//using namespace cv; //********************************************************************* //* Main entry point to the program. //********************************************************************* int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { signal(SIGSEGV, fault_handler); // install our handler // Setup the QApplication so we can begin Application *a = new Application(argc, argv); global.application = a; // Setup the QLOG functions for debugging & messages QsLogging::Logger& logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); logger.setLoggingLevel(QsLogging::TraceLevel); // const QString sLogPath(a->applicationDirPath()); QsLogging::DestinationPtr debugDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeDebugOutputDestination() ); logger.addDestination(debugDestination.get()); // Begin setting up the environment StartupConfig startupConfig; global.argc = argc; global.argv = argv; startupConfig.accountId = -1; for (int i=1; i<=argc; i++) { QString parm(argv[i]); if (parm == "--help" || parm == "-?") { printf("\n\n"); printf("NixNote command line options:\n"); printf(" --help or -? Show this message\n"); printf(" --accountId=<id> Start with specified user account\n"); printf(" --dontStartMinimized Override option to start minimized\n"); printf(" --disableEditing Disable note editing\n"); printf(" --enableIndexing Enable background Indexing (can cause problems)\n"); printf(" --openNote=<lid> Open a specific note on startup\n"); printf(" --forceSystemTrayAvailable Force the program to accept that\n"); printf(" the desktop supports tray icons.\n"); printf(" --startMinimized Force a startup with NixNote minimized\n"); printf(" --syncAndExit Synchronize and exit the program.\n"); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } if (parm.startsWith("--accountId=", Qt::CaseSensitive)) { parm = parm.mid(12); startupConfig.accountId = parm.toInt(); } if (parm.startsWith("--openNote=", Qt::CaseSensitive)) { parm = parm.mid(11); startupConfig.startupNoteLid = parm.toInt(); } if (parm == "--disableEditing") { startupConfig.disableEditing = true; } if (parm == "--dontStartMinimized") { startupConfig.forceNoStartMinimized = true; } if (parm == "--startMinimized") { startupConfig.forceStartMinimized = true; } if (parm == "--newNote") { startupConfig.startupNewNote = true; } if (parm == "--syncAndExit") { startupConfig.syncAndExit = true; } if (parm == "--enableIndexing") { startupConfig.enableIndexing = true; } if (parm == "--forceSystemTrayAvailable") { startupConfig.forceSystemTrayAvailable = true; } } startupConfig.programDirPath = global.getProgramDirPath() + QDir().separator(); startupConfig.name = "NixNote"; global.setup(startupConfig); QString logPath = global.fileManager.getLogsDirPath("")+"messages.log"; QsLogging::DestinationPtr fileDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeFileDestination(logPath) ) ; logger.addDestination(fileDestination.get()); // Show Qt version. This is useful for debugging QLOG_DEBUG() << "Program Home: " << global.fileManager.getProgramDirPath(""); QLOG_INFO() << "Built on " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__; QLOG_INFO() << "Built with Qt" << QT_VERSION_STR << "running on" << qVersion(); //QLOG_INFO() << "Thrift version: " << PACKAGE_VERSION; // Create a shared memory region. We use this to communicate // with any other instance that may be running. If another instance // is found we need to either show that one or kill this one. bool memInitNeeded = true; if( !global.sharedMemory->create( 512*1024, QSharedMemory::ReadWrite) ) { // Attach to it and detach. This is done in case it crashed. global.sharedMemory->attach(); global.sharedMemory->detach(); if( !global.sharedMemory->create( 512*1024, QSharedMemory::ReadWrite) ) { if (startupConfig.startupNewNote) { global.sharedMemory->attach(); global.sharedMemory->lock(); void *dataptr = global.sharedMemory->data(); memcpy(dataptr, "NEW_NOTE", 8); // Tell the other guy create a new note QLOG_INFO() << "Another NixNote was found. Requesting it to start another note"; exit(0); // Exit this one } if (startupConfig.startupNoteLid > 0) { global.sharedMemory->attach(); global.sharedMemory->lock(); void *dataptr = global.sharedMemory->data(); QString msg = "OPEN_NOTE:" +QString::number(startupConfig.startupNoteLid) + " "; memcpy(dataptr, msg.toStdString().c_str(), msg.length()); // Tell the other guy to open a note QLOG_INFO() << "Another NixNote was found. Requesting it to open a note"; exit(0); // Exit this one } // If we've gotten this far, we need to either stop this instance or stop the other global.settings->beginGroup("Debugging"); QString startup = global.settings->value("onMultipleInstances", "SHOW_OTHER").toString(); global.settings->endGroup(); global.sharedMemory->attach(); global.sharedMemory->lock(); void *dataptr = global.sharedMemory->data(); if (startup == "SHOW_OTHER") { memcpy(dataptr, "SHOW_WINDOW", 11); // Tell the other guy to show himself QLOG_INFO() << "Another NixNote was found. Stopping this instance"; exit(0); // Exit this one } if (startup == "STOP_OTHER") { memcpy(dataptr, "IMMEDIATE_SHUTDOWN", 18); // Tell the other guy to shut down memInitNeeded = false; } global.sharedMemory->unlock(); } } if (memInitNeeded) { global.sharedMemory->lock(); memset(global.sharedMemory->data(), 0, global.sharedMemory->size()); global.sharedMemory->unlock(); } // Save the clipboard global.clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); NixNote *w = new NixNote(); w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose); bool show = true; if (global.syncAndExit) show = false; if (global.minimizeToTray() && global.startMinimized) show = false; if (show) w->show(); else w->hide(); if (global.startMinimized) w->showMinimized(); // Setup the proxy QNetworkProxy proxy; proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy); if (global.isProxyEnabled()) { QString host = global.getProxyHost(); int port = global.getProxyPort(); QString user = global.getProxyUserid(); QString password = global.getProxyPassword(); if (host.trimmed() != "") proxy.setHostName(host.trimmed()); if (port > 0) proxy.setPort(port); if (user.trimmed() != "") proxy.setUser(user.trimmed()); if (password.trimmed() != "") proxy.setPassword(password.trimmed()); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy); } int rc = a->exec(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Unlocking memory"; global.sharedMemory->unlock(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Deleting NixNote instance"; delete w; QLOG_DEBUG() << "Quitting application instance"; a->exit(rc); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Deleting application instance"; delete a; QLOG_DEBUG() << "Exiting: RC=" << rc; exit(rc); return rc; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Botan::LibraryInitializer botanInit; // Setup the QApplication so we can begin Application a(argc, argv); global.application = &a; // Setup the QLOG functions for debugging & messages QsLogging::Logger& logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); logger.setLoggingLevel(QsLogging::TraceLevel); const QString sLogPath(a.applicationDirPath()); QsLogging::DestinationPtr fileDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeFileDestination(sLogPath) ); QsLogging::DestinationPtr debugDestination( QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeDebugOutputDestination() ); logger.addDestination(debugDestination.get()); logger.addDestination(fileDestination.get()); // Begin setting up the environment global.argc = argc; global.argv = argv; // Show Qt version. This is useful for debugging QLOG_INFO() << "Built with Qt" << QT_VERSION_STR << "running on" << qVersion(); StartupConfig startupConfig; startupConfig.programDirPath = global.getProgramDirPath() + QDir().separator(); startupConfig.name = "NixNote"; startupConfig.accountId = 1; global.setup(startupConfig); // Create a shared memory region. We use this to communicate // with any other instance that may be running. If another instance // is found we need to either show that one or kill this one. bool memInitNeeded = true; if( !global.sharedMemory->create( 512, QSharedMemory::ReadWrite) ) { // Attach to it and detach. This is done in case it crashed. global.sharedMemory->attach(); global.sharedMemory->detach(); if( !global.sharedMemory->create( 512, QSharedMemory::ReadWrite) ) { global.settings->beginGroup("Debugging"); QString startup = global.settings->value("onMultipleInstances", "SHOW_OTHER").toString(); global.settings->endGroup(); global.sharedMemory->attach(); global.sharedMemory->lock(); void *dataptr = global.sharedMemory->data(); if (startup == "SHOW_OTHER") { memcpy(dataptr, "SHOW_WINDOW", 11); // Tell the other guy to show himself QLOG_INFO() << "Another NixNote was found. Stopping this instance"; exit(0); // Exit this one } if (startup == "STOP_OTHER") { memcpy(dataptr, "IMMEDIATE_SHUTDOWN", 18); // Tell the other guy to shut down memInitNeeded = false; } global.sharedMemory->unlock(); } } if (memInitNeeded) { global.sharedMemory->lock(); memset(global.sharedMemory->data(), 0, global.sharedMemory->size()); global.sharedMemory->unlock(); } // Save the clipboard global.clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); NixNote w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }