Esempio n. 1
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion& data, OutputStream& output) const override
     output.writeCompressedInt (1 + (int) data.binaryValue->getSize());
     output.writeByte (varMarker_Binary);
     output << *data.binaryValue;
Esempio n. 2
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion& data, OutputStream& output) const override
     output.writeCompressedInt (1);
     output.writeByte (data.boolValue ? (char) varMarker_BoolTrue : (char) varMarker_BoolFalse);
Esempio n. 3
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion&, OutputStream& output) const override
     jassertfalse; // Can't write an object to a stream!
     output.writeCompressedInt (0);
Esempio n. 4
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion& data, OutputStream& output) const override
     output.writeCompressedInt (9);
     output.writeByte (varMarker_Int64);
     output.writeInt64 (data.int64Value);
Esempio n. 5
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion& data, OutputStream& output) const override
     output.writeCompressedInt (9);
     output.writeByte (varMarker_Double);
     output.writeDouble (data.doubleValue);
Esempio n. 6
void POVMS_Object::Write(OutputStream& stream, bool append, bool compress)
	POVMSType encoding = kPOVMSRawStreamEncoding;
	POVMSStream headerstream[16];
	POVMSStream *objectstream = NULL;
	POVMSStream *compressedstream = NULL;
	int maxheadersize = 0;
	int maxobjectsize = 0;
	int objectsize = 0;
	int datasize = 0;

		objectsize = POVMSStream_Size(&data);
		if(objectsize == 0)
			throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kNullPointerErr);

		if(append == false)
			datasize = 0;
			maxheadersize = 12; // header

			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteString("POVRAYMS", headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);              // header       8 byte
			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteInt(0x0370, headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);                     // version      4 byte

			if(!stream.write((void *)headerstream, datasize))
				throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kFileDataErr);

		objectstream = new POVMSStream[objectsize];
		maxobjectsize = objectsize;
		(void)POVMSStream_Write(&data, objectstream, &maxobjectsize);

		if(compress == true)
			compressedstream = new POVMSStream[objectsize * 2];

			// compress stream data
			uLongf destlen = (uLongf)(objectsize * 2);
			if(compress2((Bytef *)(compressedstream), &destlen, (Bytef *)(objectstream), (uLongf)(objectsize), Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK)
				throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kCannotHandleDataErr);

			datasize = 0;
			maxheadersize = 12; // header

			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteInt((POVMSInt)(destlen), headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);        // data size    4 byte
			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteType(kPOVMSGZipStreamEncoding, headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);  // encoding     4 byte
			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteInt(objectsize, headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);                 // object size  4 byte

			if(!stream.write((void *)headerstream, datasize))
				throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kFileDataErr);

			if(!stream.write((void *)compressedstream, (int)(destlen)))                                            // data         x byte
				throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kFileDataErr);
			datasize = 0;
			maxheadersize = 8; // header

			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteInt(objectsize, headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);                 // object size  4 byte
			datasize += POVMSStream_WriteType(kPOVMSRawStreamEncoding, headerstream + datasize, &maxheadersize);   // encoding     4 byte

			if(!stream.write((void *)headerstream, datasize))
				throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kFileDataErr);

			if(!stream.write((void *)objectstream, objectsize))                                                    // object       x byte
				throw POV_EXCEPTION_CODE(pov_base::kFileDataErr);

		if(objectstream != NULL)
			delete[] objectstream;
		objectstream = NULL;

		if(compressedstream != NULL)
			delete[] compressedstream;
		compressedstream = NULL;
		if(objectstream != NULL)
			delete[] objectstream;

		if(compressedstream != NULL)
			delete[] compressedstream;

Esempio n. 7
 StandardError::Redirection::Redirection ( OutputStream& output )
     : myPredecessor(set(output.handle()))
Esempio n. 8
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion&, OutputStream& output) const   { output.writeCompressedInt (0); }
 inline void write (OutputStream& output)   {
     output.write (values, 2);
Esempio n. 10
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion& data, OutputStream& output) const
     output.writeCompressedInt (5);
     output.writeByte (varMarker_Int);
     output.writeInt (data.intValue);
Esempio n. 11
 void writeToStream (const ValueUnion&, OutputStream& output) const
     jassertfalse; // Can't write a method to a stream!
     output.writeCompressedInt (0);
Esempio n. 12
	void Definition::Dump(OutputStream& s, int level, bool fLast)
		if(m_predefined) return;

