Esempio n. 1
 void BVHN<N>::clearBarrier(NodeRef& node)
   if (node.isBarrier())
   else if (!node.isLeaf()) {
     BaseNode* n = node.baseNode(BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE); // FIXME: flags should be stored in BVH
     for (size_t c=0; c<N; c++)
Esempio n. 2
    void BVH4Intersector1<types,robust,PrimitiveIntersector>::intersect(const BVH4* bvh, Ray& ray)
      /*! perform per ray precalculations required by the primitive intersector */
      Precalculations pre(ray);
      BVH4::UnalignedNodeMB::Precalculations pre1(ray);

      /*! stack state */
      StackItemInt32<NodeRef> stack[stackSize];            //!< stack of nodes 
      StackItemInt32<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack+1;        //!< current stack pointer
      StackItemInt32<NodeRef>* stackEnd = stack+stackSize;
      stack[0].ptr  = bvh->root;
      stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
      /*! load the ray into SIMD registers */
      const Vec3fa ray_rdir = rcp_safe(ray.dir);
      const Vec3fa ray_org_rdir =*ray_rdir;
      const sse3f org(,,;
      const sse3f dir(ray.dir.x,ray.dir.y,ray.dir.z);
      const sse3f rdir(ray_rdir.x,ray_rdir.y,ray_rdir.z);
      const sse3f org_rdir(ray_org_rdir.x,ray_org_rdir.y,ray_org_rdir.z);
      const ssef  ray_near(ray.tnear);
      ssef ray_far(ray.tfar);

      /*! offsets to select the side that becomes the lower or upper bound */
      const size_t nearX = ray_rdir.x >= 0.0f ? 0*sizeof(ssef) : 1*sizeof(ssef);
      const size_t nearY = ray_rdir.y >= 0.0f ? 2*sizeof(ssef) : 3*sizeof(ssef);
      const size_t nearZ = ray_rdir.z >= 0.0f ? 4*sizeof(ssef) : 5*sizeof(ssef);

      /* pop loop */
      while (true) pop:
        /*! pop next node */
        if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
        NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
        /*! if popped node is too far, pop next one */
        if (unlikely(*(float*)&stackPtr->dist > ray.tfar))
        /* downtraversal loop */
        while (true)
	  size_t mask; 
	  ssef tNear;

	  /*! stop if we found a leaf node */
	  if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf(types))) break;

	  /* process standard nodes */
          if (likely(cur.isNode(types)))
	    mask = cur.node()->intersect<robust>(nearX,nearY,nearZ,org,rdir,org_rdir,ray_near,ray_far,tNear); 

	  /* process motion blur nodes */
	  else if (likely(cur.isNodeMB(types)))
	    mask = cur.nodeMB()->intersect(nearX,nearY,nearZ,org,rdir,org_rdir,ray_near,ray_far,ray.time,tNear); 

	  /*! process nodes with unaligned bounds */
          else if (unlikely(cur.isUnalignedNode(types)))
            mask = cur.unalignedNode()->intersect(org,dir,ray_near,ray_far,tNear);

          /*! process nodes with unaligned bounds and motion blur */
          else if (unlikely(cur.isUnalignedNodeMB(types)))
            mask = cur.unalignedNodeMB()->intersect(pre1,org,dir,ray_near,ray_far,ray.time,tNear);

          /*! if no child is hit, pop next node */
	  const BVH4::BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode(types);
          if (unlikely(mask == 0))
            goto pop;
          /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
	  size_t r = __bscf(mask);
	  if (likely(mask == 0)) {
            cur = node->child(r); cur.prefetch(types);
            assert(cur != BVH4::emptyNode);
          /*! two children are hit, push far child, and continue with closer child */
          NodeRef c0 = node->child(r); c0.prefetch(types); const unsigned int d0 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
          r = __bscf(mask);
          NodeRef c1 = node->child(r); c1.prefetch(types); const unsigned int d1 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
          assert(c0 != BVH4::emptyNode);
          assert(c1 != BVH4::emptyNode);
          if (likely(mask == 0)) {
            assert(stackPtr < stackEnd); 
            if (d0 < d1) { stackPtr->ptr = c1; stackPtr->dist = d1; stackPtr++; cur = c0; continue; }
            else         { stackPtr->ptr = c0; stackPtr->dist = d0; stackPtr++; cur = c1; continue; }
          /*! Here starts the slow path for 3 or 4 hit children. We push
           *  all nodes onto the stack to sort them there. */
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd); 
          stackPtr->ptr = c0; stackPtr->dist = d0; stackPtr++;
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd); 
          stackPtr->ptr = c1; stackPtr->dist = d1; stackPtr++;
          /*! three children are hit, push all onto stack and sort 3 stack items, continue with closest child */
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd); 
          r = __bscf(mask);
          NodeRef c = node->child(r); c.prefetch(types); unsigned int d = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
          assert(c != BVH4::emptyNode);
          if (likely(mask == 0)) {
            cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
          /*! four children are hit, push all onto stack and sort 4 stack items, continue with closest child */
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd); 
          r = __bscf(mask);
          c = node->child(r); c.prefetch(types); d = *(unsigned int*)&tNear[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
          assert(c != BVH4::emptyNode);
          cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
        /*! this is a leaf node */
	assert(cur != BVH4::emptyNode);
        size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) cur.leaf(num);
        ray_far = ray.tfar;
Esempio n. 3
    void BVH4Intersector1<types,robust,PrimitiveIntersector>::occluded(const BVH4* bvh, Ray& ray)
      /*! perform per ray precalculations required by the primitive intersector */
      Precalculations pre(ray);
      BVH4::UnalignedNodeMB::Precalculations pre1(ray);

