uint64_t CycleCounter::read() { if (emulationLevel >= EMEX_EXTRA_SMALL_5XX) { MemoryManager* mm = deviceHandle->getMemoryManager(); EemMemoryAccess* ema = (EemMemoryAccess*)mm->getMemoryArea("EEM"); union CycleCount { struct { uint32_t low, high; }; uint64_t value; }; CycleCount cycleCount; ema->readEemRegister(CCNT0L, &cycleCount.low) && ema->sync(); ema->readEemRegister(CCNT0H, &cycleCount.high) && ema->sync(); counterValue = 0; uint32_t factor = 1; uint32_t lsfr2hex[16] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x7, 0x5, 0x3, 0x8, 0xb, 0xe, 0x6, 0x4, 0xa, 0xd, 0x9, 0xc, 0}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { counterValue += factor * lsfr2hex[(cycleCount.value & 0xf)]; cycleCount.value >>= 4; factor *= 15; } }
void process() { while(nextOperation) { auto operation = nextOperation; switch(operation->type) { case OperationType::Add: onAdd(operation); break; case OperationType::Remove: onRemove(operation); break; case OperationType::RemoveAll: onRemoveAll(operation); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected EntityOperation type"); } nextOperation = operation->nextOperation; operation->~T(); memoryManager->free(sizeof(T), alignof(T), operation); } nextOperation = nullptr; lastOperation = nullptr; }
namespace globalF4MPI{ MemoryManager MonomialAllocator; // PolynomMap globalPolynomMap; GlobalOptions globalOptions; //Инициализация глобальных переменных после определения их в парсере void InitializeGlobalOptions(){ CMonomial::setOrder((CMonomial::Order)globalOptions.monomOrder, globalOptions.monomOrderParam); CModular::setMOD(globalOptions.mod); CMonomial::setNumberOfVariables(globalOptions.numberOfVariables); globalF4MPI::MonomialAllocator.setSize(CMonomial::degreessize); PODvecSize<CInternalMonomial>::setvalsize(CMonomial::degreessize); MonomialAllocator.reset(); } void Finalize(){ MonomialAllocator.reset(); } }
Value eval_map( MemoryManager mm, const Functional::value_vec_t& secondary_args, boost::any& map_state, Value subvalue ) const { /* If the subvalue we've been given is NULL, likewise return a NULL * subvalue. We can't change anything. */ if (! subvalue) { return Value(); } if (subvalue.type() != Value::STRING) { return Value(); } ConstByteString text = subvalue.as_string(); boost::shared_ptr<vector<char> > result(new vector<char>()); // Ensure that result.data() is non-null, even if we never insert // anything. result->reserve(1); // value_to_data() ensures that a copy is associated with the memory // pool and will be deleted when the memory pool goes away. value_to_data(result, mm.ib()); boost::regex_replace( back_inserter(*result), text.const_data(), text.const_data() + text.length(), m_expression, m_replacement ); return Value::create_string( mm, subvalue.name(), subvalue.name_length(), ByteString::create_alias( mm, result->data(), result->size() ) ); }
ActionInstance ActionInstance::create( MemoryManager memory_manager, Context context, ConstAction action, const char* parameters ) { ib_action_inst_t* actioninst; throw_if_error( ib_action_inst_create( &actioninst, memory_manager.ib(), context.ib(), action.ib(), parameters ) ); return ActionInstance(actioninst); }
TEST(TestMemoryManager, Allocations) { ScopedMemoryPoolLite smpl; MemoryManager mm = MemoryPoolLite(smpl); void* p; char* c; ASSERT_TRUE(mm); p = NULL; p = mm.alloc(10); EXPECT_TRUE(p); p = NULL; p = mm.allocate<int>(); EXPECT_TRUE(p); c = NULL; c = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mm.calloc(10)); EXPECT_EQ(10L, count(c, c+10, '\0')); c = NULL; c = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mm.calloc(5, 7)); EXPECT_EQ(35L, count(c, c+35, '\0')); static const string c_example = "Hello World"; c = NULL; c = mm.strdup("Hello World"); EXPECT_EQ(c_example, c); c = NULL; c = reinterpret_cast<char*>( mm.memdup(c_example.data(), c_example.size()) ); EXPECT_EQ(c_example, string(c, c_example.size())); c = NULL; c = mm.memdup_to_str(c_example.data(), c_example.size()); EXPECT_EQ(c_example, c); }
OperatorInstance OperatorInstance::create( MemoryManager memory_manager, Context context, ConstOperator op, ib_flags_t required_capabilities, const char* parameters ) { ib_operator_inst_t* opinst; throw_if_error( ib_operator_inst_create( &opinst, memory_manager.ib(), context.ib(), op.ib(), required_capabilities, parameters ) ); return OperatorInstance(opinst); }
