Esempio n. 1
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::TestAPI() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    MessageFormat *format = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    // Test adoptFormat
    MessageFormat *fmt = new MessageFormat("",status);
    failure(status, "adoptFormat");

    // Test getFormat
    failure(status, "getFormat");
    delete format;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::TestAPI() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    MessageFormat *format = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    // Test adoptFormat
    MessageFormat *fmt = new MessageFormat("",status);
    format->adoptFormat("some_name",fmt,status);  // Must at least pass a valid identifier.
    failure(status, "adoptFormat");

    // Test getFormat
    format->getFormat("some_other_name",status);  // Must at least pass a valid identifier.
    failure(status, "getFormat");
    delete format;
void TestMessageFormat::testMsgFormatChoice(/* char* par */)
    logln("running TestMessageFormat::testMsgFormatChoice");

    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    MessageFormat* form = new MessageFormat("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0}.", err);
    double filelimits[] = {0,1,2};
    UnicodeString filepart[] = {"no files","one file","{0,number} files"};
    ChoiceFormat* fileform = new ChoiceFormat(filelimits, filepart, 3);
    form->setFormat(1,*fileform); // NOT zero, see below
        //is the format adopted?

    FieldPosition ignore(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
    UnicodeString string;
    Formattable testArgs1[] = {(int32_t)0, "MyDisk"};    
    form->format(testArgs1, 2, string, ignore, err);
    if (string != "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains no files.") {
        errln("TestMessageFormat::testMsgFormatChoice failed on test #1");
    Formattable testArgs2[] = {(int32_t)1, "MyDisk"};    
    form->format(testArgs2, 2, string, ignore, err);
    if (string != "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains one file.") {
        errln("TestMessageFormat::testMsgFormatChoice failed on test #2");

    Formattable testArgs3[] = {(int32_t)1273, "MyDisk"};    
    form->format(testArgs3, 2, string, ignore, err);
    if (string != "The disk \"MyDisk\" contains 1,273 files.") {
        errln("TestMessageFormat::testMsgFormatChoice failed on test #3");

    delete form;
    delete fileform;
Esempio n. 4
TestChoiceFormat::TestComplexExample( void )
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const double filelimits[] = {-1, 0,1,2};
    const UnicodeString filepart[] = {"are corrupted files", "are no files","is one file","are {2} files"};

    ChoiceFormat* fileform = new ChoiceFormat( filelimits, filepart, 4);

    if (!fileform) { 
        it_errln("***  test_complex_example fileform"); 

    Format* filenumform = NumberFormat::createInstance( status );
    if (!filenumform) { 
        dataerrln((UnicodeString)"***  test_complex_example filenumform - " + u_errorName(status)); 
        delete fileform;
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_simple_example filenumform" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;

    //const Format* testFormats[] = { fileform, NULL, filenumform };
    //pattform->setFormats( testFormats, 3 );

    MessageFormat* pattform = new MessageFormat("There {0} on {1}", status );
    if (!pattform) { 
        it_errln("***  test_complex_example pattform"); 
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example pattform" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;

    pattform->setFormat( 0, *fileform );
    pattform->setFormat( 2, *filenumform );

    Formattable testArgs[] = {(int32_t)0, "Disk_A", (int32_t)0};
    UnicodeString str;
    UnicodeString res1, res2;
    pattform->toPattern( res1 );
    it_logln("MessageFormat toPattern: " + res1);
    fileform->toPattern( res1 );
    it_logln("ChoiceFormat toPattern: " + res1);
    if (res1 == "-1#are corrupted files|0#are no files|1#is one file|2#are {2} files") {
        it_logln("toPattern tested!");
        it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat to Pattern result!");

    FieldPosition fpos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);

    UnicodeString checkstr[] = { 
        "There are corrupted files on Disk_A",
        "There are no files on Disk_A",
        "There is one file on Disk_A",
        "There are 2 files on Disk_A",
        "There are 3 files on Disk_A"

    // if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR) return; // TODO: analyze why we have such a bad bail out here!

