Esempio n. 1
void plMultipassMtlDlg::UpdateLayerDisplay() 
    int numlayers = fPBlock->GetInt(kMultCount);

    fNumTexSpin->SetValue(numlayers, FALSE);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numlayers && i < NSUBMTLS; i++)
        Mtl *m = fPBlock->GetMtl(kMultPasses, curTime, i);
        TSTR nm;
        if (m) 
            nm = m->GetName();
            nm = "None";
        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(fhRollup, kLayerID[i].layerID), SW_SHOW);
        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(fhRollup, kLayerID[i].activeID), SW_SHOW);
        SetCheckBox(fhRollup, kLayerID[i].activeID, fPBlock->GetInt(kMultOn, curTime, i));  

    for (i = numlayers; i < NSUBMTLS; i++)
        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(fhRollup, kLayerID[i].layerID), SW_HIDE);
        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(fhRollup, kLayerID[i].activeID), SW_HIDE);
    void IInit(HWND hWnd, IParamBlock2* pb)
        Mtl* mtl = pb->GetMtl(kMarkerMtl);

        if (mtl)
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_MTL_BUTTON, mtl->GetName());

            plNotetrackAnim anim(mtl, nil);
            ILoadCombo(hWnd, IDC_ANIM_RED_COMBO, kMarkerRedAnim, pb, anim);
            ILoadCombo(hWnd, IDC_ANIM_GREEN_COMBO, kMarkerGreenAnim, pb, anim);
            ILoadCombo(hWnd, IDC_ANIM_OPEN_COMBO, kMarkerOpenAnim, pb, anim);

        if (pb->GetINode(kMarkerMtlNode))
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_MTL_NODE_BUTTON, pb->GetINode(kMarkerMtlNode)->GetName());
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_MTL_NODE_BUTTON, "(none)");

        if (pb->GetINode(kMarkerBounceNode))
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_BOUNCE_BUTTON, pb->GetINode(kMarkerBounceNode)->GetName());
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_BOUNCE_BUTTON, "(none)");

        if (pb->GetINode(kMarkerSndPlace))
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_PLACE_BUTTON, pb->GetINode(kMarkerSndPlace)->GetName());
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_PLACE_BUTTON, "(none)");

        if (pb->GetINode(kMarkerSndHit))
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_HIT_BUTTON, pb->GetINode(kMarkerSndHit)->GetName());
            SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_HIT_BUTTON, "(none)");
//|							From IPViewItem									 |
bool PFOperatorMaterialStatic::HasDynamicName(TSTR& nameSuffix)
	bool assign = (pblock()->GetInt(kMaterialStatic_assignMaterial, 0) != 0);
	if (!assign) return false;
	Mtl* mtl = GetMaterial();
	if (mtl == NULL) {
		nameSuffix = GetString(IDS_NONE);
	} else {
		nameSuffix = mtl->GetName();
	return true;
Esempio n. 4
void plMtlAnimProc::IUpdateMtlButton(HWND hWnd, IParamBlock2* pb)
    HWND hMtl = GetDlgItem(hWnd, fMtlButtonID);

    // Get the saved material
    Mtl *savedMtl = IGetMtl(pb);

    if (savedMtl)
        SetWindowText(hMtl, savedMtl->GetName());
        SetWindowText(hMtl, "(none)");

    // Enable the node button if a material is selected
    EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, fNodeButtonID), (savedMtl != nil));

    // Update the dependencies of this
    IUpdateNodeButton(hWnd, pb);
Esempio n. 5
void GmodelExp::ExportMaterial(void)
	PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "Begin Material\n");
	PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "{\n");

	m_iNumMaterials = m_MaterialTable.size();

	PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "Materials %d\n", m_iNumMaterials);

	for ( int i=0; i<m_iNumMaterials; i++ )
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "{	// material %d\n", i);

		Mtl *mtl = m_MaterialTable[i];
		sMaterial dxMaterial;

		const char *name = mtl->GetName();

		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "name = \"%s\"\n", name ? name : "unknown");

		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "emissive = %f,%f,%f\n", dxMaterial.m_EmissiveColor.r, dxMaterial.m_EmissiveColor.g, dxMaterial.m_EmissiveColor.b);
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "ambient = %f,%f,%f\n", dxMaterial.m_AmbientColor.r, dxMaterial.m_AmbientColor.g, dxMaterial.m_AmbientColor.b);
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "diffuse = %f,%f,%f\n", dxMaterial.m_DiffuseColor.r, dxMaterial.m_DiffuseColor.g, dxMaterial.m_DiffuseColor.b);
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "specular = %f,%f,%f\n", dxMaterial.m_SpecularColor.r, dxMaterial.m_SpecularColor.g, dxMaterial.m_SpecularColor.b);
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "shininess = %f\n", dxMaterial.m_fShininess);

		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "blendmode = %s\n", dxMaterial.m_BlendMode.c_str());
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "CullFace = %s\n", dxMaterial.m_bCullFace ? "on" : "off");

		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "diffuseMap = \"%s\" MapChannel = %d\n", dxMaterial.m_Textures[0].length() ? dxMaterial.m_Textures[0].c_str() : "None", dxMaterial.m_MapChannel[0]);
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "lightMap = \"%s\" MapChannel = %d\n", dxMaterial.m_Textures[1].length() ? dxMaterial.m_Textures[1].c_str() : "None", dxMaterial.m_MapChannel[1]);
		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "environmentMap = \"%s\"\n", dxMaterial.m_Textures[2].length() ? dxMaterial.m_Textures[2].c_str() : "None");

		PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "}\n");

	PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "}\n");
	PrintSpace(); fprintf(m_pFile, "End Material\n");
Esempio n. 6
void G3DMExport::GatherMesh(INode* i_node)
	// convert to the triangle type
	Mesh* i_mesh = NULL;
	Object* obj = i_node->EvalWorldState(mTime).obj;
	if(obj && ( obj->SuperClassID() == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID ))
		if(obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) 
			TriObject *tri_obj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(mTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); MAX_CHECK(tri_obj);
			i_mesh = &tri_obj->mesh;
	if(i_mesh==NULL||i_mesh->getNumFaces()==0||i_mesh->getNumVerts()==0) return;

	MESH mesh;

	// get the mesh name = i_node->GetName();

	// get the material
	mesh.texture = "textures/default.tga";
	Mtl* mtl = i_node->GetMtl();
	if(mtl && (mtl->ClassID()==Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) && ((StdMat*)mtl)->MapEnabled(ID_DI)) 
		Texmap *texmap = mtl->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
		if(texmap && texmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00))
			mesh.texture = UnifySlashes(((BitmapTex *)texmap)->GetMapName());
			if( !strstr( mesh.texture.c_str(), mPath.c_str() ) )
				G3DAssert("The material(%s) is error : the texture path(%s) is illegal!",mtl->GetName(), mesh.texture.c_str());
				mesh.texture = strstr(mesh.texture.c_str(),mPath.c_str()) + strlen(mPath.c_str());

	// if it has uvs
	int map_count = i_mesh->getNumMaps();
	bool has_uvs = i_mesh->getNumTVerts() && i_mesh->tvFace;
	if(!(has_uvs&&map_count)) return;

	// get the transform
	Matrix3 transform = i_node->GetObjectTM(mTime);

	// get the points
	mesh.points.assign(i_mesh->verts, i_mesh->verts+i_mesh->getNumVerts());

	// get the triangles
	for(int i = 0; i < i_mesh->getNumFaces(); i++)
		Face& face = i_mesh->faces[i];

		TRIANGLE tri;		
		tri.smoothing = face.smGroup;
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			VTNIS v;
			v.pos = transform * i_mesh->verts[face.v[j]];

			// get the uv
			UVVert * map_verts = i_mesh->mapVerts(1);
			TVFace * map_faces = i_mesh->mapFaces(1);
			v.uv = reinterpret_cast<Point2&>(map_verts[map_faces[i].t[j]]);
			v.uv.y = 1 - v.uv.y;

			// initialize the normal
			v.normal = Point3::Origin;

			// get the vertex index
			v.index = face.v[j];

			// get the smoothing group
			v.smoothing = face.smGroup;			

			// set the index for the triangle
			tri.index0[j] = v.index;

			// reassemble the vertex list
			tri.index1[j] = AddVertex(mesh, v);

		// add the triangle to the table

	// build the index map
	for( int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexes.size(); i++ )

	// build the normal space

	// calculate the bounding box;
	for(int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexes.size(); i++)
	{ += mesh.vertexes[i].pos;

	// add the mesh to the table
Esempio n. 7
void Exporter::DumpMaterial(MaxMaterial *maxm,Mtl* mtl, int mtlID, int subNo, int indentLevel)
	int i;
	TimeValue t = GetStaticFrame();
	if (!mtl) return;
//	for(i=0;i<indentLevel;i++) { log("   "); }
//	log("material %s adding. type : ",mtl->GetName());
	// We know the Standard material, so we can get some extra info
	if (mtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) {			// top level & standard material

//		log("standard \n");
		StdMat* std = (StdMat*)mtl;