void CodeGen(MemoryManager& mm, handlers::CodeHandler& ch) { size_t ml = mm.RequestLocation(id); std::stringstream* ss = new std::stringstream(); *ss << "buff[" << ml << "] = "; auto in_id = in_ids.begin(); PrintAccess(*in_id, mm, *ss); in_id++; size_t or_count = 0; for(in_id = in_id;in_id != in_ids.end();in_id++) { if(or_count > or_limit) { *ss << ";"; ch.AddEntry(ss->str()); delete ss; ss = new std::stringstream(); *ss << "buff[" << ml << "] = buff[" << ml << "]"; or_count = or_count - 1; } *ss << " || "; PrintAccess(*in_id, mm , *ss); or_count++; } *ss << ";"; ch.AddEntry(ss->str()); delete ss; }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: destruct * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_nativeFinalize (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { mm.Erase(env, obj); }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: copyConstruct * Signature: (Lorg/upp/AndroidMath/Vector;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_copyConstruct (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobjThis, jobject jobjThat) { mm.MakeCopy(env, jobjThis, jobjThat); }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: construct * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_construct (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint size) { mm.Insert(env, obj, new Vector(size)); }
SerializedBuffer SerializedBuffer::allocate_grouped_buffer( MemoryManager &memory_manager, size_type maximum_record_count, size_type maximum_group_count, size_type total_key_size, size_type total_value_size, identifier_type target_node) { size_type buffer_size = 0; // Common header const ptrdiff_t common_header_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += sizeof(SerializedBufferHeader); // Keys const ptrdiff_t keys_header_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += sizeof(SerializedKeysHeader); buffer_size = align_ceil(buffer_size, alignof(max_align_t)); const ptrdiff_t keys_data_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += align_ceil(total_key_size, alignof(size_type)); // data const ptrdiff_t keys_offsets_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += (maximum_group_count + 1) * sizeof(size_type); // offsets // Values const ptrdiff_t values_header_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += sizeof(SerializedValuesHeader); buffer_size = align_ceil(buffer_size, alignof(max_align_t)); const ptrdiff_t values_data_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += align_ceil(total_value_size, alignof(size_type)); // data const ptrdiff_t values_offsets_ptrdiff = buffer_size; buffer_size += (maximum_record_count + 1) * sizeof(size_type); // offsets buffer_size += (maximum_group_count + 1) * sizeof(size_type); // group_offsets LockedMemoryReference locked_reference; if(target_node == TARGET_NODE_UNSPECIFIED){ locked_reference = memory_manager.allocate(buffer_size).lock(); }else{ locked_reference = memory_manager.allocate(buffer_size, target_node).lock(); } const auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(locked_reference.pointer()); const auto common_header = reinterpret_cast<SerializedBufferHeader *>( ptr + common_header_ptrdiff); common_header->key_buffer_size = static_cast<size_type>( values_header_ptrdiff - keys_header_ptrdiff); common_header->value_buffer_size = static_cast<size_type>(buffer_size - values_header_ptrdiff); const auto keys_header = reinterpret_cast<SerializedKeysHeader *>( ptr + keys_header_ptrdiff); keys_header->data_buffer_size = static_cast<size_type>(keys_offsets_ptrdiff - keys_data_ptrdiff); keys_header->record_count = maximum_group_count; const auto values_header = reinterpret_cast<SerializedValuesHeader *>( ptr + values_header_ptrdiff); values_header->data_buffer_size = static_cast<size_type>( values_offsets_ptrdiff - values_data_ptrdiff); values_header->maximum_record_count = maximum_record_count; values_header->actual_record_count = 0; return SerializedBuffer(locked_reference); }
T *createOperation() { auto memory = memoryManager->allocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T)); return new(memory) T(); }
inline void ContentLeafNameTypeVector::cleanUp() { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fLeafNames); //delete [] fLeafNames; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fLeafTypes); //delete [] fLeafTypes; }
T* create(Args && ... args) { auto memory = memoryManager->allocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T)); return new(memory) T(std::forward<Args>(args) ...); }
MemoryManager::MemoryManager(const MemoryManager& orig): MemoryManager(orig.getSize()){}
inline void update(FT mFT) { timelines.refresh(); for(const auto& t : timelines) { t->update(mFT); if(t->isFinished()) timelines.del(*t); } }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: set * Signature: (IF)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_set (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint id, jfloat value) { Vector* vec = mm.Get(env, obj); vec->Set(id, value); }