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) { 
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;

    int32_t i;
    int32_t start = -1;
    for (i = start; i < 4; ++i) {
        str = "";
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        testArgs[0] = Formattable((int32_t)i);
        testArgs[2] = testArgs[0];
        res2 = pattform->format(testArgs, 3, str, fpos, status );
        if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format" )) {
            delete fileform;
            delete filenumform;
            delete pattform;
        it_logln(i + UnicodeString(" -> ") + res2);
        if (res2 != checkstr[i - start]) {
            it_errln("***  test_complex_example res string");
            it_errln(UnicodeString("*** ") + i + UnicodeString(" -> '") + res2 + UnicodeString("' unlike '") + checkstr[i] + UnicodeString("' ! "));

    it_logln("------ additional testing in complex test ------");
#if 0  // ICU 4.8 deprecates and disables the ChoiceFormat getters.
    int32_t retCount;
    const double* retLimits = fileform->getLimits( retCount );
    if ((retCount == 4) && (retLimits)
    && (retLimits[0] == -1.0)
    && (retLimits[1] == 0.0)
    && (retLimits[2] == 1.0)
    && (retLimits[3] == 2.0)) {
        it_logln("getLimits tested!");
        it_errln("***  getLimits unexpected result!");

    const UnicodeString* retFormats = fileform->getFormats( retCount );
    if ((retCount == 4) && (retFormats)
    && (retFormats[0] == "are corrupted files") 
    && (retFormats[1] == "are no files") 
    && (retFormats[2] == "is one file")
    && (retFormats[3] == "are {2} files")) {
        it_logln("getFormats tested!");
        it_errln("***  getFormats unexpected result!");

    UnicodeString checkstr2[] = { 
        "There is no folder on Disk_A",
        "There is one folder on Disk_A",
        "There are many folders on Disk_A",
        "There are many folders on Disk_A"

    fileform->applyPattern("0#is no folder|1#is one folder|2#are many folders", status );
    if (status == U_ZERO_ERROR)
        it_logln("status applyPattern OK!");
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example pattform" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;
    pattform->setFormat( 0, *fileform );
    fpos = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        str = "";
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        testArgs[0] = Formattable((int32_t)i);
        testArgs[2] = testArgs[0];
        res2 = pattform->format(testArgs, 3, str, fpos, status );
        if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format 2" )) {
            delete fileform;
            delete filenumform;
            delete pattform;
        it_logln(UnicodeString() + i + UnicodeString(" -> ") + res2);
        if (res2 != checkstr2[i]) {
            it_errln("***  test_complex_example res string");
            it_errln(UnicodeString("*** ") + i + UnicodeString(" -> '") + res2 + UnicodeString("' unlike '") + checkstr2[i] + UnicodeString("' ! "));

    const double limits_A[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
    const UnicodeString monthNames_A[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat"};
    ChoiceFormat* form_A = new ChoiceFormat(limits_A, monthNames_A, 7);
    ChoiceFormat* form_A2 = new ChoiceFormat(limits_A, monthNames_A, 7);
    const double limits_B[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
    const UnicodeString monthNames_B[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat_BBB"};
    ChoiceFormat* form_B = new ChoiceFormat(limits_B, monthNames_B, 7);
    if (!form_A || !form_B || !form_A2) {
        it_errln("***  test-choiceFormat not allocatable!");
        if (*form_A == *form_A2) {
            it_logln("operator== tested.");
            it_errln("***  operator==");

        if (*form_A != *form_B) {
            it_logln("operator!= tested.");
            it_errln("***  operator!=");

        ChoiceFormat* form_A3 = (ChoiceFormat*) form_A->clone();
        if (!form_A3) {
            it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat->clone is nil.");
            if ((*form_A3 == *form_A) && (*form_A3 != *form_B)) {
                it_logln("method clone tested.");
                it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat clone or operator==, or operator!= .");

