Esempio n. 1
void Falcon::SetOutputs(ModelManager* allmodels, OutputManager* outputManager, std::list<int>& selected, wxWindow* parent)
    //ResetStringOutputs(); // this shouldnt be used normally

    static log4cpp::Category &logger_base = log4cpp::Category::getInstance(std::string("log_base"));
    logger_base.debug("Falcon Outputs Upload: Uploading to %s", (const char *)_ip.c_str());
    // build a list of models on this controller
    std::list<Model*> models;
    std::list<std::string> protocolsused;
    std::list<Model*> warnedmodels;
    int maxport = 0;

    // Get universes based on IP
    std::list<Output*> outputs = outputManager->GetAllOutputs(_ip);

    // get outputs based on selected
    std::list<Output*> o2 = outputManager->GetAllOutputs(selected);

    // now merge them together and eleminate the duplicates

    for (auto ito = outputs.begin(); ito != outputs.end(); ++ito)
        // this universe is sent to the falcon

        // find all the models in this range
        for (auto it = allmodels->begin(); it != allmodels->end(); ++it)
            if (it->second->GetDisplayAs() != "ModelGroup")
                int modelstart = it->second->GetNumberFromChannelString(it->second->ModelStartChannel);
                int modelend = modelstart + it->second->GetChanCount() - 1;
                if ((modelstart >= (*ito)->GetStartChannel() && modelstart <= (*ito)->GetEndChannel()) ||
                    (modelend >= (*ito)->GetStartChannel() && modelend <= (*ito)->GetEndChannel()))
                    //logger_base.debug("Model %s start %d end %d found on controller %s output %d start %d end %d.",
                    //    (const char *)it->first.c_str(), modelstart, modelend,
                    //    (const char *)_ip.c_str(), node, currentcontrollerstartchannel, currentcontrollerendchannel);
                    if (!it->second->IsControllerConnectionValid())
                        // only warn if we have not already warned
                        if (std::find(warnedmodels.begin(), warnedmodels.end(), it->second) == warnedmodels.end())
                            logger_base.warn("Falcon Outputs Upload: Model %s on controller %s does not have its Controller Connection details completed: '%s'. Model ignored.", (const char *)it->first.c_str(), (const char *)_ip.c_str(), (const char *)it->second->GetControllerConnection().c_str());
                            wxMessageBox("Model " + it->first + " on controller " + _ip + " does not have its Contoller Connection details completed: '" + it->second->GetControllerConnection() + "'. Model ignored.", "Model Ignored");
                        // model uses channels in this universe

                        // check we dont already have this model in our list
                        if (std::find(models.begin(), models.end(), it->second) == models.end())
                            logger_base.debug("Falcon Outputs Upload: Uploading Model %s.", (const char *)it->first.c_str());
                            if (std::find(protocolsused.begin(), protocolsused.end(), it->second->GetProtocol()) == protocolsused.end())
                            if (it->second->GetPort() > maxport)
                                maxport = it->second->GetPort();

    // sort the models by start channel

    // get the current config before I start
    std::string strings = GetURL("/strings.xml");
    if (strings == "")
        logger_base.error("Falcon Outputs Upload: Falcon would not return strings.xml.");
        wxMessageBox("Error occured trying to upload to Falcon.", "Error", wxOK, parent);

    // for each protocol
    for (auto protocol = protocolsused.begin(); protocol != protocolsused.end(); ++protocol)
        std::string sendmessage;
        int count = 0;

        bool portdone[100];
        memset(&portdone, 0x00, sizeof(portdone)); // all false

        // for each port ... this is the max of any port type but it should be ok
        for (int i = 1; i <= maxport; i++)
            // find the first and last
            Model* first = nullptr;
            Model* last = nullptr;
            int highestend = 0;
            long loweststart = 999999999;

            for (auto model = models.begin(); model != models.end(); ++model)
                if ((*model)->GetProtocol() == *protocol && (*model)->GetPort() == i)
                    int modelstart = (*model)->GetNumberFromChannelString((*model)->ModelStartChannel);
                    int modelend = modelstart + (*model)->GetChanCount() - 1;
                    if (modelstart < loweststart)
                        loweststart = modelstart;
                        first = *model;
                    if (modelend > highestend)
                        highestend = modelend;
                        last = *model;