void Finalize(){ MonomialAllocator.reset(); }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: destruct * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_destroy (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { mm.Erase(env, obj); }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: copyConstruct * Signature: (Lorg/upp/AndroidMath/Vector;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_copyConstruct (JNIEnv *env, jobject objSrc, jobject objDst) { mm.MakeCopy(env, objSrc, objDst); }
void FastMatmulRecursive(LockAndCounter& locker, MemoryManager<Scalar>& mem_mngr, Matrix<Scalar>& A, Matrix<Scalar>& B, Matrix<Scalar>& C, int total_steps, int steps_left, int start_index, double x, int num_threads, Scalar beta) { // Update multipliers C.UpdateMultiplier(A.multiplier()); C.UpdateMultiplier(B.multiplier()); A.set_multiplier(Scalar(1.0)); B.set_multiplier(Scalar(1.0)); // Base case for recursion if (steps_left == 0) { MatMul(A, B, C); return; } Matrix<Scalar> A11 = A.Subblock(2, 2, 1, 1); Matrix<Scalar> A12 = A.Subblock(2, 2, 1, 2); Matrix<Scalar> A21 = A.Subblock(2, 2, 2, 1); Matrix<Scalar> A22 = A.Subblock(2, 2, 2, 2); Matrix<Scalar> B11 = B.Subblock(2, 2, 1, 1); Matrix<Scalar> B12 = B.Subblock(2, 2, 1, 2); Matrix<Scalar> B21 = B.Subblock(2, 2, 2, 1); Matrix<Scalar> B22 = B.Subblock(2, 2, 2, 2); Matrix<Scalar> C11 = C.Subblock(2, 2, 1, 1); Matrix<Scalar> C12 = C.Subblock(2, 2, 1, 2); Matrix<Scalar> C21 = C.Subblock(2, 2, 2, 1); Matrix<Scalar> C22 = C.Subblock(2, 2, 2, 2); // Matrices to store the results of multiplications. #ifdef _PARALLEL_ Matrix<Scalar> M1(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 1, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M2(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 2, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M3(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 3, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M4(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 4, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M5(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 5, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M6(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 6, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M7(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 7, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M8(mem_mngr.GetMem(start_index, 8, total_steps - steps_left, M), C11.m(), C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); #else Matrix<Scalar> M1(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M2(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M3(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M4(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M5(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M6(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M7(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); Matrix<Scalar> M8(C11.m(), C11.n(), C.multiplier()); #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) bool sequential1 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 1, num_threads); bool sequential2 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 2, num_threads); bool sequential3 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 3, num_threads); bool sequential4 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 4, num_threads); bool sequential5 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 5, num_threads); bool sequential6 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 6, num_threads); bool sequential7 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 7, num_threads); bool sequential8 = should_launch_task(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 8, num_threads); #else bool sequential1 = false; bool sequential2 = false; bool sequential3 = false; bool sequential4 = false; bool sequential5 = false; bool sequential6 = false; bool sequential7 = false; bool sequential8 = false; #endif // M1 = (1 * A11) * (1 * B11) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential1) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M1.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M1.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A11, B11, M1, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 1 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 1, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M2 = (1 * A12) * (1 * B21) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential2) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M2.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M2.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A12, B21, M2, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 2 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 2, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M3 = (1 * A11) * (1 * B12) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential3) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M3.