Esempio n. 1
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Approx_Nearest_Neighbour_Search)

  const unsigned int test_runs = 100;
  unsigned int test_id;

  unsigned int bestMatchCount = 0;

  // instantiate point cloud
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  size_t i;
  srand (time (NULL));

  double voxelResolution = 0.1;

  // create octree
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ> octree (voxelResolution);
  octree.setInputCloud (cloudIn);

  for (test_id = 0; test_id < test_runs; test_id++)
    // define a random search point

    PointXYZ searchPoint (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX), 10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                          10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    // generate point cloud
    cloudIn->width = 1000;
    cloudIn->height = 1;
    cloudIn->points.resize (cloudIn->width * cloudIn->height);
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      cloudIn->points[i] = PointXYZ (5.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    // brute force search
    double pointDist;
    double BFdistance = numeric_limits<double>::max ();
    int BFindex = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < cloudIn->points.size (); i++)
      pointDist = ((cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x) * (cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x)
          + (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) * (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) + (cloudIn->points[i].z
          - searchPoint.z) * (cloudIn->points[i].z - searchPoint.z));

      if (pointDist<BFdistance)
        BFindex = i;
        BFdistance = pointDist;


    int ANNindex;
    float ANNdistance;

    // octree approx. nearest neighbor search
    octree.approxNearestSearch (searchPoint,  ANNindex, ANNdistance);

    if (BFindex==ANNindex)
      EXPECT_NEAR (ANNdistance, BFdistance, 1e-4);


  // we should have found the absolute nearest neighbor at least once
  ASSERT_EQ ( (bestMatchCount > 0) , true);

Esempio n. 2
TEST (PCL, Octree_Pointcloud_Nearest_K_Neighbour_Search)

  const unsigned int test_runs = 1;
  unsigned int test_id;

  // instantiate point cloud
  PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudIn (new PointCloud<PointXYZ> ());

  size_t i;

  srand (time (NULL));

  unsigned int K;

  std::priority_queue<prioPointQueueEntry, std::vector<prioPointQueueEntry, Eigen::aligned_allocator<prioPointQueueEntry> > > pointCandidates;

  // create octree
  OctreePointCloud<PointXYZ> octree (0.1);
  octree.setInputCloud (cloudIn);

  std::vector<int> k_indices;
  std::vector<float> k_sqr_distances;

  std::vector<int> k_indices_bruteforce;
  std::vector<float> k_sqr_distances_bruteforce;

  for (test_id = 0; test_id < test_runs; test_id++)
    // define a random search point

    PointXYZ searchPoint (10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX), 10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                          10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    K = rand () % 10;

    // generate point cloud
    cloudIn->width = 1000;
    cloudIn->height = 1;
    cloudIn->points.resize (cloudIn->width * cloudIn->height);
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      cloudIn->points[i] = PointXYZ (5.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX),
                                     10.0 * ((double)rand () / (double)RAND_MAX));

    double pointDist;



    // push all points and their distance to the search point into a priority queue - bruteforce approach.
    for (i = 0; i < cloudIn->points.size (); i++)
      pointDist = ((cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x) * (cloudIn->points[i].x - searchPoint.x)
          + (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) * (cloudIn->points[i].y - searchPoint.y) + (cloudIn->points[i].z
          - searchPoint.z) * (cloudIn->points[i].z - searchPoint.z));

      prioPointQueueEntry pointEntry (cloudIn->points[i], pointDist, i);

      pointCandidates.push (pointEntry);

    // pop priority queue until we have the nearest K elements
    while (pointCandidates.size () > K)
      pointCandidates.pop ();

    // copy results into vectors
    while (pointCandidates.size ())
      k_indices_bruteforce.push_back ( ().pointIdx_);
      k_sqr_distances_bruteforce.push_back ( ().pointDistance_);

      pointCandidates.pop ();

    // octree nearest neighbor search
    octree.nearestKSearch (searchPoint, (int)K, k_indices, k_sqr_distances);

    ASSERT_EQ ( k_indices.size() , k_indices_bruteforce.size() );

    // compare nearest neighbor results of octree with bruteforce search
    i = 0;
    while (k_indices_bruteforce.size ())
      ASSERT_EQ ( k_indices.back() , k_indices_bruteforce.back() );
      EXPECT_NEAR (k_sqr_distances.back(), k_sqr_distances_bruteforce.back(), 1e-4);




