Esempio n. 1
bool MainWindow::loginWithPassword(MojangAccountPtr account, const QString &errorMsg)
	EditAccountDialog passDialog(errorMsg, this, EditAccountDialog::PasswordField);
	if (passDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
		// To refresh the token, we just create an authenticate task with the given account and
		// the user's password.
		ProgressDialog progDialog(this);
		auto task = account->login(passDialog.password());
		if (task->successful())
			return true;
			// If the authentication task failed, recurse with the task's error message.
			return loginWithPassword(account, task->failReason());
	return false;
Esempio n. 2
void MainWindow::doLaunch(bool online, BaseProfilerFactory *profiler)
	if (!m_selectedInstance)

	// Find an account to use.
	std::shared_ptr<MojangAccountList> accounts = MMC->accounts();
	MojangAccountPtr account = accounts->activeAccount();
	if (accounts->count() <= 0)
		// Tell the user they need to log in at least one account in order to play.
		auto reply = CustomMessageBox::selectable(
			this, tr("No Accounts"),
			tr("In order to play Minecraft, you must have at least one Mojang or Minecraft "
			   "account logged in to MultiMC."
			   "Would you like to open the account manager to add an account now?"),
			QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No)->exec();

		if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes)
			// Open the account manager.
	else if (account.get() == nullptr)
		// If no default account is set, ask the user which one to use.
		AccountSelectDialog selectDialog(tr("Which account would you like to use?"),
										 AccountSelectDialog::GlobalDefaultCheckbox, this);


		// Launch the instance with the selected account.
		account = selectDialog.selectedAccount();

		// If the user said to use the account as default, do that.
		if (selectDialog.useAsGlobalDefault() && account.get() != nullptr)

	// if no account is selected, we bail
	if (!account.get())

	// we try empty password first :)
	QString password;
	// we loop until the user succeeds in logging in or gives up
	bool tryagain = true;
	// the failure. the default failure.
	QString failReason = tr("Your account is currently not logged in. Please enter "
							"your password to log in again.");

	while (tryagain)
		AuthSessionPtr session(new AuthSession());
		session->wants_online = online;
		auto task = account->login(session, password);
		if (task)
			// We'll need to validate the access token to make sure the account
			// is still logged in.
			ProgressDialog progDialog(this);
			if (online)
				progDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Play Offline"));
			if (!task->successful())
				failReason = task->failReason();
		switch (session->status)
		case AuthSession::Undetermined:
			QLOG_ERROR() << "Received undetermined session status during login. Bye.";
			tryagain = false;
		case AuthSession::RequiresPassword:
			EditAccountDialog passDialog(failReason, this, EditAccountDialog::PasswordField);
			if (passDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
				password = passDialog.password();
				tryagain = false;
		case AuthSession::PlayableOffline:
			// we ask the user for a player name
			bool ok = false;
			QString usedname = session->player_name;
			QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Player name"),
												 tr("Choose your offline mode player name."),
												 QLineEdit::Normal, session->player_name, &ok);
			if (!ok)
				tryagain = false;
			if (name.length())
				usedname = name;
			// offline flavored game from here :3
		case AuthSession::PlayableOnline:
			// update first if the server actually responded
			if (session->auth_server_online)
				updateInstance(m_selectedInstance, session, profiler);
				launchInstance(m_selectedInstance, session, profiler);
			tryagain = false;
Esempio n. 3
void MainWindow::doLaunch()
	if (!m_selectedInstance)

	// Find an account to use.
	std::shared_ptr<MojangAccountList> accounts = MMC->accounts();
	MojangAccountPtr account = accounts->activeAccount();
	if (accounts->count() <= 0)
		// Tell the user they need to log in at least one account in order to play.
		auto reply = CustomMessageBox::selectable(
			this, tr("No Accounts"),
			tr("In order to play Minecraft, you must have at least one Mojang or Minecraft "
			   "account logged in to MultiMC."
			   "Would you like to open the account manager to add an account now?"),
			QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No)->exec();

		if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes)
			// Open the account manager.
	else if (account.get() == nullptr)
		// If no default account is set, ask the user which one to use.
		AccountSelectDialog selectDialog(tr("Which account would you like to use?"),
										 AccountSelectDialog::GlobalDefaultCheckbox, this);


		// Launch the instance with the selected account.
		account = selectDialog.selectedAccount();

		// If the user said to use the account as default, do that.
		if (selectDialog.useAsGlobalDefault() && account.get() != nullptr)

	// if no account is selected, we bail
	if (!account.get())

	QString failReason = tr("Your account is currently not logged in. Please enter "
							"your password to log in again.");
	// do the login. if the account has an access token, try to refresh it first.
	if (account->accountStatus() != NotVerified)
		// We'll need to validate the access token to make sure the account is still logged in.
		ProgressDialog progDialog(this);
		progDialog.setSkipButton(true, tr("Play Offline"));
		auto task = account->login();

		auto status = account->accountStatus();
		if (status != NotVerified)
			updateInstance(m_selectedInstance, account);
			if (!task->successful())
				failReason = task->failReason();
			if (loginWithPassword(account, failReason))
				updateInstance(m_selectedInstance, account);
		// in any case, revert from online to verified.
		if (loginWithPassword(account, failReason))
			updateInstance(m_selectedInstance, account);
		// in any case, revert from online to verified.