int handle_send_log(ObPacket* ob_packet) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer* data_buffer = ob_packet->get_buffer(); if (NULL == data_buffer) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "data_buffer is NUll should not reach this"); ret = OB_ERROR; } else { tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection(); char buf[10 * 1024]; ObDataBuffer out_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf)); ObResultCode response; response.result_code_ = OB_SUCCESS; response.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); TBSYS_LOG(DEBUG, "recv send log request, ret=%d", ret); int32_t version = 1; int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId(); ret = send_response(OB_SEND_LOG_RES, version, out_buffer, connection, channel_id); TBSYS_LOG(DEBUG, "send log response, ret=%d", ret); } return ret; }
int MockMergeServer::ms_scan(const int64_t start_time,const int32_t version,const int32_t channel_id,tbnet::Connection* connection,common::ObDataBuffer& in_buffer,common::ObDataBuffer& out_buffer,const int64_t timeout_us) { ObResultCode rc; rc.result_code_ = OB_SUCCESS; int ret = OB_SUCCESS; const int32_t MS_SCAN_VERSION = 1; ret = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ObScanner result_scanner; ObCellInfo cell; cell.table_name_.assign((char*)"table1", 6); //TODO char rowkey[30 * 1024]; cell.row_key_.assign(rowkey, 30 * 1024); cell.column_name_.assign((char*)"column1", 7); cell.value_.set_int(0xff); ret = result_scanner.add_cell(cell); result_scanner.set_is_req_fullfilled(true, 1); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = result_scanner.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(),out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = this->send_response(OB_SCAN_RESPONSE, MS_SCAN_VERSION, out_buffer, connection, channel_id, 0); } } return ret; }
int handle_grant_lease(ObPacket* ob_packet) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer* data_buffer = ob_packet->get_buffer(); if (NULL == data_buffer) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "data_buffer is NUll should not reach this"); ret = OB_ERROR; } else { tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection(); char buf[10 * 1024]; ObDataBuffer out_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf)); ObLease lease; ret = lease.deserialize(data_buffer->get_data(), data_buffer->get_capacity(), data_buffer->get_position()); TBSYS_LOG(DEBUG, "recv grant lease request, lease_time=%ld, lease_interval=%ld, " "ret=%d", lease.lease_time, lease.lease_interval, ret); ObResultCode response; response.result_code_ = OB_SUCCESS; response.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); int32_t version = 1; int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId(); ret = send_response(OB_GRANT_LEASE_RESPONSE, version, out_buffer, connection, channel_id); TBSYS_LOG(DEBUG, "send grant lease response, ret=%d", ret); } return ret; }
int handle_renew_lease(ObPacket* ob_packet) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer* data_buffer = ob_packet->get_buffer(); if (NULL == data_buffer) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "data_buffer is NUll should not reach this"); ret = OB_ERROR; } else { ObServer slave_addr; char addr_buf[1024]; ret = slave_addr.deserialize(data_buffer->get_data(), data_buffer->get_capacity(), data_buffer->get_position()); slave_addr.to_string(addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)); addr_buf[sizeof(addr_buf) - 1] = '\0'; TBSYS_LOG(DEBUG, "recv renew lease request, slave_addr=%s, ret=%d", addr_buf, ret); tbnet::Connection* connection = ob_packet->get_connection(); char buf[10 * 1024]; ObDataBuffer out_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf)); ObResultCode response; response.result_code_ = OB_SUCCESS; response.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); int32_t version = 1; int32_t channel_id = ob_packet->getChannelId(); ret = send_response(OB_RENEW_LEASE_RESPONSE, version, out_buffer, connection, channel_id); TBSYS_LOG(DEBUG, "send renew lease response, ret=%d", ret); } return ret; }
int ObFileService::handle_send_file_request( const int32_t version, const int32_t channel_id, easy_request_t* request, common::ObDataBuffer& in_buffer, common::ObDataBuffer& out_buffer) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; bool inc_concurrency_count_flag = false; int32_t response_cid = channel_id; int64_t session_id = queue_thread_->generate_session_id(); const char* src_ip; //FILL_TRACE_LOG("handle_send_file_request"); if (!inited_) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "ob file client is not inited yet."); } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && NULL == request) { ret = OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Connection param in receive_file_loop should not be null"); } if (request != NULL && request->ms != NULL && request->ms->c != NULL) { src_ip = get_peer_ip(request); } else { src_ip = ""; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "can't get src ip for send_file_request"); } if (DEFAULT_VERSION != version) { ret = OB_ERROR_FUNC_VERSION; TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "Can'd handle send_file_request in different version:" "Server version:%d, Packet version:%d", DEFAULT_VERSION, version); // send back error message ObResultCode rc; rc.result_code_ = OB_ERROR_FUNC_VERSION; int err = OB_SUCCESS; out_buffer.get_position() = 0; err = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Encode result code failed:ret=[%d]", err); } else { err = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION, out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send error message for OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST failed:" "ret[%d]", err); } } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = inc_concurrency_count(); if(OB_SUCCESS == ret) { inc_concurrency_count_flag = true; } else { // send back error message ObResultCode rc; int err = OB_SUCCESS; rc.result_code_ = ret; out_buffer.get_position() = 0; err = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Encode result code failed:ret=[%d]", err); } else { err = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION, out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send error message for OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST failed:" "ret[%d]", err); } } } } // handle... ObFileAppender file_appender; int64_t file_size; ObString file_path; ObString tmp_file_path; char file_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; char tmp_file_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; int64_t t1 = tbsys::CTimeUtil::getTime(); file_path.assign_buffer(file_path_buf, sizeof(file_path_buf)); tmp_file_path.assign_buffer(tmp_file_path_buf, sizeof(tmp_file_path_buf)); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = receive_file_pre(file_appender, file_size, file_path, tmp_file_path, request, in_buffer, out_buffer, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "Prepare for receive_file failed: ret=[%d]", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = receive_file_loop(file_path, tmp_file_path, file_size, file_appender, request, out_buffer, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "Reveive_file_loop failed:ret=[%d]", ret); } } int64_t duration = tbsys::CTimeUtil::getTime() - t1; if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && duration == 0) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "duration of recieve time should not be zero"); ret = OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "Recieve file from server[%s] to file_path[%.*s] " "tmp_file_path[%.*s] filesize[%ld] time[%ld]us speed[%ld]KB/s", src_ip, file_path.length(), file_path.ptr(), tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr(), file_size, duration, file_size*1000000/1024/duration); } else { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "Recieve file from server[%s] to file_path[%.*s] " "tmp_file_path[%.*s] failed, filesize[%ld] cost time[%ld]:ret[%d]", src_ip, file_path.length(), file_path.ptr(), tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr(), file_size, duration, ret); } if (inc_concurrency_count_flag) { dec_concurrency_count(); } int tmp_ret = queue_thread_->destroy_session(session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != tmp_ret) { ret = tmp_ret; } //PRINT_TRACE_LOG(); return ret; }
int ObFileService::receive_file_end(ObString& file_path, ObString& tmp_file_path, const int64_t file_size, easy_request_t* request, ObDataBuffer& out_buffer, int32_t& response_cid, const int64_t session_id) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; struct stat file_stat; char tmp_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; char path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; int n = snprintf(tmp_path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s", tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr()); if (n<0 || n>=OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get tmp_file_path length[%d] [%.*s]", n, tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr()); ret = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW; } else if (stat(tmp_path_buf, &file_stat) != 0) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "stat tmp_file_path[%s] failed: %s", tmp_path_buf, strerror(errno)); ret = OB_IO_ERROR; } n = snprintf(path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s", file_path.length(), file_path.ptr()); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && (n<0 || n>=OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get path_buf length[%d] [%.*s]", n, file_path.length(), file_path.ptr()); ret = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW; } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && file_stat.st_size != file_size) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "The size of received tmp file size[%ld], " "remote file size[%ld]", file_stat.st_size, file_size); ret = OB_INVALID_DATA; } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && 0 != rename(tmp_path_buf, path_buf)) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "Rename [%s] to path[%s] failed: errno[%d] %s", tmp_path_buf, path_buf, errno, strerror(errno)); ret = OB_IO_ERROR; } int err = OB_SUCCESS; ObResultCode rc; rc.result_code_ = ret; err = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Encode result code failed:ret=[%d]", err); } if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { err = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION, out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send send_file_end_response failed:ret[%d]", err); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != err) { ret = err; } return ret; }
int ObFileService::receive_file_block(ObFileAppender& file_appender, char* block_buf, easy_request_t* request, ObDataBuffer& in_buffer, ObDataBuffer& out_buffer, int32_t & response_cid, const int64_t session_id) { int err = OB_SUCCESS; int64_t offset; int64_t read_size = -1; //FILL_TRACE_LOG("Start receive_file_block"); if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { err = serialization::decode_i64(in_buffer.get_data(), in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position(), &offset); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode offset failed: err=[%d]", err); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { if (NULL == serialization::decode_vstr(in_buffer.get_data(), in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position(), block_buf, block_size_, &read_size)) { err = OB_DESERIALIZE_ERROR; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode block failed"); } } //FILL_TRACE_LOG("decode end"); // write file block if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { const bool is_fsync = false; err = file_appender.append(block_buf, read_size, is_fsync); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Appender file block failed:err=[%d]", err); } } //FILL_TRACE_LOG("append end"); // send response ObResultCode rc; int ret = OB_SUCCESS; rc.result_code_ = err; if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Encode result code failed:ret=[%d]", ret); } } //FILL_TRACE_LOG("encode end"); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = queue_thread_->prepare_for_next_request(session_id); if(OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "prepare for next request fail:ret[%d]", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION, out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send send_file_end_response failed:ret[%d]", ret); } } //FILL_TRACE_LOG("send response end"); if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != err) { ret = err; } return ret; }
