Esempio n. 1
// <SensorAlarm::RequestValue>
// Get the sensor alarm details from the device
bool SensorAlarm::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _alarmType,
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	if( _alarmType == 0xff )
		// Request the supported alarm types
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "Request Supported Alarm Types", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 2 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SensorAlarmCmd_SupportedGet );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
		// Request the alarm state
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "Request alarm state", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SensorAlarmCmd_Get );
		msg->Append( _alarmType );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
// <Protection::SetValue>
// Set the device's protection state
bool Protection::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( ValueID::ValueType_List == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueList const* value = static_cast<ValueList const*>(&_value);
		ValueList::Item const& item = value->GetItem();

		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "Protection::Set - Setting protection state to '%s'", item.m_label.c_str() );
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "Protection Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( ProtectionCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( (uint8)item.m_value );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 3
// <ZWavePlusInfo::RequestValue>
// Request current value from the device
bool ZWavePlusInfo::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _dummy1,	// = 0 (not used)
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	if( _instance != 1 )
		// This command class doesn't work with multiple instances
		return false;
	if ( IsGetSupported() )
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "ZWavePlusInfoCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 2 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( ZWavePlusInfoCmd_Get );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
		return true;
	} else {
		Log::Write(  LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "ZWavePlusInfoCmd_Get Not Supported on this node");
	return false;
Esempio n. 4
// <Basic::SetValue>
// Set a value on the Z-Wave device
bool Basic::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	Log::Write(LogLevel_Info,"Basic set");
	if( ValueID::ValueType_Byte == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueByte const* value = static_cast<ValueByte const*>(&_value);
		Log::Write(LogLevel_Info,"send a basic value out");
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "Basic Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( BasicCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( value->GetValue() );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		if (m_has485) {
			return true;
		} else {
			GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
			return true;
		webdebug_add(TYPE_ZWAVE, ZWAVE_COMMAND, GetCommandClassId(), GetNodeId(), _value.GetID().GetInstance(), value->GetValue());
	} else {
		Log::Write(LogLevel_Info,"Type error %d", _value.GetID().GetType());

	return false;
Esempio n. 5
// <SwitchMultilevel::RequestValue>
// Request current value from the device
bool SwitchMultilevel::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _index,
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	if( _index == SwitchMultilevelIndex_Level )
		if ( IsGetSupported() )
			Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
			msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
			msg->Append( 2 );
			msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->Append( SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get );
			msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
			GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
			return true;
		} else {
			Log::Write(  LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get Not Supported on this node");
	return false;
Esempio n. 6
// <SwitchAll::SetValue>
// Set the device's response to SWITCH_ALL commands
bool SwitchAll::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( ValueID::ValueType_List == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueList const* value = static_cast<ValueList const*>(&_value);
		ValueList::Item const *item = value->GetItem();
		if (item == NULL)
			return false;

		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchAll::Set - %s on node %d", item->m_label.c_str(), GetNodeId() );
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchAllCmd_Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SwitchAllCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( (uint8)item->m_value );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;

	return false;
// <SensorMultilevel::RequestState>
// Request current state from the device
bool SensorMultilevel::RequestState
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	bool res = false;
	if( GetVersion() > 4 )
		if( _requestFlags & RequestFlag_Static )
 			Msg* msg = new Msg( "SensorMultilevelCmd_SupportedGet", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
			msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
			msg->Append( 2 );
			msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->Append( SensorMultilevelCmd_SupportedGet );
			msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
			GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
			res = true;

	if( _requestFlags & RequestFlag_Dynamic )
		res |= RequestValue( _requestFlags, 0, _instance, _queue );

	return res;
// <ManufacturerProprietary::SetValue>
// Set the lock's state
bool ManufacturerProprietary::SetValue
    Value const& _value
    uint64 value_id = _value.GetID().GetIndex();
    Msg* msg = new Msg( "ManufacturerProprietary_SetValue", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );

    if (FibaroVenetianBlindsValueIds_Blinds == value_id || FibaroVenetianBlindsValueIds_Tilt == value_id){
        ValueByte const* value = static_cast<ValueByte const*>(&_value);

        msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
        msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
        msg->Append( 2 + // length of data
                     sizeof(MANUFACTURER_ID_FIBARO) +
                     sizeof(FIBARO_VENETIAN_BLINDS_GET_POSITION_TILT) );
        msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
        if (FibaroVenetianBlindsValueIds_Blinds == value_id) {
            msg->Append( value->GetValue() );
            msg->Append( 0x00 );
        } else if (FibaroVenetianBlindsValueIds_Tilt == value_id) {
            msg->Append( value->GetValue() );
        msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
        GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
        return true;
    } else {
        Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "ManufacturerProprietary_SetValue %d not supported on node %d", value_id, GetNodeId());
        return false;
// <ManufacturerProprietary::RequestValue>
// Request current value from the device
bool ManufacturerProprietary::RequestValue
    uint32 const _requestFlags,
    uint16 const _index,
    uint8 const _instance,
    Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
    if ( IsGetSupported() )
        Msg* msg = new Msg( "ManufacturerProprietary_RequestValue", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
        if (FibaroVenetianBlindsValueIds_Blinds == _index || FibaroVenetianBlindsValueIds_Tilt == _index){
            msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
            msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
            msg->Append( 1+sizeof(MANUFACTURER_ID_FIBARO)+sizeof(FIBARO_VENETIAN_BLINDS_GET_POSITION_TILT) ); // length of data
            msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
            msg->AppendArray( MANUFACTURER_ID_FIBARO, sizeof(MANUFACTURER_ID_FIBARO) );
            msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
            GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
            return true;
        } else {
            Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "ManufacturerProprietary_RequestValue Not Supported for value index %d",
    } else {
        Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "ManufacturerProprietary_RequestValue Not Supported on this node");
    return false;
Esempio n. 10
// <ThermostatFanState::RequestValue>
// Get the thermostat fan state details from the device
bool ThermostatFanState::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _dummy1,	// = 0 (not used)
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	if ( IsGetSupported() )
		// Request the current state
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "ThermostatFanStateCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 2 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( ThermostatFanStateCmd_Get );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
		return true;
	} else {
		Log::Write(  LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "ThermostatFanStateCmd_Get Not Supported on this node");
	return false;
// <BasicWindowCovering::SetValue>
// Set a value on the Z-Wave device
bool BasicWindowCovering::SetValue
    Value const& _value
    if( ValueID::ValueType_Button == _value.GetID().GetType() )
        ValueButton const* button = static_cast<ValueButton const*>(&_value);

        uint8 action = 0x40;
        if( button->GetID().GetIndex() )	// Open is index zero, so non-zero is close.
            // Close
            action = 0;

        if( button && button->IsPressed() )
            Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "BasicWindowCovering - Start Level Change (%s)", action ? "Open" : "Close" );
            Msg* msg = new Msg( "Basic Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
            msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
            msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
            msg->Append( 3 );
            msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
            msg->Append( BasicWindowCoveringCmd_StartLevelChange );
            msg->Append( action );
            msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
            GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
            return true;
            Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "BasicWindowCovering - Stop Level Change" );
            Msg* msg = new Msg( "Basic Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
            msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
            msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
            msg->Append( 2 );
            msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
            msg->Append( BasicWindowCoveringCmd_StopLevelChange );
            msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
            GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
            return true;

    return false;
// <SensorMultilevel::RequestValue>												   
// Request current value from the device									   
bool SensorMultilevel::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _dummy,		// = 0 (not used)
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	bool res = false;
	if( GetVersion() < 5 )
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "SensorMultilevelCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 2 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SensorMultilevelCmd_Get );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
		res = true;
		for( uint8 i = 1; i < SensorType_MaxType; i++ )
			Value* value = GetValue( _instance, i );
			if( value != NULL )
				Msg* msg = new Msg( "SensorMultilevelCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
				msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
				msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
				msg->Append( 3 );
				msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
				msg->Append( SensorMultilevelCmd_Get );
				msg->Append( i );
				msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
				GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
				res = true;
	return res;
Esempio n. 13
// <ThermostatMode::RequestValue>
// Get the static thermostat mode details from the device
bool ThermostatMode::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _getTypeEnum,
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	if( _getTypeEnum == ThermostatModeCmd_SupportedGet )
		// Request the supported modes
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "ThermostatModeCmd_SupportedGet", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 2 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( ThermostatModeCmd_SupportedGet );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
		return true;

	if( _getTypeEnum == 0 )		// get current mode
		if ( IsGetSupported() )
			// Request the current mode
			Msg* msg = new Msg( "ThermostatModeCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
			msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
			msg->Append( 2 );
			msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->Append( ThermostatModeCmd_Get );
			msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
			GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
			return true;
		} else {
			Log::Write(  LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), _instance, "ThermostatModeCmd_Get Not Supported on this node");

