Esempio n. 1
void WikiMainPage::execute() {
	bool createMainPage = wm -> checkCreateMainPages();
	if( createMainPage == false ) {
		logger.logInfo( "skip creating main page" );

	String wikiDir = wm -> getWikiPath();
	String wikiPage = wm -> getMainPage();

	// get sorted circuit list
	MindService *ms = MindService::getService();
	MindMap *mm  = ms -> getMindMap();
	ClassList<MindGlobalCircuitDef>& circuitList = mm -> getMindGlobalCircuits();
	MapStringToClass<MindGlobalCircuitDef> circuitMap;
	for( int k = 0; k < circuitList.count(); k++ ) {
		MindGlobalCircuitDef *cd = circuitList.get( k );
		circuitMap.add( cd -> getName() , cd );

	// collect model circuit section lines
	StringList lines;
	for( int k = 0; k < circuitMap.count(); k++ ) {
		MindGlobalCircuitDef *cd = circuitMap.getClassByIndex( k );
		String name = cd -> getName();
		String id = cd -> getId();

		lines.add( "  * [" + id + " " + name + "]" );

	String sectionName = "Circuits";
	wm -> updateFileSection( wikiDir , wikiPage , sectionName , lines );
Esempio n. 2
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_getExternalConnections( MindArea *area , MindLocalCircuitDef& circuit , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& connections , bool isin ) {
	ClassList<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef> links;
	circuit.getExternalConnections( links , isin );

	MindService *ms = MindService::getService();
	for( int k = 0; k < links.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = links.get( k );

		// ignore secondary
		if( !c -> isPrimary() )

		String key;
		if( isin == false ) {
			MindRegion *region = ms -> getMindRegion( c -> getDstRegion() );
			key = region -> getArea() -> getAreaId() + "#" + c -> getSrcRegion() + "#" + c -> getDstRegion() + "#1";
			if( connections.get( key ) == NULL )
				connections.add( key , c );
		else {
			MindRegion *region = ms -> getMindRegion( c -> getSrcRegion() );
			key = region -> getArea() -> getAreaId() + "#" + c -> getDstRegion() + "#" + c -> getSrcRegion() + "#2";
			if( connections.get( key ) == NULL )
				connections.add( key , c );
Esempio n. 3
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_createAreaCircuitTable( MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitDef>& circuits , StringList& lines ) {
	createAreaPages_createAreaCircuitTableLine( NULL , lines );

	for( int k = 0; k < circuits.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitDef *circuit = circuits.getClassByIndex( k );
		createAreaPages_createAreaCircuitTableLine( circuit , lines );
Esempio n. 4
void WikiTractsPages::createTracts_addTractTableLines( MapStringToClass<XmlBrainTractSet>& tractsets , StringList& lines ) {
	lines.add( "*Tracts overview*:" );
	lines.add( "|| *Tract* || *Name* || *Function* ||" );
	for( int k = 0; k < tractsets.count(); k++ ) {
		XmlBrainTractSet& one = tractsets.getClassRefByIndex( k );
		createTracts_addTractSetTableLines( one , lines );
Esempio n. 5
void WikiAreaPages::createDotFile( MindArea *area , MindLocalCircuitDef& circuit , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& internals , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& inputs , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& outputs ) {
	// create dot file
	String fileName = wm -> getCircuitDotPath( circuit );
	StringList text;

	// header
	text.add( "digraph \"" + area -> getAreaId() + "\" {" );
	text.add( "\tcompound=true;" );
	String defaultDotSetup = wm -> getDefaultDotSetup();
	text.add( wm -> setSpecialCharacters( defaultDotSetup ) );
	text.add( "" );

	// list nodes
	text.add( "\tsubgraph cluster_" + area -> getAreaId() + " {" );
	text.add( "\tlabel=<<b>" + area -> getMindAreaDef() -> getAreaName() + "</b>>;" );

