Esempio n. 1
OGRErr OGRDXFWriterLayer::WriteINSERT( OGRFeature *poFeature )

    WriteValue( 0, "INSERT" );
    WriteCore( poFeature );
    WriteValue( 100, "AcDbEntity" );
    WriteValue( 100, "AcDbBlockReference" );
    WriteValue( 2, poFeature->GetFieldAsString("BlockName") );

    // Write style symbol color
    OGRStyleTool *poTool = nullptr;
    OGRStyleMgr oSM;
    if( poFeature->GetStyleString() != nullptr )
        oSM.InitFromFeature( poFeature );

        if( oSM.GetPartCount() > 0 )
            poTool = oSM.GetPart(0);
    if( poTool && poTool->GetType() == OGRSTCSymbol )
        OGRStyleSymbol *poSymbol = (OGRStyleSymbol *) poTool;
        GBool bDefault;

        if( poSymbol->Color(bDefault) != nullptr && !bDefault )
            WriteValue( 62, ColorStringToDXFColor( poSymbol->Color(bDefault) ) );
    delete poTool;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write location in OCS.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nCoordCount = 0;
    const double *padfCoords =
        poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( "BlockOCSCoords", &nCoordCount );

    if( nCoordCount == 3 )
        WriteValue( 10, padfCoords[0] );
        WriteValue( 20, padfCoords[1] );
        if( !WriteValue( 30, padfCoords[2] ) )
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
        // We don't have an OCS; we will just assume that the location of
        // the geometry (in WCS) is the correct insertion point.
        OGRPoint *poPoint = poFeature->GetGeometryRef()->toPoint();

        WriteValue( 10, poPoint->getX() );
        if( !WriteValue( 20, poPoint->getY() ) )
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;

        if( poPoint->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint25D )
            if( !WriteValue( 30, poPoint->getZ() ) )
                return OGRERR_FAILURE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write scaling.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nScaleCount = 0;
    const double *padfScale =
        poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( "BlockScale", &nScaleCount );

    if( nScaleCount == 3 )
        WriteValue( 41, padfScale[0] );
        WriteValue( 42, padfScale[1] );
        WriteValue( 43, padfScale[2] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write rotation.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const double dfAngle = poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( "BlockAngle" );

    if( dfAngle != 0.0 )
        WriteValue( 50, dfAngle ); // degrees

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write OCS normal vector.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nOCSCount = 0;
    const double *padfOCS =
        poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( "BlockOCSNormal", &nOCSCount );

    if( nOCSCount == 3 )
        WriteValue( 210, padfOCS[0] );
        WriteValue( 220, padfOCS[1] );
        WriteValue( 230, padfOCS[2] );

    return OGRERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 2
void addstylestring2kml (
    const char *pszStyleString,
    StylePtr poKmlStyle,
    KmlFactory * poKmlFactory,
    PlacemarkPtr poKmlPlacemark,
    OGRFeature * poOgrFeat )

    LineStylePtr poKmlLineStyle = NULL;
    PolyStylePtr poKmlPolyStyle = NULL;
    IconStylePtr poKmlIconStyle = NULL;
    LabelStylePtr poKmlLabelStyle = NULL;
    /***** just bail now if stylestring is empty *****/

    if ( !pszStyleString || !*pszStyleString ) {

    /***** create and init a style mamager with the style string *****/

    OGRStyleMgr *poOgrSM = new OGRStyleMgr;

    poOgrSM->InitStyleString ( pszStyleString );

    /***** loop though the style parts *****/

    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < poOgrSM->GetPartCount ( NULL ); i++ ) {
        OGRStyleTool *poOgrST = poOgrSM->GetPart ( i, NULL );

        if ( !poOgrST ) {
        switch ( poOgrST->GetType (  ) ) {
        case OGRSTCPen:
                GBool nullcheck;

                poKmlLineStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateLineStyle (  );

                OGRStylePen *poStylePen = ( OGRStylePen * ) poOgrST;

