Esempio n. 1
void gaugegravityBcs1( MssmSoftsusy & m, 
		       const DoubleVector & inputParameters ) { 
  double M_moduli_local, M_gauge_local, M_mess_local ; 
  M_moduli_local = inputParameters.display(1) ;

  double m1, m2, m3 ; 

  m.setGaugeCoupling( 1, global_g1 ); 
  m.setGaugeCoupling( 2, global_g2 ); 
  m.setGaugeCoupling( 3, global_g3 ); 

  m1 = l1 * M_moduli_local ; 
  m2 = l2 * M_moduli_local ;
  m3 = l3 * M_moduli_local ; 
  m.setGauginoMass( 1, m1 ) ; 
  m.setGauginoMass( 2, m2 ) ; 
  m.setGauginoMass( 3, m3 ) ;
  double mqlsq , mllsq, mursq, mdrsq, mersq ; 
  double mhusq , mhdsq; 
  double M_moduli_sqr_local; 
  M_moduli_sqr_local = M_moduli_local*M_moduli_local ;

  mqlsq = ( 1 - nQ ) * M_moduli_sqr_local ;
  mllsq = ( 1 - nL ) * M_moduli_sqr_local ; 
  mursq = ( 1 - nU ) * M_moduli_sqr_local ;
  mdrsq = ( 1 - nD ) * M_moduli_sqr_local ;
  mersq = ( 1 - nE ) * M_moduli_sqr_local ; 
  mhusq = ( 1 - nHu) * M_moduli_sqr_local ; 
  mhdsq = ( 1 - nHd) * M_moduli_sqr_local ; 

  DoubleMatrix id(3, 3);
  id(1, 1) = 1.0; id(2, 2) = 1.0; id(3, 3) = 1.0;

  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mQl, mqlsq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mUr, mursq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mDr, mdrsq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mLl, mllsq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mEr, mersq * id); 

  double A_HuQU , A_HdQD, A_HdLE ; 

  A_HuQU = ( 3 - nHu - nQ - nU ) * M_moduli_local ;
  A_HdQD = ( 3 - nHd - nQ - nD ) * M_moduli_local ; 
  A_HdLE = ( 3 - nHd - nL - nE ) * M_moduli_local ; 

  m.setTrilinearElement(UA, 1, 1, m.displayYukawaElement(YU, 1, 1) * A_HuQU);
  m.setTrilinearElement(UA, 2, 2, m.displayYukawaElement(YU, 2, 2) * A_HuQU);
  m.setTrilinearElement(UA, 3, 3, m.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3) * A_HuQU);
  m.setTrilinearElement(DA, 1, 1, m.displayYukawaElement(YD, 1, 1) * A_HdQD);
  m.setTrilinearElement(DA, 2, 2, m.displayYukawaElement(YD, 2, 2) * A_HdQD);
  m.setTrilinearElement(DA, 3, 3, m.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3) * A_HdQD);
  m.setTrilinearElement(EA, 1, 1, m.displayYukawaElement(YE, 1, 1) * A_HdLE);
  m.setTrilinearElement(EA, 2, 2, m.displayYukawaElement(YE, 2, 2) * A_HdLE);
  m.setTrilinearElement(EA, 3, 3, m.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3) * A_HdLE);

Esempio n. 2
void gaugegravityBcs2( MssmSoftsusy & m, 
		       const DoubleVector & inputParameters ) { 
  double alpha1, alpha2 , alpha3 ; 
  alpha1 = sqr(m.displayGaugeCoupling(1)) / ( 4.0 * PI ) ; 
  alpha2 = sqr(m.displayGaugeCoupling(2)) / ( 4.0 * PI ) ; 
  alpha3 = sqr(m.displayGaugeCoupling(3)) / ( 4.0 * PI ) ; 

  double M_gauge_local ;
  M_gauge_local = inputParameters.display(2); 

  m.setGaugeCoupling( 1, global_g1 ); 
  m.setGaugeCoupling( 2, global_g2 ); 
  m.setGaugeCoupling( 3, global_g3 ); 

  double m1 , m2 , m3 ;

  m1 = inter_gaugino1 - N * alpha1 / (4.0*PI) * M_gauge_local ;
  m2 = inter_gaugino2 - N * alpha2 / (4.0*PI) * M_gauge_local ; 
  m3 = inter_gaugino3 - N * alpha3 / (4.0*PI) * M_gauge_local ; 

