Esempio n. 1
// This native method is called by the LmT2Driver Java class
// whenever a java.sql.Connection object of type default connection 
// is created. The default connection's object reference is passed 
// as input to this method.
// This method creates a global reference of the provided connection
// object and adds it to 'lmUtilityConnList'.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_tandem_sqlmx_LmT2Driver_addConnection
(JNIEnv * env, jclass jc, jobject conn)
  LM_ASSERT( conn != NULL );
  jobject newConn = env->NewGlobalRef( conn );
// ****************************************************************************
// method: getListOfReferencedTables
// Returns a list of all tables that are being referenced by the passed in 
// view UID
// Parameters:
//    cliInterface - used to get the list of object usages
//    objectUID - the UID being processed
//    tableList - a list of objectRefdByMe structures describing each usage
// returns:
//    0 - successful
//   -1 - unexpected error occurred
// ****************************************************************************
short CmpSeabaseDDL::getListOfReferencedTables( 
   ExeCliInterface * cliInterface,
   const Int64 objectUID,
   NAList<objectRefdByMe> &tablesList )
  Lng32 retcode = 0;

  NAList <objectRefdByMe> tempRefdList;
  retcode = getListOfDirectlyReferencedObjects (cliInterface, objectUID, tempRefdList);
  // If unexpected error - return
  if (retcode < 0)
      if (CmpCommon::diags()->getNumber(DgSqlCode::ERROR_) == 0)
        SEABASEDDL_INTERNAL_ERROR("getting list of referenced tables");
      return -1;

  // For each view in the list, call getReferencedTables recursively
  for (CollIndex i = 0; i < tempRefdList.entries(); i++)
      objectRefdByMe objectRefd = tempRefdList[i];

      // views should only be referencing tables, other views, or functions
      CMPASSERT(objectRefd.objectType == COM_BASE_TABLE_OBJECT_LIT ||
                objectRefd.objectType == COM_USER_DEFINED_ROUTINE_OBJECT_LIT ||
                objectRefd.objectType == COM_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR_OBJECT_LIT ||
                objectRefd.objectType == COM_VIEW_OBJECT_LIT);

      // found a table, add to list
      if (objectRefd.objectType == COM_BASE_TABLE_OBJECT_LIT)
          // First make sure it has not already been added to the list
          NABoolean foundEntry = FALSE;
          for (CollIndex j = 0; j < tablesList.entries(); j++)
               if (tablesList[j].objectUID == objectRefd.objectUID)
                 foundEntry = TRUE;
        if (!foundEntry)             

      // found a view, get objects associated with the view
      if (objectRefd.objectType == COM_VIEW_OBJECT_LIT)
        getListOfReferencedTables(cliInterface, objectRefd.objectUID, tablesList);

  return 0;
// ****************************************************************************
// method: getListOfDirectlyReferencedObjects
// Returns a list of objects that are being directly referenced by the passed 
// in objectUID
// Parameters:
//    cliInterface - used to get the list of object usages
//    objectUID - the UID being processed
//    objectList - a list of objectRefdByMe structures describing each usage
// returns:
//    0 - successful
//   -1 - unexpected error occurred
// ****************************************************************************
short CmpSeabaseDDL::getListOfDirectlyReferencedObjects (
  ExeCliInterface *cliInterface,
  const Int64 objectUID,
  NAList<objectRefdByMe> &objectsList)
  // Select all the rows from views_usage associated with the passed in
  // objectUID
  Lng32 cliRC = 0;
  char buf[4000];
  str_sprintf(buf, "select object_type, object_uid, catalog_name," 
                   "schema_name, object_name from %s.\"%s\".%s T, %s.\"%s\".%s VU " 
                   "where VU.using_view_uid = %Ld "
                   "and T.object_uid = VU.used_object_uid",
              getSystemCatalog(), SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA, SEABASE_OBJECTS,
              getSystemCatalog(), SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA, SEABASE_VIEWS_USAGE,

  Queue * usingObjectsQueue = NULL;
  cliRC = cliInterface->fetchAllRows(usingObjectsQueue, buf, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
  if (cliRC < 0)
      return -1;

  // set up an objectRefdByMe struct for each returned row
  for (int idx = 0; idx < usingObjectsQueue->numEntries(); idx++)
      OutputInfo * oi = (OutputInfo*)usingObjectsQueue->getNext();
      objectRefdByMe objectInfo;
      objectInfo.objectType = NAString(oi->get(0));
      objectInfo.objectUID = *(Int64*)oi->get(1);
      objectInfo.catalogName = NAString(oi->get(2));
      objectInfo.schemaName = NAString(oi->get(3));
      objectInfo.objectName = NAString(oi->get(4));

  return 0;