Esempio n. 1
int main()
    const std::string examplesPath= "/home/remi/pred/DGtal_PRED/Source/Experience/";
    std::string filename =  examplesPath + "samples/contourS.pgm";
    Image image = DGtal::PNMReader<Image>::importPGM(filename); << "Imported image: "<<image<<endl;

    DGtal::Board2D aBoard;
    aBoard << image.domain();
    Display2DFactory::drawImage<Gray>(aBoard, image, (unsigned char)0, (unsigned char)255);

    typedef IntervalForegroundPredicate<Image> Binarizer;
    Binarizer b(image,1, 135);
    typedef DGtal::DistanceTransformation<Z2i::Space, Binarizer, 2> DTL2;
    typedef DTL2::OutputImage OutputImage;
    DTL2 dt(image.domain(),b);

    OutputImage result = dt.compute();

    OutputImage::Value maxDT = (*std::max_element(result.begin(),
    typedef DGtal::HueShadeColorMap<OutputImage::Value,2> HueTwice;

    Display2DFactory::drawImage<HueTwice>(aBoard, result, (OutputImage::Value)0, (OutputImage::Value)maxDT);
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    QApplication application(argc,argv);

    DGtal::Viewer3D viewer;

    DGtal::Z3i::Point center(0,0,0);
    DGtal::ImplicitRoundedHyperCube<Z3i::Space> myCube( center, 20, 2.8);
    DGtal::Z3i::Domain domain(myCube.getLowerBound(),

    DGtal::Z3i::DigitalSet mySet(domain);

    DGtal::Shapes<DGtal::Z3i::Domain>::euclideanShaper( mySet, myCube);;
    // viewer << mySet << DGtal::Display3D::updateDisplay;

    //! [ImageSetDT-DT]
    typedef DGtal::SetPredicate<DGtal::Z3i::DigitalSet> Predicate;
    Predicate aPredicate(mySet);

    typedef DGtal::DistanceTransformation<Z3i::Space, Predicate, 2> DTL2;
    typedef DTL2::OutputImage OutputImage;
    DTL2 dt(domain,aPredicate);

    OutputImage result = dt.compute();
    //! [ImageSetDT-DT]

    OutputImage::Value maxDT = (*std::max_element(result.begin(),

    GradientColorMap<OutputImage::Value> gradient( 0, maxDT);

    for(Z3i::Domain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(),
            itend = domain.end(); it != itend;
        if (result(*it) != 0)
            OutputImage::Value  val= result( *it );
            DGtal::Color c= gradient(val);

            viewer <<  DGtal::CustomColors3D(c,c) << *it    ;


    viewer << DGtal::ClippingPlane(1,0,0,0);
    //@todo updateDisplay is in Display3D or Viewer3D (cf doc)?
    viewer << DGtal::Display3D::updateDisplay;

    return application.exec();

bool ImageWriterEXR::writeStandardImage(const std::string& filePath, const OutputImage& image, unsigned int channels, bool fullFloat)
	unsigned int width = image.getWidth();
	unsigned int height = image.getHeight();

	Imf::Header header(width, height);

	Imf::StringAttribute sourceAttribute;
	sourceAttribute.value() = "Created with Imagine 0.98";
	header.insert("comments", sourceAttribute);

	Imf::PixelType pixelType = (fullFloat) ? Imf::FLOAT : Imf::HALF;

	if (channels & ImageWriter::RGB)
		header.channels().insert("R", Imf::Channel(pixelType));
		header.channels().insert("G", Imf::Channel(pixelType));
		header.channels().insert("B", Imf::Channel(pixelType));

	if (channels & ImageWriter::ALPHA)
		header.channels().insert("A", Imf::Channel(pixelType));

	// if we haven't got any depth data, don't bother
	if (!(image.components() & COMPONENT_DEPTH))
		channels = channels & ~ImageWriter::DEPTH;

	if (channels & ImageWriter::DEPTH)
		header.channels().insert("Z", Imf::Channel(pixelType));

