Esempio n. 1
CollisionEvents& PhysicsEngine::getCollisionEvents() {
    const uint32_t CONTINUE_EVENT_FILTER_FREQUENCY = 10;

    // scan known contacts and trigger events
    ContactMap::iterator contactItr = _contactMap.begin();

    while (contactItr != _contactMap.end()) {
        ContactInfo& contact = contactItr->second;
        ContactEventType type = contact.computeType(_numContactFrames);
            ObjectMotionState* motionStateA = static_cast<ObjectMotionState*>(contactItr->first._a);
            ObjectMotionState* motionStateB = static_cast<ObjectMotionState*>(contactItr->first._b);
            glm::vec3 velocityChange = (motionStateA ? motionStateA->getObjectLinearVelocityChange() : glm::vec3(0.0f)) +
                (motionStateB ? motionStateB->getObjectLinearVelocityChange() : glm::vec3(0.0f));

            if (motionStateA && motionStateA->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
                QUuid idA = motionStateA->getObjectID();
                QUuid idB;
                if (motionStateB && motionStateB->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
                    idB = motionStateB->getObjectID();
                glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(contact.getPositionWorldOnB()) + _originOffset;
                glm::vec3 penetration = bulletToGLM(contact.distance * contact.normalWorldOnB);
                _collisionEvents.push_back(Collision(type, idA, idB, position, penetration, velocityChange));
            } else if (motionStateB && motionStateB->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
                QUuid idB = motionStateB->getObjectID();
                glm::vec3 position = bulletToGLM(contact.getPositionWorldOnA()) + _originOffset;
                // NOTE: we're flipping the order of A and B (so that the first objectID is never NULL)
                // hence we must negate the penetration.
                glm::vec3 penetration = - bulletToGLM(contact.distance * contact.normalWorldOnB);
                _collisionEvents.push_back(Collision(type, idB, QUuid(), position, penetration, velocityChange));

        if (type == CONTACT_EVENT_TYPE_END) {
            ContactMap::iterator iterToDelete = contactItr;
        } else {
    return _collisionEvents;
void PhysicalEntitySimulation::handleOutgoingChanges(const VectorOfMotionStates& motionStates, const QUuid& sessionID) {
    QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex);

    // walk the motionStates looking for those that correspond to entities
    for (auto stateItr : motionStates) {
        ObjectMotionState* state = &(*stateItr);
        if (state && state->getType() == MOTIONSTATE_TYPE_ENTITY) {
            EntityMotionState* entityState = static_cast<EntityMotionState*>(state);
            EntityItemPointer entity = entityState->getEntity();
            if (entityState->isCandidateForOwnership(sessionID)) {

    uint32_t numSubsteps = _physicsEngine->getNumSubsteps();
    if (_lastStepSendPackets != numSubsteps) {
        _lastStepSendPackets = numSubsteps;

        if (sessionID.isNull()) {
            // usually don't get here, but if so --> nothing to do

        // look for entities to prune or update
        QSet<EntityMotionState*>::iterator stateItr = _outgoingChanges.begin();
        while (stateItr != _outgoingChanges.end()) {
            EntityMotionState* state = *stateItr;
            if (!state->isCandidateForOwnership(sessionID)) {
                // prune
                stateItr = _outgoingChanges.erase(stateItr);
            } else if (state->shouldSendUpdate(numSubsteps, sessionID)) {
                // update
                state->sendUpdate(_entityPacketSender, sessionID, numSubsteps);
            } else {