	MapStringToClass<MindRegionDef>& regions = circuit.getRegions();
	for( int k = 0; k < regions.count(); k++ ) {
		MindRegionDef *region = regions.getClassByIndex( k );

		String dotdef = wm -> hmindxml.getDotDef( region -> getId() );
		String nodeline = "\t\"" + region -> getId() + "\"";
		if( !dotdef.isEmpty() ) {
			String s = wm -> setSpecialCharacters( dotdef );
			s += ", label=<" + createDotFile_getRegionLabel( region ) + ">";
			nodeline += " [" + s + "]";
		nodeline += ";";

		text.add( nodeline );
	text.add( "\t}" );

	// list connections
	text.add( "" );
	for( int k = 0; k < internals.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = internals.getClassByIndex( k );
		MindConnectionLinkTypeDef *linkDef = c -> getPrimaryLinkType();
		String props = wm -> getLinkProps( linkDef );

		String linkline = "\t\"" + c -> getSrcRegion() + "\" -> \"" + c -> getDstRegion() + "\"" + props + ";";
		text.add( linkline );

	// add subgraph
	String linkItem;
	createDotFile_subgraph( area , circuit , true , inputs , text , linkItem );
	createDotFile_subgraph( area , circuit , false , outputs , text , linkItem );

	// footer
	text.add( "}" );

	// out to file
	wm -> createFileContent( fileName , text );
Esempio n. 6
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_addInternalConnections( MindArea *area , MindLocalCircuitDef& circuit , StringList& lines , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& connections ) {
	if( connections.count() == 0 ) {
		lines.add( "  * no connections" );

	createAreaPages_addInternalConnectionTableLine( area , circuit , NULL , lines );
	for( int k = 0; k < connections.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = connections.getClassByIndex( k );
		createAreaPages_addInternalConnectionTableLine( area , circuit , c , lines );
Esempio n. 7
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_createCircuitsAndReferencesTableSection( String wikiDir , MindArea *area ) {
	// skip circuits for target areas - will be in region pages
	if( area -> isTargetArea() )

	// collect circuits which reference any of area regions
	MindService *ms = MindService::getService();

	StringList circuits;
	wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitList( circuits );

	MapStringToString circuitKeys;
	for( int k = 0; k < circuits.count(); k++ ) {
		String circuitId = circuits.get( k );
		XmlCircuitInfo& info = wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitInfo( circuitId );

		String key = createAreaPages_getCircuitKey( area , info );
		if( key.isEmpty() )

		circuitKeys.add( key , circuitId );

	// add circuits section - sorted by relevance
	StringList lines;
	for( int k = circuitKeys.count() - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) {
		String circuitId = circuitKeys.getClassByIndex( k );
		XmlCircuitInfo& info = wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitInfo( circuitId );
		createAreaPages_getCircuitLines( info , lines );

	String sectionName = "Thirdparty Circuits";
	String wikiPage = wm -> getAreaPage( area -> getAreaId() );
	wm -> updateFileSection( wikiDir , wikiPage , sectionName , lines );

	// add unique and sorted references - sorted by relevance
	MapStringToClass<MindArea> refs;
	for( int k = circuitKeys.count() - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) {
		String circuitId = circuitKeys.getClassByIndex( k );
		XmlCircuitInfo& info = wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitInfo( circuitId );

		if( !info.reference.equals( "UNKNOWN" ) )
			if( refs.get( info.reference ) == NULL ) {
				refs.add( info.reference , area );
				lines.add( String( "  * " ) + info.reference );

	sectionName = "References";
	wm -> updateFileSection( wikiDir , wikiPage , sectionName , lines );
Esempio n. 8
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_getInternalConnections( MindArea *area , MindLocalCircuitDef& circuit , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& connections ) {
	ClassList<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef> links;
	circuit.getInternalConnections( links );

	for( int k = 0; k < links.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = links.get( k );

		// ignore secondary
		if( !c -> isPrimary() )