	// if we haven't got any normal data, don't bother
	if (!(image.components() & COMPONENT_NORMAL))
		channels = channels & ~ImageWriter::NORMALS;

	if (channels & ImageWriter::NORMALS)
		header.channels().insert("normal.X", Imf::Channel(pixelType));
		header.channels().insert("normal.Y", Imf::Channel(pixelType));
		header.channels().insert("normal.Z", Imf::Channel(pixelType));

	// if we haven't got any wpp data, don't bother
	if (!(image.components() & COMPONENT_WPP))
		channels = channels & ~ImageWriter::WPP;

	if (channels & ImageWriter::WPP)
		header.channels().insert("wpp.X", Imf::Channel(pixelType));
		header.channels().insert("wpp.Y", Imf::Channel(pixelType));
		header.channels().insert("wpp.Z", Imf::Channel(pixelType));

	// if we haven't got shadows, don't write them
	if (!(image.components() & COMPONENT_SHADOWS))
		channels = channels & ~ImageWriter::SHADOWS;

	if (channels & ImageWriter::SHADOWS)
		// cope with Nuke's limitations by putting ".r" on the end so it shows up in channel list...
		header.channels().insert("shadows.r", Imf::Channel(pixelType));

	unsigned int rgbStride = (channels & ImageWriter::ALPHA) ? 4 : 3;

	T* rgba = NULL;
	if (channels & ImageWriter::RGB)
		rgba = new T[width * height * rgbStride];
	T* pDepth = NULL;
	if (channels & ImageWriter::DEPTH)
		pDepth = new T[width * height];
	T* pNormal = NULL;
	if (channels & ImageWriter::NORMALS)
		pNormal = new T[width * height * 3];
	T* pWPP = NULL;
	if (channels & ImageWriter::WPP)
		pWPP = new T[width * height * 3];
	T* pShadows = NULL;
	if (channels & ImageWriter::SHADOWS)
		pShadows = new T[width * height];

	const Colour4f* pRow = NULL;
	const float* pDepthRow = NULL;
	const Colour3f* pNormalRow = NULL;
	const Colour3f* pWPPRow = NULL;
	const float* pShadowsRow = NULL;

	for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++)
		pRow = image.colourRowPtr(y);

		if (channels & ImageWriter::DEPTH)
			pDepthRow = image.depthRowPtr(y);

		if (channels & ImageWriter::NORMALS)
			pNormalRow = image.normalRowPtr(y);

		if (channels & ImageWriter::WPP)
			pWPPRow = image.wppRowPtr(y);

		if (channels & ImageWriter::SHADOWS)
			pShadowsRow = image.shadowsRowPtr(y);

		unsigned int rgbStartPos = width * y * rgbStride;
		unsigned int normalStartPos = width * y * 3;
		unsigned int wppStartPos = width * y * 3;

		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++)
			unsigned int pixelPos = rgbStartPos + (x * rgbStride);

			if (channels & ImageWriter::RGB)
				float red = ColourSpace::convertSRGBToLinearAccurate(pRow->r);
				float green = ColourSpace::convertSRGBToLinearAccurate(pRow->g);
				float blue = ColourSpace::convertSRGBToLinearAccurate(pRow->b);

				rgba[pixelPos++] = red;
				rgba[pixelPos++] = green;
				rgba[pixelPos++] = blue;
				pixelPos += 3;

			if (channels & ImageWriter::ALPHA)
				rgba[pixelPos++] = pRow->a;

			if (channels & ImageWriter::DEPTH)
				pDepth[(width * y) + x] = *pDepthRow++;

			if (channels & ImageWriter::NORMALS && pNormalRow)
				const Colour3f& normal = *pNormalRow;

				unsigned int normalPixelPos = normalStartPos + (x * 3);

				pNormal[normalPixelPos++] = normal.r;
				pNormal[normalPixelPos++] = normal.g;
				pNormal[normalPixelPos++] = normal.b;


			if (channels & ImageWriter::WPP && pWPPRow)
				const Colour3f& wpp = *pWPPRow;

				unsigned int wppPixelPos = wppStartPos + (x * 3);

				pWPP[wppPixelPos++] = wpp.r;
				pWPP[wppPixelPos++] = wpp.g;
				pWPP[wppPixelPos++] = wpp.b;


			if (channels & ImageWriter::SHADOWS)
				pShadows[(width * y) + x] = *pShadowsRow++;


