Esempio n. 1
void GetHomographyInliers( MatchArray& aryInlier,
						  const MatchArray& aryMatch,
						  const CFeatureArray& set1,
						  const CFeatureArray& set2,
						  const CHomography& h**o,
						  float tol )
	float SQR_TOL = tol*tol;

	aryInlier.resize( aryMatch.size() );

	int k=0;
	for( int i=0; i<aryMatch.size(); ++i )
		const CFeature* ft1 = set1[ aryMatch[i].first ];
		const CFeature* ft2 = set2[ aryMatch[i].second ];

		CvPoint2D64f pt = h**o * cvPoint2D64f( ft1->x, ft1->y );

		double dx = pt.x -ft2->x;
		double dy = pt.y -ft2->y;

		if( dx*dx +dy*dy < SQR_TOL ) // a homography inlier
			aryInlier[k++] = aryMatch[i];	

Esempio n. 2
 *	OptimizePair:
 *		Input:
 *			cam1 - the first camera (already optimized)
 *          cam2 - the second camera with its intrinsic matrix initialized
 *			dR - an initial relative 3x3 camera rotation matrix
 *          set1 - SIFT features in the first image
 *          set2 - SIFT features in the second image
 *          aryInlier - the homography iniliers
 *		Ouput:
 *          cam2 - update cam2's optimized focal length and pose
void OptimizeSingle( const CCamera& cam1, CCamera& cam2,
					double* dR,
					const CFeatureArray& set1,
					const CFeatureArray& set2, 
					const MatchArray& aryInlier )
	// Step 1. Initialize the camera pose of cam2

	// cam2's relative rotation to cam1
	CvMat matR = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, dR );

	// cam1's absolute rotation
	double dRod1[3];
	CvMat matRod1 = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, dRod1 );
	cam1.GetPose( dRod1 );

	double dRot1[9];
	CvMat matRot1 = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, dRot1 );
	cvRodrigues2( &matRod1, &matRot1 );

	// compose R and Rot1 to get cam2's initial absolute rotation
	cvMatMul( &matR, &matRot1, &matR );

	double dRod2[3];
	CvMat matRod2 = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, dRod2 );

	cvRodrigues2( &matR, &matRod2 );
	cam2.SetPose( dRod2 );

	// Step 2. Now we can perform bundle adjustment for cam2
	CBundleAdjust ba( 1, BA_ITER );
	ba.SetCamera( &cam2, 0 );

	// set points
	for( int i=0; i<aryInlier.size(); ++i )
		const CFeature* ft1 = set1[ aryInlier[i].first ];
		const CFeature* ft2 = set2[ aryInlier[i].second ];

		double dir[3];
		cam1.GetRayDirectionWS( dir, cvPoint2D64f( ft1->x, ft1->y ) );
		// the 3d position
		CvPoint3D64f pt3 = cvPoint3D64f( dir[0]*radius, dir[1]*radius, dir[2]*radius );

		ba.SetPointProjection( pt3, 0, cvPoint2D64f( ft2->x, ft2->y ) );


	ba.GetAdjustedCamera( &cam2, 0 );
Esempio n. 3
 *	OptimizePair:
 *		Input:
 *			cam1 - the first camera with its intrinsic matrix and pose initialized ([R|T]=[I|0])
 *          cam2 - the second camera with its intrinsic matrix initialized
 *			dR - an initial relative 3x3 camera rotation matrix
 *          set1 - SIFT features in the first image
 *          set2 - SIFT features in the second image
 *          aryInlier - the homography iniliers
 *		Ouput:
 *			cam1 - update cam1's optimized folcal length
 *          cam2 - update cam2's optimized focal length and pose
void OptimizePair( CCamera& cam1, CCamera& cam2,
				  double* dR,
				  const CFeatureArray& set1,
				  const CFeatureArray& set2, 
				  const MatchArray& aryInlier )
	CBundleAdjust ba( 2, BA_ITER );

	// Step 1. To perform bundle adjustment, we initialize cam1 and cam2 
	//         as [K][I|0} and [K][R|0] respectively and optimize R using 
	//         bundle adjustment.
	double dRod[3];
	CvMat matRod = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, dRod );
	CvMat matR = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, dR );

	cvRodrigues2( &matR, &matRod );
	cam2.SetPose( dRod );

	// Set cameras
	ba.SetCamera( &cam1, 0 );
	ba.SetCamera( &cam2, 1 );

	// Step 2. We still need to create a set of 3D points. From each homography inlier, 
	//         a 3D point can be initialized by locating it on the ray that goes through 
	//         its projection.	
	for( int i=0; i<aryInlier.size(); ++i )
		const CFeature* ft1 = set1[ aryInlier[i].first ];
		const CFeature* ft2 = set2[ aryInlier[i].second ];

		double dir[3];
		cam1.GetRayDirectionWS( dir, cvPoint2D64f( ft1->x, ft1->y ) );
		// the initialized 3d position
		CvPoint3D64f pt3 = cvPoint3D64f( dir[0]*radius, dir[1]*radius, dir[2]*radius );

		// set the 3d point and its projections in both images
		ba.SetPointProjection( pt3, 0, cvPoint2D64f( ft1->x, ft1->y ) );
		ba.SetPointProjection( pt3, 1, cvPoint2D64f( ft2->x, ft2->y ) );

