// Combine()
// Combines the two input face vectors and puts the result into m_faces
void NvStripInfo::Combine(const NvFaceInfoVec &forward, const NvFaceInfoVec &backward){
	// add backward faces
	int numFaces = backward.size();
	for (int i = numFaces - 1; i >= 0; i--)
	// add forward faces
	numFaces = forward.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
// FindStartPoint()
// Finds a good starting point, namely one which has only one neighbor
int NvStripifier::FindStartPoint(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos)
	int bestCtr = -1;
	int bestIndex = -1;

	for(size_t i = 0; i < faceInfos.size(); i++)
		int ctr = 0;
		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v0, faceInfos[i]->m_v1, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v1, faceInfos[i]->m_v2, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v2, faceInfos[i]->m_v0, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
		if(ctr > bestCtr)
			bestCtr = ctr;
			bestIndex = i;
			//return i;
	//return -1;
	if(bestCtr == 0)
		return -1;
		return bestIndex;
Esempio n. 3
// RemoveSmallStrips()
// allStrips is the whole strip _vector_...all small strips will be deleted from this list, to avoid leaking mem
// allBigStrips is an out parameter which will contain all strips above minStripLength
// faceList is an out parameter which will contain all faces which were removed from the striplist
void NvStripifier::RemoveSmallStrips(NvStripInfoVec& allStrips, NvStripInfoVec& allBigStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& faceList)
	allBigStrips.clear();  //make sure these are empty
	NvFaceInfoVec tempFaceList;
	for(int i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
		if(allStrips[i]->m_faces.size() < minStripLength)
			//strip is too small, add faces to faceList
			for(int j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
			//and xr_free memory
	bool *bVisitedList	= xr_alloc<bool> (tempFaceList.size());
	ZeroMemory			(bVisitedList, tempFaceList.size()*sizeof(bool));
	VertexCache* vcache = xr_new<VertexCache> (cacheSize);
	int bestNumHits = -1;
	int numHits		= 0;
	int bestIndex	= 0;
		bestNumHits = -1;
		//find best face to add next, given the current cache
		for(int i = 0; i < tempFaceList.size(); i++)
			numHits = CalcNumHitsFace(vcache, tempFaceList[i]);
			if(numHits > bestNumHits)
				bestNumHits = numHits;
				bestIndex = i;
		if(bestNumHits == -1.0f)
		bVisitedList[bestIndex] = true;
		UpdateCacheFace(vcache, tempFaceList[bestIndex]);
	xr_delete	(vcache);
	xr_free		(bVisitedList);
bool NvStripifier::AlreadyExists(NvFaceInfo* faceInfo, NvFaceInfoVec& faceInfos)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < faceInfos.size(); ++i)
		if( (faceInfos[i]->m_v0 == faceInfo->m_v0) &&
			(faceInfos[i]->m_v1 == faceInfo->m_v1) &&
			(faceInfos[i]->m_v2 == faceInfo->m_v2) )
			return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 5
// FindStartPoint()
// Finds a good starting point, namely one which has only one neighbor
int NvStripifier::FindStartPoint(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos)
	for(int i = 0; i < faceInfos.size(); i++)
		int ctr = 0;
		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v0, faceInfos[i]->m_v1, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v1, faceInfos[i]->m_v2, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v2, faceInfos[i]->m_v0, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
		if(ctr > 1)
			return i;
	return -1;
bool NvStripInfo::Unique(NvFaceInfoVec& faceVec, NvFaceInfo* face)
	bool bv0, bv1, bv2; //bools to indicate whether a vertex is in the faceVec or not
	bv0 = bv1 = bv2 = false;

	for(size_t i = 0; i < faceVec.size(); i++)
			if( (faceVec[i]->m_v0 == face->m_v0) || 
				(faceVec[i]->m_v1 == face->m_v0) ||
				(faceVec[i]->m_v2 == face->m_v0) )
				bv0 = true;

			if( (faceVec[i]->m_v0 == face->m_v1) || 
				(faceVec[i]->m_v1 == face->m_v1) ||
				(faceVec[i]->m_v2 == face->m_v1) )
				bv1 = true;

			if( (faceVec[i]->m_v0 == face->m_v2) || 
				(faceVec[i]->m_v1 == face->m_v2) ||
				(faceVec[i]->m_v2 == face->m_v2) )
				bv2 = true;