		MaxStdMaterial *stdm=new MaxStdMaterial;
		stdm->Specular.x=-stdm->Specular.x;				// 축의 바뀜때문에 만들어 놓은.. 으흑..
		else stdm->ShadeMode=RSSHADEMODE_NORMAL;
		if(rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.GetByName(stdm->name)==-1)	// 이미 있는 standard material 이면 더하지 않음.
			for (i=0; i<mtl->NumSubTexmaps(); i++) {
				Texmap* subTex = mtl->GetSubTexmap(i);
				float amt = 1.0f;
				if (subTex) {
					// If it is a standard material we can see if the map is enabled.
					if (mtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) {
						if (!((StdMat*)mtl)->MapEnabled(i))
						amt = ((StdMat*)mtl)->GetTexmapAmt(i, 0);
					DumpTexture(stdm, subTex, mtl->ClassID(), i, amt, indentLevel+1);
			delete stdm;

		maxm->SubMaterials=new int[1];

	if (mtl->NumSubMtls() > 0)  {
//		log("multi/sub ( count : %d )\n",mtl->NumSubMtls());
		maxm->SubMaterials=new int[maxm->nSubMaterial];
		maxm->pSubMaterials=new MaxMaterial*[maxm->nSubMaterial];

		for (i=0; i<mtl->NumSubMtls(); i++) {
			Mtl* subMtl = mtl->GetSubMtl(i);
			if (subMtl) {
				maxm->pSubMaterials[i]=new MaxMaterial;
				DumpMaterial(maxm->pSubMaterials[i],subMtl, 0, i, indentLevel+1);
				if(subMtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0))
					maxm->SubMaterials[i]= rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.GetByName(subMtl->GetName());
					maxm->SubMaterials[i]= maxm->pSubMaterials[i]->SubMaterials[0];
Esempio n. 8
int ExportQuake3Model(const TCHAR *filename, ExpInterface *ei, Interface *gi, int start_time, std::list<ExportNode> lTags, std::list<ExportNode> lMeshes)
	FILE *file;
	int i, j, totalTags, totalMeshes, current_time = 0;
	long pos_current, totalTris = 0, totalVerts = 0;
	std::list<FrameRange>::iterator range_i;
	std::vector<Point3> lFrameBBoxMin;
	std::vector<Point3> lFrameBBoxMax;
	long pos_tagstart;
	long pos_tagend;
	long pos_filesize;
	long pos_framestart;
	int lazynamesfixed = 0;
	const Point3 x_axis(1, 0, 0);
	const Point3 z_axis(0, 0, 1);

	SceneEnumProc checkScene(ei->theScene, start_time, gi);
	totalTags = (int)lTags.size();
	if (g_tag_for_pivot)
	totalMeshes = (int)lMeshes.size();

	// open file
	file = _tfopen(filename, _T("wb"));
	if (!file)
		ExportError("Cannot open file '%s'.", filename);
		return FALSE;
	ExportDebug("%s:", filename);

	// sync pattern and version
	putChars("IDP3", 4, file);
	put32(15, file);
	putChars("Darkplaces MD3 Exporter", 64, file);
	put32(0, file);   // flags
	// MD3 header
	ExportState("Writing MD3 header");
	put32(g_total_frames, file);      // how many frames
	put32(totalTags, file);	  // tagsnum
	put32(totalMeshes, file); // meshnum
	put32(1, file);   // maxskinnum
	put32(108, file); // headersize
	pos_tagstart = ftell(file); put32(0, file);   // tagstart
	pos_tagend	= ftell(file);  put32(256, file); // tagend
	pos_filesize = ftell(file); put32(512, file); // filesize
	ExportDebug("    %i frames, %i tags, %i meshes", g_total_frames, totalTags, totalMeshes);

	// frame info
	// bbox arrays get filled while exported mesh and written back then
	ExportState("Writing frame info");
	pos_framestart = ftell(file);
	for (i = 0; i < g_total_frames; i++)
		// init frame data
		lFrameBBoxMin[i].Set(0, 0, 0);
		lFrameBBoxMax[i].Set(0, 0, 0);
		// put data
		putFloat(-1.0f, file); // bbox min vector
		putFloat(-1.0f, file);
		putFloat(-1.0f, file);	
		putFloat( 1.0f, file); // bbox max vector
		putFloat(1.0f, file);
		putFloat(1.0f, file);
		putFloat(0.0f, file);  // local origin (usually 0 0 0)
		putFloat(0.0f, file);
		putFloat(0.0f, file);
		putFloat(1.0f, file);  // radius of bounding sphere
		putChars("", 16, file);

	// tags
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, pos_tagstart, SEEK_SET);
	put32(pos_current, file);
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);
	// for each frame range cycle all frames and write out each tag
	long pos_tags = pos_current;
	if (totalTags)
		long current_frame = 0;
		ExportState("Writing %i tags", totalTags);
		for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
			for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
				SceneEnumProc current_scene(ei->theScene, i * g_ticks_per_frame, gi);
				current_time = current_scene.time;

				// write out tags
				if (lTags.size())
					for (std::list<ExportNode>::iterator tag_i = lTags.begin(); tag_i != lTags.end(); tag_i++)
						INode *node	= current_scene[tag_i->i]->node;
						Matrix3	tm = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(current_time);

						ExportState("Writing '%s' frame %i of %i", tag_i->name, i, g_total_frames);

						// tagname
						putChars(tag_i->name, 64, file);
						// origin, rotation matrix
						Point3 row = tm.GetRow(3);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);
						row = tm.GetRow(0);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);
						row = tm.GetRow(1);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);
						row = tm.GetRow(2);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);

				// write the center of mass tag_pivot which is avg of all objects's pivots
				if (g_tag_for_pivot)
					ExportState("Writing 'tag_pivot' frame %i of %i", i, g_total_frames);

					// write the null data as tag_pivot need to be written after actual geometry
					// (it needs information on frame bound boxes to get proper blendings)
					putChars("tag_pivot", 64, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(1, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(1, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(1, file);

	// write the tag object offsets
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, pos_tagend, SEEK_SET);
	put32(pos_current, file);
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

	// allocate the structs used to calculate tag_pivot
	std::vector<Point3> tag_pivot_origin;
	std::vector<double> tag_pivot_volume;
	if (g_tag_for_pivot)

	// mesh objects
	// for each mesh object write uv and frames
	SceneEnumProc scratch(ei->theScene, start_time, gi);
	ExportState("Writing %i meshes", (int)lMeshes.size());
	for (std::list<ExportNode>::iterator mesh_i = lMeshes.begin(); mesh_i != lMeshes.end(); mesh_i++)
		bool needsDel;

		ExportState("Start mesh #%i", mesh_i);
		INode *node = checkScene[mesh_i->i]->node;
		Matrix3 tm	= node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(start_time);
		TriObject *tri = GetTriObjectFromNode(node, start_time, needsDel);
		if (!tri)

		// get mesh, compute normals
		Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
		MeshNormalSpec *meshNormalSpec = mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals();
		if (meshNormalSpec)
			if (!meshNormalSpec->GetNumFaces())
				meshNormalSpec = NULL;

		// fix lazy object names
		ExportState("Attempt to fix mesh name '%s'", mesh_i->name);
		char  meshname[64];
		size_t meshnamelen = min(63, strlen(mesh_i->name));
		memset(meshname, 0, 64);
		strncpy(meshname, mesh_i->name, meshnamelen);
		meshname[meshnamelen] = 0;
		if (!strncmp("Box", meshname, 3)    || !strncmp("Sphere", meshname, 6)  || !strncmp("Cylinder", meshname, 8) ||
            !strncmp("Torus", meshname, 5)  || !strncmp("Cone", meshname, 4)    || !strncmp("GeoSphere", meshname, 9) ||
			!strncmp("Tube", meshname, 4)   || !strncmp("Pyramid", meshname, 7) || !strncmp("Plane", meshname, 5) ||
			!strncmp("Teapot", meshname, 6) || !strncmp("Object", meshname, 6))
			if (lazynamesfixed == 1)
				strcpy(meshname, "base");
				sprintf(meshname, "base%i", lazynamesfixed);

			// check if it's not used by another mesh
			for (std::list<ExportNode>::iterator m_i = lMeshes.begin(); m_i != lMeshes.end(); m_i++)
				if (!strncmp(m_i->name, meshname, strlen(meshname)))
					goto name_conflict;
			// approve name
			ExportWarning("Lazy object name '%s' (mesh renamed to '%s').", node->GetName(), meshname);

		// special mesh check
		bool shadow_or_collision = false;
		if (g_mesh_special)
			  if (!strncmp("collision", meshname, 9) || !strncmp("shadow", meshname, 6))
				shadow_or_collision = true;

		// get material
		const char *shadername = NULL;
		Texmap *tex = 0;
		Mtl *mtl = 0;
		if (!shadow_or_collision)
			mtl = node->GetMtl();
			if (mtl)
				// check for multi-material
				if (mtl->IsMultiMtl())
					// check if it's truly multi material
					// we do support multi-material with only one texture (some importers set it)
					bool multi_material = false;
					MtlID matId = mesh.faces[0].getMatID();
					for (i = 1; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++)
						if (mesh.faces[i].getMatID() != matId)
							multi_material = true;

					if (multi_material)
						if (g_mesh_multimaterials == MULTIMATERIALS_NONE)
							ExportWarning("Object '%s' is multimaterial and using multiple materials on its faces, that case is not yet supported (truncating to first submaterial).", node->GetName());
					// switch to submaterial
					mtl = mtl->GetSubMtl(matId);

				// get shader from material if supplied
				char *materialname = GetChar(mtl->GetName());
				if (g_mesh_materialasshader && (strstr(materialname, "/") != NULL || strstr(materialname, "\\") != NULL))
					shadername = GetChar(mtl->GetName());
					// get texture
					tex = mtl->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
					if (tex)
						if (tex->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00))
							shadername = GetChar(((BitmapTex *)tex)->GetMapName());
							if (shadername == NULL || !shadername[0])
								ExportWarning("Object '%s' material '%s' has no bitmap.", tex->GetName(), node->GetName());
							tex = NULL;
							ExportWarning("Object '%s' has material with wrong texture type (only Bitmap are supported).", node->GetName());
						ExportWarning("Object '%s' has material but no texture.", node->GetName());
				ExportWarning("Object '%s' has no material.", node->GetName());

		long pos_meshstart = ftell(file);

		// surface object
		ExportState("Writing mesh '%s' header", meshname);
		putChars("IDP3", 4, file);
		putChars(meshname, 64, file);
		put32(0, file); // flags
		put32(g_total_frames, file);                          // framecount
		put32(1, file);                                       // skincount
		long pos_vertexnum = ftell(file); put32(0, file);     // vertexcount
		put32(mesh.getNumFaces(), file);                      // trianglecount
		long pos_trianglestart = ftell(file); put32(0, file); // start triangles
		put32(108, file);                                     // header size
		long pos_texvecstart = ftell(file); put32(0, file);   // texvecstart
		long pos_vertexstart = ftell(file); put32(16, file);  // vertexstart
		long pos_meshsize = ftell(file); put32(32, file);	  // meshsize

		// write out a single 'skin'
		ExportState("Writing mesh %s texture", meshname);
		if (shadow_or_collision)
			putChars(meshname, 64, file);
		else if (shadername) 
			putMaterial(shadername, mtl, tex, file);
			putChars("noshader", 64, file);
		put32(0, file); // flags

