MyWindow* createWindow( int width, int height )
    MyWindow* pWindow = new MyWindow( width, height );
    if( pWindow->can_do() == 0 )
        cout << "OpenGL not possible!!" << endl;
        cout << "Using OpenGL." << endl;
        if( pWindow->can_do_overlay() == 0 )
            cout << "OpenGL Overlays not possible!!" << endl;
            cout << "Using OpenGL Overlays." << endl;

        gl_font( FL_TIMES, 12 );
        Fl::gl_visual( FL_RGB );
    return pWindow;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    CrazyContainer *container = new CrazyContainer();
    MyWindow *window = new MyWindow();
    Fl_Button *b1 = new Fl_Button(20, 20, 80, 25, "Connect");
    b1->callback(connect,(void *)container);
    Fl_Button *b2 = new Fl_Button(100, 20, 80, 25, "Go 11000");
    b2->callback(run,(void *)container);
    FLContainer::thrustOutput = new Fl_Value_Slider(100,50,250,25,"Thrust meter");
    FLContainer::thrustOutput->scrollvalue(5000, 100, 5000, 100000);
    FLContainer::thrustOutput->callback(runCustomThrust,(void *)container); 
    FLContainer::pitch = new Fl_Value_Slider(100,100,250,25,"Pitch");
    FLContainer::roll = new Fl_Value_Slider(100,140,250,25,"Roll");
    FLContainer::yaw = new Fl_Value_Slider(100,180,250,25,"Yaw");
    FLContainer::offsetPitch = new Fl_Value_Slider(100,220,250,25,"Offset Pitch");
    FLContainer::offsetPitch->callback(setOffsetPitch,(void *)container);
    FLContainer::offsetRoll = new Fl_Value_Slider(100,260,250,25,"Offset Roll");
    FLContainer::offsetRoll->callback(setOffsetRoll,(void *)container);
     Fl_Button *b3 = new Fl_Button(200, 20, 80, 25, "Stop");
    b3->callback(stop,(void *)container);
    Fl_Button *bfocus = new Fl_Button(20, 45, 80, 25, "Focus");
     Fl_Button *b5 = new Fl_Button(400, 20, 80, 25, "Kill n' Exit");
    b5->callback(killnstop,(void *)container);
    Fl_Button *bsave = new Fl_Button(500, 20, 80, 25, "Plot");
    bsave->callback(save,(void *)container);
    Fl_Button *bload = new Fl_Button(500, 50, 80, 25, "Load");
    bload->callback(load,(void *)container);
    return Fl::run();
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);

    MyWindow *window = new MyWindow();

    return a.exec();
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int num = 1024;
	if(argc > 1){
		num = atoi(argv[1]);
	MyWindow *window = new MyWindow(20,40,300,180,"Hellow, World!", num);
//	Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(20,40,260,100,"Hello, World!");
	window->show(argc, argv);
	return Fl::run();
Esempio n. 5
TX_MAIN(argc, argv) {
    HbApplication app(argc, argv);
    app.setApplicationName("Cache proxy model demo");
    MyWindow mainWindow;
    // Enter event loop
    int ret = app.exec();
    return ret;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	if (!initSDL())
		return 1;

	MyWindow *window = new MyWindow("Running animation");

	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    MyWindow *window = new MyWindow();

    vector<string> args;
    for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
    process(args, window);


    return Fl::run();
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QTranslator translate;
  //  QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout;
    MyWindow fenetre;
  //  LayoutTabArme widget1;
  //  hbox->addWidget(&widget1);
  //  fenetre.setLayout(hbox);
    return app.exec();
Esempio n. 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc <= 1)
    init_parameters(100,1, 5, 5000.0,5000.0,1000.0, 4,"TDD", 3);
  else {
    init_parameters(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4]), atof(argv[5]),atof(argv[6]),atof(argv[7]),atoi(argv[8]), argv[9], atoi(argv[10]));
    pfd[0]= atoi(argv[1]);
  QApplication app(argc, argv);
  MyWindow window;
  window.move(*(new QPoint(150,100)));
  int end_value = app.exec();
  return end_value;
Esempio n. 10
	virtual void onKeyboardButtonPressed(Keyboard& source, const KeyboardEvent& e) {
		if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_F1) {
			std::cout << "Camera Position:" << std::endl <<
						 "          X: " << camera->position.x << std::endl <<
						 "          Y: " << camera->position.y << std::endl <<
						 "          Z: " << camera->position.z << std::endl <<
						 " X Rotation: " << camera->rotation.x << std::endl <<
						 " Y Rotation: " << camera->rotation.y << std::endl;

