Esempio n. 1
* Handles all of the little problems associated with renaming a folder.
void MaterialTreeView::RenameMaterial( HTREEITEM item, const char *originalName ) {
	CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
	const idMaterial *material = declManager->FindMaterial( originalName );
	MaterialDoc *pMaterial;
	//pMaterial = materialDocManager->GetInProgressDoc(material);
	//if(!pMaterial) {
	pMaterial = materialDocManager->CreateMaterialDoc( const_cast<idMaterial *>( material ) );
	//Remove our old quick lookup value
	materialToTree.Remove( originalName );
	//Generate the new name
	idStr materialName;
	HTREEITEM parent = tree.GetParentItem( item );
	DWORD parentType = tree.GetItemData( parent );
	if( parentType == TYPE_MATERIAL_FOLDER ) {
		//Need to include the material folder
		materialName = GetMediaPath( parent, TYPE_MATERIAL_FOLDER );
		materialName += "/";
	materialName += tree.GetItemText( item );
	//Add it to our quick lookup
	materialToTree.Set( materialName, item );
	//Finally make the change
	internalChange = true;
	pMaterial->SetMaterialName( materialName, false );
	internalChange = false;
Esempio n. 2
* Makes sure that a rename operation can be performed after a label edit is complete and
* performs the folder or material rename.
void MaterialTreeView::OnTvnEndlabeledit( NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult ) {
	*pResult = 0;
	if( pTVDispInfo->item.pszText ) {
		//Convert any edited text to lower case to keep the name canonical
		idStr newLabel = pTVDispInfo->item.pszText;
		strncpy( pTVDispInfo->item.pszText, newLabel.c_str(), pTVDispInfo->item.cchTextMax );
		CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
		DWORD type = tree.GetItemData( pTVDispInfo->item.hItem );
		if( type == TYPE_MATERIAL ) {
			MaterialDoc *pMaterial = materialDocManager->GetCurrentMaterialDoc();
			//Remove our old quick lookup value
			materialToTree.Remove( pMaterial->name.c_str() );
			//Generate the new name
			idStr material;
			HTREEITEM parent = tree.GetParentItem( pTVDispInfo->item.hItem );
			DWORD parentType = tree.GetItemData( parent );
			if( parentType == TYPE_MATERIAL_FOLDER ) {
				//Need to include the material folder
				material = GetMediaPath( parent, TYPE_MATERIAL_FOLDER );
				material += "/";
			material += pTVDispInfo->item.pszText;
			if( declManager->FindMaterial( material, false ) ) {
				//Can't rename because it conflicts with an existing file
				MessageBox( "Unable to rename material because it conflicts with another material", "Error" );
			} else {
				//Add it to our quick lookup
				materialToTree.Set( material, pTVDispInfo->item.hItem );
				//Finally make the change
				internalChange = true;
				pMaterial->SetMaterialName( material );
				internalChange = false;
				renamedFolder = pTVDispInfo->item.hItem;
				*pResult = 1;
		} else if( type == TYPE_MATERIAL_FOLDER ) {
			//Clean up the quicktree with the current tree before we allow the edit to commit
			CleanLookupTrees( pTVDispInfo->item.hItem );
			//Store some data so the we can make the appropriate changes after the commit
			renamedFolder = pTVDispInfo->item.hItem;
			GetMaterialPaths( renamedFolder, &affectedMaterials );
			RenameMaterialFolderModifier *mod = new RenameMaterialFolderModifier( materialDocManager, pTVDispInfo->item.pszText, this, pTVDispInfo->item.hItem, tree.GetItemText( pTVDispInfo->item.hItem ) );
			materialDocManager->AddMaterialUndoModifier( mod );
			*pResult = 1;
* Performs a redo operation of a renamed material.
void RenameMaterialModifier::Redo()

	MaterialDoc *material = manager->CreateMaterialDoc(oldName);
	material->SetMaterialName(materialName, false);