Esempio n. 1
 * Inserts a subtree under _rootItem.
 * \param listName Name of the new subtree. If no name is given a default name is assigned.
 * \param stations The list with stations to be added as children of that subtree
void StationTreeModel::addStationList(QString listName, const std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>* stations)
	QList<QVariant> grpName;
	if ("") == 0) // if no name is given a default name is assigned
		listName = "List";
		listName.append(QString::number(rowCount() + 1));
	grpName << listName << "" << "" << "";
	ModelTreeItem* group = new ModelTreeItem(grpName, _rootItem, new BaseItem(listName, stations));
	int vectorSize = stations->size();

	for (int i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++)
		QList<QVariant> stn;
		stn << QString::fromStdString(static_cast<GeoLib::Station*>((*stations)[i])->getName())
			<< QString::number((*(*stations)[i])[0],'f')
			<< QString::number((*(*stations)[i])[1],'f')
			<< QString::number((*(*stations)[i])[2],'f');

		ModelTreeItem* child = new ModelTreeItem(stn, group);

	qDebug() << "List" << listName << "loaded, " << stations->size() << "items added.";