		// build geometry
		ExportState("Building vertexes/triangles");
		int vExtraVerts = mesh.getNumVerts();
		for (i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVerts(); i++)
			vVertexes[i].vert = i;
			vVertexes[i].normalfilled = false;
			// todo: check for coincident verts
		int vNumExtraVerts = 0;

		// check normals
		if (!mesh.normalsBuilt && !shadow_or_collision)
			ExportWarning("Object '%s' does not have normals contructed.", node->GetName());

		// get info for triangles
		const float normal_epsilon = 0.01f;
		for (i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++)
			DWORD smGroup = mesh.faces[i].getSmGroup();
			ExportState("Mesh %s: checking normals for face %i of %i", meshname, i, mesh.getNumFaces());
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				int vert = mesh.faces[i].getVert(j);
				vTriangles[i].e[j] = vert;
				// find a right normal for this vertex and save its 'address'
				int vni;
				Point3 vn;
				if (!mesh.normalsBuilt || shadow_or_collision)
					vn.Set(0, 0, 0);
					vni = 0;
					int numNormals;
					RVertex *rv = mesh.getRVertPtr(vert);
					if (meshNormalSpec)
						ExportState("face %i vert %i have normal specified", i, j);
						// mesh have explicit normals (i.e. Edit Normals modifier)
						vn = meshNormalSpec->GetNormal(i, j);
						vni = meshNormalSpec->GetNormalIndex(i, j);
					else if (rv && rv->rFlags & SPECIFIED_NORMAL)
						ExportState("face %i vert %i have SPECIFIED_NORMAL flag", i, j);
						// SPECIFIED_NORMAL flag
						vn = rv->rn.getNormal();
						vni = 0;
					else if (rv && (numNormals = rv->rFlags & NORCT_MASK) && smGroup)
						// If there is only one vertex is found in the rn member.
						if (numNormals == 1)
							ExportState("face %i vert %i have solid smooth group", i, j);
							vn = rv->rn.getNormal();
							vni = 0;
							ExportState("face %i vert %i have mixed smoothing groups", i, j);
							// If two or more vertices are there you need to step through them
							// and find the vertex with the same smoothing group as the current face.
							// You will find multiple normals in the ern member.
							for (int k = 0; k < numNormals; k++)
								if (rv->ern[k].getSmGroup() & smGroup)
									vn = rv->ern[k].getNormal();
									vni = 1 + k;
						ExportState("face %i vert %i flat shaded", i, j);
						// Get the normal from the Face if no smoothing groups are there
						vn = mesh.getFaceNormal(i);
						vni = 0 - (i + 1);

				// subdivide to get all normals right
				if (!vVertexes[vert].normalfilled)
					vVertexes[vert].normal = vn;
					vVertexes[vert].normalindex = vni;
					vVertexes[vert].normalfilled = true;
				else if ((vVertexes[vert].normal - vn).Length() >= normal_epsilon)
					// current vertex not matching normal - it was already filled by different smoothing group
					// find a vert in extra verts in case it was already created
					bool vert_found = false;
					for (int ev = vExtraVerts; ev < (int)vVertexes.size(); ev++)
						if (vVertexes[ev].vert == vert && (vVertexes[ev].normal - vn).Length() < normal_epsilon)
							vert_found = true;
							vTriangles[i].e[j] = ev;
					// we havent found a vertex, create new
					if (!vert_found)
						ExportVertex NewVert;
						NewVert.vert = vVertexes[vert].vert;
						NewVert.normal = vn;
						NewVert.normalindex = vni;
						NewVert.normalfilled = true;
						vTriangles[i].e[j] = (int)vVertexes.size();
		int vNumExtraVertsForSmoothGroups = vNumExtraVerts;

		// generate UV map
		// VorteX: use direct maps reading since getNumTVerts()/getTVert is deprecated
		//  max sets two default mesh maps: 0 - vertex color, 1 : UVW, 2 & up are custom ones
		ExportState("Building UV map");
		int meshMap = 1;
		if (!mesh.mapSupport(meshMap) || !mesh.getNumMapVerts(meshMap) || shadow_or_collision)
			for (i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVerts(); i++)
				vUVMap[i].u = 0.5;
				vUVMap[i].v = 0.5;
			if (!shadow_or_collision)
				ExportWarning("No UV mapping was found on object '%s'.", node->GetName());
			UVVert *meshUV = mesh.mapVerts(meshMap);
			for (i = 0; i < (int)vTriangles.size(); i++)
				ExportState("Mesh %s: converting tvert for face %i of %i", meshname, i, (int)vTriangles.size());
				// for 3 face vertexes
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					int vert = vTriangles[i].e[j];
					int tv = mesh.tvFace[i].t[j];
					UVVert &UV = meshUV[tv];

					if (!vUVMap[vert].filled)
						// fill uvMap vertex
						vUVMap[vert].u = UV.x;
						vUVMap[vert].v = UV.y;
						vUVMap[vert].filled = true;
						vUVMap[vert].tvert = tv;
					else if (tv != vUVMap[vert].tvert)
						// uvMap slot for this vertex has been filled
						// we should arrange triangle to other vertex, which not filled and having same shading and uv
						// check if any of the extra vertices can fit
						bool vert_found = false;
						for (int ev = vExtraVerts; ev < (int)vVertexes.size(); ev++)
							if (vVertexes[ev].vert == vert && vUVMap[vert].u == UV.x &&vUVMap[vert].v == UV.y  && (vVertexes[ev].normal - vVertexes[vert].normal).Length() < normal_epsilon)
								vert_found = true;
								vTriangles[i].e[j] = vVertexes[ev].vert;
						if (!vert_found)
							// create new vert
							ExportVertex NewVert;
							NewVert.vert = vVertexes[vert].vert;
							NewVert.normal = vVertexes[vert].normal;
							NewVert.normalindex = vVertexes[vert].normalindex;
							NewVert.normalfilled = vVertexes[vert].normalfilled;
							vTriangles[i].e[j] = (int)vVertexes.size();
							// create new TVert
							ExportUV newUV;
							newUV.filled = true;
							newUV.u = UV.x;
							newUV.v = UV.y;
							newUV.tvert = tv;
		int vNumExtraVertsForUV = (vNumExtraVerts - vNumExtraVertsForSmoothGroups);

		// print some debug stats
		ExportDebug("    mesh %s: %i vertexes +%i %s +%i UV, %i triangles", meshname, ((int)vVertexes.size() - vNumExtraVerts), vNumExtraVertsForSmoothGroups, meshNormalSpec ? "EditNormals" : "SmoothGroups", vNumExtraVertsForUV, (int)vTriangles.size());

		// fill in triangle start
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_trianglestart, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

		// detect if object have negative scale (mirrored)
		// in this canse we should rearrange triangles counterclockwise
		// so stuff will not be inverted
		ExportState("Mesh %s: writing %i triangles", meshname, (int)vTriangles.size());
		if (DotProd(CrossProd(tm.GetRow(0), tm.GetRow(1)), tm.GetRow(2)) < 0.0)
			ExportWarning("Object '%s' is mirrored (having negative scale on it's transformation)", node->GetName());
			for (i = 0; i < (int)vTriangles.size(); i++)
				put32(vTriangles[i].b, file);	// vertex index
				put32(vTriangles[i].c, file);	// for 3 vertices
				put32(vTriangles[i].a, file);	// of triangle
			for (i = 0; i < (int)vTriangles.size(); i++)
				put32(vTriangles[i].a, file);	// vertex index
				put32(vTriangles[i].c, file);	// for 3 vertices
				put32(vTriangles[i].b, file);	// of triangle

		// fill in texvecstart
		// write out UV mapping coords.
		ExportState("Mesh %s: writing %i UV vertexes", meshname, (int)vUVMap.size());
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_texvecstart, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);
		for (i = 0; i < (int)vUVMap.size(); i++)
			putFloat(vUVMap[i].u, file); // texture coord u,v
			putFloat(1.0f - vUVMap[i].v, file);	// for vertex

		// fill in vertexstart
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_vertexstart, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

		// fill in vertexnum
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_vertexnum, SEEK_SET);
		put32((int)vVertexes.size(), file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

		// write out for each frame the position of each vertex
		long current_frame = 0;
		ExportState("Mesh %s: writing %i frames", meshname, g_total_frames);
		for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
			for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
				bool _needsDel;

				// get triobject for current frame
				SceneEnumProc current_scene(ei->theScene, i * g_ticks_per_frame, gi);
				current_time = current_scene.time;
				INode *_node = current_scene[mesh_i->i]->node;
				TriObject *_tri	= GetTriObjectFromNode(_node, current_time, _needsDel);
				if (!_tri)

				// get mesh, compute normals
				Mesh &_mesh	= _tri->GetMesh();
				MeshNormalSpec *_meshNormalSpec = _mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals();
				if (_meshNormalSpec)
					if (!_meshNormalSpec->GetNumFaces())
						_meshNormalSpec = NULL;

				// get transformations for current frame
				Matrix3 _tm	= _node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(current_time);

				ExportState("Mesh %s: writing frame %i of %i", meshname, current_frame, g_total_frames);

				Point3 BoxMin(0, 0, 0);
				Point3 BoxMax(0, 0, 0);
				for (j = 0; j < (int)vVertexes.size(); j++) // number of vertices
					ExportState("Mesh %s: transform vertex %i of %i", meshname, j, (int)vVertexes.size());

					int vert = vVertexes[j].vert;
					Point3 &v = _tm.PointTransform(_mesh.getVert(vert));
					// populate bbox data
					if (!shadow_or_collision)
						BoxMin.x = min(BoxMin.x, v.x);
						BoxMin.y = min(BoxMin.y, v.y);
						BoxMin.z = min(BoxMin.z, v.z);
						BoxMax.x = max(BoxMax.x, v.x);
						BoxMax.y = max(BoxMax.y, v.y);
						BoxMax.z = max(BoxMax.z, v.z);

					// write vertex
					double f;
					f = v.x * 64.0f; if (f < -32768.0) f = -32768.0; if (f > 32767.0) f = 32767.0; put16((short)f, file);
					f = v.y * 64.0f; if (f < -32768.0) f = -32768.0; if (f > 32767.0) f = 32767.0; put16((short)f, file);
					f = v.z * 64.0f; if (f < -32768.0) f = -32768.0; if (f > 32767.0) f = 32767.0; put16((short)f, file);

