bool WayCleaner::hasDuplicateCoords(ConstWayPtr way, const OsmMap& map, const bool logDetails) { const vector<long> nodeIds = way->getNodeIds(); if (nodeIds.size() == 2 && map.getNode(>toCoordinate() == map.getNode(>toCoordinate()) { if (logDetails) { LOG_WARN( "Duplicate coordinate " << map.getNode(>toCoordinate() << " for node with ID:'s " << nodeIds[0] << " and " << nodeIds[1] << " found at indexes 0 and 1; For way with ID: " << way->getElementId().getId()); LOG_VARW(nodeIds); } return true; } bool found = false; QList<Coordinate> coords; for (size_t i = 0; i < nodeIds.size(); i++) { const Coordinate coord = map.getNode(nodeIds[i])->toCoordinate(); if (coords.contains(coord)) { //the only duplicated coords allowed are the first and last for a closed way, if the node ID's //match if (i == (nodeIds.size() - 1) && nodeIds[0] == nodeIds[i]) { found = false; } else { found = true; } if (found) { if (logDetails) { LOG_WARN( "Duplicate coord " << map.getNode(nodeIds[i])->toCoordinate() << " for node with ID: " << nodeIds[i] << " found at index: " << i << " For way with ID: " << way->getElementId().getId()); LOG_VARW(nodeIds); } return found; } } else { coords.append(coord); } } return found; }
void Node::visitRo(const OsmMap& map, ElementVisitor& filter) const { filter.visit(map.getNode(getId())); }
void Node::visitRw(OsmMap& map, ElementVisitor& filter) { filter.visit(map.getNode(getId())); }