		//the face is not unique, all it's vertices exist in the face vector
		if(bv0 && bv1 && bv2)
			return false;
	//if we get out here, it's unique
	return true;
Esempio n. 7
//Cleanup strips / faces, used by generatestrips
void Cleanup(NvStripInfoVec& tempStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& tempFaces)
	//delete strips
	for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
		for(size_t j = 0; j < tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
			delete tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j];
			tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j] = NULL;
		delete tempStrips[i];
		tempStrips[i] = NULL;

	//delete faces
	for(size_t i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
		delete tempFaces[i];
		tempFaces[i] = NULL;
Esempio n. 8
// GenerateStrips()
// in_indices: input index list, the indices you would use to render
// in_numIndices: number of entries in in_indices
// primGroups: array of optimized/stripified PrimitiveGroups
// numGroups: number of groups returned
// Be sure to call delete[] on the returned primGroups to avoid leaking mem
bool GenerateStrips(const unsigned short* in_indices, const unsigned int in_numIndices,
					PrimitiveGroup** primGroups, unsigned short* numGroups, bool validateEnabled)
	int i = 0;
	//put data in format that the stripifier likes
	WordVec tempIndices;
	unsigned short maxIndex = 0;
	unsigned short minIndex = 0xFFFF;
	for(i = 0; i < in_numIndices; i++)
		tempIndices[i] = in_indices[i];
		if (in_indices[i] > maxIndex)
			maxIndex = in_indices[i];
		if (in_indices[i] < minIndex)
			minIndex = in_indices[i];
	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips;
	NvFaceInfoVec tempFaces;

	NvStripifier stripifier;
	//do actual stripification
	stripifier.Stripify(tempIndices, cacheSize, minStripSize, maxIndex, tempStrips, tempFaces);

	//stitch strips together
	IntVec stripIndices;
	unsigned int numSeparateStrips = 0;

		//if we're outputting only lists, we're done
		*numGroups = 1;
		(*primGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[*numGroups];
		PrimitiveGroup* primGroupArray = *primGroups;

		//count the total number of indices
		unsigned int numIndices = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
			numIndices += tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size() * 3;

		//add in the list
		numIndices += tempFaces.size() * 3;

		primGroupArray[0].type       = PT_LIST;
		primGroupArray[0].numIndices = numIndices;
		primGroupArray[0].indices    = new unsigned short[numIndices];

		//do strips
		unsigned int indexCtr = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
				//degenerates are of no use with lists
					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]->m_v0;
					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]->m_v1;
					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]->m_v2;
					//we've removed a tri, reduce the number of indices
					primGroupArray[0].numIndices -= 3;

		//do lists
		for(i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v0;
			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v1;
			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v2;
		stripifier.CreateStrips(tempStrips, stripIndices, bStitchStrips, numSeparateStrips, bRestart, restartVal);

		//if we're stitching strips together, we better get back only one strip from CreateStrips()
		assert( (bStitchStrips && (numSeparateStrips == 1)) || !bStitchStrips);
		//convert to output format
		*numGroups = numSeparateStrips; //for the strips
		if(tempFaces.size() != 0)
			(*numGroups)++;  //we've got a list as well, increment
		(*primGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[*numGroups];
		PrimitiveGroup* primGroupArray = *primGroups;
		//first, the strips
		int startingLoc = 0;
		for(int stripCtr = 0; stripCtr < numSeparateStrips; stripCtr++)
			int stripLength = 0;

				int i;
				//if we've got multiple strips, we need to figure out the correct length
				for(i = startingLoc; i < stripIndices.size(); i++)
					if(stripIndices[i] == -1)
				stripLength = i - startingLoc;
				stripLength = stripIndices.size();
			primGroupArray[stripCtr].type       = PT_STRIP;
			primGroupArray[stripCtr].indices    = new unsigned short[stripLength];
			primGroupArray[stripCtr].numIndices = stripLength;
			int indexCtr = 0;
			for(int i = startingLoc; i < stripLength + startingLoc; i++)
				primGroupArray[stripCtr].indices[indexCtr++] = stripIndices[i];

