Esempio n. 1
//cloned from hthor - a candidate for commoning up.
static IKeyIndex *openKeyFile(IDistributedFilePart *keyFile)
    unsigned numCopies = keyFile->numCopies();
    for (unsigned copy=0; copy < numCopies; copy++)
        RemoteFilename rfn;
            OwnedIFile ifile = createIFile(keyFile->getFilename(rfn,copy));
            unsigned __int64 thissize = ifile->size();
            if (thissize != -1)
                StringBuffer remotePath;
                unsigned crc = 0;
                return createKeyIndex(remotePath.str(), crc, false, false);
        catch (IException *E)
            EXCLOG(E, "While opening index file");
    RemoteFilename rfn;
    StringBuffer url;
    throw MakeStringException(1001, "Could not open key file at %s%s", url.str(), (numCopies > 1) ? " or any alternate location." : ".");
Esempio n. 2
extern bool isCompressedIndex(const char *filename)
    OwnedIFile file = createIFile(filename);
    OwnedIFileIO io = file->open(IFOread);
    unsigned __int64 size = file->size();
    if (size)
        KeyHdr hdr;
        if (io->read(0, sizeof(hdr), &hdr) == sizeof(hdr))
            if (size % hdr.nodeSize == 0 && hdr.phyrec == size-1 && hdr.root && hdr.root % hdr.nodeSize == 0 && hdr.ktype & (HTREE_COMPRESSED_KEY|HTREE_QUICK_COMPRESSED_KEY))
                NodeHdr root;
                if (io->read(hdr.root, sizeof(root), &root) == sizeof(root))
                    return root.leftSib==0 && root.rightSib==0; 
    return false;
Esempio n. 3
extern jhtree_decl void validateKeyFile(const char *filename, offset_t nodePos)
    OwnedIFile file = createIFile(filename);
    OwnedIFileIO io = file->open(IFOread);
    if (!io)
        throw MakeStringException(1, "Invalid key %s: cannot open file", filename);
    unsigned __int64 size = file->size();
    if (!size)
        throw MakeStringException(2, "Invalid key %s: zero size", filename);
    KeyHdr hdr;
    if (io->read(0, sizeof(hdr), &hdr) != sizeof(hdr))
        throw MakeStringException(4, "Invalid key %s: failed to read key header", filename);
    CKeyHdr keyHdr;

    if (hdr.phyrec != size-1)
        throw MakeStringException(5, "Invalid key %s: phyrec was %" I64F "d, expected %" I64F "d", filename, hdr.phyrec, size-1);
    if (size % hdr.nodeSize)
        throw MakeStringException(3, "Invalid key %s: size %" I64F "d is not a multiple of key node size (%d)", filename, size, hdr.nodeSize);
    if (!hdr.root || hdr.root % hdr.nodeSize !=0)
        throw MakeStringException(6, "Invalid key %s: invalid root pointer %" I64F "x", filename, hdr.root);
    NodeHdr root;
    if (io->read(hdr.root, sizeof(root), &root) != sizeof(root))
        throw MakeStringException(7, "Invalid key %s: failed to read root node", filename);
    if (root.leftSib || root.rightSib)
        throw MakeStringException(8, "Invalid key %s: invalid root node sibling pointers 0x%" I64F "x, 0x%" I64F "x (expected 0,0)", filename, root.leftSib, root.rightSib);

    for (offset_t nodeOffset = (nodePos ? nodePos : hdr.nodeSize); nodeOffset < (nodePos ? nodePos+1 : size); nodeOffset += hdr.nodeSize)
        MemoryAttr ma;
        char *buffer = (char *) ma.allocate(hdr.nodeSize);
            MTIME_SECTION(queryActiveTimer(), "JHTREE read index node");
            io->read(nodeOffset, hdr.nodeSize, buffer);
        CJHTreeNode theNode;
            MTIME_SECTION(queryActiveTimer(), "JHTREE load index node");
            theNode.load(&keyHdr, buffer, nodeOffset, true);
        NodeHdr *nodeHdr = (NodeHdr *) buffer;
        if (!nodeHdr->isValid(hdr.nodeSize))
            throw MakeStringException(9, "Invalid key %s: invalid node header at position 0x%" I64F "x", filename, nodeOffset);
        if (nodeHdr->leftSib >= size || nodeHdr->rightSib >= size)
            throw MakeStringException(9, "Invalid key %s: out of range sibling pointers 0x%" I64F "x, 0x%" I64F "x at position 0x%" I64F "x", filename, nodeHdr->leftSib, nodeHdr->rightSib, nodeOffset);
        if (nodeHdr->crc32)
            unsigned crc = crc32(buffer + sizeof(NodeHdr), nodeHdr->keyBytes, 0);
            if (crc != nodeHdr->crc32)
                throw MakeStringException(9, "Invalid key %s: crc mismatch at position 0x%" I64F "x", filename, nodeOffset);
            // MORE - if we felt so inclined, we could decode the node and check records were in ascending order