  m.setGauginoMass(1, m1) ;
  m.setGauginoMass(2, m2) ;
  m.setGauginoMass(3, m3) ;

  double mqlsq , mllsq, mursq, mdrsq, mersq ; 
  double mhusq , mhdsq; 
  double M_gauge_sqr_local; 
  M_gauge_sqr_local = sqr( M_gauge_local ) ;

  mursq = 2.0/sqr( 4.0 * PI )*N * M_gauge_sqr_local * 
    ( 4.0/3.0 * sqr(alpha3) + 0.6 * 4.0 / 9.0 * sqr(alpha1) ) ;
  mdrsq =  2.0/sqr( 4.0 * PI )*N * M_gauge_sqr_local * 
    ( 4.0/3.0 * sqr(alpha3) + 0.6 * 1.0 / 9.0 * sqr(alpha1) ) ;  
  mersq =  2.0/sqr( 4.0 * PI )*N * M_gauge_sqr_local * 
    ( 0.6 * sqr(alpha1) ) ;
  mqlsq =  2.0/sqr( 4.0 * PI )*N * M_gauge_sqr_local * 
    ( 4.0/3.0 * sqr(alpha3) + 0.75 * sqr(alpha2) + 0.6 /36.0 * sqr(alpha1)) ;
  mllsq = 2.0/sqr( 4.0 * PI )*N * M_gauge_sqr_local * 
    ( 0.75 * sqr(alpha2) + 0.6*0.25 * sqr(alpha1) ) ; 
  mhusq = mllsq; 
  mhdsq = mllsq; 

  DoubleMatrix id(3, 3);
  id(1, 1) = 1.0; id(2, 2) = 1.0; id(3, 3) = 1.0;

  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mQl, inter_massmQl + mqlsq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mUr, inter_massmUr + mursq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mDr, inter_massmDr + mdrsq * id);
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mLl, inter_massmLl + mllsq * id);  
  m.setSoftMassMatrix(mEr, inter_massmEr + mersq * id);
  m.setMh2Squared(inter_massmHu+ mhusq);
  m.setMh1Squared(inter_massmHd+ mhdsq);

  m.setTrilinearElement(UA, 1, 1, m.displayYukawaElement(YU, 1, 1) 
			* inter_A_HuQU(1,1));
  m.setTrilinearElement(UA, 2, 2, m.displayYukawaElement(YU, 2, 2) 
			* inter_A_HuQU(2,2));
  m.setTrilinearElement(UA, 3, 3, m.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3) 
			* inter_A_HuQU(3,3));
  m.setTrilinearElement(DA, 1, 1, m.displayYukawaElement(YD, 1, 1) 
			* inter_A_HdQD(1,1));
  m.setTrilinearElement(DA, 2, 2, m.displayYukawaElement(YD, 2, 2) 
			* inter_A_HdQD(2,2));
  m.setTrilinearElement(DA, 3, 3, m.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3) 
			* inter_A_HdQD(3,3));
  m.setTrilinearElement(EA, 1, 1, m.displayYukawaElement(YE, 1, 1) 
			* inter_A_HdLE(1,1));
  m.setTrilinearElement(EA, 2, 2, m.displayYukawaElement(YE, 2, 2) 
			* inter_A_HdLE(2,2));
  m.setTrilinearElement(EA, 3, 3, m.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3) 
			* inter_A_HdLE(3,3));

  //  cout << "In gaugegravityBcs2" << endl; 
  //  cout << "gaugino(1) = " << inter_gaugino1 << " " << m1 << endl 
  //       << "gaugino(2) = " << inter_gaugino2 << " " << m2 << endl 
  //       << "gaugino(3) = " << inter_gaugino3 << " " << m3 << endl; 
  //  cout << "inter_massmQl + mqlsq * id (3,3) = " << inter_massmQl(3,3) + mqlsq
  //       << endl;
Esempio n. 3
void printLineOut(double m0, double m12, double a0, double tanb, 
		  MssmSoftsusy twoLoop, MssmSoftsusy twoLoopAs, 
		  MssmSoftsusy & twoLoopMt, MssmSoftsusy & twoLoopMb, 
		  MssmSoftsusy & threeLoop, double omega2, double omegaAs, 
		  double omegaMt, double omegaMb, double omega3, 
		  double msqAv2, double msqAvAs, double msqAvMt, 
		  double msqAvMb, double msqAv3, double cs, double csAs, 
		  double csMt, double csMb, double cs3, double dA, 
		  double dAAs, double dAMt, double dAMb, double dA3, 
		  double dY, double dYAs, double dYMt, 
		  double dYMb, double dY3, double dYp, double dYpAs, 
		  double dYpMt, double dYpMb, double dYp3) {