					// get normal
					ExportState("Mesh %s: transform vertex normal %i of %i", meshname, j, (int)vVertexes.size());
					Point3 n;
					if (_meshNormalSpec) // mesh have explicit normals (i.e. Edit Normals modifier)
						n = _meshNormalSpec->Normal(vVertexes[j].normalindex);
					else if (!vVertexes[j].normalfilled || !_mesh.normalsBuilt)
						n = _mesh.getNormal(vert);
						RVertex *rv = _mesh.getRVertPtr(vert);
						if (vVertexes[j].normalindex < 0)
							n = _mesh.getFaceNormal((0 - vVertexes[j].normalindex) - 1);
						else if (vVertexes[j].normalindex == 0)
							n = rv->rn.getNormal();
							n = rv->ern[vVertexes[j].normalindex - 1].getNormal();

					// transform normal
					Point3 &nt = _tm.VectorTransform(n).Normalize();

					// encode a normal vector into a 16-bit latitude-longitude value
					double lng = acos(nt.z) * 255 / (2 * pi);
					double lat = atan2(nt.y, nt.x) * 255 / (2 * pi);
					put16((((int)lat & 0xFF) << 8) | ((int)lng & 0xFF), file);

				// blend the pivot positions for tag_pivot using mesh's volumes for blending power
				if (g_tag_for_pivot && !shadow_or_collision)
					ExportState("Mesh %s: writing tag_pivot", meshname);

					Point3 Size = BoxMax - BoxMin;
					double BoxVolume = pow(Size.x * Size.y * Size.z, 0.333f);

					// blend matrices
					float blend = (float)(BoxVolume / (BoxVolume + tag_pivot_volume[current_frame]));
					float iblend = 1 - blend;
					tag_pivot_volume[current_frame]   = tag_pivot_volume[current_frame] + BoxVolume;
					Point3 row = _tm.GetRow(3) - _node->GetObjOffsetPos();
					tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].x = tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].x * iblend + row.x * blend;
					tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].y = tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].y * iblend + row.y * blend;
					tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].z = tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].z * iblend + row.z * blend;

				// populate bbox data for frames
				lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].x = min(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].x, BoxMin.x);
				lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].y = min(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].y, BoxMin.y);
				lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].z = min(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].z, BoxMin.z);
				lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].x = max(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].x, BoxMax.x);
				lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].y = max(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].y, BoxMax.y);
				lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].z = max(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].z, BoxMax.z);

				// delete the working object, if necessary.
				if (_needsDel)
					delete _tri;

		// delete if necessary
		if (needsDel)
			delete tri;

		// fill in meshsize
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_meshsize, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);  

		// reset back to first frame
		SceneEnumProc scratch(ei->theScene, start_time, gi);
		totalTris += (long)vTriangles.size();
		totalVerts += (long)vVertexes.size();

	// write tag_pivot
	ExportState("Writing tag_pivot positions");
	if (g_tag_for_pivot)
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		long current_frame = 0;
		for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
			for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
				fseek(file, pos_tags + totalTags*112*current_frame + (int)lTags.size()*112 + 64, SEEK_SET);
				// origin
				putFloat(tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].x, file);
				putFloat(tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].y, file);
				putFloat(tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].z, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

	// write frame data
	ExportState("Writing culling info");
	long current_frame = 0;
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
		for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
			fseek(file, pos_framestart + current_frame*56, SEEK_SET);
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].x, file);	// bbox min vector
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].y, file);
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].z, file);	
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].x, file); // bbox max vector
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].y, file);
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].z, file);
			putFloat(0, file); // local origin (usually 0 0 0)
			putFloat(0, file);
			putFloat(0, file);
			putFloat(max(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].Length(), lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].Length()) , file); // radius of bounding sphere
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

	// fill in filesize
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, pos_filesize, SEEK_SET);
	put32(pos_current, file);
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);


	ExportDebug("    total: %i vertexes, %i triangles", totalVerts, totalTris);

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 9
void plTextureSearch::IUpdateTextures(plTextureSearch::Update update)
    MtlSet mtls;
    plMtlCollector::GetMtls(&mtls, nil, plMtlCollector::kPlasmaOnly | plMtlCollector::kNoMultiMtl);

    char searchStr[256];
    GetDlgItemText(fDlg, IDC_FIND_EDIT, searchStr, sizeof(searchStr));

    HWND hList = GetDlgItem(fDlg, IDC_TEXTURE_LIST);

    int sizeX = -1, sizeY = -1;

    HWND hCombo = GetDlgItem(fDlg, IDC_SIZE_COMBO);

    // If we're updating the size, get whatever the user selected
    if (update == kUpdateSetSize)
        int sel = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hCombo);
        uint32_t data = ComboBox_GetItemData(hCombo, sel);
        sizeX = LOWORD(data);
        sizeY = HIWORD(data);

    MtlSet::iterator it = mtls.begin();
    for (; it != mtls.end(); it++)
        Mtl *mtl = (*it);

        LayerSet layers;
        plMtlCollector::GetMtlLayers(mtl, layers);

        LayerSet::iterator layerIt = layers.begin();
        for (; layerIt != layers.end(); layerIt++)
            plPlasmaMAXLayer *layer = (*layerIt);

            int numBitmaps = layer->GetNumBitmaps();

            for (int i = 0; i < numBitmaps; i++)
                PBBitmap *pbbm = layer->GetPBBitmap(i);
                if (pbbm)
                    const char *name = pbbm->bi.Filename();
                    if (name && *name != '\0')
                        char buf[256];
                        strncpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf));

                        // If we don't have a search string, or we do and it was
                        // found in the texture name, add the texture to the list.
                        if (searchStr[0] == '\0' || strstr(buf, searchStr))
                            if (update == kUpdateLoadList)
                                LVITEM item = {0};
                                item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM;
                                item.pszText = mtl->GetName();
                                item.lParam = (LPARAM)mtl;  // A little dangerous, since the user could delete this
                                int idx = ListView_InsertItem(hList, &item);

                                ListView_SetItemText(hList, idx, 1, layer->GetName());
                                ListView_SetItemText(hList, idx, 2, (char*)name);

                                // If size is uninitialized or the same as the last, keep size
                                if ((sizeX == -1 && sizeY == -1) || (sizeX == pbbm->bi.Width() && sizeY == pbbm->bi.Height()))
                                    sizeX = pbbm->bi.Width();
                                    sizeY = pbbm->bi.Height();
                                // Otherwise clear it
                                    sizeX = sizeY = 0;
                            else if (update == kUpdateReplace)
                                layer->SetBitmapAssetId(gAssetID, i);

                                BitmapInfo info;
                                layer->SetBitmap(&info, i);
                            else if (update == kUpdateSetSize)
                                layer->SetExportSize(sizeX, sizeY);

    if (update == kUpdateLoadList)
        HWND hButton = GetDlgItem(fDlg, IDC_SET_ALL_BUTTON);

        // If all bitmaps are the same size, enable resizing
        if (sizeX != -1 && sizeX != 0)
            sizeX = FloorPow2(sizeX);
            sizeY = FloorPow2(sizeY);

            char buf[256];

            while (sizeX >= 4 && sizeY >= 4)
                sprintf(buf, "%d x %d", sizeX, sizeY);
                int idx = ComboBox_AddString(hCombo, buf);
                ComboBox_SetItemData(hCombo, idx, MAKELPARAM(sizeX, sizeY));

                sizeX >>= 1;
                sizeY >>= 1;

            ComboBox_SetCurSel(hCombo, 0);

            EnableWindow(hCombo, TRUE);
            EnableWindow(hButton, TRUE);
Esempio n. 10
    BOOL DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        int selection;
        HWND cbox = NULL;
        HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_BONELIST);

        switch (msg)
        case WM_INITDIALOG:
                int LodBeginState   = map->GetParamBlock()->GetInt(plLODAvatarComponent::kLODState);

                HWND LODCombo = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_STATE);
                fMstrDlg = hWnd;
                fPB = map->GetParamBlock();
                fComp = (plLODAvatarComponent*) fPB->GetOwner();

                VCharArray Nilptr;
                ILoadComboBox(LODCombo, fComp->fLODLevels);
                SendMessage(LODCombo, CB_SETCURSEL, LodBeginState,  0); // select the right one

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < plClothingMgr::kMaxGroup; i++)
                    cbox = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_AVATAR_CLOTHING_GROUP);
                    SendMessage(cbox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)plClothingMgr::GroupStrings[i]);
                selection = fPB->GetInt(ParamID(plLODAvatarComponent::kClothingGroup));
                SendMessage(cbox, CB_SETCURSEL, selection, 0);

                for (i = 0; i < plArmatureMod::kMaxBoneBase; i++)
                    cbox = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_AVATAR_SKELETON);
                    SendMessage(cbox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)plArmatureMod::BoneStrings[i]);
                selection = fPB->GetInt(ParamID(plLODAvatarComponent::kSkeleton));
                SendMessage(cbox, CB_SETCURSEL, selection, 0);