	return false;
Esempio n. 14
// <SwitchMultilevel::StopLevelChange>
// Stop the level changing
bool SwitchMultilevel::StopLevelChange
	uint8 const _instance
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchMultilevel::StopLevelChange - Stopping the level change" );
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchMultilevel StopLevelChange", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
	msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( 2 );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( SwitchMultilevelCmd_StopLevelChange );
	msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
	return true;
Esempio n. 15
// <SwitchToggleBinary::SetValue>
// Toggle the state of the switch
bool SwitchToggleBinary::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchToggleBinary::Set - Toggling the state" );
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchToggleBinary Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
	msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( 2 );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( SwitchToggleBinaryCmd_Set );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
	return true;
Esempio n. 16
// <SwitchMultilevel::SetLevel>
// Set a new level for the switch
bool SwitchMultilevel::SetLevel
	uint8 const _instance,
	uint8 const _level
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchMultilevel::Set - Setting to level %d", _level );
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchMultiLevel Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
	msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	if( ValueByte* durationValue = static_cast<ValueByte*>( GetValue( _instance, SwitchMultilevelIndex_Duration ) ) )
		uint8 duration = durationValue->GetValue();
		if( duration == 0xff )
			Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Duration: Default" );
		else if( duration >= 0x80 )
			Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Duration: %d minutes", duration - 0x7f );
			Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Duration: %d seconds", duration );

		msg->Append( 4 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SwitchMultilevelCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( _level );
		msg->Append( duration );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SwitchMultilevelCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( _level );

	msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
	return true;
Esempio n. 17
// <SwitchAll::RequestValue>
// Request current value from the device
bool SwitchAll::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _dummy1,	// = 0 (not used)
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchAllCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( 2 );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( SwitchAllCmd_Get );
	msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
	return true;
Esempio n. 18
// <SwitchToggleBinary::RequestValue>												   
// Request current value from the device									   
bool SwitchToggleBinary::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _dummy1,	// = 0 (not used)
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchToggleBinaryCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( 2 );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( SwitchToggleBinaryCmd_Get );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
	return true;
// <ClimateControlSchedule::RequestValue>
// Request current value from the device
bool ClimateControlSchedule::RequestValue
	uint32 const _requestFlags,
	uint8 const _dummy1,	// = 0 (not used)
	uint8 const _instance,
	Driver::MsgQueue const _queue
	// See if the schedule has changed since last time
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "ClimateControlScheduleCmd_ChangedGet", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( 2 );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( ClimateControlScheduleCmd_ChangedGet );
	msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, _queue );
	return true;
Esempio n. 20
// <UserCode::SetValue>
// Set a User Code value
bool UserCode::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( (ValueID::ValueType_Raw == _value.GetID().GetType()) && (_value.GetID().GetIndex() < UserCodeIndex_Refresh) )
		ValueRaw const* value = static_cast<ValueRaw const*>(&_value);
		uint8* s = value->GetValue();
		uint8 len = value->GetLength();

		if( len > UserCodeLength )
			return false;
		m_userCodesStatus[value->GetID().GetIndex()] = UserCode_Occupied;
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "UserCodeCmd_Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 4 + m_userCodeLength );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( UserCodeCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( value->GetID().GetIndex() );
		msg->Append( UserCode_Occupied );
		for( uint8 i = 0; i < m_userCodeLength; i++ )
			msg->Append( s[i] );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;
	if ( (ValueID::ValueType_Button == _value.GetID().GetType()) && (_value.GetID().GetIndex() == UserCodeIndex_Refresh) )
		m_refreshUserCodes = true;
		m_currentCode = 1;
		m_queryAll = true;
		RequestValue( 0, m_currentCode, _value.GetID().GetInstance(), Driver::MsgQueue_Query );
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 21
// <Basic::SetValue>
// Set a value on the Z-Wave device
bool Basic::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( ValueID::ValueType_Byte == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueByte const* value = static_cast<ValueByte const*>(&_value);
		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "Basic::Set - Setting node %d to level %d", GetNodeId(), value->GetValue() );
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "Basic Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( BasicCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( value->GetValue() );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 22
// <SwitchBinary::SetValue>
// Set the state of the switch
bool SwitchBinary::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( ValueID::ValueType_Bool == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueBool const* value = static_cast<ValueBool const*>(&_value);

		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchBinary::Set - Setting node %d to %s", GetNodeId(), value->GetValue() ? "On" : "Off" );
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchBinary Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( SwitchBinaryCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( value->GetValue() ? 0xff : 0x00 );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 23
// <Indicator::SetValue>
// Set the device's indicator value
bool Indicator::SetValue
    Value const& _value
    if( ValueID::ValueType_Byte == _value.GetID().GetType() )
        ValueByte const* value = static_cast<ValueByte const*>(&_value);

        Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "Indicator::SetValue - Setting indicator to %d", value->GetValue());
        Msg* msg = new Msg( "Basic Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
        msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
        msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
        msg->Append( 3 );
        msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
        msg->Append( IndicatorCmd_Set );
        msg->Append( value->GetValue() );
        GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
        return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 24
// <Lock::SetValue>
// Set the lock's state
bool Lock::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( ValueID::ValueType_Bool == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueBool const* value = static_cast<ValueBool const*>(&_value);