		CStringW tabs(' ', level*4);

		CStringW str = tabs;
		if(m_predefined) str += '?';
		if(m_priority == PLow) str += '*';
		else if(m_priority == PHigh) str += '!';
		if(!IsTypeUnknown() && !m_autotype) str += m_type;
		if(!IsNameUnknown()) str += '#' + m_name;
		str += ':';
		s.PutString(L"%s", str);

			POSITION pos = m_nodes.GetHeadPosition();
				Node* pNode = m_nodes.GetNext(pos);

				if(Reference* pRef = dynamic_cast<Reference*>(pNode))
					pRef->Dump(s, level, fLast);
					s.PutString(L" %s", pNode->m_name);


			if(!fLast && (!m_nodes.IsEmpty() || level == 0)) s.PutString(L"\n");
		else if(m_status == string)
			CStringW str = m_value;
			str.Replace(L"\"", L"\\\"");
			s.PutString(L" \"%s\";\n", str);
		else if(m_status == number)
			CStringW str = m_value;
			if(!m_unit.IsEmpty()) str += m_unit;
			s.PutString(L" %s;\n", str);
		else if(m_status == boolean)
			s.PutString(L" %s;\n", m_value);
		else if(m_status == block)
			s.PutString(L" {%s};\n", m_value);
			s.PutString(L" null;\n");
Esempio n. 13
void Palace::save(OutputStream& stream) const {
Esempio n. 14
void Path::writePathToStream (OutputStream& dest) const
    dest.writeByte (useNonZeroWinding ? 'n' : 'z');

    size_t i = 0;
    while (i < numElements)
        const float type = data.elements [i++];

        if (type == moveMarker)
            dest.writeByte ('m');
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
        else if (type == lineMarker)
            dest.writeByte ('l');
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
        else if (type == quadMarker)
            dest.writeByte ('q');
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
        else if (type == cubicMarker)
            dest.writeByte ('b');
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
            dest.writeFloat (data.elements [i++]);
        else if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
            dest.writeByte ('c');

    dest.writeByte ('e'); // marks the end-of-path
Esempio n. 15
int main(int args, char ** argv)
  cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
  cout << "*              Bio++ Distance Methods, version 2.2.0             *" << endl;
  cout << "* Author: J. Dutheil                        Created     05/05/07 *" << endl;
  cout << "*                                           Last Modif. 04/02/15 *" << endl;
  cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
  cout << endl;

  if(args == 1)
    return 0;
  try {

  BppApplication bppdist(args, argv, "BppDist");

  Alphabet* alphabet = SequenceApplicationTools::getAlphabet(bppdist.getParams(), "", false);
  auto_ptr<GeneticCode> gCode;
  CodonAlphabet* codonAlphabet = dynamic_cast<CodonAlphabet*>(alphabet);
  if (codonAlphabet) {
    string codeDesc = ApplicationTools::getStringParameter("genetic_code", bppdist.getParams(), "Standard", "", true, true);
    ApplicationTools::displayResult("Genetic Code", codeDesc);

    gCode.reset(SequenceApplicationTools::getGeneticCode(codonAlphabet->getNucleicAlphabet(), codeDesc));

  VectorSiteContainer* allSites = SequenceApplicationTools::getSiteContainer(alphabet, bppdist.getParams());
  VectorSiteContainer* sites = SequenceApplicationTools::getSitesToAnalyse(* allSites, bppdist.getParams());
  delete allSites;

