPositionX();
        float y = chr->GetPositionY();
        float z = chr->GetPositionZ();
        float o = chr->GetOrientation();
        Map* map = chr->GetMap();

        if (chr->GetTransport())
            uint32 tguid = chr->GetTransport()->AddNPCPassenger(0, id, chr->GetTransOffsetX(), chr->GetTransOffsetY(), chr->GetTransOffsetZ(), chr->GetTransOffsetO());
            if (tguid > 0)
                PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_INS_CREATURE_TRANSPORT);

                stmt->setInt32(0, int32(tguid));
                stmt->setInt32(1, int32(id));
                stmt->setInt32(2, int32(chr->GetTransport()->GetEntry()));
                stmt->setFloat(3, chr->GetTransOffsetX());
                stmt->setFloat(4, chr->GetTransOffsetY());
                stmt->setFloat(5, chr->GetTransOffsetZ());
                stmt->setFloat(6, chr->GetTransOffsetO());


            return true;

        Creature* creature = new Creature();
        if (!creature->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), map, chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), id, 0, (uint32)teamval, x, y, z, o))
            delete creature;
            return false;

        creature->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), chr->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());

        uint32 db_guid = creature->GetDBTableGUIDLow();

        // To call _LoadGoods(); _LoadQuests(); CreateTrainerSpells();
        if (!creature->LoadCreatureFromDB(db_guid, map))
            delete creature;
            return false;

        sObjectMgr->AddCreatureToGrid(db_guid, sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(db_guid));
        return true;
Esempio n. 12
    //spawn go
    static bool HandleGameObjectAddCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args)
        if (!*args)
            return false;

        // number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hgameobject_entry:go_id|h[name]|h|r
        char* id = handler->extractKeyFromLink((char*)args, "Hgameobject_entry");
        if (!id)
            return false;

        uint32 objectId = atol(id);
        if (!objectId)
            return false;

		if (handler->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_MODERATOR && handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetPhaseMask() == 1)
			handler->SendSysMessage("You cannot permanently spawn in the main phase. Use .modify phase $number to spawn your GameObject, or spawn your GameObject temporarily.");
			return true;

		if (handler->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_MODERATOR && handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetPhaseMask() == -1)
			handler->SendSysMessage("You cannot permanently spawn in the main phase. Use .modify phase $number to spawn your GameObject, or spawn your GameObject temporarily.");
			return true;

        char* spawntimeSecs = strtok(NULL, " ");

        const GameObjectTemplate* objectInfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(objectId);

        if (!objectInfo)
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_NOT_EXIST, objectId);
            return false;

        if (objectInfo->displayId && !sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(objectInfo->displayId))
            // report to DB errors log as in loading case
            TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.", objectId, objectInfo->type, objectInfo->displayId);
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_HAVE_INVALID_DATA, objectId);
            return false;

        Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer();
        float x = float(player->GetPositionX());
        float y = float(player->GetPositionY());
        float z = float(player->GetPositionZ());
        float o = float(player->GetOrientation());
        Map* map = player->GetMap();

        GameObject* object = new GameObject;
        uint32 guidLow = sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT);

        if (!object->Create(guidLow, objectInfo->entry, map, player->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn(), x, y, z, o, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, GO_STATE_READY))
            delete object;
            return false;

        if (spawntimeSecs)
            uint32 value = atoi((char*)spawntimeSecs);

        // fill the gameobject data and save to the db
        object->SaveToDB(map->GetId(), (1 << map->GetSpawnMode()), player->GetPhaseMaskForSpawn());
        // delete the old object and do a clean load from DB with a fresh new GameObject instance.
        // this is required to avoid weird behavior and memory leaks
        delete object;

        object = new GameObject();
        // this will generate a new guid if the object is in an instance
        if (!object->LoadGameObjectFromDB(guidLow, map))
            delete object;
            return false;

        /// @todo is it really necessary to add both the real and DB table guid here ?
        sObjectMgr->AddGameobjectToGrid(guidLow, sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow));

        handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_ADD, objectId, objectInfo->name.c_str(), guidLow, x, y, z);
        return true;