Esempio n. 1
void SANSDirectBeamScaling::exec()
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  const double beamRadius = getProperty("BeamRadius");
  const double attTrans = getProperty("AttenuatorTransmission");
  const double attTransErr = getProperty("AttenuatorTransmissionError");

  // Extract the required spectra into separate workspaces
  std::vector<detid_t> udet;
  std::vector<size_t> index;
  // Convert UDETs to workspace indices
  if (index.size() < 1)
    g_log.debug() << "inputWS->getIndicesFromDetectorIDs() returned empty\n";
    throw std::invalid_argument("Could not find the incident beam monitor spectra\n");

  const int64_t numHists = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  Progress progress(this,0.0,1.0,numHists);

  // Number of X bins
  const int64_t xLength = inputWS->readY(0).size();

  // Monitor counts
  double monitor = 0.0;
  const MantidVec& MonIn = inputWS->readY(index[0]);
  for (int64_t j = 0; j < xLength; j++)
    monitor += MonIn[j];

  const V3D sourcePos = inputWS->getInstrument()->getSource()->getPos();
  double counts = 0.0;
  double error = 0.0;
  int nPixels = 0;

  // Sample-detector distance for the contributing pixels
  double sdd = 0.0;

  for (int64_t i = 0; i < int64_t(numHists); ++i)
    IDetector_const_sptr det;
    try {
      det = inputWS->getDetector(i);
    } catch (Exception::NotFoundError&) {
      g_log.warning() << "Spectrum index " << i << " has no detector assigned to it - discarding" << std::endl;

    // Skip if we have a monitor or if the detector is masked.
    if ( det->isMonitor() || det->isMasked() ) continue;

    const MantidVec& YIn = inputWS->readY(i);
    const MantidVec& EIn = inputWS->readE(i);

    // Sum up all the counts
    V3D pos = det->getPos() - V3D(sourcePos.X(), sourcePos.Y(), 0.0);
    const double pixelDistance = pos.Z();
    if (pos.norm() <= beamRadius) {
      // Correct data for all X bins
      for (int64_t j = 0; j < xLength; j++)
        counts += YIn[j];
        error += EIn[j]*EIn[j];
      nPixels += 1;
      sdd += pixelDistance;
    }"Absolute Scaling");
  // Get the average SDD for the counted pixels, and transform to mm.
  sdd = sdd/nPixels*1000.0;
  error = std::sqrt(error);

  // Transform from m to mm
  double sourceAperture = getProperty("SourceApertureRadius");
  sourceAperture *= 1000.0;
  // Transform from m to mm
  double sampleAperture = getProperty("SampleApertureRadius");
  sampleAperture *= 1000.0;
  //TODO: replace this by some meaningful value
  const double KCG2FluxPerMon_SUGAR = 1.0;

  // Solid angle correction scale in 1/(cm^2)/steradian
  double solidAngleCorrScale = sdd/(M_PI*sourceAperture*sampleAperture);
  solidAngleCorrScale = solidAngleCorrScale*solidAngleCorrScale*100.0;

  // Scaling factor in n/(monitor count)/(cm^2)/steradian
  double scale = counts/monitor*solidAngleCorrScale/KCG2FluxPerMon_SUGAR;
  double scaleErr = std::abs(error/monitor)*solidAngleCorrScale/KCG2FluxPerMon_SUGAR;

  scaleErr = std::abs(scale/attTrans)*sqrt( (scaleErr/scale)*(scaleErr/scale) +(attTransErr/attTrans)*(attTransErr/attTrans) );
  scale /= attTrans;

  std::vector<double> output;
  setProperty("ScaleFactor", output);