  ApplicationTools::displayResult("Number of sequences", TextTools::toString(sites->getNumberOfSequences()));
  ApplicationTools::displayResult("Number of sites", TextTools::toString(sites->getNumberOfSites()));
  SubstitutionModel* model = PhylogeneticsApplicationTools::getSubstitutionModel(alphabet, gCode.get(), sites, bppdist.getParams());
	DiscreteDistribution* rDist = 0;
  if (model->getNumberOfStates() > model->getAlphabet()->getSize())
    //Markov-modulated Markov model!
    rDist = new ConstantRateDistribution();
	  rDist = PhylogeneticsApplicationTools::getRateDistribution(bppdist.getParams());
  DistanceEstimation distEstimation(model, rDist, sites, 1, false);
  string method = ApplicationTools::getStringParameter("method", bppdist.getParams(), "nj");
  ApplicationTools::displayResult("Tree reconstruction method", method);
  TreeTemplate<Node>* tree;
  AgglomerativeDistanceMethod* distMethod = 0;
  if(method == "wpgma")
    PGMA* wpgma = new PGMA(true);
    distMethod = wpgma;
  else if(method == "upgma")
    PGMA* upgma = new PGMA(false);
    distMethod = upgma;
  else if(method == "nj")
    NeighborJoining* nj = new NeighborJoining();
    distMethod = nj;
  else if(method == "bionj")
    BioNJ* bionj = new BioNJ();
    distMethod = bionj;
  else throw Exception("Unknown tree reconstruction method.");
  string type = ApplicationTools::getStringParameter("optimization.method", bppdist.getParams(), "init");
  ApplicationTools::displayResult("Model parameters estimation method", type);
  if (type == "init") type = OptimizationTools::DISTANCEMETHOD_INIT;
  else if (type == "pairwise") type = OptimizationTools::DISTANCEMETHOD_PAIRWISE;
  else if (type == "iterations") type = OptimizationTools::DISTANCEMETHOD_ITERATIONS;
  else throw Exception("Unknown parameter estimation procedure '" + type + "'.");
	unsigned int optVerbose = ApplicationTools::getParameter<unsigned int>("optimization.verbose", bppdist.getParams(), 2);
	string mhPath = ApplicationTools::getAFilePath("optimization.message_handler", bppdist.getParams(), false, false);
	OutputStream* messenger = 
		(mhPath == "none") ? 0 :
			(mhPath == "std") ? ApplicationTools::message :
				new StlOutputStream(new ofstream(mhPath.c_str(), ios::out));
	ApplicationTools::displayResult("Message handler", mhPath);

	string prPath = ApplicationTools::getAFilePath("optimization.profiler", bppdist.getParams(), false, false);
	OutputStream* profiler = 
		(prPath == "none") ? 0 :
			(prPath == "std") ? ApplicationTools::message :
				new StlOutputStream(new ofstream(prPath.c_str(), ios::out));
	if(profiler) profiler->setPrecision(20);
	ApplicationTools::displayResult("Profiler", prPath);

	// Should I ignore some parameters?
  ParameterList allParameters = model->getParameters();
	ParameterList parametersToIgnore;
  string paramListDesc = ApplicationTools::getStringParameter("optimization.ignore_parameter", bppdist.getParams(), "", "", true, false);
	bool ignoreBrLen = false;
  StringTokenizer st(paramListDesc, ",");
	while (st.hasMoreToken())
      string param = st.nextToken();
      if (param == "BrLen")
        ignoreBrLen = true;
        if (allParameters.hasParameter(param))
          Parameter* p = &allParameters.getParameter(param);
        else ApplicationTools::displayWarning("Parameter '" + param + "' not found."); 
    catch (ParameterNotFoundException& pnfe)
			ApplicationTools::displayError("Parameter '" + pnfe.getParameter() + "' not found, and so can't be ignored!");
	unsigned int nbEvalMax = ApplicationTools::getParameter<unsigned int>("optimization.max_number_f_eval", bppdist.getParams(), 1000000);
	ApplicationTools::displayResult("Max # ML evaluations", TextTools::toString(nbEvalMax));
	double tolerance = ApplicationTools::getDoubleParameter("optimization.tolerance", bppdist.getParams(), .000001);
	ApplicationTools::displayResult("Tolerance", TextTools::toString(tolerance));
  //Here it is:
  ofstream warn("warnings", ios::out);
  ApplicationTools::warning = new StlOutputStreamWrapper(&warn);
  tree = OptimizationTools::buildDistanceTree(distEstimation, *distMethod, parametersToIgnore, !ignoreBrLen, type, tolerance, nbEvalMax, profiler, messenger, optVerbose);
  delete ApplicationTools::warning;
  ApplicationTools::warning = ApplicationTools::message;

  string matrixPath = ApplicationTools::getAFilePath("output.matrix.file", bppdist.getParams(), false, false, "", false);
  if (matrixPath != "none")
    ApplicationTools::displayResult("Output matrix file", matrixPath);
    string matrixFormat = ApplicationTools::getAFilePath("output.matrix.format", bppdist.getParams(), false, false, "", false);
    string format = "";
    bool extended = false;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> unparsedArguments_;
    KeyvalTools::parseProcedure(matrixFormat, format, unparsedArguments_);
    if (unparsedArguments_.find("type") != unparsedArguments_.end())
      if (unparsedArguments_["type"] == "extended")
        extended = true;
      else if (unparsedArguments_["type"] == "classic")
        extended = false;
        ApplicationTools::displayWarning("Argument '" +
                                         unparsedArguments_["type"] + "' for parameter 'Phylip#type' is unknown. " +
                                         "Default used instead: not extended.");
      ApplicationTools::displayWarning("Argument 'Phylip#type' not found. Default used instead: not extended.");

