size_t BufferStream::ReadDataTo(MemoryData& outData, DataReadingMode mode/*=DataReadingMode::AlwaysCopy*/)const { RETURN_ZERO_IF_FALSE(CanRead()); FlushOnReadWrite(StreamDataOperation::Read); size_t outPos = 0; size_t outSize = outData.Size(); //read left buffer data size_t bufferLeftLength = mBufferLength - mBuffer.Position(); if (bufferLeftLength != 0) { size_t readSize = Math::Min(bufferLeftLength, outSize); MemoryData tempData = MemoryData::FromStatic(outData.MutableData() + outPos, readSize); readSize = mBuffer.ReadDataTo(tempData, DataReadingMode::AlwaysCopy); outPos += readSize; outSize -= readSize; } //directly read to out data block per block size_t blockSize = mBuffer.Length(); size_t blockCount = outSize / blockSize; FOR_EACH_SIZE(i, blockCount) { MemoryData tempData = MemoryData::FromStatic(outData.MutableData() + outPos, blockSize); size_t readSize = mSourceStream->ReadDataTo(tempData); outPos += readSize; outSize -= readSize; if (readSize != blockSize) //last block { return outPos; } }
void Random::NextBytes(MemoryData& outData) { byte* buffer = outData.MutableData(); size_t size = outData.Size(); FOR_EACH_SIZE(i, size) { buffer[i] = NextByte(); } }
size_t Aes256Encoder::OnCode(const MemoryData& input, MemoryData& output) const { MemoryStream inputStream(input); MemoryStream outputStream(output); size_t inputLength = input.Size(); MemoryData salt = MemoryData::Alloc(KeyMaxSize - mKey.Size()); salt.ClearZero(); // Generate salt if (mRandom!=nullptr) { mRandom->NextBytes(salt); } MemoryData rkey = MemoryData::Alloc(KeyMaxSize); // Calculate padding size_t padding = 0; if (inputLength % BlockSize != 0) padding = (BlockSize - (inputLength % BlockSize)); // Add salt outputStream.WriteData(salt); // Add 1 bytes for padding size outputStream.WriteChar((char)(padding & 0xFF)); // Reset buffer byte buffer[3 * BlockSize]; size_t bufferPos = 0; MemoryData bufferData = MemoryData::FromStatic(buffer, BlockSize); while (!inputStream.IsEnd()) { bufferPos += inputStream.ReadDataTo(bufferData); if (bufferPos == BlockSize) { Encrypt(rkey, mKey, salt, buffer); outputStream.WriteData(bufferData); bufferPos = 0; } } if (bufferPos > 0) { //padding with 0 Memory::SetZero(buffer + bufferPos, BlockSize - bufferPos); Encrypt(rkey,mKey, salt, buffer); outputStream.WriteData(bufferData); } return outputStream.Position(); }
size_t LZMADecoder::OnCode(const MemoryData& input, MemoryData& output) const { RETURN_ZERO_IF_EMPTY(input); const byte* inBuffer = input.Data(); size_t inSize = input.Size(); ELzmaStatus outStatus; ISzAlloc myAlloc; myAlloc.Alloc = LZMAAlloc; myAlloc.Free = LZMAFree; CLzmaDec p; SRes res; LzmaDec_Construct(&p); res = LzmaDec_AllocateProbs(&p, inBuffer, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, &myAlloc); uint64 fileSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) fileSize |= ((uint64)inBuffer[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE + i]) << (8 * i); if (output.Size()<(size_t)fileSize) { Log::AssertFailedFormat("output size:{} < expected size{}", output.Size(), fileSize); LzmaDec_FreeProbs(&p, &myAlloc); return 0; } LzmaDec_Init(&p); p.dic = output.MutableData(); p.dicBufSize = (size_t)fileSize; size_t outSize = inSize - 13; res = LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(&p, (size_t)fileSize, inBuffer + 13, &outSize, LZMA_FINISH_ANY, &outStatus); if (res == SZ_OK && outStatus == LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT) res = SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF; LzmaDec_FreeProbs(&p, &myAlloc); return (size_t)fileSize; }
bool BehaviorConfig::LoadFromData(const FileIdRef& fileId, const MemoryData& data, uint format /*= 0*/) { Unload(); RETURN_FALSE_IF(data.IsNull()); pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_buffer(data.Data(), data.Size()); if (!result) { Log::AssertFailedFormat("Cannot parse xml:{} because {}", fileId, result.description()); return false; } for (const auto& child : doc.first_child().children()) { StringRef typeName =; StringRef id = child.attribute("Id").value(); if (id.IsEmpty()) { id = typeName; } #ifdef MEDUSA_SAFE_CHECK if (ContainsId(id)) { Log::AssertFailedFormat("Duplicate id:{} in {}", id.c_str(), typeName.c_str()); } #endif IBehavior* behavior = BehaviorFactory::Instance().SmartCreate(typeName); behavior->LoadFromXmlNode(child); behavior->Initialize(); if (id.EndWith("Behavior")) { Add(id, behavior); } else { Add(id + "Behavior", behavior); } } return true; }