                Mtl *mat = fPB->GetMtl(plLODAvatarComponent::kMaterial);
                Button_SetText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_MTL), (mat ? mat->GetName() : "(none)"));

                return true;

        case WM_COMMAND:
                selection = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_AVATAR_CLOTHING_GROUP), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                fPB->SetValue(ParamID(plLODAvatarComponent::kClothingGroup), t, selection);
                return TRUE;
            else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_COMP_AVATAR_SKELETON)
                selection = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_AVATAR_SKELETON), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                fPB->SetValue(ParamID(plLODAvatarComponent::kSkeleton), t, selection);
                return TRUE;
            else if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)
                if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_BONE_ADD)
                    std::vector<Class_ID> cids;
                    cids.push_back(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
                    cids.push_back(Class_ID(EDITTRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
                    if (plPick::NodeRefKludge(fPB, plLODAvatarComponent::kLastPick, &cids, true, false))            

                    return TRUE;
                // Remove the currently selected material
                else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_BONE_REMOVE)
                    int curSel = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                    if (curSel >= 0)

                    return TRUE;
                else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_MTL)
                    Mtl *pickedMtl = plPickMaterialMap::PickMaterial(plMtlCollector::kPlasmaOnly);
                    fPB->SetValue(plLODAvatarComponent::kMaterial, 0, pickedMtl);
                    Button_SetText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_MTL), (pickedMtl ? pickedMtl->GetName() : "(none)"));

                    return TRUE;
                int LodBeginState   = map->GetParamBlock()->GetInt(plLODAvatarComponent::kLODState);
                    fPB->SetValue(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeTab, t, fPB->GetINode(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeAddBtn,t), LodBeginState);
                if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_COMP_LOD_AVATAR_STATE && HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE)
                    int idx = SendMessage((HWND)lParam, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                    fPB->SetValue(plLODAvatarComponent::kLODState, 0, idx);
                    if(fPB->GetINode(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeTab, t, idx))
                        fPB->SetValue(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeAddBtn, t, fPB->GetINode(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeTab,t, idx));
                    return true;


        case WM_CLOSE:
                int LodBeginState   = map->GetParamBlock()->GetInt(plLODAvatarComponent::kLODState);

                    fPB->SetValue(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeTab, t, fPB->GetINode(plLODAvatarComponent::kMeshNodeAddBtn,t), LodBeginState);

                return false;
        return false;
Esempio n. 11
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CStravaganzaMaxTools
//  - prototype : bool BuildShaders()
//  - Purpose   : Builds the shader list from MAX's materials.
//                Preview mode requires texture files to be stored with full
//                path in order to load them. When we export, we only store the
//                filename. Another thing is that in the export mode, we copy
//                all textures into the path specified by the user if that
//                option is checked.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CStravaganzaMaxTools::BuildShaders()
	std::vector<Mtl*>::iterator it;


	if(!m_bPreview && m_bCopyTextures && m_strTexturePath == "")
		CLogger::NotifyWindow("Textures won't be copied\nSpecify a valid output texture path first");

	LOG.Write("\n\n-Building shaders: ");

	for(it = m_vecMaterials.begin(); it != m_vecMaterials.end(); ++it)
		Mtl* pMaxMaterial = *it;

		LOG.Write("\n    %s", pMaxMaterial->GetName().data());
		CShaderStandard* pShaderStd = new CShaderStandard;

		// Properties

		StdMat2 *pMaxStandardMtl = NULL;
		StdMat2 *pMaxBakedMtl    = NULL;

		float fAlpha;

		if(pMaxMaterial->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0))
			pMaxStandardMtl = (StdMat2 *)pMaxMaterial;
		else if(pMaxMaterial->ClassID() == Class_ID(BAKE_SHELL_CLASS_ID, 0))
			pMaxStandardMtl = (StdMat2 *)pMaxMaterial->GetSubMtl(0);
			pMaxBakedMtl    = (StdMat2 *)pMaxMaterial->GetSubMtl(1);

			// Standard material

			fAlpha = pMaxStandardMtl->GetOpacity(0);

			Shader* pMaxShader = pMaxStandardMtl->GetShader();

			CVector4 v4Specular = ColorToVector4(pMaxStandardMtl->GetSpecular(0), 0.0f) * pMaxShader->GetSpecularLevel(0, 0);

			pShaderStd->SetAmbient  (ColorToVector4(pMaxStandardMtl->GetAmbient(0),  0.0f));
			pShaderStd->SetDiffuse  (ColorToVector4(pMaxStandardMtl->GetDiffuse(0),  fAlpha));
			pShaderStd->SetSpecular (v4Specular);
			pShaderStd->SetShininess(pMaxShader->GetGlossiness(0, 0) * 128.0f);

			if(pMaxStandardMtl->GetTwoSided() == TRUE)

			// Need to cast to StdMat2 in order to get access to IsFaceted().
			// ¿Is StdMat2 always the interface for standard materials?

			if(pMaxStandardMtl->GetWire() == TRUE)
			// Material != Standard

			fAlpha = 1.0f; // pMaxMaterial->GetXParency();

			pShaderStd->SetAmbient  (ColorToVector4(pMaxMaterial->GetAmbient(),  0.0f));
			pShaderStd->SetDiffuse  (ColorToVector4(pMaxMaterial->GetDiffuse(),  fAlpha));
			pShaderStd->SetSpecular (CVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

		// Layers


		bool bDiffuseMap32Bits = false;
		StdMat2 *pStandardMtl;

		for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			int nMap;

			pStandardMtl = pMaxStandardMtl;

			// 0 = diffuse, 1 == bump, 2 = lightmap (self illumination slot) or envmap (reflection slot)

			if(i == 0)
				nMap = ID_DI;
			else if(i == 1)
				nMap = ID_BU;

				// If its a baked material, get the bump map from there

					pStandardMtl = pMaxBakedMtl;
			else if(i == 2)
				bool bBaked = false;

				// If its a baked material, get the map2 (lightmap) from there

					if(pMaxBakedMtl->GetMapState(ID_SI) == MAXMAPSTATE_ENABLED)
						bBaked       = true;
						nMap         = ID_SI;
						pStandardMtl = pMaxBakedMtl;

					if(pStandardMtl->GetMapState(ID_SI) == MAXMAPSTATE_ENABLED)
						nMap = ID_SI;
						nMap = ID_RL;

			// Check validity

			if(pStandardMtl->GetMapState(nMap) != MAXMAPSTATE_ENABLED)
				if(i == 0)
					LOG.Write("\n        No diffuse. Skipping.");


			Texmap* pMaxTexmap = pStandardMtl->GetSubTexmap(nMap);

				if(i == 0)
					LOG.Write("\n        No diffuse. Skipping.");


			// Get texmaps

			std::vector<std::string> vecTextures, vecPaths;

			CShaderStandard::SLayerInfo  layerInfo;
			CShaderStandard::SBitmapInfo bitmapInfo;

			if(pMaxTexmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0))
				BitmapTex* pMaxBitmapTex = (BitmapTex*)pMaxTexmap;
				Bitmap*    pMaxBitmap    = pMaxBitmapTex->GetBitmap(SECONDS_TO_TICKS(m_fStartTime));
				StdUVGen*  pMaxUVGen     = pMaxBitmapTex->GetUVGen();

					if(i == 0)
						LOG.Write("\n        Invalid diffuse. Skipping.");


				BitmapInfo bi = pMaxBitmap->Storage()->bi;

				// bi.Name() returns the full path
				// bi.Filename() returns just the filename

				vecPaths.   push_back(bi.Name());

				LOG.Write("\n        Bitmap %s", vecTextures[0].data());

				// Check if diffuse texture has alpha channel

				if(i == 0)
					CBitmap    bitmap;
					CInputFile bitmapFile;

					if(!bitmapFile.Open(bi.Name(), false))
						CLogger::NotifyWindow("WARNING - CStravaganzaMaxTools::BuildShaders():\nUnable to load file %s", bi.Name());
						if(!bitmap.Load(&bitmapFile, GetFileExt(bi.Name())))
							CLogger::NotifyWindow("WARNING - CStravaganzaMaxTools::BuildShaders():\nUnable to load bitmap %s", bi.Name());
							if(bitmap.GetBpp() == 32)
								bDiffuseMap32Bits = true;
								LOG.Write(" (with alpha channel)");

				// Ok, copy properties

				layerInfo.texInfo.bLoop        = false;
				layerInfo.texInfo.eTextureType = UtilGL::Texturing::CTexture::TEXTURE2D;

				bitmapInfo.strFile         = m_bPreview ? bi.Name() : bi.Filename();
				bitmapInfo.bTile           = ((pMaxUVGen->GetTextureTiling() & (U_WRAP | V_WRAP)) == (U_WRAP | V_WRAP)) ? true : false;
				bitmapInfo.fSeconds        = 0.0f;
				bitmapInfo.bForceFiltering = false;
				bitmapInfo.eFilter         = UtilGL::Texturing::FILTER_TRILINEAR; // won't be used (forcefiltering = false)

				layerInfo.eTexEnv          = nMap == ID_RL ? CShaderStandard::TEXENV_ADD : CShaderStandard::TEXENV_MODULATE;
				layerInfo.eUVGen           = pMaxUVGen->GetCoordMapping(0) == UVMAP_SPHERE_ENV ? CShaderStandard::UVGEN_ENVMAPPING : CShaderStandard::UVGEN_EXPLICITMAPPING;
				layerInfo.uMapChannel      = pMaxUVGen->GetMapChannel();
				layerInfo.v3ScrollSpeed    = CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				layerInfo.v3RotationSpeed  = CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				layerInfo.v3ScrollOffset   = CVector3(pMaxUVGen->GetUOffs(0), pMaxUVGen->GetVOffs(0), 0.0f);
				layerInfo.v3RotationOffset = CVector3(pMaxUVGen->GetUAng(0),  pMaxUVGen->GetVAng(0),  pMaxUVGen->GetWAng(0));
			else if(pMaxTexmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(ACUBIC_CLASS_ID, 0))
				ACubic*       pMaxCubic  = (ACubic*)pMaxTexmap;
				IParamBlock2* pBlock     = pMaxCubic->pblock;
				Interval      validRange = m_pMaxInterface->GetAnimRange();

				for(int nFace = 0; nFace < 6; nFace++)
					int nMaxFace;

					case 0: nMaxFace = 3; break;
					case 1: nMaxFace = 2; break;
					case 2: nMaxFace = 1; break;
					case 3: nMaxFace = 0; break;
					case 4: nMaxFace = 5; break;
					case 5: nMaxFace = 4; break;

					TCHAR *name;
					pBlock->GetValue(acubic_bitmap_names, TICKS_TO_SECONDS(m_fStartTime), name, validRange, nMaxFace);