            if (first != nullptr)
                int portstart = first->GetNumberFromChannelString(first->ModelStartChannel);
                int portend = last->GetNumberFromChannelString(last->ModelStartChannel) + last->GetChanCount() - 1;
                int numstrings = first->GetNumStrings();
                bool multistringelement = (first->GetDisplayAs() == "Matrix" || 
                    first->GetDisplayAs() == "Tree" ||
                    first->GetDisplayAs() == "Circle" ||
                    first->GetDisplayAs() == "Star" ||
                    first->GetDisplayAs() == "Wreath" ||
                    first->GetDisplayAs() == "Icicles");
                int channelsperstring = first->NodesPerString() * first->GetChanCountPerNode();
                // upload it
                if (DecodeStringPortProtocol(*protocol) >= 0)
                    if (first == last && numstrings > 1 && multistringelement)
                        for (int j = 0; j < numstrings; j++)
                            if (portdone[i+j])
                                logger_base.warn("Falcon Outputs Upload: Attempt to upload model %s to string port %d but this string port already has a model on it.", (const char *)first->GetName().c_str(), i +j);
                                wxMessageBox(wxString::Format("Attempt to upload model %s to string port %d but this string port already has a model on it.", (const char *)first->GetName().c_str(), i + j));
                                portdone[i + j] = true;
                                if (sendmessage != "") sendmessage = sendmessage + "&";
                                sendmessage = sendmessage + BuildStringPort(strings, i + j, DecodeStringPortProtocol(*protocol), portstart + j * channelsperstring, channelsperstring / 3, first->GetName(), parent);
                                if (count == 40)
                                    UploadStringPort(sendmessage, false);
                                    sendmessage = "";
                                    count = 0;
                        if (portdone[i])
                            logger_base.warn("Falcon Outputs Upload: Attempt to upload model %s to string port %d but this string port already has a model on it.", (const char *)first->GetName().c_str() , i);
                            wxMessageBox(wxString::Format("Attempt to upload model %s to string port %d but this string port already has a model on it.", (const char *)first->GetName().c_str(), i));
                            portdone[i] = true;
                            if (sendmessage != "") sendmessage = sendmessage + "&";
                            sendmessage = sendmessage + BuildStringPort(strings, i, DecodeStringPortProtocol(*protocol), portstart, (portend - portstart + 1) / 3, first->GetName(), parent);
                            if (count == 40)
                                UploadStringPort(sendmessage, false);
                                sendmessage = "";
                                count = 0;
                else if (DecodeSerialOutputProtocol(*protocol) >= 0)
                    UploadSerialOutput(i, DecodeSerialOutputProtocol(*protocol), portstart, parent);
                    logger_base.warn("Falcon Outputs Upload: Controller %s protocol %s not supported by this controller.",
                        (const char *)_ip.c_str(), (const char *)protocol->c_str());
                    wxMessageBox("Controller " + _ip + " protocol " + (*protocol) + " not supported by this controller.", "Protocol Ignored");
                // nothing on this port ... ignore it
        UploadStringPort(sendmessage, true);
Esempio n. 2
void addModelElement(Element *elem, std::vector<Row_Information_Struct> &mRowInformation,
                     int &rowIndex, xLightsFrame *xframe,
                     std::vector <Element*> &elements,
                     bool submodel) {
        for(int j =0; j<elem->GetEffectLayerCount();j++)
            Row_Information_Struct ri;
            ri.element = elem;
            ri.displayName = elem->GetName();
            ri.Collapsed = elem->GetCollapsed();
            ri.Active = elem->GetActive();
            ri.colorIndex = 0;
            ri.layerIndex = j;
            ri.Index = rowIndex++;
            ri.submodel = submodel;
        Row_Information_Struct ri;
        ri.element = elem;
        ri.Collapsed = elem->GetCollapsed();
        ri.displayName = elem->GetName();
        ri.Active = elem->GetActive();
        ri.colorIndex = 0;
        ri.layerIndex = 0;
        ri.Index = rowIndex++;
        ri.submodel = submodel;
    Model *cls = xframe->GetModel(elem->GetName());
    if (cls == nullptr) {
    if (cls->GetDisplayAs() == "WholeHouse" && elem->ShowStrands()) {
        wxString models = cls->GetModelXml()->GetAttribute("models");
        wxArrayString model=wxSplit(models,',');
        for(int m=0;m<model.size();m++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < elements.size(); x++) {
                if (elements[x]->GetName() == model[m]) {
                    addModelElement(elements[x], mRowInformation, rowIndex, xframe, elements, true);
    } else if (elem->ShowStrands()) {
        for (int s = 0; s < elem->getStrandLayerCount(); s++) {
            StrandLayer * sl = elem->GetStrandLayer(s);
            if (elem->getStrandLayerCount() > 1) {
                Row_Information_Struct ri;
                ri.element = elem;
                ri.Collapsed = !elem->ShowStrands();
                ri.Active = elem->GetActive();
                ri.displayName = sl->GetName();

                ri.colorIndex = 0;
                ri.layerIndex = 0;
                ri.Index = rowIndex++;
                ri.strandIndex = s;
                ri.submodel = submodel;

            if (sl->ShowNodes()) {
                for (int n = 0; n < sl->GetNodeLayerCount(); n++) {
                    Row_Information_Struct ri;
                    ri.element = elem;
                    ri.Collapsed = sl->ShowNodes();
                    ri.Active = !elem->GetActive();
                    ri.displayName = sl->GetNodeLayer(n)->GetName();
                    ri.colorIndex = 0;
                    ri.layerIndex = 0;
                    ri.Index = rowIndex++;
                    ri.strandIndex = s;
                    ri.nodeIndex = n;
                    ri.submodel = submodel;