		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "Lock::Set - Requesting lock to be %s", value->GetValue() ? "Locked" : "Unlocked" );
		Msg* msg = new Msg( "LockCmd_Get", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( LockCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( value->GetValue() ? 0x01:0x00 );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;

	return false;
// <ThermostatFanMode::SetValue>
// Set the device's thermostat fan mode
bool ThermostatFanMode::SetValue
	Value const& _value
	if( ValueID::ValueType_List == _value.GetID().GetType() )
		ValueList const* value = static_cast<ValueList const*>(&_value);
		uint8 state = (uint8)value->GetItem().m_value;

		Msg* msg = new Msg( "ThermostatFanModeCmd_Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
		msg->SetInstance( this, _value.GetID().GetInstance() );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 3 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( ThermostatFanModeCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( state );
		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		return true;

	return false;
// <ClimateControlSchedule::SetValue>
// Set a value in the device
bool ClimateControlSchedule::SetValue
	Value const& _value
//	bool res = false;
	uint8 instance = _value.GetID().GetInstance();
	uint8 idx = _value.GetID().GetIndex();

	if( idx < 8 )
		// Set a schedule
		ValueSchedule const* value = static_cast<ValueSchedule const*>(&_value);

		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), instance, "Set the climate control schedule for %s", c_dayNames[idx]);

		Msg* msg = new Msg( "ClimateControlScheduleCmd_Set", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->SetInstance( this, instance );
		msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
		msg->Append( 30 );
		msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
		msg->Append( ClimateControlScheduleCmd_Set );
		msg->Append( idx );	// Day of week

		for( uint8 i=0; i<9; ++i )
			uint8 hours;
			uint8 minutes;
			int8 setback;
			if( value->GetSwitchPoint( i, &hours, &minutes, &setback ) )
				msg->Append( hours );
				msg->Append( minutes );
				msg->Append( setback );
				// Unused switch point
				msg->Append( 0 );
				msg->Append( 0 );
				msg->Append( 0x7f );

		msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
		GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
		// Set an override
		ValueList* state = static_cast<ValueList*>( GetValue( instance, ClimateControlScheduleIndex_OverrideState ) );
		ValueByte* setback = static_cast<ValueByte*>( GetValue( instance, ClimateControlScheduleIndex_OverrideSetback ) );

		if( state && setback )
			ValueList::Item const *item = state->GetItem();
			if (item == NULL) {
			        return false;

			Msg* msg = new Msg( "ClimateControlScheduleCmd_OverrideSet", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->SetInstance( this, instance );
			msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
			msg->Append( 4 );
			msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
			msg->Append( ClimateControlScheduleCmd_OverrideSet );
			msg->Append( (uint8)item->m_value );
			msg->Append( setback->GetValue() );
			msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
			GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );

	return true;
Esempio n. 27
// <SwitchMultilevel::SwitchMultilevelCmd_StartLevelChange>
// Start the level changing
bool SwitchMultilevel::StartLevelChange
	uint8 const _instance,
	SwitchMultilevelDirection const _direction
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "SwitchMultilevel::StartLevelChange - Starting a level change" );

	uint8 length = 4;
	uint8 direction = c_directionParams[_direction];
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Direction:          %s", c_directionDebugLabels[_direction] );

	if( ValueBool* ignoreStartLevel = static_cast<ValueBool*>( GetValue( _instance, SwitchMultilevelIndex_IgnoreStartLevel ) ) )
		if( ignoreStartLevel->GetValue() )
			// Set the ignore start level flag
			direction |= 0x20;
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Ignore Start Level: %s", (direction & 0x20) ? "True" : "False" );

	uint8 startLevel = 0;
	if( ValueByte* startLevelValue = static_cast<ValueByte*>( GetValue( _instance, SwitchMultilevelIndex_StartLevel ) ) )
		startLevel = startLevelValue->GetValue();
	Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Start Level:        %d", startLevel );

	uint8 duration = 0;
	if( ValueByte* durationValue = static_cast<ValueByte*>( GetValue( _instance, SwitchMultilevelIndex_Duration ) ) )
		length = 5;
		duration = durationValue->GetValue();
		Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Duration:           %d", duration );

	uint8 step = 0;
	if( ( SwitchMultilevelDirection_Inc == _direction ) || ( SwitchMultilevelDirection_Dec == _direction ) )
		if( ValueByte* stepValue = static_cast<ValueByte*>( GetValue( _instance, SwitchMultilevelIndex_Step ) ) )
			length = 6;
			step = stepValue->GetValue();
			Log::Write( LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "  Step Size:          %d", step );
	Msg* msg = new Msg( "SwitchMultilevel StartLevelChange", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );		
	msg->SetInstance( this, _instance );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( length );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( SwitchMultilevelCmd_StartLevelChange );
	msg->Append( direction );
	msg->Append( startLevel );

	if( length >= 5 )
		msg->Append( duration );

	if( length == 6 )
		msg->Append( step );

	msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
	GetDriver()->SendMsg( msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Send );
	return true;