Esempio n. 1
BOOL ON_BrepEdge::Read( ON_BinaryArchive& file )
  int bReversed = false;
  ON_Interval proxy_domain;
  BOOL rc = file.ReadInt( &m_edge_index );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &m_c3i );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &bReversed );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInterval( proxy_domain );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( 2, m_vi );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadArray( m_ti );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble( &m_tolerance );
  ON_Interval domain = proxy_domain;
  if (    file.Archive3dmVersion() >= 3
       && file.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() >= 200206180 )
    if (rc)
      rc = file.ReadInterval(domain);
      if ( !rc)
        domain = proxy_domain;
  SetProxyCurve( NULL, proxy_domain );
  if ( bReversed )

  return rc;
bool ON_CheckSum::Read(ON_BinaryArchive& archive)
  bool rc;


  rc  = archive.ReadBigSize(&m_size);
  if (rc)
    rc = archive.ReadBigTime(&m_time);
  if (rc)
    rc = archive.ReadInt(8,&m_crc[0]);

  if (    archive.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() < 200603100 
       || archive.Archive3dmVersion() < 4 
    // ON_CheckSums in V3 archives and V4 archives with
    // version < 200603100 have the same size but an 
    // incompatible format.  These were not used.

  return rc;
Esempio n. 3
ON_BOOL32 ON_3dmObjectAttributes::Read( ON_BinaryArchive& file )
  if (    file.Archive3dmVersion() >= 5 
       && file.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() >= 200712190 )
    return ReadV5Helper(file);
  int i;
  int major_version = 0;
  int minor_version = 0;
  bool rc = file.Read3dmChunkVersion(&major_version,&minor_version);
  if ( rc && major_version == 1 ) 
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadUuid(m_uuid);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&m_layer_index);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&m_material_index);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadColor(m_color);
      // OBSOLETE if (rc) rc = file.ReadLineStyle(m_line_style); // 23 March 2005 Dale Lear
      // replaced with
      short s = 0;
      double x;
      rc = file.ReadShort(&s); 
      if (!rc) break;
      if ( file.Archive3dmVersion() < 4 || file.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() < 200503170 )
        // ignore unused linestyle info in old files
        // This bit keeps the curve arrowheads from V3 showing up
        // in V4.
        m_object_decoration = ON::ObjectDecoration( (s & ON::both_arrowhead) );
      rc = file.ReadShort(&s);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.ReadDouble(&x);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.ReadDouble(&x);

    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&m_wire_density);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar(&m_mode);

    if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar(&m_color_source);
    if (rc) m_color_source = (unsigned char)ON::ObjectColorSource(m_color_source);

    if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar(&m_linetype_source);
    if (rc) m_linetype_source = (unsigned char)ON::ObjectLinetypeSource(m_linetype_source);

    if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar(&m_material_source);
    if (rc) m_material_source = (unsigned char)ON::ObjectMaterialSource(m_material_source);

    if (rc) rc = file.ReadString(m_name);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadString(m_url);

    m_bVisible = (Mode() != ON::hidden_object);
    if ( rc && minor_version >= 1 ) 
      rc = file.ReadArray( m_group );
      if ( rc && minor_version >= 2 )
        rc = file.ReadBool(&m_bVisible);

        if ( rc && minor_version >= 3 )
          rc = file.ReadArray(m_dmref);     

          if (rc && minor_version >= 4 )
            // 23 March 2005 Dale Lear
            //    Added m_plot_color_source and m_plot_color
            i = 0;
            if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&i);
            if (rc) m_object_decoration = ON::ObjectDecoration(i);
            if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar(&m_plot_color_source);
            if (rc) m_plot_color_source = (unsigned char)ON::PlotColorSource(m_plot_color_source);
            if (rc) rc = file.ReadColor( m_plot_color );
            if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar(&m_plot_weight_source);
            if (rc) m_plot_weight_source = (unsigned char)ON::PlotWeightSource(m_plot_weight_source);
            if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble(&m_plot_weight_mm);

            if (rc && minor_version >= 5 )
              // version 1.5 fields 11 April 2005
              if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&m_linetype_index);

              // version 1.6 fields 2 September 2005
              if (rc && minor_version >= 6 )
                unsigned char uc = 0;
                rc = file.ReadChar(&uc);
                if (rc)
                  m_space = (1 == uc) ? ON::page_space : ON::model_space;
                  int i, count=0;
                  rc = file.ReadInt(&count);
                  if (rc && count > 0)
                    for ( i = 0; i < count && rc; i++)
                      ON_DisplayMaterialRef& dmr = m_dmref.AppendNew();
                      rc = file.ReadUuid(dmr.m_viewport_id);
                      if (rc) rc = file.ReadUuid(dmr.m_display_material_id);
                      if ( rc )
                        // Assigning an object to a page started out as
                        // using dmrs.  The way the runtime info is saved
                        // has changed, but, at this point, I can't change
                        // the way the information is saved in the file and
                        // it doesn't matter.
                        if ( 0 == ON_UuidCompare(&ON_ObsoletePageSpaceObjectId,&dmr.m_display_material_id) )
                          m_viewport_id = dmr.m_viewport_id;
                    if ( 0 == m_dmref.Count() )