                /***** pen color *****/

                int nR,

                const char *pszcolor = poStylePen->Color ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck
                     && poStylePen->GetRGBFromString ( pszcolor, nR, nG, nB, nA ) ) {
                    poKmlLineStyle->set_color ( Color32 ( nA, nB, nG, nR ) );
                double dfWidth = poStylePen->Width ( nullcheck );

                if ( nullcheck )
                    dfWidth = 1.0;

                poKmlLineStyle->set_width ( dfWidth );
        case OGRSTCBrush:
                GBool nullcheck;

                poKmlPolyStyle = poKmlFactory->CreatePolyStyle (  );

                OGRStyleBrush *poStyleBrush = ( OGRStyleBrush * ) poOgrST;

                /***** brush color *****/

                int nR,

                const char *pszcolor = poStyleBrush->ForeColor ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck
                     && poStyleBrush->GetRGBFromString ( pszcolor, nR, nG, nB, nA ) ) {
                    poKmlPolyStyle->set_color ( Color32 ( nA, nB, nG, nR ) );

        case OGRSTCSymbol:
                GBool nullcheck;
                GBool nullcheck2;

                OGRStyleSymbol *poStyleSymbol = ( OGRStyleSymbol * ) poOgrST;

                /***** id (kml icon) *****/

                const char *pszId = poStyleSymbol->Id ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck ) {
                    if ( !poKmlIconStyle)
                        poKmlIconStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyle (  );

                    /***** split it at the ,'s *****/

                    char **papszTokens =
                        CSLTokenizeString2 ( pszId, ",",
                                             CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS | CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES |
                                             CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES );

                    if ( papszTokens ) {

                        /***** for lack of a better solution just take the first one *****/
                        //todo come up with a better idea

                        if ( papszTokens[0] ) {
                            IconStyleIconPtr poKmlIcon =
                                poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyleIcon (  );
                            poKmlIcon->set_href ( papszTokens[0] );
                            poKmlIconStyle->set_icon ( poKmlIcon );

                        CSLDestroy ( papszTokens );



                /***** heading *****/

                double heading = poStyleSymbol->Angle ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck ) {
                    if ( !poKmlIconStyle)
                        poKmlIconStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyle (  );
                    poKmlIconStyle->set_heading ( heading );

                /***** scale *****/

                double dfScale = poStyleSymbol->Size ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck ) {
                    if ( !poKmlIconStyle)
                        poKmlIconStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyle (  );

                    poKmlIconStyle->set_scale ( dfScale );

                /***** color *****/

                int nR,

                const char *pszcolor = poStyleSymbol->Color ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck && poOgrST->GetRGBFromString ( pszcolor, nR, nG, nB, nA ) ) {
                    poKmlIconStyle->set_color ( Color32 ( nA, nB, nG, nR ) );

                /***** hotspot *****/

                double dfDx = poStyleSymbol->SpacingX ( nullcheck );
                double dfDy = poStyleSymbol->SpacingY ( nullcheck2 );

                if ( !nullcheck && !nullcheck2 ) {
                    if ( !poKmlIconStyle)
                        poKmlIconStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyle (  );

                    HotSpotPtr poKmlHotSpot = poKmlFactory->CreateHotSpot (  );

                    poKmlHotSpot->set_x ( dfDx );
                    poKmlHotSpot->set_y ( dfDy );

                    poKmlIconStyle->set_hotspot ( poKmlHotSpot );
        case OGRSTCLabel:
                GBool nullcheck;
                GBool nullcheck2;
                poKmlLabelStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateLabelStyle (  );

                OGRStyleLabel *poStyleLabel = ( OGRStyleLabel * ) poOgrST;

                /***** color *****/

                int nR,

                const char *pszcolor = poStyleLabel->ForeColor ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck
                     && poStyleLabel->GetRGBFromString ( pszcolor, nR, nG, nB, nA ) ) {
                    poKmlLabelStyle->set_color ( Color32 ( nA, nB, nG, nR ) );