        ChoiceFormat form_Assigned( *form_A );
        UBool ok = (form_Assigned == *form_A) && (form_Assigned != *form_B);
        form_Assigned = *form_B;
        ok = ok && (form_Assigned != *form_A) && (form_Assigned == *form_B);
        if (ok) {
            it_logln("copy constructor and operator= tested.");
            it_errln("***  copy constructor or operator= or operator == or operator != .");
        delete form_A3;

    delete form_A; delete form_A2; delete form_B; 

    const char* testPattern = "0#none|1#one|2#many";
    ChoiceFormat form_pat( testPattern, status );
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  ChoiceFormat contructor( newPattern, status)" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;

    form_pat.toPattern( res1 );
    if (res1 == "0#none|1#one|2#many") {
        it_logln("ChoiceFormat contructor( newPattern, status) tested");
        it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat contructor( newPattern, status) or toPattern result!");

    double d_a2[] = { 3.0, 4.0 };
    UnicodeString s_a2[] = { "third", "forth" };

    form_pat.setChoices( d_a2, s_a2, 2 );
    form_pat.toPattern( res1 );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat adoptChoices toPattern: ") + res1);
    if (res1 == "3#third|4#forth") {
        it_logln("ChoiceFormat adoptChoices tested");
        it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat adoptChoices result!");

    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    double arg_double = 3.0;
    res1 = form_pat.format( arg_double, str, fpos );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (double, ...) result!");

    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int64_t arg_64 = 3;
    res1 = form_pat.format( arg_64, str, fpos );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (int64_t, ...) result!");

    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t arg_long = 3;
    res1 = form_pat.format( arg_long, str, fpos );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (int32_t, ...) result!");

    Formattable ft( (int32_t)3 );
    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    res1 = form_pat.format( ft, str, fpos, status );
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format (int32_t, ...)" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (Formattable, ...) result!");

    Formattable fta[] = { (int32_t)3 };
    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    res1 = form_pat.format( fta, 1, str, fpos, status );
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format (int32_t, ...)" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (Formattable[], cnt, ...) result!");

    ParsePosition parse_pos = 0;
    Formattable result;
    UnicodeString parsetext("third");
    form_pat.parse( parsetext, result, parse_pos );
    double rd = (result.getType() == Formattable::kLong) ? result.getLong() : result.getDouble();
    if (rd == 3.0) {
        it_logln("parse( ..., ParsePos ) tested.");
        it_errln("*** ChoiceFormat parse( ..., ParsePos )!");

    form_pat.parse( parsetext, result, status );
    rd = (result.getType() == Formattable::kLong) ? result.getLong() : result.getDouble();
    if (rd == 3.0) {
        it_logln("parse( ..., UErrorCode ) tested.");
        it_errln("*** ChoiceFormat parse( ..., UErrorCode )!");

    UClassID classID = ChoiceFormat::getStaticClassID();
    if (classID == form_pat.getDynamicClassID()) {
        it_out << "getStaticClassID and getDynamicClassID tested." << endl;
        it_errln("*** getStaticClassID and getDynamicClassID!");