					CStr path, file, ext;
					SplitFilename(CStr(name), &path, &file, &ext);

					std::string strFile = std::string( +;


					bitmapInfo.strFile         = m_bPreview ? name : strFile;
					bitmapInfo.bTile           = false;
					bitmapInfo.fSeconds        = 0.0f;
					bitmapInfo.bForceFiltering = false;
					bitmapInfo.eFilter         = UtilGL::Texturing::FILTER_TRILINEAR;

				layerInfo.texInfo.bLoop        = false;
				layerInfo.texInfo.eTextureType = UtilGL::Texturing::CTexture::TEXTURECUBEMAP;

				layerInfo.eTexEnv          = nMap == ID_RL ? CShaderStandard::TEXENV_ADD : CShaderStandard::TEXENV_MODULATE;
				layerInfo.eUVGen           = CShaderStandard::UVGEN_ENVMAPPING;
				layerInfo.uMapChannel      = 0;
				layerInfo.v3ScrollSpeed    = CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				layerInfo.v3RotationSpeed  = CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				layerInfo.v3ScrollOffset   = CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				layerInfo.v3RotationOffset = CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				if(i == 0)
					LOG.Write("\n        No diffuse. Skipping.");

			if(!m_bPreview && m_bCopyTextures && m_strTexturePath != "")
				for(int nTex = 0; nTex != vecTextures.size(); nTex++)
					// Copy textures into the specified folder

					std::string strDestPath = m_strTexturePath;

					if(strDestPath[strDestPath.length() - 1] != '\\')
						strDestPath.append("\\", 1);


					if(!CopyFile(vecPaths[nTex].data(),, FALSE))
						CLogger::NotifyWindow("Unable to copy %s to\n%s", vecPaths[i],;

			if(layerInfo.eUVGen == CShaderStandard::UVGEN_ENVMAPPING && i == 1)
				CLogger::NotifyWindow("%s : Bump with spheremapping not supported", pShaderStd->GetName().data());
				// Add layer

				case 0: pShaderStd->SetLayer(CShaderStandard::LAYER_DIFF, layerInfo); break;
				case 1: pShaderStd->SetLayer(CShaderStandard::LAYER_BUMP, layerInfo); break;
				case 2: pShaderStd->SetLayer(CShaderStandard::LAYER_MAP2, layerInfo); break;

		// ¿Do we need blending?

		if(ARE_EQUAL(fAlpha, 1.0f) && !bDiffuseMap32Bits)

		// Add shader


	return true;
void SkeletonExporter::export_particle_spray(INode *node)
  char sval[50];
  Interval range = ip->GetAnimRange();
  ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(0);
  if (!os.obj) return;

  SimpleParticle *partsys;
  Object *p; IDerivedObject *q; Modifier *m;
  partsys=(SimpleParticle *)os.obj;
  Point3 row;
  Matrix3 mat;
  Mtl *materiale;
  INode *padre=node->GetParentNode();
  int mod_names=0, k, mod_count=0;
  char modNames[25][50], refname[50];
  int sf, sm, mf, n;

  if ((padre) && (strcmp(padre->GetName(), "Scene Root")!=0))
  else sf=0;
  if (materiale) sm=strlen(materiale->GetName())+1;
  else sm=0;


  // trovo i modificatori Wind e Gravity con il loro
  // nome
  if ((p->SuperClassID()==GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID) &&
	 (p->ClassID()==Class_ID(WSM_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID, 0)))
	q=(IDerivedObject *)p;
	for (k=0; k<n; k++)
      Class_ID cidd = m->ClassID();
	  if ((cidd==Class_ID(WINDMOD_CLASS_ID, 0)) ||
		  (cidd==Class_ID(GRAVITYMOD_CLASS_ID, 0)) ||
		  (cidd==Class_ID(BOMB_OBJECT_CLASS_ID, 0)))
		 SimpleWSMMod *wm=(SimpleWSMMod *)m;
		 strcpy(refname, wm->nodeRef->GetName());
		 strcpy(modNames[mod_count], refname);

  write_chunk_header(fA3D, SPRAY_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_ID, node->GetName(),
	                 4+sf+4+sm+  // padre, materiale
					 12+48+  //pivot, matrice world(t=0)
					 4+mf+   // nome mesh/oggetto
					 4+4+4+4+ // emitter: width, height, speed , variation
					 4+4+4+4+ // life, startTime, stopTime, max_particles
					 4+mod_names // num WSM, nomi WSM

  fprintf(fTXT, "Spray particle system found\n");
  fprintf(fTXT, "Name : %s\n", node->GetName());
  if (padre) fprintf(fTXT, "Parent name : %s\n", node->GetParentNode()->GetName());
  if (materiale) fprintf(fTXT, "Material name : %s\n", materiale->GetName());
  if (makeADP)
    fprintf(fADP, "  particle %c%s%c\n  {\n", '"', node->GetName(), '"');

  // -----------    scrivo il padre (flag, nome)   ------------------
  fwrite(&sf, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  if (sf>0)
	 write_string0(fA3D, padre->GetName());
	 if (makeADP) fprintf(fADP, "     father=%c%s%c;\n", '"', padre->GetName(), '"');
	 if (makeADP) fprintf(fADP, "     father=%cNONE%c;\n", '"', '"');

  // ---------   scrivo il materiale di base (flag, nome)   ----------
  fwrite(&sm, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  if (sm>0)
     write_string0(fA3D, materiale->GetName());
	 //if (makeADP) fprintf(fADP, "     material=%c%s%c;\n", '"', materiale->GetName(), '"');
	 //if (makeADP) fprintf(fADP, "     material=%cNONE%c;\n", '"', '"');

  // ---------------   scrittura del punto di pivot   ----------------
  GetPivotOffset(node, &row);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Pivot point : %f, %f, %f\n", row.x, row.y, row.z);
  write_point3(&row, fA3D);

  // -------------------   scrittura matrice   -----------------------
  mat = node->GetNodeTM(0);
  write_matrix(&mat, fA3D);

  // ---------   scrittura dell'eventuale nome della mesh   ----------
  fwrite(&mf, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  if (mf>0)
    write_string0(fA3D, "TO_DO");
    if (makeADP) fprintf(fADP, "    lod=%cTO_DO, 0, 99999.99%c;\n", '"', '"');

  // *************  ESPORAZIONE DATI DEL PARTCLE SYSTEM  *************
  float initVel, var, width, height;
  int count, life, start_time, stop_time;

  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_EMITTERWIDTH, 0, width, FOREVER);
  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_EMITTERHEIGHT, 0, height, FOREVER);
  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_SPEED, 0, initVel, FOREVER);
  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_VARIATION, 0, var, FOREVER);
  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_LIFETIME, 0, life, FOREVER);
  life=life/ GetTicksPerFrame();
  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_STARTTIME, 0, start_time, FOREVER);
  start_time=start_time / GetTicksPerFrame();
  stop_time=range.End() / GetTicksPerFrame();
  partsys->pblock->GetValue(PB_RNDPARTICLES, 0, count, FOREVER);

  fprintf(fTXT, "Emitter width: %f\n", width);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Emitter height: %f\n", height);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Emitter speed (init vel): %f\n", initVel);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Emitter variation: %f\n", var);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Life: %d\n", life);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Start time: %d\n", start_time);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Stop time: %d\n", stop_time);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Max particles: %d\n", count);

  // informazioni in formato binario (.A3D)
  fwrite(&width, sizeof(float), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&height, sizeof(float), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&initVel, sizeof(float), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&var, sizeof(float), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&life, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&start_time, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&stop_time, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  fwrite(&count, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);

  fwrite(&mod_count, sizeof(int), 1, fA3D);
  fprintf(fTXT, "Modificatori (wind, gravity, bomb) collegati: %d\n", mod_count);
  for (k=0; k<mod_count; k++)
     fprintf(fTXT, "Modificatore %d: %s\n", k, modNames[k]);
	 write_string0(fA3D, modNames[k]);
	 //if (makeADP)
       //fprintf(fADP, "     modifier=%c%s, ON%c;\n", '"', modNames[k], '"');

  Control *c;
  int size_key;

  // NB: per gli oggetti mesh e quant'altre tipologie di
  // oggetti che possono essere linkati (ovvero dove e'
  // possibile implmenetare gerarchie), esporto SEMPRE una key 
  // di posizione, una di rotazione ed una di scaling
  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=36;
	 if (IsBezierControl(c)) size_key=40;
	 else size_key=16;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle position track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, POSITION_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_point3_track(c, 1, fA3D);
	fprintf(fTXT, "Particle position track present. (1 key case)\n");
	if (!c) 	fprintf(fTXT, "c nullo !\n");
    write_chunk_header(fA3D, POSITION_TRACK_ID,
	                   node->GetName(), 1+2+4+1*size_key);
    export_1key_point3_track(c, 1, fA3D);

  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=40;
	 else size_key=20;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle rotation track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, ROTATION_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_rot_track(c, fA3D);
	fprintf(fTXT, "Particle rotation track present. (1 key case)\n");
    write_chunk_header(fA3D, ROTATION_TRACK_ID,
	                   node->GetName(), 1+2+4+1*size_key);
    export_1key_rot_track(c, fA3D);

  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=36;
	 if (IsBezierControl(c)) size_key=40;
	 else size_key=16;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle scaling track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, SCALE_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_scale_track(c, fA3D);
	fprintf(fTXT, "Particle scaling track present. (1 key case)\n");
    write_chunk_header(fA3D, SCALE_TRACK_ID,
	                   node->GetName(), 1+2+4+1*size_key);
    export_1key_scale_track(c, fA3D);

  // keyframer emitter width
  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=28;
	 if (IsBezierControl(c)) size_key=16;
	 else size_key=8;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle emitter width track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, PARTICLE_EMITTER_WIDTH_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_float_track(c, 1, fA3D);

  // keyframer emitter length
  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=28;
	 if (IsBezierControl(c)) size_key=16;
	 else size_key=8;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle emitter length track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, PARTICLE_EMITTER_LENGTH_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_float_track(c, 1, fA3D);

  // keyframer particles speed
  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=28;
	 if (IsBezierControl(c)) size_key=16;
	 else size_key=8;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle emitter speed track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, PARTICLE_EMITTER_SPEED_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_float_track(c, 1, fA3D);