	Imf::FrameBuffer fb;
	if (channels & ImageWriter::RGB)
		fb.insert("R", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)rgba, rgbStride*sizeof(T), rgbStride*width*sizeof(T)));
		fb.insert("G", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)rgba + sizeof(T), rgbStride*sizeof(T), rgbStride*width*sizeof(T)));
		fb.insert("B", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)rgba + 2 * sizeof(T), rgbStride*sizeof(T), rgbStride*width*sizeof(T)));

	if (channels & ImageWriter::ALPHA)
		fb.insert("A", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)rgba+3*sizeof(T), rgbStride*sizeof(T), rgbStride*width*sizeof(T)));

	if (channels & ImageWriter::DEPTH)
		fb.insert("Z", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)&(*pDepth), sizeof(T), width * sizeof(T)));

	if (channels & ImageWriter::NORMALS)
		fb.insert("normal.X", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)pNormal, 3 * sizeof(T), 3 * width * sizeof(T)));
		fb.insert("normal.Y", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)pNormal + sizeof(T), 3*sizeof(T), 3*width*sizeof(T)));
		fb.insert("normal.Z", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)pNormal + 2 * sizeof(T), 3*sizeof(T), 3*width*sizeof(T)));

	if (channels & ImageWriter::WPP)
		fb.insert("wpp.X", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)pWPP, 3 * sizeof(T), 3 * width * sizeof(T)));
		fb.insert("wpp.Y", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)pWPP + sizeof(T), 3*sizeof(T), 3*width*sizeof(T)));
		fb.insert("wpp.Z", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)pWPP + 2 * sizeof(T), 3*sizeof(T), 3*width*sizeof(T)));

	if (channels & ImageWriter::SHADOWS)
		fb.insert("shadows.r", Imf::Slice(pixelType, (char *)&(*pShadows), sizeof(T), width * sizeof(T)));

	Imf::OutputFile file(filePath.c_str(), header);

	if (rgba)
		delete [] rgba;
	if (pDepth)
		delete [] pDepth;
	if (pNormal)
		delete [] pNormal;
	if (pWPP)
		delete [] pWPP;
	if (pShadows)
		delete [] pShadows;

	return true;
bool ImageWriterEXR::writeDeepImage(const std::string& filePath, const OutputImage& image, unsigned int channels)

	unsigned int width = image.getWidth();
	unsigned int height = image.getHeight();

	Imf::Header header(width, height);

	header.channels().insert("A", Imf::Channel(Imf::HALF));
	header.channels().insert("R", Imf::Channel(Imf::HALF));
	header.channels().insert("G", Imf::Channel(Imf::HALF));
	header.channels().insert("B", Imf::Channel(Imf::HALF));

	header.channels().insert("Z", Imf::Channel(Imf::HALF));

	Imf::StringAttribute sourceAttribute;
	sourceAttribute.value() = "Created with Imagine 0.98";
	header.insert("comments", sourceAttribute);


	// we need this...
	header.compression() = Imf::ZIPS_COMPRESSION;
//	header.compression() = Imf::NO_COMPRESSION;

	unsigned int* pSampleCount = new unsigned int[width * height];

	// work out total number of samples for all pixels
	unsigned int totalSamples = 0;
	unsigned int pixelIndex = 0;
	for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++)
		DeepValues* pDeepValues = image.getDeepImage()->colourRowPtr(y);

		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++)
			totalSamples += pDeepValues->numSamples;

			pSampleCount[pixelIndex++] = pDeepValues->numSamples;


	half* pAlphaFullSamples = new half[totalSamples];
	half* pRedFullSamples = new half[totalSamples];
	half* pGreenFullSamples = new half[totalSamples];
	half* pBlueFullSamples = new half[totalSamples];
	half* pZFullSamples = new half[totalSamples];

	const DeepValues* pDeepValues = NULL;