		String key = c -> getSrcRegion() + "#" + c -> getDstRegion();
		if( connections.get( key ) == NULL )
			connections.add( key , c );
Esempio n. 9
void MindMap::getMapRegions( MapStringToClass<MindRegionDef>& regionMap ) {
	for( int k = 0; k < mindAreaMap.count(); k++ ) {
		MindAreaDef *areaDef = mindAreaMap.getClassByIndex( k );
		ClassList<MindRegionDef>& regionlist = areaDef -> getRegions();
		for( int m = 0; m < regionlist.count(); m++ ) {
			MindRegionDef *regionDef = regionlist.get( m );
			regionMap.add( regionDef -> getId() , regionDef );
Esempio n. 10
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_addExternalConnections( MindArea *area , MindLocalCircuitDef& circuit , StringList& lines , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& connections , bool p_inputs ) {
	if( connections.count() == 0 ) {
		lines.add( "  * no connections" );

	createAreaPages_getExternalConnectionTableLine( area , circuit , NULL , lines , p_inputs , NULL );

	// split connections by area types
	MindService *ms = MindService::getService();
	MapStringToClass<MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>> groups;
	for( int k = 0; k < connections.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = connections.getClassByIndex( k );
		String regionId = ( p_inputs )? c -> getSrcRegion() : c -> getDstRegion();
		MindRegion *region = ms -> getMindRegion( regionId );
		String areaType = region -> getArea() -> getMindAreaDef() -> getAreaType();

		MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef> *z = groups.get( areaType );
		if( z == NULL ) {
			z = new MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>;
			groups.add( areaType , z );

		String key = connections.getKeyByIndex( k );
		z -> add( key , c );

	for( int k = 0; k < groups.count(); k++ ) {
		String areaType = groups.getKeyByIndex( k );
		MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef> *z = groups.getClassByIndex( k );
		createAreaPages_getExternalConnectionTableLine( area , circuit , NULL , lines , p_inputs , areaType );

		for( int m = 0; m < z -> count(); m++ ) {
			MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = z -> getClassByIndex( m );
			createAreaPages_getExternalConnectionTableLine( area , circuit , c , lines , p_inputs , NULL );
void XmlSpinalCordLayout::loadLevel( Xml xmlLevel , MapStringToClass<StringList>& levelData ) {
	for( Xml xmlChild = xmlLevel.getFirstChild( "lamina" ); xmlChild.exists(); xmlChild = xmlChild.getNextChild( "lamina" ) ) {
		String id = xmlChild.getAttribute( "id" );
		String elements = xmlChild.getAttribute( "elements" );

		StringList& items = levelData.getRef( id );
		StringList parts;
		elements.split( parts , "," );
		for( int k = 0; k < parts.count(); k++ ) {
			String element = parts.get( k );
			ASSERTMSG( hmind -> getIndexedElement( element ) != NULL , "unknown element index=" + element );

			if( items.find( element ) < 0 )
				items.add( element );
Esempio n. 12
void WikiAreaPages::createDotFile_subgraph( MindArea *area , MindLocalCircuitDef& circuit , bool p_inputs , MapStringToClass<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>& connections , StringList& text , String& linkItem ) {
	MindService *ms = MindService::getService();
	String postfix = ( p_inputs )? "IN" : "OUT";
	String postfixString = ( p_inputs )? "Inputs" : "Outputs";

	// inter-area links
	text.add( "" );
	if( p_inputs ) {
		text.add( "\tsubgraph cluster_ExtIn {" );
		text.add( "\tlabel=<<b>Inputs</b>>;" );
		text.add( "\t/* external inbound links */" );
	else {
		text.add( "\tsubgraph cluster_ExtOut {" );
		text.add( "\tlabel=<<b>Outputs</b>>;" );
		text.add( "\t/* external outbound links */" );

	MapStringToClass<MindRegion> areaTypes;
	MapStringToString areas;
	MapStringToClass<MapStringToClass<MindRegion>> areaTypeRegionMap;
	MapStringToClass<ClassList<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>> areaTypeConnectivityMap;
	for( int k = 0; k < connections.count(); k++ ) {
		MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = connections.getClassByIndex( k );