		if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_F) {
			if(cameraLight->diffuse.r == 0) {
				cameraLight->diffuse = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
			} else {
				cameraLight->diffuse = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

		if(source.isPressed(KeyboardButtonType::KEY_CONTROL)) {
			if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_ADD) {
				this->setSize(this->getWidth() + 16, this->getHeight() + 12);
				std::cout << "Window enlarged!" << std::endl;

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_SUBTRACT) {
				this->setSize(this->getWidth() - 16, this->getHeight() - 12);
				std::cout << "Window shrinked!" << std::endl;

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_R) {
				std::cout << "This window is " <<
					(this->isResizable() ? "now resizable." : "not resizable anymore.") <<

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_I) {

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_Q) {

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_X) {
				std::cout << "Window closed!" << std::endl;

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_H) {
				if(other == NULL) {
					std::cout <<
						"Can't hide the window, reason: There is no other window!" << std::endl <<
						"Use CTRL+X to close this window." << std::endl;
				} else if(!other->isVisible()) {
					std::cout <<
						"Can't hide the window, reason: The other window is not visible!" <<
						std::endl << "Use CTRL+S to show the other window." << std::endl;
				} else {
					std::cout << "Window hidden!" << std::endl;

			} else if(e.getButton() == KeyboardButtonType::KEY_S) {
				if(other == NULL) {
					std::cout << "Can't show the other window, reason: There is no other window!" <<
				} else {
					std::cout << "Showing the other window!" << std::endl;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    DeviceManager devMgr;
    cout << "This sample is meant for mvBlueLYNX-M7 devices only. Other devices might be installed" << endl
         << "but won't be recognized by the application." << endl
         << endl;

    int exposureTime_us = 20000;
    int frameRate_Hz = 5;
    int width = -1;
    int height = -1;
    int interPacketDelay = 25;

    // scan command line
    if( argc > 1 )
        for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
            string param( argv[i] ), key, value;
            string::size_type keyEnd = param.find_first_of( "=" );
            if( ( keyEnd == string::npos ) || ( keyEnd == param.length() - 1 ) )
                cout << "Invalid command line parameter: '" << param << "' (ignored)." << endl;
                key = param.substr( 0, keyEnd );
                value = param.substr( keyEnd + 1 );
                if( ( key == "exposureTime" ) || ( key == "et" ) )
                    exposureTime_us = static_cast<int>( atoi( value.c_str() ) );
                else if( ( key == "frameRate" ) || ( key == "fr" ) )
                    frameRate_Hz = static_cast<int>( atoi( value.c_str() ) );
                else if( ( key == "width" ) || ( key == "w" ) )
                    width = static_cast<int>( atoi( value.c_str() ) );
                else if( ( key == "height" ) || ( key == "h" ) )
                    height = static_cast<int>( atoi( value.c_str() ) );
                else if( key == "scpd" )
                    interPacketDelay = static_cast<int>( atoi( value.c_str() ) );
                    cout << "Invalid command line parameter: '" << param << "' (ignored)." << endl;
        cout << "No command line parameters specified. Available parameters:" << endl
             << "  'frameRate' or 'fr' to specify the frame rate(frames per second per sensor head) of the resulting data stream" << endl
             << "  'exposureTime' or 'et' to specifiy the exposure time per frame in us" << endl
             << "  'width' or 'w' to specifiy the width of the AOI" << endl
             << "  'height' or 'h' to specifiy the height of the AOI" << endl
             << endl
             << "USAGE EXAMPLE:" << endl
             << "  SynchronousCaptureMultipleInputs et=5000 frameRate=5" << endl << endl;