  /// Any problems and get gnuplot to ignore the point unless it's only musq
  /// wrong sign... 
  if (twoLoop.displayProblem().test() || 
    if (!testMuSqWrongSignOnlyProblem(twoLoop.displayProblem()) ||
      cout << "# ";
  cout << m0                                                     ///< 1
	     << " " << m12                                             ///< 2
	     << " " << a0                                              ///< 3
	     << " " << tanb                                            ///< 4
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mh0(1)                    ///< 5
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mh0(1)                  ///< 6
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mh0(1)                  ///< 7
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mh0(1)                  ///< 8
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mh0(1)                  ///< 9
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mA0(1)                    ///< 10
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mA0(1)                  ///< 11
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mA0(1)                  ///< 12
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mA0(1)                  ///< 13
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mA0(1)                  ///< 14
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mh0(2)                    ///< 15
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mh0(2)                  ///< 16
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mh0(2)                  ///< 17
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mh0(2)                  ///< 18
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mh0(2)                  ///< 19
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mHpm                      ///< 20
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mHpm                    ///< 21
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mHpm                    ///< 22
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mHpm                    ///< 23
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mHpm                    ///< 24
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mGluino                   ///< 25
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mGluino                 ///< 26
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mGluino                 ///< 27
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mGluino                 ///< 28
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mGluino                 ///< 29
	     << " " << msqAv2                                          ///< 30
	     << " " << msqAvAs                                         ///< 31 
	     << " " << msqAvMt                                         ///< 32
	     << " " << msqAvMb                                         ///< 33
	     << " " << msqAv3                                          ///< 34
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().me(1, 1)                  ///< 35 
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().me(1, 1)                ///< 36 
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().me(1, 1)                ///< 37 
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().me(1, 1)                ///< 38 
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().me(1, 1)                ///< 39 
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().me(2, 1)                  ///< 40 
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().me(2, 1)                ///< 41 
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().me(2, 1)                ///< 42
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().me(2, 1)                ///< 43
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().me(2, 1)                ///< 44
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoop.displayPhys().mneut(1))            ///< 45 
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mneut(1))          ///< 46
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mneut(1))          ///< 47
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mneut(1))          ///< 48
	     << " " << fabs(threeLoop.displayPhys().mneut(1))          ///< 49
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoop.displayPhys().mneut(2))            ///< 50
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mneut(2))          ///< 51
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mneut(2))          ///< 52
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mneut(2))          ///< 53
	     << " " << fabs(threeLoop.displayPhys().mneut(2))          ///< 54
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoop.displayPhys().mneut(3))            ///< 55
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mneut(3))          ///< 56
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mneut(3))          ///< 57 
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mneut(3))          ///< 58
	     << " " << fabs(threeLoop.displayPhys().mneut(3))          ///< 59
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoop.displayPhys().mneut(4))            ///< 60
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mneut(4))          ///< 61
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mneut(4))          ///< 62
	     << " " << fabs(twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mneut(4))          ///< 63
	     << " " << fabs(threeLoop.displayPhys().mneut(4))          ///< 64
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mu(1, 3)                  ///< 65
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mu(1, 3)                ///< 66
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mu(1, 3)                ///< 67
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mu(1, 3)                ///< 68
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mu(1, 3)                ///< 69
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().mu(2, 3)                  ///< 70
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mu(2, 3)                ///< 71
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mu(2, 3)                ///< 72
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mu(2, 3)                ///< 73
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().mu(2, 3)                ///< 74
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().md(1, 3)                  ///< 75
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().md(1, 3)                ///< 76
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().md(1, 3)                ///< 77