  // keyframer particles variations
  if ((c) && (c->NumKeys()>0))
	 if (IsTCBControl(c)) size_key=28;
	 if (IsBezierControl(c)) size_key=16;
	 else size_key=8;
	 fprintf(fTXT, "Particle emitter variation track present.\n");
     write_chunk_header(fA3D, PARTICLE_EMITTER_VARIATION_TRACK_ID,
	                    node->GetName(), 1+2+4+c->NumKeys()*size_key);
     export_float_track(c, 1, fA3D);

  if (makeADP)
    fprintf(fADP, "     texture=%cNONE%c;\n", '"', '"');
	my_ftoa(width, sval);
	fprintf(fADP, "     emitter_width=%c%s%c;\n", '"', sval, '"');
	my_ftoa(height, sval);
    fprintf(fADP, "     emitter_height=%c%s%c;\n", '"', sval, '"');
    fprintf(fADP, "     faded_particles=%cOFF%c;\n", '"', '"');
    fprintf(fADP, "     max_particles=%c%d%c;\n", '"', count, '"');
    fprintf(fADP, "     start_time=%c%d%c;\n", '"', start_time, '"');
    fprintf(fADP, "     end_time=%c%d%c;\n", '"', stop_time, '"');
    fprintf(fADP, "     life=%c%d%c;\n", '"', life, '"');
	my_ftoa(initVel, sval);
    fprintf(fADP, "     speed=%c%s%c;\n", '"', sval, '"');
	my_ftoa(var, sval);
    fprintf(fADP, "     variation=%c%s%c;\n", '"', sval, '"');
    fprintf(fADP, "     size_attenuation=%c0.4, 1.0, 0.8, 0.1%c;\n", '"', '"');
	fprintf(fADP, "  }\n\n");
  fprintf(fTXT, "\n\n");
Esempio n. 13
void SceneBuilder::ConvertMaterial (Mtl &mtl, MtlTree &mtlTree)
	// 光照属性
	PX2::Shine *shine = new0 PX2::Shine;
	Color color = mtl.GetAmbient();
	float alpha = 1.0f - mtl.GetXParency();
	shine->Ambient = PX2::Float4(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1.0f);
	color = mtl.GetDiffuse();
	shine->Diffuse = PX2::Float4(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha);
	color = mtl.GetSpecular();
	float shininess = mtl.GetShininess()*2.0f;
	shine->Specular = PX2::Float4(color.r, color.g, color.b, shininess);

	const char *name = (const char*)mtl.GetName();


	bool IsDirect9Shader = false;

	if (mtl.ClassID() == Class_ID(CMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)
		|| mtl.ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0))
		StdMat2 *stdMat2 = (StdMat2*)(&mtl);
		Interval valid = FOREVER;
		stdMat2->Update(mTimeStart, valid);

		std::string strName(stdMat2->GetName());
		bool doubleSide = (stdMat2->GetTwoSided()==1);

		char strBitMapName[256];
		memset(strBitMapName, 0, 256*sizeof(char));
		std::string resourcePath;

		PX2::Shader::SamplerFilter filter = PX2::Shader::SF_LINEAR_LINEAR;
		PX2::Shader::SamplerCoordinate uvCoord = PX2::Shader::SC_REPEAT;

		if (stdMat2->MapEnabled(ID_DI))
			BitmapTex *tex = (BitmapTex*)stdMat2->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);

			BitmapInfo bI;
			const char *mapName = tex->GetMapName();
			TheManager->GetImageInfo(&bI, mapName);
			strcpy(strBitMapName, bI.Name());

			std::string fullName = std::string(strBitMapName);
			std::string::size_type sizeT = fullName.find_first_not_of(mSettings->SrcRootDir);
			resourcePath = std::string(strBitMapName).substr(sizeT);

			StdUVGen* uvGen = tex->GetUVGen();
			int filType = tex->GetFilterType();
			switch (filType)
				case FILTER_PYR:
					filter = PX2::Shader::SF_LINEAR_LINEAR;
				case FILTER_SAT:
					filter = PX2::Shader::SF_NEAREST;
			sprintf(strBitMapName, "%s/%s", mSettings->SrcRootDir, PX2_DEFAULT_TEXTURE);
			resourcePath = PX2_DEFAULT_TEXTURE;

		PX2::Texture2D *tex2d = PX2::DynamicCast<PX2::Texture2D>(

		if (tex2d)
			PX2::Texture2DMaterial *tex2dMtl = new0 PX2::Texture2DMaterial(filter, 
				uvCoord, uvCoord);
			if (doubleSide)
				tex2dMtl->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = tex2dMtl->CreateInstance(tex2d);

			PX2::VertexColor4Material *vcMtl = new0 PX2::VertexColor4Material();
			PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = vcMtl->CreateInstance();
	else if (mtl.ClassID() == Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0))
	else if (mtl.ClassID() == DIRECTX_9_SHADER_CLASS_ID)
		IsDirect9Shader = true;

		IDxMaterial* dxMtl = (IDxMaterial*)mtl.GetInterface(IDXMATERIAL_INTERFACE);
		char *effectName = dxMtl->GetEffectFilename();
		IParamBlock2 *paramBlock = mtl.GetParamBlock(0);

		std::string outPath;
		std::string outBaseName;
		std::string outExtention;
		PX2::StringHelp::SplitFullFilename(effectName, outPath, outBaseName,

		PX2::ShinePtr shineStandard = new0 PX2::Shine();
		bool alphaVertex = false;
		PX2::Texture2DPtr diffTex;
		bool normalEnable = false;
		PX2::Texture2DPtr normalTex;
		float normalScale = 0.0f;
		bool specEnable = false;
		PX2::Texture2DPtr specTex;
		float specPower = 0.0f;
		bool reflectEnable = false;
		PX2::TextureCubePtr reflectTex;
		float reflectPower = 0.0f;
		bool doubleSide = false;
		int blendMode = 2;

		ParamBlockDesc2 *paramDesc = 0;
		int numParam = 0;
		if (paramBlock)
			paramDesc = paramBlock->GetDesc();
			numParam = paramBlock->NumParams();

			ParamType2 paramType;
			for (int i=0; i<numParam; i++)
				std::string parmName;
				PX2::Float4 color4 = PX2::Float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				PX2::Float3 color3 = PX2::Float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				float floatValue = 0.0f;
				bool boolValue = false;
				float *floatTable = 0;
				int intValue = 0;
				std::string str;
				PX2::Texture2D *tex2d = 0;

				paramType = paramBlock->GetParameterType((ParamID)i);

				if (TYPE_STRING == paramType)
					ConvertStringAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, str);
				else if (TYPE_FLOAT == paramType)
					ConvertFloatAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, floatValue);
				else if (TYPE_INT == paramType)
					ConvertIntAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, intValue);
				else if (TYPE_RGBA == paramType)
					ConvertColorAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color4, i);
				else if (TYPE_POINT3 == paramType)
					ConvertPoint3Attrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color3);
				else if (TYPE_POINT4 == paramType)
					ConvertPoint4Attrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color4);
				else if (TYPE_BOOL == paramType)
					ConvertBoolAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, boolValue);
				else if (TYPE_FLOAT_TAB == paramType)
					ConvertFloatTabAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, floatTable);
				else if (TYPE_BITMAP == paramType)
					ConvertBitMapAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, tex2d);
				else if (TYPE_FRGBA ==paramType)
					ConvertFRGBAAttrib(paramBlock, i, parmName, color4);

				// shine
				if (parmName == "gBlendMode")
					blendMode = intValue;
				else if (parmName == "gShineEmissive")
					shineStandard->Emissive = color4;
				else if (parmName == "gShineAmbient")
					shineStandard->Ambient = color4;
				else if (parmName == "gShineDiffuse")
					shineStandard->Diffuse = color4;
				// alpha vertex
				else if (parmName == "gAlphaVertex")
					alphaVertex = boolValue;
				// diffuse
				else if (parmName == "gDiffuseTexture")
					diffTex = tex2d;
				// normal
				else if (parmName == "gNormalEnable")
					normalEnable = boolValue;
				else if (parmName == "gNormalTexture")
					normalTex = tex2d;
				else if (parmName == "gNormalScale")
					normalScale = floatValue;
				// specular
				else if (parmName == "gSpecularEnable")
					specEnable = boolValue;
				else if (parmName == "gSpecularTexture")
					specTex = tex2d;
				else if (parmName == "gSpecularPower")
					specPower = floatValue;
				// reflect
				else if (parmName == "gReflectionEnable")
					reflectEnable = boolValue;
				else if (parmName == "gReflectTexture")
					//reflectTex = tex2d;
				else if (parmName == "gReflectPower")
					reflectPower = floatValue;
				// other
				else if (parmName == "gDoubleSide")
					doubleSide = boolValue;

		PX2::MaterialInstance *inst = 0;
		PX2::StandardMaterial *standardMtl = 0;
		PX2::StandardESMaterial_Default *standardESMtl_D = 0;
		PX2::StandardESMaterial_Specular *standardESMtl_S = 0;
		if (outBaseName == "Standard")
			char mtlName[256];
			memset(mtlName, 0, 256*sizeof(char));
			sprintf(mtlName, "%s/%s", mSettings->DstRootDir, 
			standardMtl = new0 PX2::StandardMaterial(mtlName);
		else if (outBaseName == "StandardES")
			if (false == specEnable)
				standardESMtl_D = new0 PX2::StandardESMaterial_Default();

				if (0 == blendMode)
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->BlendEnabled = false;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->CompareEnabled = false;
				else if (1 == blendMode)
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->BlendEnabled = true;
				else if (2 == blendMode)
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->BlendEnabled = false;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->CompareEnabled = true;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->Compare = PX2::AlphaProperty::CM_GEQUAL;
					standardESMtl_D->GetAlphaProperty(0, 0)->Reference = 0.2f;
				char mtlName[256];
				memset(mtlName, 0, 256*sizeof(char));
				sprintf(mtlName, "%s/%s", mSettings->DstRootDir, 
				standardESMtl_S = new0 PX2::StandardESMaterial_Specular(mtlName);

		if (standardMtl && diffTex)
			if (doubleSide)
				standardMtl->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			inst = standardMtl->CreateInstance(diffTex, alphaVertex, 
				normalEnable, normalTex, normalScale, specEnable, specTex,
				specPower, 0, shineStandard);
		else if (standardESMtl_D && diffTex)
			if (doubleSide)
				standardESMtl_D->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			inst = standardESMtl_D->CreateInstance(diffTex, 0, shineStandard);
		else if (standardESMtl_S && diffTex && specTex)
			if (doubleSide)
				standardESMtl_S->GetCullProperty(0, 0)->Enabled = false;

			inst = standardESMtl_S->CreateInstance(diffTex, specTex, specPower,
				0, shineStandard);

		if (inst)
			PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = 
		PX2::VertexColor4Material *vcMtl = new0 PX2::VertexColor4Material();
		PX2::MaterialInstance *instance = vcMtl->CreateInstance();