int ObFileService::receive_file_pre(ObFileAppender& file_appender, int64_t& file_size, ObString& file_path, ObString& tmp_file_path, easy_request_t* request, ObDataBuffer& in_buffer, ObDataBuffer& out_buffer, int32_t& response_cid, const int64_t session_id) { int err = OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { err = serialization::decode_i64(in_buffer.get_data(), in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position(), &file_size); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode file_info failed: err=[%d]", err); } } char dest_dir_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; ObString dest_dir; dest_dir.assign_buffer(dest_dir_buf, sizeof(dest_dir_buf)); if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { err = dest_dir.deserialize(in_buffer.get_data(), in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode dest_dir failed:err=[%d]", err); } } char dest_file_name_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; ObString dest_file_name; dest_file_name.assign_buffer(dest_file_name_buf, sizeof(dest_file_name_buf)); if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { err = dest_file_name.deserialize(in_buffer.get_data(), in_buffer.get_capacity(), in_buffer.get_position()); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Decode dest_file_name failed:err=[%d]", err); } } // check dir if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { err = check_dir(dest_dir, file_size); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Check dir failed:err=[%d]", err); } } // generate tmp_file_path and file_path char file_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; char tmp_file_path_buf[OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { const char tmp_file_prefix[]= "tmp_"; int64_t count = 0; count = snprintf(file_path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s/%.*s", dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr()); if (count<0 || count >= OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) { err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "snprintf file name failed, return[%ld] [%.*s]/[%.*s]", count, dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr()); } count = file_path.write(file_path_buf, static_cast<ObString::obstr_size_t>(strlen(file_path_buf))); if (count != static_cast<int>(strlen(file_path_buf))) { err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Write file_path_buf to ObString failed"); } count = snprintf(tmp_file_path_buf, OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH, "%.*s/%s%.*s", dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), tmp_file_prefix, dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr()); if (count <0 || count >= OB_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) { err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "snprintf tmp file name failed, return[%ld] [%.*s]/[%s][%.*s]", count, dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), tmp_file_prefix, dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr()); } count = tmp_file_path.write(tmp_file_path_buf, static_cast<ObString::obstr_size_t>(strlen(tmp_file_path_buf))); if (count != static_cast<int>(strlen(tmp_file_path_buf))) { err = OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Write tmp_file_path_buf to ObString failed"); } } // check if the tmp_file and the dest file exist already if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { if (0 == access(tmp_file_path_buf, F_OK)) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Tmp file [%s] already exists", tmp_file_path_buf); err = OB_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST; } if (0 == access(file_path_buf, F_OK)) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "File [%s] already exists", file_path_buf); err = OB_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST; } } // log operation if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "start receive file: dir[%.*s] file_name[%.*s] " "tmp_file_path[%.*s] from server [%s]", dest_dir.length(), dest_dir.ptr(), dest_file_name.length(), dest_file_name.ptr(), tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr(), get_peer_ip(request)); } // open tmp file if (OB_SUCCESS == err) { bool is_dio = true; bool is_create = true; bool is_trunc = true; err =, is_dio, is_create, is_trunc); if (OB_SUCCESS != err) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "open file_appender failed:tmp_file[%.*s] err[%d]", tmp_file_path.length(), tmp_file_path.ptr(), err); } } // send response ObResultCode rc; int ret = OB_SUCCESS; rc.result_code_ = err; out_buffer.get_position() = 0; if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = rc.serialize(out_buffer.get_data(), out_buffer.get_capacity(), out_buffer.get_position()); if(OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Serialize result code failed:ret=[%d]", ret); } } if(OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = queue_thread_->prepare_for_next_request(session_id); if(OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "prepare for next request fail:ret=[%d]", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = server_->send_response(OB_SEND_FILE_REQUEST_RESPONSE, DEFAULT_VERSION, out_buffer, request, response_cid, session_id); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "Send send_file_request_response failed:ret=[%d]", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS != err) { ret = err; } return ret; }