			//we add 1 to account for the -1 separating strips
			//this doesn't break the stitched case since we'll exit the loop
			startingLoc += stripLength + 1; 
		//next, the list
		if(tempFaces.size() != 0)
			int faceGroupLoc = (*numGroups) - 1;    //the face group is the last one
			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].type       = PT_LIST;
			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices    = new unsigned short[tempFaces.size() * 3];
			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].numIndices = tempFaces.size() * 3;
			int indexCtr = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v0;
				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v1;
				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v2;

	//validate generated data against input
	if (validateEnabled)
		const int NUMBINS = 100;

		std::vector<NvFaceInfo> in_bins[NUMBINS];
		//hash input indices on first index
		for (i = 0; i < in_numIndices; i += 3)
			NvFaceInfo faceInfo(in_indices[i], in_indices[i + 1], in_indices[i + 2]);
			in_bins[in_indices[i] % NUMBINS].push_back(faceInfo);
		for (i = 0; i < *numGroups; ++i)
			switch ((*primGroups)[i].type)
				case PT_LIST:
					for (int j = 0; j < (*primGroups)[i].numIndices; j += 3)
						unsigned short v0 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j];
						unsigned short v1 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j + 1];
						unsigned short v2 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j + 2];
						//ignore degenerates
						if (NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(v0, v1, v2))

						if (!TestTriangle(v0, v1, v2, in_bins, NUMBINS))
							Cleanup(tempStrips, tempFaces);
							return false;

				case PT_STRIP:
					//int brokenCtr = 0;
					bool flip = false;
					for (int j = 2; j < (*primGroups)[i].numIndices; ++j)
						unsigned short v0 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j - 2];
						unsigned short v1 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j - 1];
						unsigned short v2 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j];
						if (flip)
							//swap v1 and v2
							unsigned short swap = v1;
							v1 = v2;
							v2 = swap;

						//ignore degenerates
						if (NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(v0, v1, v2))
							flip = !flip;

						if (!TestTriangle(v0, v1, v2, in_bins, NUMBINS))
							Cleanup(tempStrips, tempFaces);
							return false;

						flip = !flip;

				case PT_FAN:


	//clean up everything
	Cleanup(tempStrips, tempFaces);

	return true;
// BuildStripifyInfo()
// Builds the list of all face and edge infos
void NvStripifier::BuildStripifyInfo(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos,
									 const unsigned short maxIndex)
	// reserve space for the face infos, but do not resize them.
	int numIndices = indices.size();
	faceInfos.reserve(numIndices / 3);
	// we actually resize the edge infos, so we must initialize to NULL
	edgeInfos.resize(maxIndex + 1);
	for (unsigned short i = 0; i < maxIndex + 1; i++)
		edgeInfos[i] = NULL;
	// iterate through the triangles of the triangle list
	int numTriangles = numIndices / 3;
	int index        = 0;
	bool bFaceUpdated[3];

	for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
		bool bMightAlreadyExist = true;
		bFaceUpdated[0] = false;
		bFaceUpdated[1] = false;
		bFaceUpdated[2] = false;

		// grab the indices
		int v0 = indices[index++];
		int v1 = indices[index++];
		int v2 = indices[index++];

