Esempio n. 1
string toString(PElement element) {
	if (element == NULL) {
		return "*";
	string result;
	PElement child = element->getChild();
	while (child != NULL) {
		if (child->getTagname() == "#text") {
			//	Then this child only contains text, no markup
			result += child->getText();
		} else if (child->getTagname() == "#cdata") {
		} else {
			//	Since only using on <that> and <pattern>
			//	The tag can only be <bot_xxx/> or <bot name="xxx"/> or <name/>
			if (child->getTagname() == "name") {
				result += Kernel::respond("BOT NAME", "unknown");
			} else
			if (child->getTagname() == "bot") {
				//	Is a <bot name="xxx"/> predicate
				result += Kernel::respond("BOT " + toUpper(child->getAttribute("name")), "unknown");
			} else {
				//	It is old-skool <bot_xxx/>
				result += Kernel::respond("BOT " + toUpper(child->getTagname().substr(4)), "unknown");
		child = child->getNextSibling();
	return trim(toUpper(result));//Substituter::normalize(result);
Esempio n. 2
string TemplateProcessor::process(Match *m, PElement e, Responder *r, const string &id) {
    string buffer = "";
    if (e == NULL) {
        return buffer;
    try {
        PElement child = e->getChild();
        while (child != NULL) {
            if (child->getTagname() == "#text") {
                buffer += child->getText();
            } else if (child->getTagname() == "#cdata") {
                buffer += child->getText(false);
            } else {
//                child = checkCompatability(child);

/////////////// BEGIN NIGHTMARE /////////////////////////////////

                if (child->hasNamespace()) {
                    //    Then we need to use the responder
                    if (r == NULL) {
                        //    This is temporary!!!!!
                    } else {
                        buffer += r->respond(m, child, id);
                } else {

/////////////// END NIGHTMARE CODE //////////////////////////////
/*                string tagname = child->getTagname();
                if (child->hasNamespace()) {
                    tagname = child->getNamespace();
                    //    Temporary hack until responders put in
                }    */
                    AimlProcessor *p = TemplateProcessor::getProcessor(child->getTagname());
                    if (p == NULL) {
                        //    Then nothing to process this tag with
                        buffer += process(m, child, r, id);
                        //    is that right?
                    } else {
                        buffer += p->process(m, child, r, id);
            child = child->getNextSibling();
    } catch (int &ex) {
    return buffer;
Esempio n. 3
string AimlWriter::recurse(PElement element)
	if (element == NULL)
		return "";
	string s       = "";
	PElement child = element->getChild();
	while (child != NULL)
		if (child->getTagname() == "#text")
			s += child->getText(false);
		else if (child->getTagname() == "#cdata")
			s += child->getText(false);
			string tag = "<";
			if (child->hasNamespace())
				tag += child->getNamespace() + ":";
			tag += child->getTagname();
			if (child->hasAttributes())
				map<string, string> attr                = child->getAttributes();
				map<string, string>::const_iterator itr = attr.begin();
				while (itr != attr.end())
					tag += " " + (*itr).first + "=\"" + (*itr).second + "\"";
			if (child->hasChildren())
				tag += ">" + recurse(child) + "</";
				if (child->hasNamespace())
					tag += child->getNamespace() + ":";
				tag += child->getTagname() + ">";
				tag += "/>";
			s += tag;
		child = child->getNextSibling();
	return s;
Esempio n. 4
string templateString(PElement element) {
	if (element == NULL) {
		return "";
	string result;
	PElement child = element->getChild();
	while (child != NULL) {
		if (child->getTagname() == "#text") {
			result += child->getText();
		} else if (child->getTagname() == "#cdata") {
			result += child->getText(false);
		} else {
			string tag = "<";
			if (child->hasNamespace()) {
				tag += child->getNamespace() + ":";
			tag += child->getTagname();
			if (child->hasAttributes()) {
				map<string, string> attr = child->getAttributes();
				map<string, string>::const_iterator itr = attr.begin();
				while (itr != attr.end()) {
					tag += " " + (*itr).first + "=\"" + (*itr).second + "\"";
			if (child->hasChildren()) {
				tag += ">" + templateString(child);
				tag += "</";
				if (child->hasNamespace()) {
					tag += child->getNamespace() + ":";
				tag += child->getTagname() + ">";
			} else {
				tag += "/>";
			result += tag;
		child = child->getNextSibling();
	return result;
Esempio n. 5
string TemplateProcessor::process(Match *m, PElement e, Responder *r, const string &id) {
	string buffer = "";
	if (e == NULL) {
		return buffer;
	try {
		PElement child = e->getChild();
		while (child != NULL) {
			if (child->getTagname() == "#text") {
				buffer += child->getText();
			} else if (child->getTagname() == "#cdata") {
				buffer += child->getText(false);
			} else {
				if (child->hasNamespace()) {
					if (r == NULL) {
					} else {
						buffer += r->respond(m, child, id);
				} else {
					child = checkCompatibility(child);

					AimlProcessor *p = TemplateProcessor::getProcessor(child->getTagname());
					if (p == NULL) {
						//	Then nothing to process this tag with
						buffer += process(m, child, r, id);
					} else {
						buffer += p->process(m, child, r, id);
			child = child->getNextSibling();
	} catch (int &ex) {
	return buffer;