    delete fileform; 
    delete filenumform;
    delete pattform;
Esempio n. 5
// srcPluralCount is the original plural count on which the pattern is
// searched for.
// searchPluralCount is the fallback plural count.
// For example, to search for pattern for ""one" hour",
// "one" is the srcPluralCount,
// if the pattern is not found even in root, fallback to 
// using patterns of plural count "other", 
// then, "other" is the searchPluralCount.
TimeUnitFormat::searchInLocaleChain(UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, const char* key, const char* localeName,
                                TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields srcTimeUnitField,
                                const UnicodeString& srcPluralCount,
                                const char* searchPluralCount, 
                                Hashtable* countToPatterns,
                                UErrorCode& err) {
    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    char parentLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
    uprv_strcpy(parentLocale, localeName);
    int32_t locNameLen;
    U_ASSERT(countToPatterns != NULL);
    while ((locNameLen = uloc_getParent(parentLocale, parentLocale,
                                        ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &status)) >= 0){
        // look for pattern for srcPluralCount in locale tree
        UResourceBundle *rb, *unitsRes, *countsToPatternRB;
        rb = ures_open(NULL, parentLocale, &status);
        unitsRes = ures_getByKey(rb, key, NULL, &status);
        const char* timeUnitName = getTimeUnitName(srcTimeUnitField, status);
        countsToPatternRB = ures_getByKey(unitsRes, timeUnitName, NULL, &status);
        const UChar* pattern;
        int32_t      ptLength;
        pattern = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(countsToPatternRB, searchPluralCount, &ptLength, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            MessageFormat* messageFormat = new MessageFormat(UnicodeString(TRUE, pattern, ptLength), fLocale, err);
            if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
                if (fNumberFormat != NULL) {
                    messageFormat->setFormat(0, *fNumberFormat);
                MessageFormat** formatters = (MessageFormat**)countToPatterns->get(srcPluralCount);
                if (formatters == NULL) {
                    formatters = (MessageFormat**)uprv_malloc(UTMUTFMT_FORMAT_STYLE_COUNT*sizeof(MessageFormat*));
                    formatters[UTMUTFMT_FULL_STYLE] = NULL;
                    formatters[UTMUTFMT_ABBREVIATED_STYLE] = NULL;
                    countToPatterns->put(srcPluralCount, formatters, err);
                    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
                        delete messageFormat;
                if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
                    //delete formatters[style];
                    formatters[style] = messageFormat;
            } else {
                delete messageFormat;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if ( locNameLen ==0 ) {

    // if no unitsShort resource was found even after fallback to root locale
    // then search the units resource fallback from the current level to root
    if ( locNameLen == 0 && uprv_strcmp(key, gShortUnitsTag) == 0) {
        std::cout << "loop into searchInLocaleChain since Short-Long-Alternative \n";
        char pLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
        uprv_strcpy(pLocale, localeName);
        // Add an underscore at the tail of locale name,
        // so that searchInLocaleChain will check the current locale before falling back
        uprv_strcat(pLocale, "_");
        searchInLocaleChain(style, gUnitsTag, pLocale, srcTimeUnitField, srcPluralCount,
                             searchPluralCount, countToPatterns, err);
        MessageFormat** formatters = (MessageFormat**)countToPatterns->get(srcPluralCount);
        if (formatters != NULL && formatters[style] != NULL) {