	// accumulate the data for writing...
	std::vector<half*> aAlphaPointers(width * height);
	std::vector<half*> aRedPointers(width * height);
	std::vector<half*> aGreenPointers(width * height);
	std::vector<half*> aBluePointers(width * height);
	std::vector<half*> aZPointers(width * height);

	pixelIndex = 0;
	unsigned int fullSampleIndex = 0;
	for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++)
		pDeepValues = image.getDeepImage()->colourRowPtr(y);

		const DeepValues* pDeepPixelValues = pDeepValues;

		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++)
			unsigned int numSamples = pDeepPixelValues->numSamples;

			half* pAlphaSampleStart = pAlphaFullSamples + fullSampleIndex;
			aAlphaPointers[pixelIndex] = pAlphaSampleStart;
			half* pRedSampleStart = pRedFullSamples + fullSampleIndex;
			aRedPointers[pixelIndex] = pRedSampleStart;
			half* pGreenSampleStart = pGreenFullSamples + fullSampleIndex;
			aGreenPointers[pixelIndex] = pGreenSampleStart;
			half* pBlueSampleStart = pBlueFullSamples + fullSampleIndex;
			aBluePointers[pixelIndex] = pBlueSampleStart;

			half* pZSampleStart = pZFullSamples + fullSampleIndex;
			aZPointers[pixelIndex] = pZSampleStart;

			DeepSample* pDeepSample = pDeepPixelValues->samples;

			// now blit the data over
			for (unsigned int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++)
				*pRedSampleStart++ = pDeepSample->colour.r;
				*pGreenSampleStart++ = pDeepSample->colour.g;
				*pBlueSampleStart++ = pDeepSample->colour.b;

				*pAlphaSampleStart++ = pDeepSample->colour.a;

				*pZSampleStart++ = pDeepSample->depth;



			fullSampleIndex += numSamples;
			pixelIndex ++;

	Imf::DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;

	// write the sample count
	frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice(Imf::Slice(Imf::UINT, (char*)pSampleCount, sizeof(unsigned int), width * sizeof(unsigned int)));

	frameBuffer.insert("A", Imf::DeepSlice(Imf::HALF, (char*)(&aAlphaPointers[0]), sizeof(half*), sizeof(half*) * width, sizeof(half)));
	frameBuffer.insert("R", Imf::DeepSlice(Imf::HALF, (char*)(&aRedPointers[0]), sizeof(half*), sizeof(half*) * width, sizeof(half)));
	frameBuffer.insert("G", Imf::DeepSlice(Imf::HALF, (char*)(&aGreenPointers[0]), sizeof(half*), sizeof(half*) * width, sizeof(half)));
	frameBuffer.insert("B", Imf::DeepSlice(Imf::HALF, (char*)(&aBluePointers[0]), sizeof(half*), sizeof(half*) * width, sizeof(half)));

	frameBuffer.insert("Z", Imf::DeepSlice(Imf::HALF, (char*)(&aZPointers[0]), sizeof(half*), sizeof(half*) * width, sizeof(half)));

	const bool useMultipart = true;

	if (useMultipart)
		Imf::MultiPartOutputFile file(filePath.c_str(), &header, 1);
		Imf::DeepScanLineOutputPart part(file, 0);

		catch (...)
			int one = 5;
		Imf::MultiPartOutputFile file(filePath.c_str(), &header, 1);
		Imf::DeepTiledOutputPart part(file, 0);


			for (int y = 0; y < part.numYTiles(); y++)
				for (int x = 0; x < part.numXTiles(); x++)
					part.writeTile(x, y, 0);
		catch (...)
			int one = 5;
		Imf::DeepScanLineOutputFile file(filePath.c_str(), header);

		catch (...)
			int one = 5;
		Imf::DeepTiledOutputFile file(filePath.c_str(), header);


			file.writeTiles(0, file.numXTiles() - 1, 0, file.numYTiles() - 1);
			for (int y = 0; y < file.numYTiles(); y++)
				for (int x = 0; x < file.numXTiles(); x++)
					file.writeTile(x, y, 0);
		catch (...)
			int one = 5;

	delete [] pSampleCount;

	delete [] pRedFullSamples;
	delete [] pGreenFullSamples;
	delete [] pBlueFullSamples;
	delete [] pAlphaFullSamples;

	delete [] pZFullSamples;
	return true;