		String regionId = ( p_inputs )? c -> getSrcRegion() : c -> getDstRegion();
		String regionLocalId = ( p_inputs )? c -> getDstRegion() : c -> getSrcRegion();
		MindRegion *region = ms -> getMindRegion( regionId );
		MindRegion *regionLocal = ms -> getMindRegion( regionLocalId );
		String areaId = region -> getArea() -> getAreaId();
		String areaType = region -> getArea() -> getMindAreaDef() -> getAreaType();

		String key = areaType;
		MapStringToClass<MindRegion> *typeRegions = areaTypeRegionMap.get( key );
		ClassList<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef> *typeConnectivity = areaTypeConnectivityMap.get( key );
		if( typeRegions == NULL ) {
			typeRegions = new MapStringToClass<MindRegion>;
			typeConnectivity = new ClassList<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef>;
			areaTypeRegionMap.add( key , typeRegions );
			areaTypeConnectivityMap.add( key , typeConnectivity );

		if( typeRegions -> get( regionId ) == NULL )
			typeRegions -> add( regionId , region );

		areas.addnew( areaId , areaType );
		areaTypes.addnew( areaType , regionLocal );
		typeConnectivity -> add( c );

	// add named lines
	String s;
	String localArea = area -> getAreaId();

	// header
	text.add( "" );

	for( int k = 0; k < areaTypes.count(); k++ ) {
		String areaType = areaTypes.getKeyByIndex( k );
		text.add( "\tsubgraph cluster_" + areaType + "_" + postfix + " {" );
		text.add( "\tlabel=\"" + areaType + " " + postfixString + "\";" );
		text.add( "\t\"" + areaType + "." + postfix + "\" [ shape=box, style=dotted , label = <" );
		text.add( "\t\t<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"4\" CELLPADDING=\"2\"><TR>" );

		// regions
		MapStringToClass<MindRegion> *typeRegions = areaTypeRegionMap.get( areaType );
		for( int a = 0; a < typeRegions -> count(); a++ ) {
			String regionId = typeRegions -> getKeyByIndex( a );
			MindRegion *region = typeRegions -> getClassByIndex( a );
			String color = getRegionColor( regionId );
			String label = createDotFile_getRegionLabel( region -> getRegionInfo() );
			text.add( "\t\t<TD PORT=\"" + regionId + "\" BGCOLOR=\"" + color + "\">" + label + "</TD>" );

		text.add( "\t\t</TR></TABLE>> ];" );
		text.add( "\t}" );
		text.add( "" );

		// links
		ClassList<MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef> *typeConnectivity = areaTypeConnectivityMap.get( areaType );
		for( int a = 0; a < typeConnectivity -> count(); a++ ) {
			MindLocalCircuitConnectionDef *c = typeConnectivity -> get( a );
			MindConnectionLinkTypeDef *linkDef = c -> getPrimaryLinkType();
			String props = wm -> getLinkProps( linkDef );

			String srcId;
			String dstId;
			if( p_inputs ) {
				srcId = "\"" + areaType + "." + postfix + "\":\"" + c -> getSrcRegion() + "\"";
				dstId = "\"" + c -> getDstRegion() + "\"";
			else {
				srcId = "\"" + c -> getSrcRegion() + "\"";
				dstId = "\"" + areaType + "." + postfix + "\":\"" + c -> getDstRegion() + "\"";

			text.add( "\t" + srcId + " -> " + dstId + props + ";" );

		text.add( "" );

	text.add( "\t}" );
Esempio n. 13
void WikiTractsPages::createNeurons_addFibers( int level , MapStringToClass<XmlBrainFiber>& fibers , StringList& lines ) {
	for( int k = 0; k < fibers.count(); k++ ) {
		XmlBrainFiber& fiber = fibers.getClassRefByIndex( k );
		createNeurons_addFiberInfo( level , fiber , lines );