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().md(1, 3)                ///< 78
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().md(1, 3)                ///< 79
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().md(2, 3)                  ///< 80
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().md(2, 3)                ///< 81
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().md(2, 3)                ///< 82
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().md(2, 3)                ///< 83
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().md(2, 3)                ///< 84
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().me(1, 3)                  ///< 85
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().me(1, 3)                ///< 86
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().me(1, 3)                ///< 87
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().me(1, 3)                ///< 88
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().me(1, 3)                ///< 89
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayPhys().me(2, 3)                  ///< 90
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayPhys().me(2, 3)                ///< 91
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayPhys().me(2, 3)                ///< 92
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayPhys().me(2, 3)                ///< 93
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayPhys().me(2, 3)                ///< 94
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3)          ///< 95
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3)        ///< 96
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3)        ///< 97
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3)        ///< 98
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayYukawaElement(YU, 3, 3)        ///< 99
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3)          ///< 100
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3)        ///< 101
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3)        ///< 102
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3)        ///< 103
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayYukawaElement(YD, 3, 3)        ///< 104
	     << " " << twoLoop.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3)          ///< 105
	     << " " << twoLoopAs.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3)        ///< 106
	     << " " << twoLoopMt.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3)        ///< 107
	     << " " << twoLoopMb.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3)        ///< 108
	     << " " << threeLoop.displayYukawaElement(YE, 3, 3);       ///< 109
    int facMusq3= 1., facMusq2 = 1., facMusq2As = 1., facMusq2Mt = 1., 
      facMusq2Mb = 1.;
    if (twoLoop.displayProblem().muSqWrongSign) facMusq2 = -1. ;
    if (twoLoopAs.displayProblem().muSqWrongSign) facMusq2As = -1. ;
    if (twoLoopMt.displayProblem().muSqWrongSign) facMusq2Mt = -1. ;
    if (twoLoopMb.displayProblem().muSqWrongSign) facMusq2Mb = -1. ;
    if (threeLoop.displayProblem().muSqWrongSign) facMusq3 = -1. ;
    cout << " " << twoLoop.displaySusyMu()  * facMusq2             ///< 110
	 << " " << twoLoopAs.displaySusyMu()  * facMusq2As         ///< 111
	 << " " << twoLoopMt.displaySusyMu()  * facMusq2Mt         ///< 112
	 << " " << twoLoopMb.displaySusyMu()  * facMusq2Mb         ///< 113
	 << " " << threeLoop.displaySusyMu()  * facMusq3           ///< 114
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoop.displayPhys().mch(1))              ///< 115
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mch(1))            ///< 116
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mch(1))            ///< 117
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mch(1))            ///< 118
	 << " " << fabs(threeLoop.displayPhys().mch(1))            ///< 119
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoop.displayPhys().mch(2))              ///< 120
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoopAs.displayPhys().mch(2))            ///< 121
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoopMt.displayPhys().mch(2))            ///< 122
	 << " " << fabs(twoLoopMb.displayPhys().mch(2))            ///< 123
	 << " " << fabs(threeLoop.displayPhys().mch(2))            ///< 124
	 << " " << omega2                                          ///< 125
	 << " " << omegaAs                                         ///< 126
	 << " " << omegaMt                                         ///< 127
	 << " " << omegaMb                                         ///< 128
	 << " " << omega3                                         ///< 129
	 << " " << twoLoop.displayGaugeCoupling(3)                ///< 130
	 << " " << twoLoopAs.displayGaugeCoupling(3)              ///< 131
	 << " " << twoLoopMt.displayGaugeCoupling(3)              ///< 132
	 << " " << twoLoopMb.displayGaugeCoupling(3)              ///< 133
	 << " " << threeLoop.displayGaugeCoupling(3)             ///< 134
	 << " " << cs                                             ///< 135
	 << " " << csAs                                           ///< 136
	 << " " << csMt                                           ///< 137
	 << " " << csMb                                           ///< 138
	 << " " << cs3                                            ///< 139
	 << " " << QEWSB                                          ///< 140
	 << " " << dA                                             ///< 141
	 << " " << dAAs                                           ///< 142
	 << " " << dAMt                                           ///< 143
	 << " " << dAMb                                           ///< 144
	 << " " << dA3                                            ///< 145
	 << " " << dY                                             ///< 146
	 << " " << dYAs                                           ///< 147
	 << " " << dYMt                                           ///< 148
	 << " " << dYMb                                           ///< 149
	 << " " << dY3                                            ///< 150
	 << " " << dYp                                            ///< 151
	 << " " << dYpAs                                          ///< 152
	 << " " << dYpMt                                          ///< 153
	 << " " << dYpMb                                          ///< 154
	 << " " << dYp3;                                          ///< 155
    if (twoLoop.displayProblem().test()) cout << "# 2-loop problem: " 
					      << twoLoop.displayProblem();
    if (threeLoop.displayProblem().test()) cout << "# 3-loop problem " 
						<< threeLoop.displayProblem(); 
    cout << endl;