                /***** scale *****/

                double dfScale = poStyleLabel->Stretch ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck ) {
                    dfScale /= 100.0;
                    poKmlLabelStyle->set_scale ( dfScale );
                /***** heading *****/

                double heading = poStyleLabel->Angle ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck ) {
                    if ( !poKmlIconStyle) {
                        poKmlIconStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyle (  );
                        IconStyleIconPtr poKmlIcon = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyleIcon (  );
                        poKmlIconStyle->set_icon ( poKmlIcon );
                    poKmlIconStyle->set_heading ( heading );

                /***** hotspot *****/

                double dfDx = poStyleLabel->SpacingX ( nullcheck );
                double dfDy = poStyleLabel->SpacingY ( nullcheck2 );

                if ( !nullcheck && !nullcheck2 ) {
                    if ( !poKmlIconStyle) {
                        poKmlIconStyle = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyle (  );
                        IconStyleIconPtr poKmlIcon = poKmlFactory->CreateIconStyleIcon (  );
                        poKmlIconStyle->set_icon ( poKmlIcon );
                    HotSpotPtr poKmlHotSpot = poKmlFactory->CreateHotSpot (  );

                    poKmlHotSpot->set_x ( dfDx );
                    poKmlHotSpot->set_y ( dfDy );

                    poKmlIconStyle->set_hotspot ( poKmlHotSpot );

                /***** label text *****/

                const char *pszText = poStyleLabel->TextString ( nullcheck );

                if ( !nullcheck ) {
                    if ( poKmlPlacemark ) {

                        poKmlPlacemark->set_name( pszText );
        case OGRSTCNone:

        delete poOgrST;

    if ( poKmlLineStyle )
        poKmlStyle->set_linestyle ( poKmlLineStyle );

    if ( poKmlPolyStyle )
        poKmlStyle->set_polystyle ( poKmlPolyStyle );

    if ( poKmlIconStyle )
        poKmlStyle->set_iconstyle ( poKmlIconStyle );

    if ( poKmlLabelStyle )
        poKmlStyle->set_labelstyle ( poKmlLabelStyle );
    delete poOgrSM;
Esempio n. 3
OGRErr OGRDXFWriterLayer::WriteINSERT( OGRFeature *poFeature )

    WriteValue( 0, "INSERT" );
    WriteCore( poFeature );
    WriteValue( 100, "AcDbEntity" );
    WriteValue( 100, "AcDbBlockReference" );
    WriteValue( 2, poFeature->GetFieldAsString("BlockName") );

    // Write style symbol color
    OGRStyleTool *poTool = NULL;
    OGRStyleMgr oSM;
    if( poFeature->GetStyleString() != NULL )
        oSM.InitFromFeature( poFeature );

        if( oSM.GetPartCount() > 0 )
            poTool = oSM.GetPart(0);
    if( poTool && poTool->GetType() == OGRSTCSymbol )
        OGRStyleSymbol *poSymbol = (OGRStyleSymbol *) poTool;
        GBool  bDefault;

        if( poSymbol->Color(bDefault) != NULL && !bDefault )
            WriteValue( 62, ColorStringToDXFColor( poSymbol->Color(bDefault) ) );
    delete poTool;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write location.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poFeature->GetGeometryRef();

    WriteValue( 10, poPoint->getX() );
    if( !WriteValue( 20, poPoint->getY() ) ) 
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    if( poPoint->getGeometryType() == wkbPoint25D )
        if( !WriteValue( 30, poPoint->getZ() ) )
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write scaling.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nScaleCount;
    const double *padfScale = 
        poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( "BlockScale", &nScaleCount );

    if( nScaleCount == 3 )
        WriteValue( 41, padfScale[0] );
        WriteValue( 42, padfScale[1] );
        WriteValue( 43, padfScale[2] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write rotation.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double dfAngle = poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( "BlockAngle" );

    if( dfAngle != 0.0 )
        WriteValue( 50, dfAngle ); // degrees

    return OGRERR_NONE;