/** * Finding function : within parent, look for children whom fullname equals argument */ ModItem* ModItemsTree::findInDescendants(QString fullName,ModItem* parent) { if(parent==NULL) parent = _rootElement; ModItem* curChild; QString curFullName = parent->name(ModItem::FULL); int curDepth = parent->depth(); int lookingDepth = fullName.split(".").size()-1; // check if it is this component if(curFullName == fullName) return parent; //first check name compatibility if(fullName.indexOf(curFullName)!=0) return NULL; // then check children are readen if(!parent->childrenReaden()) { // if not, check in its direction readFromOmc(parent,lookingDepth,fullName,curDepth); } //get child name to visit //QString childShortName = fullName.section(".",curDepth,curDepth); QString childShortName = fullName; // first remove parent name // A ajouter la une condition if not executable else childShortName = curFullName !!!!!! if(!fullName.endsWith(".exe")) { childShortName.remove(QRegExp("^"+curFullName+"\\.")); // then take first section childShortName = childShortName.section(".",0,0); // looking in children for(int iChild=0;iChild<parent->childCount();iChild++) { curChild = parent->child(iChild); if(curChild->name(ModItem::SHORT)==childShortName) return findInDescendants(fullName,curChild); } } else { for(int iChild=0;iChild<parent->childCount();iChild++) { curChild = parent->child(iChild); if(curChild->name(ModItem::FULL)==childShortName) return findInDescendants(fullName,curChild); } } return NULL; }
bool ModItemsTree::hasChildren ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { bool hasChildren; bool triedToFind; if(!_enabled) return false; ModItem *parentElement; if (parent.column() > 0) return false; if (!parent.isValid()) parentElement = rootElement(); else parentElement = static_cast<ModItem*>(parent.internalPointer()); if(parentElement->childrenReaden()) { if(_showComponents) return (parentElement->childCount()>0); else return (parentElement->childCount()-parentElement->compChildCount()>0); } else { triedToFind = true; hasChildren = false; QStringList children = _moomc->getClassNames(parentElement->name()); children.removeAll(QString()); if(!children.isEmpty()) hasChildren = true; else if(parentElement->getClassRestr()==Modelica::MODEL) { if(!_showComponents) { hasChildren = false; triedToFind = false; } else { // look if has component children QStringList compNames; QStringList compClasses; _moomc->getContainedComponents(parentElement->getModClassName(),compNames,compClasses,true); hasChildren = (!compNames.isEmpty()); } } if(triedToFind && !hasChildren) parentElement->setChildrenReaden(true); // avoid re-reading return hasChildren; } }
QVariant ModItemsTree::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if(_enabled) { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role != Qt::DisplayRole && role !=Qt::ToolTipRole && role != Qt::DecorationRole) return QVariant(); if(index.column()<0 || index.column()>=ModItem::nbFields) return QVariant(); ModItem *item = static_cast<ModItem*>(index.internalPointer()); if(item) { if(role==Qt::DecorationRole) return getModelicaNodeIcon(item); // fullfiling is now done in ::fetchmore // if(!item->childrenReaden()) // readFromOmcV2(item,1); if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { QString tooltip = item->getStrToolTip(); return tooltip; } // if display, only display short name (since hierarchy is visible) if((role == Qt::DisplayRole) && (index.column()==ModItem::NAME)) return item->name(ModItem::SHORT); return item->getFieldValue(index.column(),role); } else { return QVariant(); } } else return QVariant(); }
QMimeData* ModItemsTree::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const { QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData(); QString csv; // select only first column indexes (since selection is made by row) QModelIndexList rowIndexes; QList<ModItem*> items; for(int i=0;i<indexes.size();i++) { if(indexes.at(i).column()==0) { rowIndexes.push_back(indexes.at(i)); items.push_back((ModItem*)indexes.at(i).internalPointer()); } } // Remove children of contained parents -> avoid twice copying QList<ModItem*> uniqueItems; for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { // if(!items.contains(items.at(i)->parent()) || (items.at(i)->parent()==_rootElement)) uniqueItems.push_back(items.at(i)); } // create text data for(int i=0;i<uniqueItems.size();i++) { ModItem* item = uniqueItems.at(i); csv.push_back(item->name(ModItem::FULL)+"\n"); } if(csv.size()>0) csv.remove(csv.size()-QString("\n").size(),QString("\n").size()); mimeData->setText(csv); mimeData->setData("application/ModItemName",csv.toAscii()); return mimeData; }