    Device* pDev = getDeviceFromUserInput( devMgr, isDeviceSupportedBySample );
    if( !pDev )
        cout << "Unable to continue!";
        cout << "Press [ENTER] to end the application" << endl;
        return 0;

        cout << "Please note, that this sample (depending on the selected frame rate and resolution) might require a lot" << endl
             << "of network bandwidth, thus to achieve optimal results, it's crucial to have" << endl
             << "  - a good, reliable network controller (we recommed the Intel PRO/1000 series)" << endl
             << "  - the latest driver for the network controller installed" << endl
             << "  - jumbo frames enabled and the receive and transmit buffer for the network controller set to max. values" << endl
             << "  - the InterfaceMTU on the mvBlueLYNX-M7 set to its maximum value" << endl
             << endl
             << "In case of 'rrFrameIncomplete' errors the reason is most certainly to be found in one of"
             << "the requirments listed above not being met."
             << endl;

        cout << "Will try to synchronize sensor heads(" << frameRate_Hz << " fps per head with " << exposureTime_us << "us exposure time per frame) now" << endl
             << "During this operation the device will be initialised. This might take some time..." << endl;

        Connector connector( pDev );
        CameraSettingsBlueCOUGAR cs( pDev );
            if( width != -1 )
                cs.aoiWidth.write( width );
            if( height != -1 )
                cs.aoiHeight.write( height );
        catch( const ImpactAcquireException& e )
            cout << "Failed to set up AOI: " << e.getErrorString() << "(" << e.getErrorCodeAsString() << ")" << endl;
        const int SENSOR_HEAD_COUNT = connector.videoChannel.read( plMaxValue ) + 1;
        setupHRTC( pDev, frameRate_Hz, exposureTime_us, SENSOR_HEAD_COUNT );

        // initialise display windows
        // IMPORTANT: It's NOT save to create multiple display windows in multiple threads!!!
        ThreadParameter threadParam( pDev, SENSOR_HEAD_COUNT );
        DeviceComponentLocator locator( pDev, dltSystemSettings );
        PropertyI64 gevStreamChannelSelector;
        locator.bindComponent( gevStreamChannelSelector, "GevStreamChannelSelector" );
        PropertyI64 gevSCPD;
        locator.bindComponent( gevSCPD, "GevSCPD" );
        for( int i = 0; i < SENSOR_HEAD_COUNT; i++ )
            gevStreamChannelSelector.write( i );
            gevSCPD.write( interPacketDelay );
            MyWindow* p = createWindow( cs.aoiWidth.read(), cs.aoiHeight.read() );
            p->callback( windowCallback );
            threadParam.displayData.push_back( new DisplayInfo( p ) );

        // start the execution of the 'live' thread.
        cout << "Close any of the display windows to end the application" << endl;
        liveLoop( &threadParam );
        vector<DisplayInfo*>::size_type displayCount = threadParam.displayData.size();
        for( vector<DisplayInfo*>::size_type i = 0; i < displayCount; i++ )
            delete threadParam.displayData[i]->pDisp;
            delete threadParam.displayData[i];
            threadParam.displayData[i] = 0;
    catch( const ImpactAcquireException& e )
        // this e.g. might happen if the same device is already opened in another process...
        cout << "An error occurred while configuring device " << pDev->serial.read()
             << "(error code: " << e.getErrorCodeAsString() << "). Press [ENTER] to end the application..." << endl;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 12
File: main.cpp Progetto: dj1mm/P20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // setup GPIO interface - uncomment when needed
    // needs to run with root via sudo in terminal.
    pinMode(Physical::OM0, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OM1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OM2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OM3, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OM4, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OM5, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OM6, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::ORL, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OSL, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::OAL, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(Physical::IM0, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IM1, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IM2, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IM3, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IM4, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IM5, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IM6, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IRL, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::ISL, INPUT);
    pinMode(Physical::IAL, INPUT);

    digitalWrite(Physical::OM0, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OM1, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OM2, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OM3, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OM4, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OM5, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OM6, false); // defaulted to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::ORL, false); // in case turn off prgm before it returend to false
    digitalWrite(Physical::OSL, false);
    digitalWrite(Physical::OAL, false); // defaulted to f

    pthread_mutex_init(&changingCableMutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&cableChangedCondition, NULL); // Just for the sake of 3.4 shared bool variables: TO REMOVE FOR 3.5

    qRegisterMetaType<QVector<bool> >("QVector<bool>");

