Esempio n. 1
MtpObjectHandleList* MtpStorage::getObjectList(MtpStorageID storageID, MtpObjectHandle parent) {
	MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectList, parent: %u\n", parent);
	//append object id  (numerical #s) of database to int array
	MtpObjectHandleList* list = new MtpObjectHandleList();
	if (parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT) {
		MTPD("parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT\n");
		parent = 0;

	if (mtpmap.find(parent) == mtpmap.end()) {
		MTPE("parent handle not found, returning empty list\n");
		return list;

	Tree* tree = mtpmap[parent];
	if (!tree->wasAlreadyRead())
		std::string path = getNodePath(tree);
		MTPD("reading directory on demand for tree %p (%u), path: %s\n", tree, tree->Mtpid(), path.c_str());
		readDir(path, tree);

	MTPD("returning %u objects in %s.\n", list->size(), tree->getName().c_str());
	return list;
static jintArray
android_mtp_MtpDevice_get_object_handles(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
        jint storageID, jint format, jint objectID)
    MtpDevice* device = get_device_from_object(env, thiz);
    if (!device)
        return NULL;
    MtpObjectHandleList* handles = device->getObjectHandles(storageID, format, objectID);
    if (!handles)
        return NULL;

    int length = handles->size();
    jintArray array = env->NewIntArray(length);
    // FIXME is this cast safe?
    env->SetIntArrayRegion(array, 0, length, (const jint *)handles->array());

    delete handles;
    return array;