      /*! stack state */
      NodeRef stack[stackSize];  //!< stack of nodes that still need to get traversed
      NodeRef* stackPtr = stack+1;        //!< current stack pointer
      NodeRef* stackEnd = stack+stackSize;
      stack[0] = bvh->root;
      /*! load the ray into SIMD registers */
      const Vec3fa ray_rdir = rcp_safe(ray.dir);
      const Vec3fa ray_org_rdir =*ray_rdir;
      const sse3f org(,,;
      const sse3f dir(ray.dir.x,ray.dir.y,ray.dir.z);
      const sse3f rdir(ray_rdir.x,ray_rdir.y,ray_rdir.z);
      const sse3f org_rdir(ray_org_rdir.x,ray_org_rdir.y,ray_org_rdir.z);
      const ssef  ray_near(ray.tnear);
      ssef ray_far(ray.tfar);

      /*! offsets to select the side that becomes the lower or upper bound */
      const size_t nearX = ray_rdir.x >= 0 ? 0*sizeof(ssef) : 1*sizeof(ssef);
      const size_t nearY = ray_rdir.y >= 0 ? 2*sizeof(ssef) : 3*sizeof(ssef);
      const size_t nearZ = ray_rdir.z >= 0 ? 4*sizeof(ssef) : 5*sizeof(ssef);      
      /* pop loop */
      while (true) pop:
        /*! pop next node */
        if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
        NodeRef cur = (NodeRef) *stackPtr;
        /* downtraversal loop */
        while (true)
	  size_t mask; 
	  ssef tNear;

	  /*! stop if we found a leaf node */
	  if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf(types))) break;

	  /* process standard nodes */
          if (likely(cur.isNode(types)))
	    mask = cur.node()->intersect<robust>(nearX,nearY,nearZ,org,rdir,org_rdir,ray_near,ray_far,tNear); 

	  /* process motion blur nodes */
	  else if (likely(cur.isNodeMB(types)))
	    mask = cur.nodeMB()->intersect(nearX,nearY,nearZ,org,rdir,org_rdir,ray_near,ray_far,ray.time,tNear); 

	  /*! process nodes with unaligned bounds */
          else if (unlikely(cur.isUnalignedNode(types)))
            mask = cur.unalignedNode()->intersect(org,dir,ray_near,ray_far,tNear);

          /*! process nodes with unaligned bounds and motion blur */
          else if (unlikely(cur.isUnalignedNodeMB(types)))
            mask = cur.unalignedNodeMB()->intersect(pre1,org,dir,ray_near,ray_far,ray.time,tNear);
          /*! if no child is hit, pop next node */
	  const BVH4::BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode(types);
          if (unlikely(mask == 0))
            goto pop;
	  /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
          size_t r = __bscf(mask);
          if (likely(mask == 0)) {
            cur = node->child(r); cur.prefetch(types); 
            assert(cur != BVH4::emptyNode);
          /*! two children are hit, push far child, and continue with closer child */
          NodeRef c0 = node->child(r); c0.prefetch(types); const unsigned int d0 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
          r = __bscf(mask);
          NodeRef c1 = node->child(r); c1.prefetch(types); const unsigned int d1 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
          assert(c0 != BVH4::emptyNode);
          assert(c1 != BVH4::emptyNode);
          if (likely(mask == 0)) {
            assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
            if (d0 < d1) { *stackPtr = c1; stackPtr++; cur = c0; continue; }
            else         { *stackPtr = c0; stackPtr++; cur = c1; continue; }
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
          *stackPtr = c0; stackPtr++;
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
          *stackPtr = c1; stackPtr++;
          /*! three children are hit */
          r = __bscf(mask);
          cur = node->child(r); cur.prefetch(types);
          assert(cur != BVH4::emptyNode);
          if (likely(mask == 0)) continue;
          assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
          *stackPtr = cur; stackPtr++;
          /*! four children are hit */
          cur = node->child(3); cur.prefetch(types);
          assert(cur != BVH4::emptyNode);
        /*! this is a leaf node */
	assert(cur != BVH4::emptyNode);
        size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) cur.leaf(num);
        if (PrimitiveIntersector::occluded(pre,ray,prim,num,bvh->geometry)) {
          ray.geomID = 0;