size_t BlockWriteStream::WriteData(const MemoryData& data, DataReadingMode mode /*= DataReadingMode::AlwaysCopy*/) { RETURN_ZERO_IF_FALSE(CanWrite()); size_t dataPos = 0; size_t dataSize = data.Size(); if (mBuffer.Position() > 0) { size_t bufferLeftLength = mBuffer.LeftLength(); size_t writeSize = Math::Min(bufferLeftLength, dataSize); MemoryData tempData = MemoryData::FromStatic(data.Data(), writeSize); writeSize = mBuffer.WriteData(tempData, mode); dataPos += writeSize; dataSize -= writeSize; if (mBuffer.IsEnd()) { WriteCurrentBlock(); ++mBlockIndex; } else { //all data write to buffer return dataPos; } } //directly write data block per block size_t blockSize = mBuffer.Length(); size_t blockCount = dataSize / blockSize; FOR_EACH_SIZE(i, blockCount) { MemoryData tempData = MemoryData::FromStatic(data.Data() + dataPos, blockSize); size_t writeSize = WriteBlock(mBlockIndex, tempData); ++mBlockIndex; dataPos += writeSize; dataSize -= writeSize; }
size_t BlockReadStream::ReadDataTo(MemoryData& outData, DataReadingMode mode/*=DataReadingMode::AlwaysCopy*/)const { RETURN_ZERO_IF_FALSE(CanRead()); size_t outPos = 0; size_t outSize = outData.Size(); //read left buffer data size_t bufferLeftLength = mBufferLength - mBuffer.Position(); if (bufferLeftLength != 0) { size_t readSize = Math::Min(bufferLeftLength, outSize); MemoryData tempData = MemoryData::FromStatic(outData.MutableData(), readSize); readSize = mBuffer.ReadDataTo(tempData, DataReadingMode::AlwaysCopy); outPos += readSize; outSize -= readSize; } if (outSize > 0) { mBuffer.Rewind(); mBufferLength = 0; //directly read to out data block per block size_t blockSize = mBuffer.Length(); size_t blockCount = outSize / blockSize; FOR_EACH_SIZE(i, blockCount) { MemoryData tempData = MemoryData::FromStatic(outData.MutableData() + outPos, blockSize); MemoryStream tempStream(tempData); ++mBlockIndex; size_t readSize = LoadBlockTo(mBlockIndex, tempStream); outPos += readSize; outSize -= readSize; if (readSize != blockSize) //reach file end { return outPos; } }
void Aes256Encoder::copy_key(MemoryData& rkey, const MemoryData& key, const MemoryData& salt) { Memory::SafeCopy(rkey.MutableData(), key.Size(), key.Data(), key.Size()); Memory::SafeCopy(rkey.MutableData() + key.Size(), salt.Size(), salt.Data(), salt.Size()); }
void NetworkBuffer::Write(const MemoryData& val) { EnsureWritableCount(val.Size()); Memory::SafeCopy(WriteBegin(), WritableCount(), val.Data(), val.Size()); HasWritten(val.Size()); }
NetworkBuffer::NetworkBuffer(const MemoryData& data) :mStream(data) { mWriteIndex = data.Size(); }
MemoryData ZipReader::DecompressGZIP(const MemoryData& data, size_t expectedSize) { MemoryData result = MemoryData::Alloc(expectedSize); int ret; z_stream strm; strm.zalloc = Z_NULL; strm.zfree = Z_NULL; strm.opaque = Z_NULL; strm.next_in = (byte*)data.Data(); strm.avail_in = (uint)data.Size(); strm.next_out = result.MutableData(); strm.avail_out = (uint)result.Size(); ret = inflateInit2(&strm, 15 + 32); if (ret != Z_OK) { return MemoryData::Empty; } do { ret = inflate(&strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); switch (ret) { case Z_NEED_DICT: case Z_STREAM_ERROR: ret = Z_DATA_ERROR; case Z_DATA_ERROR: case Z_MEM_ERROR: inflateEnd(&strm); return MemoryData::Empty; } if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) { byte* newData = (byte *)realloc(result.MutableData(), result.Size() * 2); result.ForceSetDataAndSize(newData, result.Size() * 2); if (!result.IsValid()) { inflateEnd(&strm); return MemoryData::Empty; } strm.next_out = (Bytef *)(result.Data() + result.Size()); strm.avail_out = (uint)result.Size(); } } while (ret != Z_STREAM_END); if (strm.avail_in != 0) { return MemoryData::Empty; } inflateEnd(&strm); return result; }