    // setup Qt GUI
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    MyWindow w;

    // starting worker thread(s)
    int rc;
    pthread_t send_thread;
    rc = pthread_create(&send_thread, NULL, send, (void*) w.network());
    if (rc) {
        qDebug() << "main.h/main: Unable to start send thread.";
    pthread_t read_thread;
    rc = pthread_create(&read_thread, NULL, read, (void*) w.network());
    if (rc) {
        qDebug() << "main.h/main: Unable to start read thread.";

    // start window event loop
    qDebug() << "main.h/main: Starting event loop...";
    int ret = a.exec();
    qDebug() << "main.h/main: Event loop stopped.";

    // cleanup pthreads
    // pthread_exit(NULL);

    // exit
    return ret;
Esempio n. 13
unsigned int liveLoop( Device* pDev, bool boStoreFrames, const string& settingName, int iWidth, int iHeight, bool boSingleShotMode )
    cout << " == " << __FUNCTION__ << " - establish access to the statistic properties...." << endl;
    // establish access to the statistic properties
    Statistics statistics( pDev );
    cout << " == " << __FUNCTION__ << " - create an interface to the device found...." << endl;
    // create an interface to the device found
    FunctionInterface fi( pDev );

    if( !settingName.empty() )
        cout << "Trying to load setting " << settingName << "..." << endl;
        int result = fi.loadSetting( settingName );
        if( result != DMR_NO_ERROR )
            cout << "loadSetting( \"" << settingName << "\" ); call failed: " << ImpactAcquireException::getErrorCodeAsString( result ) << endl;

    // depending on the device and its sensor, we set an appropriate output format for displaying
    mvIMPACT::acquire::ImageDestination id( pDev );

    if( !std::string( "mvBlueFOX" ).compare( pDev->family.readS() ) )
        mvIMPACT::acquire::InfoBlueFOX ibf( pDev );
        if( !std::string( "BayerMosaic" ).compare( ibf.sensorColorMode.readS() ) )
            id.pixelFormat.writeS( "BGR888Packed" );
    else if( !std::string( "mvBlueCOUGAR" ).compare( pDev->family.readS() ) )
        mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::ImageFormatControl ifc( pDev );
        if( s_boGreySensor )
            ifc.pixelFormat.writeS( "Mono8" );
            GenICamDeviceSetColorPixelFormat( pDev );
            id.pixelFormat.writeS( "BGR888Packed" );
    else if( !std::string( "mvBlueLYNX" ).compare( pDev->family.readS() ) )
        mvIMPACT::acquire::GenICam::ImageFormatControl ifc( pDev );
        if( s_boGreySensor )
            ifc.pixelFormat.writeS( "Mono8" );
            GenICamDeviceSetColorPixelFormat( pDev );
            id.pixelFormat.writeS( "BGR888Packed" );

    // Pre-fill the capture queue with ALL buffers currently available. In case the acquisition engine is operated
    // manually, buffers can only be queued when they have been queued before the acquisition engine is started as well.
    // Even though there can be more than 1, for this sample we will work with the default capture queue
    int requestResult = DMR_NO_ERROR;
    int requestCount = 0;

    if( boSingleShotMode )
        while( ( requestResult = fi.imageRequestSingle() ) == DMR_NO_ERROR )

    if( requestResult != DEV_NO_FREE_REQUEST_AVAILABLE )
        cout << "Last result: " << requestResult << "(" << ImpactAcquireException::getErrorCodeAsString( requestResult ) << "), ";
    cout << requestCount << " buffers requested";
    SystemSettings ss( pDev );
    if( ss.requestCount.hasMaxValue() )
        cout << ", max request count: " << ss.requestCount.getMaxValue();
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Press <<ENTER>> to end the application!!" << endl;