                if ( rc && minor_version >= 7 )
                  // version 1.7 fields 6 June 2006
                  if (rc) rc = m_rendering_attributes.Read(file);
    rc = false;
  return rc;
Esempio n. 4
BOOL ON_Brep::Read( ON_BinaryArchive& file )
  int i;
  int C2_count = 0;
  int C3_count = 0;
  int S_count = 0;
  int major_version = 0;
  int minor_version = 0;
  BOOL rc = file.Read3dmChunkVersion( &major_version, &minor_version );
  if ( rc && major_version == 2 )
    rc = ReadOld200(file,minor_version); // legacy trimmed face
  else if ( rc && major_version == 3 )
    // 2d curves
    if (rc)
      rc = m_C2.Read(file);
    C2_count = m_C2.Count();

    // 3d curves
    if (rc)
      rc = m_C3.Read(file);
    C3_count = m_C3.Count();

    // untrimmed surfaces
    if (rc)
      rc = m_S.Read(file);
    S_count = m_S.Count();

    // vertices
    if (rc)
      rc = m_V.Read(file);

    // edges
    if (rc)
      rc = m_E.Read(file);
      if (rc) {
        for ( i = 0; i < m_E.Count(); i++ ) {
          ON_BrepEdge& e = m_E[i];
          e.m_brep = this;
          if ( e.m_c3i >= 0 && e.m_c3i < C3_count )
            bool bProxyCurveIsReversed = e.ProxyCurveIsReversed();
            ON_Interval pdom = e.ProxyCurveDomain();
            ON_Interval edom = e.Domain();
            e.SetProxyCurve( m_C3[e.m_c3i], pdom );
            if ( bProxyCurveIsReversed )

    // trims
    if (rc)
      rc = m_T.Read(file);
      if (rc) {
        for ( i = 0; i < m_T.Count(); i++ ) {
          ON_BrepTrim& trim = m_T[i];
          trim.m_brep = this;
          if ( trim.m_c2i >= 0 && trim.m_c2i < C2_count )
            bool bProxyCurveIsReversed = trim.ProxyCurveIsReversed();
            ON_Interval pdom = trim.ProxyCurveDomain();
            ON_Interval tdom = trim.Domain();
            trim.SetProxyCurve( m_C2[trim.m_c2i], pdom );
            if ( bProxyCurveIsReversed )

    // loops
    if (rc)
      rc = m_L.Read(file);
      if ( rc )
        for ( i = 0; i < m_L.Count(); i++ )
          m_L[i].m_brep = this;

    // faces
    if (rc)
      rc = m_F.Read(file);
      if (rc) {
        for ( i = 0; i < m_F.Count(); i++ ) {
          ON_BrepFace& f = m_F[i];
          f.m_brep = this;
          if ( f.m_si >= 0 && f.m_si < S_count )

    // bounding box
    if (rc)
      rc = file.ReadPoint( m_bbox.m_min );
    if (rc)
      rc = file.ReadPoint( m_bbox.m_max );

    // fill in missing information

    // end of chunk version 3.0

    if (rc && minor_version >= 1 )
      // added for chunk version 3.1

      ON_Object* obj;
      unsigned int tcode;
      int value, fi;
      unsigned char b;

      const int face_count = m_F.Count();

      // read render meshes
      rc = file.BeginRead3dmChunk( &tcode, &value );
      if ( rc )
        if ( tcode != TCODE_ANONYMOUS_CHUNK )
          rc = false;
          for ( fi = 0; rc && fi < face_count; fi++ )
            rc = file.ReadChar(&b);
            if (rc && b)
              rc = file.ReadObject(&obj);
              m_F[fi].m_render_mesh = ON_Mesh::Cast(obj);
              if ( !m_F[fi].m_render_mesh )
                delete obj;
        if ( !file.EndRead3dmChunk() )
          rc = false;

      // read analysis meshes
      rc = file.BeginRead3dmChunk( &tcode, &value );
      if ( rc )
        if ( tcode != TCODE_ANONYMOUS_CHUNK )
          rc = false;
          for ( fi = 0; rc && fi < face_count; fi++ )
            rc = file.ReadChar(&b);
            if (rc && b)
              rc = file.ReadObject(&obj);
              m_F[fi].m_analysis_mesh = ON_Mesh::Cast(obj);
              if ( !m_F[fi].m_analysis_mesh )
                delete obj;
        if ( !file.EndRead3dmChunk() )
          rc = false;

    if ( rc && minor_version >= 2 )
      rc =  file.ReadInt( &m_is_solid );
      if ( m_is_solid < 0 || m_is_solid >= 3 )
        m_is_solid = 0;

  if ( file.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() < 20021002 )
    m_is_solid = 0;