		//we disregard degenerates
		if(IsDegenerate(v0, v1, v2))
		// create the face info and add it to the list of faces, but only if this exact face doesn't already 
		//  exist in the list
		NvFaceInfo *faceInfo = new NvFaceInfo(v0, v1, v2);
		// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
		NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo01 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v0, v1);
		if (edgeInfo01 == NULL)
			//since one of it's edges isn't in the edge data structure, it can't already exist in the face structure
			bMightAlreadyExist = false;

			// create the info
			edgeInfo01 = new NvEdgeInfo(v0, v1);
			// update the linked list on both 
			edgeInfo01->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v0];
			edgeInfo01->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v1];
			edgeInfos[v0] = edgeInfo01;
			edgeInfos[v1] = edgeInfo01;
			// set face 0
			edgeInfo01->m_face0 = faceInfo;
			if (edgeInfo01->m_face1 != NULL)
				printf("BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences\n");
				edgeInfo01->m_face1 = faceInfo;
				bFaceUpdated[0] = true;
		// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
		NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo12 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v1, v2);
		if (edgeInfo12 == NULL)
			bMightAlreadyExist = false;
			// create the info
			edgeInfo12 = new NvEdgeInfo(v1, v2);
			// update the linked list on both 
			edgeInfo12->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v1];
			edgeInfo12->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v2];
			edgeInfos[v1] = edgeInfo12;
			edgeInfos[v2] = edgeInfo12;
			// set face 0
			edgeInfo12->m_face0 = faceInfo;
			if (edgeInfo12->m_face1 != NULL)
				printf("BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences\n");
				edgeInfo12->m_face1 = faceInfo;
				bFaceUpdated[1] = true;
		// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
		NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo20 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v2, v0);
		if (edgeInfo20 == NULL)
			bMightAlreadyExist = false;

			// create the info
			edgeInfo20 = new NvEdgeInfo(v2, v0);
			// update the linked list on both 
			edgeInfo20->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v2];
			edgeInfo20->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v0];
			edgeInfos[v2] = edgeInfo20;
			edgeInfos[v0] = edgeInfo20;
			// set face 0
			edgeInfo20->m_face0 = faceInfo;
			if (edgeInfo20->m_face1 != NULL)
				printf("BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences\n");
				edgeInfo20->m_face1 = faceInfo;
				bFaceUpdated[2] = true;

			if(!AlreadyExists(faceInfo, faceInfos))
				delete faceInfo;

				//cleanup pointers that point to this deleted face
					edgeInfo01->m_face1 = NULL;
					edgeInfo12->m_face1 = NULL;
					edgeInfo20->m_face1 = NULL;

// RemoveSmallStrips()
// allStrips is the whole strip vector...all small strips will be deleted from this list, to avoid leaking mem
// allBigStrips is an out parameter which will contain all strips above minStripLength
// faceList is an out parameter which will contain all faces which were removed from the striplist
void NvStripifier::RemoveSmallStrips(NvStripInfoVec& allStrips, NvStripInfoVec& allBigStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& faceList)
	allBigStrips.clear();  //make sure these are empty
	NvFaceInfoVec tempFaceList;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
		if(allStrips[i]->m_faces.size() < (size_t)minStripLength)
			//strip is too small, add faces to faceList
			for(size_t j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
			//and free memory
			delete allStrips[i];
		bool *bVisitedList = new bool[tempFaceList.size()];
		memset(bVisitedList, 0, tempFaceList.size()*sizeof(bool));
		VertexCache* vcache = new VertexCache(cacheSize);
		int bestNumHits = -1;
		int numHits;
		int bestIndex;
			bestNumHits = -1;
			//find best face to add next, given the current cache
			for(size_t i = 0; i < tempFaceList.size(); i++)
				numHits = CalcNumHitsFace(vcache, tempFaceList[i]);
				if(numHits > bestNumHits)
					bestNumHits = numHits;
					bestIndex = i;
			if(bestNumHits == -1.0f)
			bVisitedList[bestIndex] = true;
			UpdateCacheFace(vcache, tempFaceList[bestIndex]);
		delete vcache;
		delete[] bVisitedList;
// Build()
// Builds a strip forward as far as we can go, then builds backwards, and joins the two lists
void NvStripInfo::Build(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos)
	// used in building the strips forward and backward
	WordVec scratchIndices;
	// build forward... start with the initial face
	NvFaceInfoVec forwardFaces, backwardFaces;

	int v0 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1);
	int v1 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0);
	// easiest way to get v2 is to use this function which requires the
	// other indices to already be in the list.
	int v2 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, m_startInfo.m_startFace);