    // if not found the pattern for this plural count at all,
    // fall-back to plural count "other"
    if ( uprv_strcmp(searchPluralCount, gPluralCountOther) == 0 ) {
        // set default fall back the same as the resource in root
        MessageFormat* messageFormat = NULL;
        const UChar *pattern = NULL;
        if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_SECOND ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_SECOND;
        } else if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_MINUTE ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_MINUTE;
        } else if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_HOUR ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_HOUR;
        } else if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_WEEK ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_WEEK;
        } else if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_DAY ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_DAY;
        } else if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_MONTH ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_MONTH;
        } else if ( srcTimeUnitField == TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_YEAR ) {
            pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN_FOR_YEAR;
        if (pattern != NULL) {
            messageFormat = new MessageFormat(UnicodeString(TRUE, pattern, -1), fLocale, err);
        if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
            if (fNumberFormat != NULL && messageFormat != NULL) {
                messageFormat->setFormat(0, *fNumberFormat);
            MessageFormat** formatters = (MessageFormat**)countToPatterns->get(srcPluralCount);
            if (formatters == NULL) {
                formatters = (MessageFormat**)uprv_malloc(UTMUTFMT_FORMAT_STYLE_COUNT*sizeof(MessageFormat*));
                formatters[UTMUTFMT_FULL_STYLE] = NULL;
                formatters[UTMUTFMT_ABBREVIATED_STYLE] = NULL;
                countToPatterns->put(srcPluralCount, formatters, err);
                if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
                    delete messageFormat;
            if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
                //delete formatters[style];
                formatters[style] = messageFormat;
        } else {
            delete messageFormat;
    } else {
        // fall back to rule "other", and search in parents
        searchInLocaleChain(style, key, localeName, srcTimeUnitField, srcPluralCount, 
                            gPluralCountOther, countToPatterns, err);
Esempio n. 6
TimeUnitFormat::readFromCurrentLocale(UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, const char* key,
                                      const UVector& pluralCounts, UErrorCode& err) {
    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
    // fill timeUnitToCountToPatterns from resource file
    // err is used to indicate wrong status except missing resource.
    // status is an error code used in resource lookup.
    // status does not affect "err".
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle *rb, *unitsRes;
    rb = ures_open(NULL, fLocale.getName(), &status);
    unitsRes = ures_getByKey(rb, key, NULL, &status);
    unitsRes = ures_getByKey(unitsRes, "duration", unitsRes, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    int32_t size = ures_getSize(unitsRes);
    for ( int32_t index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
        // resource of one time unit
        UResourceBundle* oneTimeUnit = ures_getByIndex(unitsRes, index,
                                                       NULL, &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            const char* timeUnitName = ures_getKey(oneTimeUnit);
            if (timeUnitName == NULL) {
            UResourceBundle* countsToPatternRB = ures_getByKey(unitsRes, 
                                                             NULL, &status);
            if (countsToPatternRB == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)) {
            TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_FIELD_COUNT;
            if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitYear) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_YEAR;
            } else if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitMonth) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_MONTH;
            } else if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitDay) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_DAY;
            } else if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitHour) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_HOUR;
            } else if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitMinute) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_MINUTE;
            } else if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitSecond) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_SECOND;
            } else if ( uprv_strcmp(timeUnitName, gTimeUnitWeek) == 0 ) {
                timeUnitField = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_WEEK;
            } else {
            Hashtable* countToPatterns = fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns[timeUnitField];
            if (countToPatterns == NULL) {
                countToPatterns = initHash(err);
                if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
                    delete countToPatterns;
            int32_t count = ures_getSize(countsToPatternRB);
            const char*  pluralCount;
            for ( int32_t pluralIndex = 0; pluralIndex < count; ++pluralIndex) {
                // resource of count to pattern
                UnicodeString pattern =
                    ures_getNextUnicodeString(countsToPatternRB, &pluralCount, &status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                UnicodeString pluralCountUniStr(pluralCount, -1, US_INV);
                if (!pluralCounts.contains(&pluralCountUniStr)) {
                MessageFormat* messageFormat = new MessageFormat(pattern, fLocale, err);
                if ( U_SUCCESS(err) ) {
                  if (fNumberFormat != NULL) {
                    messageFormat->setFormat(0, *fNumberFormat);
                  MessageFormat** formatters = (MessageFormat**)countToPatterns->get(pluralCountUniStr);
                  if (formatters == NULL) {
                    formatters = (MessageFormat**)uprv_malloc(UTMUTFMT_FORMAT_STYLE_COUNT*sizeof(MessageFormat*));
                    formatters[UTMUTFMT_FULL_STYLE] = NULL;
                    formatters[UTMUTFMT_ABBREVIATED_STYLE] = NULL;
                    countToPatterns->put(pluralCountUniStr, formatters, err);
                    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
                  if (U_SUCCESS(err)) {
                      //delete formatters[style];
                      formatters[style] = messageFormat;
                if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
                    delete messageFormat;
                    delete countToPatterns;
            if (fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns[timeUnitField] == NULL) {
                fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns[timeUnitField] = countToPatterns;