Esempio n. 1
 void logPosition() const {
     if (_player) {
         if (_player->thisTime() != OpTime()) {
             log() << "Exiting while processing operation with OpTime " << _player->thisTimeStr() << endl;
         OpTime t = _player->maxOpTimeSynced();
         string tsString = mongoutils::str::stream() << t.getSecs() << ":" << t.getInc();
         log() << "Use --ts=" << tsString << " to resume." << endl;
         try {
             std::ofstream tsFile;
             tsFile.exceptions(std::ifstream::badbit | std::ifstream::failbit);
   , std::ofstream::trunc);
             tsFile << tsString;
             log() << "Saved timestamp to file "
                   << (boost::filesystem::current_path() / _tsFilename).string() << "." << endl;
             log() << "I'll automatically use this value next time if you run from this directory "
                   << "and don't pass --ts." << endl;
         catch (std::exception &e) {
             warning() << "Error saving timestamp to file " << _tsFilename << ": " << e.what() << endl;
             warning() << "Make sure you save the timestamp somewhere, because I couldn't!" << endl;
Esempio n. 2
static string fmtOpTime(const OpTime &t) {
    stringstream ss;
    ss << t.getSecs() << ":" << t.getInc();
    return ss.str();
Esempio n. 3
    virtual int doRun() {

        // authenticate
        enum Auth::Level authLevel = Auth::NONE;
        auth("", &authLevel);
        uassert(15935, "user does not have write access", authLevel == Auth::WRITE);

        boost::filesystem::path root = getParam("dir");

        // check if we're actually talking to a machine that can write
        if (!isMaster()) {
            return -1;

        if (isMongos() && _db == "" && exists(root / "config")) {
            log() << "Cannot do a full restore on a sharded system" << endl;
            return -1;

        _drop = hasParam( "drop" );
        _keepIndexVersion = hasParam("keepIndexVersion");
        _restoreOptions = !hasParam("noOptionsRestore");
        _restoreIndexes = !hasParam("noIndexRestore");
        _w = getParam( "w" , 1 );

        bool doOplog = hasParam( "oplogReplay" );

        if (doOplog) {
            // fail early if errors

            if (_db != "") {
                log() << "Can only replay oplog on full restore" << endl;
                return -1;

            if ( ! exists(root / "oplog.bson") ) {
                log() << "No oplog file to replay. Make sure you run mongodump with --oplog." << endl;
                return -1;

            BSONObj out;
            if (! conn().simpleCommand("admin", &out, "buildinfo")) {
                log() << "buildinfo command failed: " << out["errmsg"].String() << endl;
                return -1;

            StringData version = out["version"].valuestr();
            if (versionCmp(version, "1.7.4-pre-") < 0) {
                log() << "Can only replay oplog to server version >= 1.7.4" << endl;
                return -1;

            string oplogLimit = getParam( "oplogLimit", "" );
            string oplogInc = "0";

            if(!oplogLimit.empty()) {
                size_t i = oplogLimit.find_first_of(':');
                if ( i != string::npos ) {
                    if ( i + 1 < oplogLimit.length() ) {
                        oplogInc = oplogLimit.substr(i + 1);

                    oplogLimit = oplogLimit.substr(0, i);

                try {
                    _oplogLimitTS.reset(new OpTime(
                        boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(oplogLimit.c_str()),
                        boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(oplogInc.c_str())));
                } catch( const boost::bad_lexical_cast& error) {
                    log() << "Could not parse oplogLimit into Timestamp from values ( "
                          << oplogLimit << " , " << oplogInc << " )"
                          << endl;
                    return -1;

                if (!oplogLimit.empty()) {
                    // Only for a replica set as master will have no-op entries so we would need to
                    // skip them all to find the real op
                    scoped_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor(
                            conn().query("", Query().sort(BSON("$natural" << -1)),
                                         1 /*return first*/));
                    OpTime tsOptime;
                    // get newest oplog entry and make sure it is older than the limit to apply.
                    if (cursor->more()) {
                        tsOptime = cursor->next().getField("ts")._opTime();
                        if (tsOptime > *_oplogLimitTS.get()) {
                            log() << "The oplogLimit is not newer than"
                                  << " the last oplog entry on the server."
                                  << endl;
                            return -1;

                    BSONObjBuilder tsRestrictBldr;
                    if (!tsOptime.isNull())
                        tsRestrictBldr.appendTimestamp("$gt", tsOptime.asDate());
                    tsRestrictBldr.appendTimestamp("$lt", _oplogLimitTS->asDate());

                    BSONObj query = BSON("ts" << tsRestrictBldr.obj());

                    if (!tsOptime.isNull()) {
                        log() << "Latest oplog entry on the server is " << tsOptime.getSecs()
                                << ":" << tsOptime.getInc() << endl;
                        log() << "Only applying oplog entries matching this criteria: "
                                << query.jsonString() << endl;
                    _opmatcher.reset(new Matcher(query));

        /* If _db is not "" then the user specified a db name to restore as.
         * In that case we better be given either a root directory that
         * contains only .bson files or a single .bson file  (a db).
         * In the case where a collection name is specified we better be
         * given either a root directory that contains only a single
         * .bson file, or a single .bson file itself (a collection).
        drillDown(root, _db != "", _coll != "", !(_oplogLimitTS.get() == NULL), true);

        // should this happen for oplog replay as well?
        conn().getLastError(_db == "" ? "admin" : _db);

        if (doOplog) {
            log() << "\t Replaying oplog" << endl;
            _curns = OPLOG_SENTINEL;
            processFile( root / "oplog.bson" );
            log() << "Applied " << _oplogEntryApplies << " oplog entries out of "
                  << _oplogEntryApplies + _oplogEntrySkips << " (" << _oplogEntrySkips
                  << " skipped)." << endl;

        return EXIT_CLEAN;
Esempio n. 4
 void BuilderObj::append(const OpTime& ot) {
     pBuilder->appendTimestamp(fieldName, ot.getSecs(), ot.getInc());
Esempio n. 5
 void BuilderArray::append(const OpTime& ot) {
     pBuilder->appendTimestamp(ot.getSecs(), ot.getInc());