	// build the forward list
	int nv0 = v1;
	int nv1 = v2;

	NvFaceInfo *nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
	while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace))
		//check to see if this next face is going to cause us to die soon
		int testnv0 = nv1;
		int testnv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
		NvFaceInfo* nextNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, testnv0, testnv1, nextFace);

		if( (nextNextFace == NULL) || (IsMarked(nextNextFace)) )
			//uh, oh, we're following a dead end, try swapping
			NvFaceInfo* testNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, testnv1, nextFace);

			if( ((testNextFace != NULL) && !IsMarked(testNextFace)) )
				//we only swap if it buys us something
				//add a "fake" degenerate face
				NvFaceInfo* tempFace = new NvFaceInfo(nv0, nv1, nv0, true);

				testnv0 = nv0;



		// add this to the strip

		// add the index
		//nv0 = nv1;
		//nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
		// and get the next face
		nv0 = testnv0;
		nv1 = testnv1;

		nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace);
	// tempAllFaces is going to be forwardFaces + backwardFaces
	// it's used for Unique()
	NvFaceInfoVec tempAllFaces;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < forwardFaces.size(); i++)

	// reset the indices for building the strip backwards and do so
	nv0 = v1;
	nv1 = v0;
	nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
	while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace))
		//this tests to see if a face is "unique", meaning that its vertices aren't already in the list
		// so, strips which "wrap-around" are not allowed
		if(!Unique(tempAllFaces, nextFace))

		//check to see if this next face is going to cause us to die soon
		int testnv0 = nv1;
		int testnv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
		NvFaceInfo* nextNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, testnv0, testnv1, nextFace);

		if( (nextNextFace == NULL) || (IsMarked(nextNextFace)) )
			//uh, oh, we're following a dead end, try swapping
			NvFaceInfo* testNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, testnv1, nextFace);
			if( ((testNextFace != NULL) && !IsMarked(testNextFace)) )
				//we only swap if it buys us something
				//add a "fake" degenerate face
				NvFaceInfo* tempFace = new NvFaceInfo(nv0, nv1, nv0, true);

				testnv0 = nv0;


		// add this to the strip
		//this is just so Unique() will work

		// add the index
		//nv0 = nv1;
		//nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
		// and get the next face
		nv0 = testnv0;
		nv1 = testnv1;
		nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace);
	// Combine the forward and backwards stripification lists and put into our own face vector
	Combine(forwardFaces, backwardFaces);
Esempio n. 12
// BuildStripifyInfo()
// Builds the list of all face and edge infos
void NvStripifier::BuildStripifyInfo(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos){
	// reserve space for the face infos, but do not resize them.
	int numIndices = indices.size();
	// we actually resize the edge infos, so we must initialize to NULL
	edgeInfos.resize (numIndices);
	for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++)
		edgeInfos[i] = NULL;
	// iterate through the triangles of the triangle list
	int numTriangles = numIndices / 3;
	int index        = 0;
	for (u32 i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
		// grab the indices
		int v0 = indices[index++];
		int v1 = indices[index++];
		int v2 = indices[index++];
		// create the face info and add it to the list of faces, but only if this exact face doesn't already 
		//  exist in the list
		NvFaceInfo *faceInfo = xr_new<NvFaceInfo>(v0, v1, v2);
		if(!AlreadyExists(faceInfo, faceInfos))
			// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
			NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo01 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v0, v1);
			if (edgeInfo01 == NULL){
				// create the info
				edgeInfo01 = xr_new<NvEdgeInfo>(v0, v1);
				// update the linked list on both 
				edgeInfo01->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v0];
				edgeInfo01->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v1];
				edgeInfos[v0] = edgeInfo01;
				edgeInfos[v1] = edgeInfo01;
				// set face 0
				edgeInfo01->m_face0 = faceInfo;
			else {
				if (edgeInfo01->m_face1 != NULL)	;
					//Msg("! WARNING: BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences");
					edgeInfo01->m_face1 = faceInfo;
			// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
			NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo12 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v1, v2);
			if (edgeInfo12 == NULL){
				// create the info
				edgeInfo12 = xr_new<NvEdgeInfo> (v1, v2);
				// update the linked list on both 
				edgeInfo12->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v1];
				edgeInfo12->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v2];
				edgeInfos[v1] = edgeInfo12;
				edgeInfos[v2] = edgeInfo12;
				// set face 0
				edgeInfo12->m_face0 = faceInfo;
			else {
				if (edgeInfo12->m_face1 != NULL)	;
					//Msg("! WARNING: BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences");
					edgeInfo12->m_face1 = faceInfo;
			// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
			NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo20 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v2, v0);
			if (edgeInfo20 == NULL){
				// create the info
				edgeInfo20 = xr_new<NvEdgeInfo>(v2, v0);
				// update the linked list on both 
				edgeInfo20->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v2];
				edgeInfo20->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v0];
				edgeInfos[v2] = edgeInfo20;
				edgeInfos[v0] = edgeInfo20;
				// set face 0
				edgeInfo20->m_face0 = faceInfo;
			else {
				if (edgeInfo20->m_face1 != NULL)	;
					//Msg("! WARNING: BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences");
					edgeInfo20->m_face1 = faceInfo;
Esempio n. 13
// Build()
// Builds a strip forward as far as we can go, then builds backwards, and joins the two lists
void NvStripInfo::Build(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos){
	// used in building the strips forward and backward
	static WordVec scratchIndices;
	// build forward... start with the initial face
	NvFaceInfoVec forwardFaces, backwardFaces;

	int v0 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1);
	int v1 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0);
	// easiest way to get v2 is to use this function which requires the
	// other indices to already be in the list.
	int v2 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
	// build the forward list
	int nv0 = v1;
	int nv1 = v2;
	NvFaceInfo *nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
	while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace))
		//this tests to see if a face is "unique", meaning that its vertices aren't already in the list
		// so, strips which "wrap-around" are not allowed
		if(!Unique(forwardFaces, nextFace))

		// add this to the strip

		// add the index
		nv0 = nv1;
		nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
		// and get the next face
		nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace);
	// tempAllFaces is going to be forwardFaces + backwardFaces
	// it's used for Unique()
	NvFaceInfoVec tempAllFaces;
	for(int i = 0; i < forwardFaces.size(); i++)

	// reset the indices for building the strip backwards and do so
	nv0 = v1;
	nv1 = v0;
	nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
	while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace))
		//this tests to see if a face is "unique", meaning that its vertices aren't already in the list
		// so, strips which "wrap-around" are not allowed
		if(!Unique(tempAllFaces, nextFace))

		// add this to the strip
		//this is just so Unique() will work

		// add the index
		nv0 = nv1;
		nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
		// and get the next face
		nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace);
	// Combine the forward and backwards stripification lists and put into our own face vector3
	Combine(forwardFaces, backwardFaces);
Esempio n. 14
// GenerateStrips()
// in_indices: input index list, the indices you would use to render
// in_numIndices: number of entries in in_indices
// primGroups: array of optimized/stripified PrimitiveGroups
// numGroups: number of groups returned
// Be sure to call delete[] on the returned primGroups to avoid leaking mem
void GenerateStrips(const U16* in_indices, const U32 in_numIndices,
					PrimitiveGroup** primGroups, U16* numGroups)
	//put data in format that the stripifier likes
	WordVec tempIndices;
	U16 maxIndex = 0;
   U32 i;
	for(i = 0; i < in_numIndices; i++)
		tempIndices[i] = in_indices[i];
		if(in_indices[i] > maxIndex)
			maxIndex = in_indices[i];
	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips;
	NvFaceInfoVec tempFaces;