  return rc;
Esempio n. 5
BOOL ON_BrepTrim::Read( ON_BinaryArchive& file )
  ON_3dPoint P[2];
  int i;
  BOOL rc = file.ReadInt( &m_trim_index );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadInt( &m_c2i );
  if ( rc )
    ON_Interval d;
    rc = file.ReadInterval( d );
    if (rc)
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadInt( &m_ei );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadInt( 2, m_vi );
  if ( rc )
    i = m_bRev3d;
    rc = file.ReadInt( &i );
    if (rc)
      m_bRev3d = (i!=0);

  i = unknown;
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadInt( &i );
  switch (i) {
  case unknown:
    m_type = unknown;
  case boundary:
    m_type = boundary;
  case mated:
    m_type = mated;
  case seam:
    m_type = seam;
  case singular:
    m_type = singular;

  i = ON_Surface::not_iso;
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadInt( &i );
  switch(i) {
  case ON_Surface::not_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::not_iso;
  case ON_Surface::x_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::x_iso;
  case ON_Surface::y_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::y_iso;
  case ON_Surface::W_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::W_iso;
  case ON_Surface::S_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::S_iso;
  case ON_Surface::E_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::E_iso;
  case ON_Surface::N_iso:
    m_iso = ON_Surface::N_iso;

  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadInt( &m_li );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadDouble( 2, m_tolerance );
  if ( file.Archive3dmVersion() >= 3 && file.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() >= 200206180 )
    // read trim proxy curve information added in version 200206180
    ON_Interval d = ProxyCurveDomain();
    if (rc )
      rc = file.ReadInterval( d );
      if ( !rc )
        d = ProxyCurveDomain();
    unsigned char b[24];
    bool bProxyCurveIsReversed = false;
    if (rc)
      rc = file.ReadChar(8,b);
      if (rc && b[0] == 1 )
        bProxyCurveIsReversed = true;
    if (rc)
      rc = file.ReadChar(24,b);

    if ( bProxyCurveIsReversed )
    if ( rc )
      rc = file.ReadPoint( P[0] ); //m_P[0] );
    if ( rc )
      rc = file.ReadPoint( P[1] ); //m_P[1] );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadDouble( &m__legacy_2d_tol );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.ReadDouble( &m__legacy_3d_tol );
  return rc;
Esempio n. 6
BOOL ON_Layer::Read(
       ON_BinaryArchive& file // restore definition from binary archive
  int obsolete_value1 = 0; // see ON_Layer::Write
  int major_version=0;
  int minor_version=0;
  int mode = ON::normal_layer;
  BOOL rc = file.Read3dmChunkVersion(&major_version,&minor_version);
  if ( rc && major_version == 1 )
    // common to all 1.x formats
    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadInt( &mode );
    if ( rc )
      case 0: // OBSOLETE ON::normal_layer
        m_bVisible = true;
        m_bLocked = false;
      case 1: // OBSOLETE ON::hidden_layer
        m_bVisible = false;
        m_bLocked = false;
      case 2: // OBSOLETE ON::locked_layer
        m_bVisible = true;
        m_bLocked = true;
        m_bVisible = true;
        m_bLocked = false;
    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadInt( &m_layer_index );
    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadInt( &m_iges_level );
    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadInt( &m_material_index );
    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadInt( &obsolete_value1 );
    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadColor( m_color );

      // OBSOLETE line style was never used - read and discard the next 20 bytes
      short s;
      double x;
      if (rc) file.ReadShort(&s);
      if (rc) file.ReadShort(&s);
      if (rc) file.ReadDouble(&x);
      if (rc) file.ReadDouble(&x);

    if ( rc ) rc = file.ReadString( m_name );
    if ( rc && minor_version >= 1 )
      rc = file.ReadBool(&m_bVisible);
      if ( rc && minor_version >= 2 )
        rc = file.ReadInt( &m_linetype_index);
        if (rc && minor_version >= 3 )
          // 23 March 2005 Dale Lear
          rc = file.ReadColor( m_plot_color);
          if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble( &m_plot_weight_mm);

          if (rc && minor_version >= 4 )
            rc = file.ReadBool(&m_bLocked);
            if (rc && minor_version >= 5 )
              rc = file.ReadUuid(m_layer_id);
              if ( rc
                   && minor_version >= 6
                   && file.ArchiveOpenNURBSVersion() > 200505110
                // Some files saved with opennurbs version 200505110
                // do not contain correctly written m_parent_layer_id
                // and m_bExpanded values.
                // It is ok to default these values.
                rc = file.ReadUuid(m_parent_layer_id);
                if (rc)
                  rc = file.ReadBool(&m_bExpanded);


              if ( rc && minor_version >= 7 )
                // 1.7 field - added 6 June 2006
                rc = m_rendering_attributes.Read(file);

                if ( rc && minor_version >= 8 )
                  // 1.8 field - added 19 Sep 2006
                  rc = file.ReadUuid(m_display_material_id);

    if ( ON_UuidIsNil(m_layer_id) )
      // old files didn't have layer ids and we need unique ones.
  else {
    ON_ERROR("ON_Layer::Read() encountered a layer written by future code.");
    rc = false;

  return rc;