    ODistanceMatrix* odm = IODistanceMatrixFactory().createWriter(IODistanceMatrixFactory::PHYLIP_FORMAT, extended);
    odm->write(*distEstimation.getMatrix(), matrixPath, true);
    delete odm;
  PhylogeneticsApplicationTools::writeTree(*tree, bppdist.getParams());
  //Output some parameters:
  if (type == OptimizationTools::DISTANCEMETHOD_ITERATIONS)
    // Write parameters to screen:
    ParameterList parameters = model->getParameters();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++)
		  ApplicationTools::displayResult(parameters[i].getName(), TextTools::toString(parameters[i].getValue()));
    parameters = rDist->getParameters();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++)
		  ApplicationTools::displayResult(parameters[i].getName(), TextTools::toString(parameters[i].getValue()));
    // Write parameters to file:
	  string parametersFile = ApplicationTools::getAFilePath("output.estimates", bppdist.getParams(), false, false);
    if (parametersFile != "none")
		  ofstream out(parametersFile.c_str(), ios::out);
      parameters = model->getParameters();
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++)
        out << parameters[i].getName() << " = " << parameters[i].getValue() << endl;
      parameters = rDist->getParameters();
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++)
        out << parameters[i].getName() << " = " << parameters[i].getValue() << endl;
  unsigned int nbBS = ApplicationTools::getParameter<unsigned int>("bootstrap.number", bppdist.getParams(), 0);
  if(nbBS > 0)
    ApplicationTools::displayResult("Number of bootstrap samples", TextTools::toString(nbBS));
    bool approx = ApplicationTools::getBooleanParameter("bootstrap.approximate", bppdist.getParams(), true);
    ApplicationTools::displayResult("Use approximate bootstrap", TextTools::toString(approx ? "yes" : "no"));
      type = OptimizationTools::DISTANCEMETHOD_INIT;
      parametersToIgnore = allParameters;
      ignoreBrLen = true;
    bool bootstrapVerbose = ApplicationTools::getBooleanParameter("bootstrap.verbose", bppdist.getParams(), false, "", true, false);
    string bsTreesPath = ApplicationTools::getAFilePath("bootstrap.output.file", bppdist.getParams(), false, false);
    ofstream *out = NULL;
    if(bsTreesPath != "none")
      ApplicationTools::displayResult("Bootstrap trees stored in file", bsTreesPath);
      out = new ofstream(bsTreesPath.c_str(), ios::out);
    Newick newick;
    vector<Tree *> bsTrees(nbBS);
    ApplicationTools::displayTask("Bootstrapping", true);
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbBS; i++)
      ApplicationTools::displayGauge(i, nbBS-1, '=');
      VectorSiteContainer * sample = SiteContainerTools::bootstrapSites(*sites);
      if(approx) model->setFreqFromData(*sample);
      bsTrees[i] = OptimizationTools::buildDistanceTree(
          (bootstrapVerbose ? 1 : 0)
      if(out && i == 0) newick.write(*bsTrees[i], bsTreesPath, true);
      if(out && i >  0) newick.write(*bsTrees[i], bsTreesPath, false);
      delete sample;
    if(out) out->close();
    if(out) delete out;
    ApplicationTools::displayTask("Compute bootstrap values");
    TreeTools::computeBootstrapValues(*tree, bsTrees);
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbBS; i++) delete bsTrees[i];

    //Write resulting tree:
    PhylogeneticsApplicationTools::writeTree(*tree, bppdist.getParams());
  delete alphabet;
  delete sites;
  delete distMethod;
  delete tree;

  catch(exception & e)
    cout << e.what() << endl;
    return 1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 16
    inline void write (OutputStream& output)
        output.writeByte (minValue);
        output.writeByte (maxValue);
		output.write ((void*)&colour, sizeof(Colour));