	NvStripifier stripifier;
	//do actual stripification
	stripifier.Stripify(tempIndices, cacheSize, minStripSize, maxIndex, tempStrips, tempFaces);

	//stitch strips together
	IntVec stripIndices;
	U32 numSeparateStrips = 0;

		//if we're outputting only lists, we're done
		*numGroups = 1;
		(*primGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[*numGroups];
		PrimitiveGroup* primGroupArray = *primGroups;

		//count the total number of indices
		U32 numIndices = 0;
      U32 i;
		for(i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
			numIndices += tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size() * 3;

		//add in the list
		numIndices += tempFaces.size() * 3;

		primGroupArray[0].type       = PT_LIST;
		primGroupArray[0].numIndices = numIndices;
		primGroupArray[0].indices    = new U16[numIndices];

		//do strips
		U32 indexCtr = 0;
		for(U32 k = 0; k < tempStrips.size(); k++)
			for(U32 j = 0; j < tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
				//degenerates are of no use with lists
					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[k]->m_faces[j]->m_v0;
					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[k]->m_faces[j]->m_v1;
					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[k]->m_faces[j]->m_v2;
					//we've removed a tri, reduce the number of indices
					primGroupArray[0].numIndices -= 3;

		//do lists
		for(i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v0;
			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v1;
			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v2;
		stripifier.CreateStrips(tempStrips, stripIndices, bStitchStrips, numSeparateStrips);

		//if we're stitching strips together, we better get back only one strip from CreateStrips()
		assert( (bStitchStrips && (numSeparateStrips == 1)) || !bStitchStrips);
		//convert to output format
		*numGroups = numSeparateStrips; //for the strips
		if(tempFaces.size() != 0)
			(*numGroups)++;  //we've got a list as well, increment
		(*primGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[*numGroups];
		PrimitiveGroup* primGroupArray = *primGroups;
		//first, the strips
		S32 startingLoc = 0;
		for(U32 stripCtr = 0; stripCtr < numSeparateStrips; stripCtr++)
			S32 stripLength = 0;

				//if we've got multiple strips, we need to figure out the correct length
            U32 i;
				for(i = startingLoc; i < stripIndices.size(); i++)
					if(stripIndices[i] == -1)
				stripLength = i - startingLoc;
				stripLength = stripIndices.size();
			primGroupArray[stripCtr].type       = PT_STRIP;
			primGroupArray[stripCtr].indices    = new U16[stripLength];
			primGroupArray[stripCtr].numIndices = stripLength;
			S32 indexCtr = 0;
			for(S32 i = startingLoc; i < stripLength + startingLoc; i++)
				primGroupArray[stripCtr].indices[indexCtr++] = stripIndices[i];

			//we add 1 to account for the -1 separating strips
			//this doesn't break the stitched case since we'll exit the loop
			startingLoc += stripLength + 1; 
		//next, the list
		if(tempFaces.size() != 0)
			S32 faceGroupLoc = (*numGroups) - 1;    //the face group is the last one
			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].type       = PT_LIST;
			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices    = new U16[tempFaces.size() * 3];
			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].numIndices = tempFaces.size() * 3;
			S32 indexCtr = 0;
			for(U32 i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v0;
				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v1;
				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v2;

	//clean up everything

	//delete strips
	for(i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
		for(U32 j = 0; j < tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
			delete tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j];
			tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j] = NULL;
		delete tempStrips[i];
		tempStrips[i] = NULL;

	//delete faces
	for(i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
		delete tempFaces[i];
		tempFaces[i] = NULL;