	// 对子材质进行处理
	if (IsDirect9Shader)

	int mQuantity = mtl.NumSubMtls(); // Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0)
	if (mQuantity > 0)
		for (int i=0; i<mQuantity; i++)
			Mtl *subMtl = 0;
			subMtl = mtl.GetSubMtl(i);
			if (subMtl)
				ConvertMaterial(*subMtl, mtlTree.GetMChild(i));
Esempio n. 14
void G3DSExport::GatherSkin(INode* i_node)
	SKIN skin;

	// get the name of the node = i_node->GetName();

	// get the skin interface
	Modifier *modifier = GetModifier(i_node,SKIN_CLASSID);
	ISkin* i_skin = (ISkin*)modifier->GetInterface(I_SKIN);

	// convert to the triangle type
	Mesh* i_mesh = NULL;
	Object* obj = i_node->EvalWorldState(mTime).obj;
	if(obj && ( obj->SuperClassID() == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID ))
		if(obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) 
			TriObject *tri_obj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(mTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); MAX_CHECK(tri_obj);
			i_mesh = &tri_obj->mesh;

	// get the material
	skin.texture = "textures/default.tga";
	Mtl* mtl = i_node->GetMtl();
	if(mtl && (mtl->ClassID()==Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) && ((StdMat*)mtl)->MapEnabled(ID_DI)) 
		Texmap *texmap = mtl->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
		if(texmap && texmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00))
			skin.texture = UnifySlashes(((BitmapTex *)texmap)->GetMapName());
			if( !strstr( skin.texture.c_str(), mPath.c_str() ) )
				G3DAssert("The material(%s) is error : the texture path(%s) is illegal!",mtl->GetName(), skin.texture.c_str());
				skin.texture = strstr(skin.texture.c_str(),mPath.c_str()) + strlen(mPath.c_str());

	// if it has uvs
	int map_count = i_mesh->getNumMaps();
	bool has_uvs = i_mesh->getNumTVerts() && i_mesh->tvFace;
	if(!(has_uvs&&map_count)) { G3DAssert("The skin(%s) has not the uv coordinates.",; return; }

	// get the transform
	Matrix3 mesh_matrix = i_node->GetObjectTM(mTime);
	Matrix3 node_matrix = i_node->GetNodeTM(mTime);
	Matrix3 transform = mesh_matrix * Inverse(node_matrix);

	// get the points
	skin.points.assign(i_mesh->verts, i_mesh->verts+i_mesh->getNumVerts());

	// get the triangles
	for(int i = 0; i < i_mesh->getNumFaces(); i++)
		Face& face = i_mesh->faces[i];

		TRIANGLE tri;		
		tri.smoothing = face.smGroup;
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			VPTNIS v;
			v.pos = transform * i_mesh->verts[face.v[j]];

			// get the uv
			UVVert * map_verts = i_mesh->mapVerts(1);
			TVFace * map_faces = i_mesh->mapFaces(1);
			v.uv = reinterpret_cast<Point2&>(map_verts[map_faces[i].t[j]]);
			v.uv.y = 1 - v.uv.y;

			// initialize the normal
			v.normal = Point3::Origin;

			// get the vertex index
			v.index = face.v[j];

			// get the smoothing group
			v.smoothing = face.smGroup;			

			// set the index for the triangle
			tri.index0[j] = v.index;

			// reassemble the vertex list
			tri.index1[j] = AddVertex(skin, v);

		// add the triangle to the table

	// build the index map
	for( int i = 0; i < skin.vertexes.size(); i++ )

	// get the skin context data
	ISkinContextData* i_skin_context_data = i_skin->GetContextInterface(i_node);
	if(i_skin_context_data == NULL) { G3DAssert("The skin(%s) has not the weight.",; return; }

	// gets the initial matrix of the skinned object 
	Matrix3 initial_object_transform;
	i_skin->GetSkinInitTM(i_node, initial_object_transform, true);

	// process the points
	int num_points = i_skin_context_data->GetNumPoints();
	for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
		MAX_CHECK(i < skin.points.size());

		VPIW viw;

		// get the initial point				
		viw.pos = initial_object_transform * skin.points[i];

		// process the weights		
		std::multimap< float, int > weights;

		// get the number of bones that control this vertex
		int num_bones = i_skin_context_data->GetNumAssignedBones(i);
			for (int j = 0; j < num_bones; j++)
				Matrix3 transform;

				// get the assigned bone of the point 
				INode* i_bone_node = i_skin->GetBone(i_skin_context_data->GetAssignedBone(i, j));
				MAX_CHECK(i_bone_node != NULL);

				// get the weight of the bone
				float weight = i_skin_context_data->GetBoneWeight(i, j);

				// add the weight to the table
				weights.insert(std::make_pair(weight, AddBone(skin,i_bone_node)));
			// add the weight to the table
			weights.insert(std::make_pair(1.f, AddBone(skin,i_node)));

		// recalculate the weights
		float weight0 = 0.f, weight1 = 0.f, weight2 = 0.f;
		int index0 = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
		std::multimap< float, int >::iterator it = weights.end();
		weight0 = it->first;
		index0 = it->second;
		if(it != weights.begin())
			weight1 = it->first;
			index1 = it->second;
			if(it != weights.begin())
				weight2 = it->first;
				index2 = it->second;
		float sum_weights = weight0 + weight1 + weight2;

		// store the skin weights	
		viw.weight[0]	= weight0/sum_weights;
		viw.index[0]	= index0;
		viw.weight[1]	= weight1/sum_weights;
		viw.index[1]	= index1;
		viw.weight[2]	= weight2/sum_weights;
		viw.index[2]	= index2;

	// get the initial transforms
	for(int i = 0; i < skin.bones.size(); i++)
		INode* node = skin.bones[i];
		Matrix3 mat;
		if (SKIN_INVALID_NODE_PTR == i_skin->GetBoneInitTM( node, mat ))
			if (SKIN_INVALID_NODE_PTR == i_skin->GetSkinInitTM( node, mat ))
		skin.transforms[i] = Inverse(mat);

	// there is a 75 bone limit for each skinned object.
		G3DAssert("There are more %d bones in the skin(%s).",skin.bones.size(), i_node->GetName());

	// reset the skin vertex position
	for(int i = 0; i < skin.vertexes.size(); i++)
		VPTNIS& v0 = skin.vertexes[i];
		VPIW& v1 = skin.weights[v0.index];
		v0.pos = v1.pos;

	// build the normal space

	// calculate the bounding box;
	for(int i = 0; i < skin.vertexes.size(); i++)
		Point3 pt = node_matrix * skin.vertexes[i].pos; += pt;

	// add the skin to the table
Esempio n. 15
BOOL plClothingComponentProc::DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *pm, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    IParamBlock2 *pb = pm->GetParamBlock();
    HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_CLOTHING_LIST);
    HWND hGroup = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_CLOTHING_GROUP);
    HWND hType = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_CLOTHING_TYPE);
    switch (msg)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < pb->Count(plClothingComponent::kMaterials); i++)
                ListBox_AddString(hList, pb->GetMtl(ParamID(plClothingComponent::kMaterials), 0, i)->GetName());

            ListBox_SetCurSel(hList, -1);

            for (i = 0; i < plClothingMgr::kMaxGroup; i++)
                ComboBox_AddString(hGroup, plClothingMgr::GroupStrings[i]);
            ComboBox_SetCurSel(hGroup, pb->GetInt(plClothingComponent::kGroup));

            for (i = 0; i < plClothingMgr::kMaxType; i++)
                ComboBox_AddString(hType, plClothingMgr::TypeStrings[i]);
            ComboBox_SetCurSel(hType, pb->GetInt(plClothingComponent::kType));

            ComboBox_AddString(hLOD, "High");
            ComboBox_AddString(hLOD, "Medium");
            ComboBox_AddString(hLOD, "Low");
            ComboBox_SetCurSel(hLOD, pb->GetInt(plClothingComponent::kLODState));
        return TRUE;

    case WM_COMMAND:
        if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)
            if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_CLOTHING_ADD)
                Mtl *pickedMtl = plPickMaterialMap::PickMaterial(plMtlCollector::kClothingMtlOnly);
                if (pickedMtl != nil)
                    LRESULT stringIdx = ListBox_FindStringExact(hList, -1, pickedMtl->GetName());
                    if (stringIdx == LB_ERR) // It's not already there, go and add it
                        pb->Append(ParamID(plClothingComponent::kMaterials), 1, &pickedMtl, 0);
                        ListBox_AddString(hList, pickedMtl->GetName());
                return TRUE;
            // Remove the currently selected material
            else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_CLOTHING_REMOVE)
                int sel = ListBox_GetCurSel(hList);
                if (sel != LB_ERR)
                    pb->Delete(plClothingComponent::kMaterials, sel, 1);
                    ListBox_DeleteString(hList, sel);
                return TRUE;
            else if( LOWORD( wParam ) == IDC_CLOTHING_CLEARMESH )
                int state = pb->GetInt(plClothingComponent::kLODState);
                pb->SetValue(plClothingComponent::kMeshNodeTab, 0, (INode*)nil, state );
        else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_CLOTHING_GROUP)
            int setIdx = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hGroup);
            pb->SetValue(plClothingComponent::kGroup, 0, setIdx);

            return TRUE;
        else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_CLOTHING_TYPE)
            int setIdx = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hType);
            pb->SetValue(plClothingComponent::kType, 0, setIdx);

            return TRUE;
            int state = pb->GetInt(plClothingComponent::kLODState);
            INode *node = pb->GetINode(plClothingComponent::kMeshNodeAddBtn);
            if (node)
                pb->SetValue(plClothingComponent::kMeshNodeTab, 0, node, state);

                int idx = SendMessage((HWND)lParam, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
                pb->SetValue(plClothingComponent::kLODState, 0, idx);
                node = pb->GetINode(plClothingComponent::kMeshNodeTab, 0, idx);
                if (node)
                    pb->SetValue(plClothingComponent::kMeshNodeAddBtn, 0, node);

                return TRUE;

    return FALSE;