Esempio n. 1
RemapWidget::getVolumeInfo(QString volfile,
			   int &skipheaderbytes,
			   uchar &voxelType,
			   int &voxelUnit,
			   float &vx, float &vy, float &vz,
			   QString &description,
			   QList<float> &rawMap,
			   QList<uchar> &pvlMap,
			   int &depth,
			   int &width,
			   int &height)
  NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal);

  NcFile pvlFile(volfile.toAscii().data(), NcFile::ReadOnly);

  if (!pvlFile.is_valid())
      QMessageBox::information(0, "Error",
       QString("%1 is not a valid preprocessed volume file").arg(volfile));
      return false;

  int i;
  NcAtt *att;
  char *attval;
  QString pvalue;

  att = pvlFile.get_att("description");
  if (att)
      attval = att->as_string(0);
      description = attval;
      delete [] attval;

  att = pvlFile.get_att("voxeltype");
  if (att)
      attval = att->as_string(0);
      pvalue = attval;
      if (pvalue == "unsigned char")
	voxelType = Raw2Pvl::_UChar;
      if (pvalue == "char")
	voxelType = Raw2Pvl::_Char;
      if (pvalue == "unsigned short")
	voxelType = Raw2Pvl::_UShort;
      if (pvalue == "short")
	voxelType = Raw2Pvl::_Short;
      if (pvalue == "int")
	voxelType = Raw2Pvl::_Int;
      if (pvalue == "float")
	voxelType = Raw2Pvl::_Float;
      delete [] attval;

  att = pvlFile.get_att("voxelunit");
  if (att)
      attval = att->as_string(0);
      pvalue = attval;
      voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Nounit;
      if (pvalue == "angstrom")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Angstrom;
      else if (pvalue == "nanometer")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Nanometer;
      else if (pvalue == "micron")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Micron;
      else if (pvalue == "millimeter")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Millimeter;
      else if (pvalue == "centimeter")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Centimeter;
      else if (pvalue == "meter")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Meter;
      else if (pvalue == "kilometer")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Kilometer;
      else if (pvalue == "parsec")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Parsec;
      else if (pvalue == "kiloparsec")
	voxelUnit = Raw2Pvl::_Kiloparsec;
      delete [] attval;
  att = pvlFile.get_att("gridsize");
  if (att)
      depth = att->as_int(0);
      width = att->as_int(1);
      height = att->as_int(2);

  att = pvlFile.get_att("voxelsize");
  if (att)
      vx = att->as_float(0);
      vy = att->as_float(1);
      vz = att->as_float(2);

  att = pvlFile.get_att("skipheaderbytes");
  if (att)
    skipheaderbytes = att->as_int(0);
  att = pvlFile.get_att("mapraw");
  if (att)
      for(i=0; i<att->num_vals(); i++)
      att = pvlFile.get_att("mappvl");
      for(i=0; i<att->num_vals(); i++)

  return true;
vtkDataArray *
avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar(int timeState, int domain, const char *varname)
    debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar( timeState=" << timeState << ", domain="
        << domain << ", varname=" << varname << ")" << endl;

    // Calculate the timestep directory that the data lives in.
    char *pathcopy = strdup(mainFilename);
    string dir = parse_dirname(pathcopy);
    string timestepDir = CreateStringFromDouble(fileTimes[timeState]);
    debug4 << "Timestep directory is <" << timestepDir <<  ">" << endl;
    // Figure out how big this piece is.

    // Open up the NetCDF file.
    char path[256];
    SNPRINTF(path,256,"%s%s%s%sfield.%05d",dir.c_str(),VISIT_SLASH_STRING, timestepDir.c_str(), VISIT_SLASH_STRING, domain);
    debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar: Full path to data file is " << path << endl;

    NcFile nf(path);
    if (!nf.is_valid())
        debug1 << nc_strerror(NcError().get_err()) << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidFilesException, path);
    debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar: Got valid file." << endl;

    // Pull out the appropriate variable.
    NcVar *v = nf.get_var(varname);
    if (!v)
        debug1 << nc_strerror(NcError().get_err()) << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidVariableException, varname);

    // Check if it fits the size of the mesh.  Always node-centered, remember.
    int ntuples = localDims[0] * localDims[1] * localDims[2];
    debug5 << "ntuples:" << ntuples << endl;
    int nvals = v->num_vals();
    if (ntuples != nvals)
        debug1 << "The variable " << v->name() <<
                  " does not conform to its mesh (" << nvals << " != " << 
                  ntuples << ")" << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidVariableException, v->name());

    // Set up the VTK dataset.
    vtkFloatArray *rv = vtkFloatArray::New();
    float *p = (float*)rv->GetVoidPointer(0);
    NcValues *input = v->values();
    if (!input)
        debug1 << nc_strerror(NcError().get_err()) << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidVariableException, v->name());

    // Get the scaling factor.
    NcAtt *scaling = v->get_att(NcToken("scale_factor"));
    float scaling_factor = 1;
    if (scaling)
        scaling_factor = scaling->as_float(0);
        debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar: Set the scaling factor as " << scaling_factor << endl;

    // Process the variable into the returned data.
    float *base = (float*)input->base();
    for(int i=0;i<ntuples;i++)
        p[i] = *(base + i) * scaling_factor;

    return rv;