    MyWindow* pWindow = createWindow( iWidth, iHeight );
    pWindow->callback( windowCallback );

    manuallyStartAcquisitionIfNeeded( pDev, fi );
    // run thread loop
    const Request* pRequest = 0;
    const unsigned int timeout_ms = 8000;   // USB 1.1 on an embedded system needs a large timeout for the first image
    int requestNr = -1;
    bool boLoopRunning = true;
    unsigned int cnt = 0;
    while( boLoopRunning )
        // wait for results from the default capture queue
        requestNr = fi.imageRequestWaitFor( timeout_ms );
        if( fi.isRequestNrValid( requestNr ) )
            pRequest = fi.getRequest( requestNr );
            if( pRequest->isOK() )
                // here we can display some statistical information every 20th image
                if( cnt % 20 == 0 )

                    ostringstream out;
                    out << pDev->serial.read() << ": " << statistics.framesPerSecond.name() << ": " << statistics.framesPerSecond.readS();
                    pWindow->setOverlayString( out.str() );

                    cout << cnt << ": Info from " << pDev->serial.read()
                         << ": " << statistics.framesPerSecond.name() << ": " << statistics.framesPerSecond.readS()
                         << ", " << statistics.errorCount.name() << ": " << statistics.errorCount.readS()
                         << ", " << statistics.captureTime_s.name() << ": " << statistics.captureTime_s.readS()
                         << " Image count: " << cnt
                         << " (dimensions: " << pRequest->imageWidth.read() << "x" << pRequest->imageHeight.read() << ", format: " << pRequest->imagePixelFormat.readS();
                    if( pRequest->imageBayerMosaicParity.read() != bmpUndefined )
                        cout << ", " << pRequest->imageBayerMosaicParity.name() << ": " << pRequest->imageBayerMosaicParity.readS();
                    cout << ")" << endl;
                // here we can store an image every 100th frame
                if( boStoreFrames && ( cnt % 100 == 0 ) )
                    ostringstream oss;
                    oss << "Image" << cnt << "." << pRequest->imageWidth.read() << "x" << pRequest->imageHeight.read() << "." << pRequest->imagePixelFormat.readS();
                    if( pRequest->imageBayerMosaicParity.read() != bmpUndefined )
                        oss << "(BayerPattern=" << pRequest->imageBayerMosaicParity.readS() << ")";
                    oss << ".raw";
                    FILE* fp = fopen( oss.str().c_str(), "wb" );
                    if( fp )
                        unsigned char* pImageData = ( unsigned char* ) pRequest->imageData.read();
                        for( int h = 0; h < pRequest->imageHeight.read(); h++ )
                            // write one line
                            fwrite( pImageData, pRequest->imageWidth.read(), pRequest->imageBytesPerPixel.read(), fp );
                            // respect image line pitch
                            pImageData += pRequest->imageLinePitch.read();
                        fclose( fp );

                // everything went well. Display the result
                pWindow->NewRequest( pRequest );
                cout << "*** Error: A request has been returned with the following result: " << pRequest->requestResult << endl;

            // this image has been displayed thus the buffer is no longer needed...
            fi.imageRequestUnlock( requestNr );
            // send a new image request into the capture queue
            if( boSingleShotMode )
                manuallyStartAcquisitionIfNeeded( pDev, fi );
            cout << "*** Error: Result of waiting for a finished request: " << requestNr << "("
                 << ImpactAcquireException::getErrorCodeAsString( requestNr ) << "). Timeout value too small?" << endl;

        boLoopRunning = waitForInput( 0, STDOUT_FILENO ) == 0 ? true : false; // break by STDIN
        // Exit when window was cloesd
        if( s_boTerminated )

    if( !boSingleShotMode )
        manuallyStopAcquisitionIfNeeded( pDev, fi );
    cout << " == " << __FUNCTION__ << " - free resources...." << endl;
    // free resources
    fi.imageRequestReset( 0, 0 );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
int main(int argc, char** argv){
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    MyWindow window;
    return app.exec();