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M3.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A11, B12, M3, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 3 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 3, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M4 = (1 * A12) * (1 * B22) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential4) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M4.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M4.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A12, B22, M4, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 4 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 4, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M5 = (1 * A21) * (1 * B11) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential5) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M5.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M5.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A21, B11, M5, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 5 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 5, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M6 = (1 * A22) * (1 * B21) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential6) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M6.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M6.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A22, B21, M6, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 6 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 6, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M7 = (1 * A21) * (1 * B12) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential7) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M7.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M7.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A21, B12, M7, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 7 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 7, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait # if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) SwitchToDFS(locker, num_threads); # endif } #endif // M8 = (1 * A22) * (1 * B22) #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) # pragma omp task if(sequential8) shared(mem_mngr, locker) untied { #endif M8.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); M8.UpdateMultiplier(Scalar(1)); FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A22, B22, M8, total_steps, steps_left - 1, (start_index + 8 - 1) * 8, x, num_threads, Scalar(0.0)); #ifndef _PARALLEL_ #endif #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) locker.Decrement(); } if (should_task_wait(8, total_steps, steps_left, start_index, 8, num_threads)) { # pragma omp taskwait } #endif M_Add1(M1, M2, C11, x, false, beta); M_Add2(M3, M4, C12, x, false, beta); M_Add3(M5, M6, C21, x, false, beta); M_Add4(M7, M8, C22, x, false, beta); // Handle edge cases with dynamic peeling #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_ || _PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_) if (total_steps == steps_left) { mkl_set_num_threads_local(num_threads); mkl_set_dynamic(0); } #endif DynamicPeeling(A, B, C, 2, 2, 2, beta); }
/* * Class: org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector * Method: multipleByScalar * Signature: (F)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_upp_AndroidMath_Vector_multipleByScalar (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfloat scalar) { Vector* vec = mm.Get(env, obj); vec->MultipleByScalar(scalar); }
/** * Create new list. * * Creates a new empty list using @a memory_manager for memory. * * @param[in] memory_manager Memory manager to use. * @return Empty List. **/ static List create(MemoryManager memory_manager) { ib_list_t* ib_list; throw_if_error(ib_list_create(&ib_list, memory_manager.ib())); return List(ib_list); }
inline Timeline& create() { return timelines.create(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int iMemorySize = 64, dMemorySize = 32, iMemoryPageSize = 8, dMemoryPageSize = 16; int totalICacheSize = 16, iCacheBlockSize = 4, iCacheAssociativity = 4; int totalDCacheSize = 16, dCacheBlockSize = 4, dCacheAssociativity = 1; /*for(int i=0; i<argc; i++){ printf("%s\n", argv[i]); }*/ if(argc == 11){ iMemorySize = atoi(argv[1]); dMemorySize = atoi(argv[2]); iMemoryPageSize = atoi(argv[3]); dMemoryPageSize = atoi(argv[4]); totalICacheSize = atoi(argv[5]); iCacheBlockSize = atoi(argv[6]); iCacheAssociativity = atoi(argv[7]); totalDCacheSize = atoi(argv[8]); dCacheBlockSize = atoi(argv[9]); dCacheAssociativity = atoi(argv[10]); } MemoryManager* memoryManager = new MemoryManager(iMemorySize, dMemorySize, iMemoryPageSize, dMemoryPageSize, totalICacheSize, iCacheBlockSize, iCacheAssociativity, totalDCacheSize, dCacheBlockSize, dCacheAssociativity); Memory* iMemory; Memory* dMemory; ControlUnit* controlUnit; MyRegister *reg; ProgramCounter *pc; // unsigned int readSp; size_t result; unsigned char readArray[4]; unsigned int readProgramCounter; FILE *dImage; FILE *iImage; FILE *snapShot; FILE *errorFile; FILE* reportFile = fopen("report.rpt", "w"); FILE* debug; dImage = fopen("dimage.bin", "rb"); iImage = fopen("iimage.bin", "rb"); snapShot = fopen("snapshot.rpt", "w"); errorFile = fopen("error_dump.rpt", "w"); debug = fopen("debug.rpt", "w"); //read iimage result = fread(readArray, 4, 1, iImage); readProgramCounter = readArray[0] << 24 | readArray[1] << 16 | readArray[2] << 8 | readArray[3]; pc = new ProgramCounter(readProgramCounter); iMemory = new Memory(iImage, pc->PC); //read dimage reg = new MyRegister(dImage, memoryManager); // reg->print(); dMemory = new Memory(dImage, 0); memoryManager->initializeDisk(iMemory->memory, dMemory->memory); //Decoder d1(iMemory->memory + pc->PC); //d1.print(); //printf("words = %d\n", iMemory->words); /* for(int i=0; i<iMemory->words; i++){ Decoder d2(iMemory->memory + pc->PC + i*4); d2.print(); d2.fprint(insOut); }*/ int cycle = 0, shutDown = 0; controlUnit = new ControlUnit(reg, pc, dMemory, errorFile); printSnapShot(snapShot, cycle, reg, pc); printDebugFile(debug, cycle, reg, pc); while(1){ Decoder d3(iMemory->getMemoryPointer(pc->PC)); Decoder testMemory(memoryManager->getIData(pc->PC, cycle)); // printf("0x%x\n", testMemory.instruction); //testMemory.print(); pc->PC += 4; fprintf(debug, "instruction = %x\n", d3.instruction); d3.printDebug(debug); cycle++; //printf("%d\n", cycle); // memoryManager->displayReport(); shutDown = controlUnit->execute(&d3, cycle);//run instruction if(d3.instructionName == "halt" || shutDown) break; printSnapShot(snapShot, cycle, reg, pc); printDebugFile(debug, cycle, reg, pc); // reg->print(); // system("PAUSE"); } // memoryManager->displayReport(); memoryManager->printReport(reportFile); delete dMemory; delete iMemory; delete controlUnit; delete pc; delete reg; delete memoryManager; fclose(iImage); fclose(dImage); fclose(snapShot); fclose(errorFile); fclose(debug); fclose(reportFile); return 0; }
inline void clear() noexcept { timelines.clear(); }
status_t OMXCameraAdapter::setTouchFocus() { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_ALGOAREASTYPE **focusAreas; OMX_TI_CONFIG_SHAREDBUFFER sharedBuffer; MemoryManager memMgr; int areasSize = 0; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if ( OMX_StateInvalid == mComponentState ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("OMX component is in invalid state"); ret = -1; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { areasSize = ((sizeof(OMX_ALGOAREASTYPE)+4095)/4096)*4096; focusAreas = (OMX_ALGOAREASTYPE**) memMgr.allocateBuffer(0, 0, NULL, areasSize, 1); OMXCameraPortParameters * mPreviewData = NULL; mPreviewData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mPrevPortIndex]; if (!focusAreas) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error allocating buffer for focus areas %d", eError); return -ENOMEM; } OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (focusAreas[0], OMX_ALGOAREASTYPE); focusAreas[0]->nPortIndex = OMX_ALL; focusAreas[0]->nNumAreas = mFocusAreas.size(); focusAreas[0]->nAlgoAreaPurpose = OMX_AlgoAreaFocus; // If the area is the special case of (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), then // the algorithm needs nNumAreas to be set to 0, // in order to automatically choose the best fitting areas. if ( mFocusAreas.itemAt(0)->isZeroArea() ) { focusAreas[0]->nNumAreas = 0; } for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < mFocusAreas.size(); n++) { // transform the coordinates to 3A-type coordinates mFocusAreas.itemAt(n)->transfrom((size_t)mPreviewData->mWidth, (size_t)mPreviewData->mHeight, (size_t&)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nTop, (size_t&)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nLeft, (size_t&)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nWidth, (size_t&)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nHeight); focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nLeft = ( focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nLeft * TOUCH_FOCUS_RANGE ) / mPreviewData->mWidth; focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nTop = ( focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nTop* TOUCH_FOCUS_RANGE ) / mPreviewData->mHeight; focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nWidth = ( focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nWidth * TOUCH_FOCUS_RANGE ) / mPreviewData->mWidth; focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nHeight = ( focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nHeight * TOUCH_FOCUS_RANGE ) / mPreviewData->mHeight; focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nPriority = mFocusAreas.itemAt(n)->getWeight(); CAMHAL_LOGDB("Focus area %d : top = %d left = %d width = %d height = %d prio = %d", n, (int)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nTop, (int)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nLeft, (int)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nWidth, (int)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nHeight, (int)focusAreas[0]->tAlgoAreas[n].nPriority); } OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&sharedBuffer, OMX_TI_CONFIG_SHAREDBUFFER); sharedBuffer.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL; sharedBuffer.nSharedBuffSize = areasSize; sharedBuffer.pSharedBuff = (OMX_U8 *) focusAreas[0]; if ( NULL == sharedBuffer.pSharedBuff ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("No resources to allocate OMX shared buffer"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto EXIT; } eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexConfigAlgoAreas, &sharedBuffer); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while setting Focus Areas configuration 0x%x", eError); ret = -EINVAL; } EXIT: if (NULL != focusAreas) { memMgr.freeBuffer((void*) focusAreas); focusAreas = NULL; } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; }
/*** * List datatypes * * The canonical-lexical-representation for the ·list· datatype is defined as * the lexical form in which each item in the ·list· has the canonical * lexical representation of its ·itemType·. ***/ const XMLCh* ListDatatypeValidator::getCanonicalRepresentation(const XMLCh* const rawData , MemoryManager* const memMgr , bool toValidate) const { MemoryManager* toUse = memMgr? memMgr : getMemoryManager(); ListDatatypeValidator* temp = (ListDatatypeValidator*) this; temp->setContent(rawData); BaseRefVectorOf<XMLCh>* tokenVector = XMLString::tokenizeString(rawData, toUse); Janitor<BaseRefVectorOf<XMLCh> > janName(tokenVector); if (toValidate) { try { temp->checkContent(tokenVector, rawData, 0, false, toUse); } catch (...) { return 0; } } unsigned int retBufSize = 2 * XMLString::stringLen(rawData); XMLCh* retBuf = (XMLCh*) toUse->allocate(retBufSize * sizeof(XMLCh)); retBuf[0] = 0; XMLCh* retBufPtr = retBuf; DatatypeValidator* itemDv = this->getItemTypeDTV(); try { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tokenVector->size(); i++) { XMLCh* itemCanRep = (XMLCh*) itemDv->getCanonicalRepresentation(tokenVector->elementAt(i), toUse, false); unsigned int itemLen = XMLString::stringLen(itemCanRep); if(retBufPtr+itemLen+2 >= retBuf+retBufSize) { // need to resize XMLCh * oldBuf = retBuf; retBuf = (XMLCh*) toUse->allocate(retBufSize * sizeof(XMLCh) * 4); memcpy(retBuf, oldBuf, retBufSize * sizeof(XMLCh )); retBufPtr = (retBufPtr - oldBuf) + retBuf; toUse->deallocate(oldBuf); retBufSize <<= 2; } XMLString::catString(retBufPtr, itemCanRep); retBufPtr = retBufPtr + itemLen + 1; *(retBufPtr++) = chSpace; *(retBufPtr) = chNull; toUse->deallocate(itemCanRep); } return retBuf; } catch (...) { return 0; } }
bool DebugManagerV3::run (uint16_t controlMask, DebugEventTarget * cb, bool releaseJtag) { MemoryManager* mm = this->parent->getMemoryManager(); MemoryArea* cpu = mm->getMemoryArea("CPU"); if (!cpu) { return false; } lpm5WakeupDetected = false; if(cb!=0) { cbx=cb; } uint32_t pc, sr; cpu->read(0, &pc, 1); cpu->read(2, &sr, 1); if(mm->flushAll()==false) { return false; } cycleCounter_.reset(); ConfigManager *cm = parent->getFetHandle()->getConfigManager(); const uint16_t mdb = parent->getEmulationManager()->getSoftwareBreakpoints()->getSwbpManager()->getInstructionAt(pc); if (mdb != 0) { mdbPatchValue = mdb; } HalExecElement* el = new HalExecElement(this->parent->checkHalId(ID_RestoreContext_ReleaseJtag)); this->parent->getWatchdogControl()->addParamsTo(el); el->appendInputData32(pc); el->appendInputData16(sr); el->appendInputData16(controlMask!=0? 0x0007: 0x0006); // eem control bits el->appendInputData16(mdbPatchValue); // mdb el->appendInputData16(releaseJtag ? 1 : 0); el->appendInputData16(cm->ulpDebugEnabled() ? 1 : 0); mdbPatchValue = 0; HalExecCommand cmd; cmd.elements.push_back(el); if (!this->parent->send(cmd)) { return false; } // handle lpmx5 polling if (releaseJtag) { pausePolling(); } else { this->resumePolling(); } if (controlMask!=0 && !releaseJtag) { if (!activatePolling(controlMask)) { return false; } } resetCycleCounterBeforeNextStep = true; return true; }