	// perform bundle adjustment

	// retrieve the optimized cameras
	ba.GetAdjustedCamera( &cam1, 0 );
	ba.GetAdjustedCamera( &cam2, 1 );
Esempio n. 4
 *	RansacHomography:
 *		Input:
 *			aryMatch - an array of potential matches between two images
 *			inlierTol - the tolerance to regard a match as an inlier
 *			numIter - number of iterations for Ransac
 *		Ouput:
 *			h**o - the best estimated homography (with the max nubmer of inliers)
void RansacHomography( CHomography& h**o, 
					  const MatchArray& aryMatch, 
					  const CFeatureArray& set1, 
					  const CFeatureArray& set2, 
					  float inlierTol, int numIter )
	const float SQR_TOL = inlierTol*inlierTol;
	const int NUM_SAMP = 6;
	int maxInlier = 0;

	double dA[ NUM_SAMP*2*8 ];
	double dB[ NUM_SAMP*2 ];
	// ToDo2: Find homography using RANSAC
	printf( "homography inliers: %d(%d)\n", maxInlier, aryMatch.size() );
Esempio n. 5
 *	RansacHomography:
 *		Input:
 *			aryMatch - an array of potential matches between two images
 *			inlierTol - the tolerance to regard a match as an inlier
 *			numIter - number of iterations for Ransac
 *		Ouput:
 *			h**o - the best estimated homography (with the max nubmer of inliers)
void RansacHomography( CHomography& h**o, 
                       const MatchArray& aryMatch, 
                       const CFeatureArray& set1, 
                       const CFeatureArray& set2, 
                       float inlierTol, int numIter )
	const float SQR_TOL = inlierTol*inlierTol;
	const int NUM_SAMP = 6;
	int maxInlier = 0;
	double dA[ NUM_SAMP*2*8 ];
	double dB[ NUM_SAMP*2 ];
        double dH[8];
        struct timeval tv;
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        long int index;
        int flag;
        vector < int > dup_index;
        int test_index[] = {100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350};
// ToDo2: Find homography using RANSAC 

        for(int i=0; i < NUM_SAMP; i++) {
            dB[i] = 0;

        for(int i=0; i< numIter; i++) {
            for(int j =0 ; j< NUM_SAMP; j++ ) {
                index = lrand48();
                index = index % aryMatch.size();
//                 index = test_index[j];
                flag = 1;
                for(unsigned int k=0; k < dup_index.size(); k++) {
                    if(dup_index[k] == index) {
                        flag = 0;
                if(!flag) {
//                std::cout  << "Index " << index << std::endl;
                int ind1 = aryMatch[index].first;
                int ind2 = aryMatch[index].second;
                dA[16*j + 0] = -1 * set1[ind1]->x;
                dA[16*j + 1] = -1 * set1[ind1]->y;
                dA[16*j + 2] = -1;
                dA[16*j + 3] = 0;
                dA[16*j + 4] = 0;
                dA[16*j + 5] = 0;
                dA[16*j + 6] = set2[ind2]->x * set1[ind1]->x;
                dA[16*j + 7] = set2[ind2]->x * set1[ind1]->y;

                dA[16*j + 8 + 0] = 0;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 1] = 0;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 2] = 0;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 3] = -1 * set1[ind1]->x;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 4] = -1 * set1[ind1]->y;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 5] = -1;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 6] = set2[ind2]->y * set1[ind1]->x;
                dA[16*j + 8 + 7] = set2[ind2]->y * set1[ind1]->y;
                dB[2*j] = -1*set2[ind2]->x;
                dB[2*j + 1] = -1*set2[ind2]->y;
            for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                dH[j] = 0;
            CvMat mA = cvMat( NUM_SAMP * 2, 8, CV_64FC1, dA);
            CvMat mB = cvMat( NUM_SAMP * 2, 1, CV_64FC1, dB);
            CvMat mH = cvMat( 8, 1, CV_64FC1, dH);
            int ret = cvSolve(&mA, &mB, &mH, CV_SVD);
//            std::cout << ret << std::endl;
            for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                dH[j] = cvmGet(&mH, j, 0);
//                std::cout << "H is " << std::endl;
//                std::cout << dH[j] << std::endl;
            int inlier_count = 0;
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j< aryMatch.size(); j++) {
                int ind1 = aryMatch[j].first;
                int ind2 = aryMatch[j].second;
                double x2 = set2[ind2]->x;
                double y2 = set2[ind2]->y;
                double x1 = set1[ind1]->x;
                double y1 = set1[ind1]->y;
                double _x1p = dH[0] * x1 + dH[1] * y1 + dH[2]*1;
                double _y1p = dH[3] * x1 + dH[4] * y1 + dH[5]*1;
                double h1p = dH[6] * x1 + dH[7] * y1 + 1;
                double x1p = _x1p / h1p;
                double y1p = _y1p / h1p;
                double dist = (x1p - x2)*(x1p - x2) + (y1p - y2)*(y1p - y2);
                //               std::cout << "Distance is " << sqrt(dist) << std::endl;
                if( sqrt(dist) < SQR_TOL) {
                    //  std::cout << "Coming here" << std::endl;

            if(inlier_count > maxInlier) {
                maxInlier = inlier_count;
                for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                    h**o.d[k] = dH[k];

                h**o.d[8] = 1;

	printf( "homography inliers: %d(%d)\n", maxInlier, aryMatch.size() );