Esempio n. 1
void PNS_ROUTER::markViolations( PNS_NODE* aNode, PNS_ITEMSET& aCurrent,
                                 PNS_NODE::ITEM_VECTOR& aRemoved )
    for( PNS_ITEM* item : aCurrent.Items() )
        PNS_NODE::OBSTACLES obstacles;

        aNode->QueryColliding( item, obstacles, PNS_ITEM::ANY );

        if( item->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::LINE ) )
            PNS_LINE* l = static_cast<PNS_LINE*>( item );

            if( l->EndsWithVia() )
                PNS_VIA v( l->Via() );
                aNode->QueryColliding( &v, obstacles, PNS_ITEM::ANY );

        for( PNS_OBSTACLE& obs : obstacles )
            int clearance = aNode->GetClearance( item, obs.m_item );
            std::unique_ptr<PNS_ITEM> tmp( obs.m_item->Clone() );
            tmp->Mark( MK_VIOLATION );
            m_iface->DisplayItem( tmp.get(), -1, clearance );
            aRemoved.push_back( obs.m_item );
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::buildInitialLine( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_LINE& aHead )

    if( m_p_start == aP )
        if( Settings().GetFreeAngleMode() && Settings().Mode() == RM_MarkObstacles )
            l = SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN( m_p_start, aP );
            l = m_direction.BuildInitialTrace( m_p_start, aP );

        if( l.SegmentCount() > 1 && m_orthoMode )
            VECTOR2I newLast = l.CSegment( 0 ).LineProject( l.CPoint( -1 ) );

            l.Remove( -1, -1 );
            l.Point( 1 ) = newLast;

    aHead.SetShape( l );

    if( !m_placingVia )
        return true;

    PNS_VIA v( makeVia( aP ) );
    v.SetNet( aHead.Net() );

    if( m_currentMode == RM_MarkObstacles )
        aHead.AppendVia( v );
        return true;

    VECTOR2I force;
    VECTOR2I lead = aP - m_p_start;

    bool solidsOnly = ( m_currentMode != RM_Walkaround );

    if( v.PushoutForce( m_currentNode, lead, force, solidsOnly, 40 ) )
        SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN line = m_direction.BuildInitialTrace( m_p_start, aP + force );
        aHead = PNS_LINE( aHead, line );

        v.SetPos( v.Pos() + force );
        return true;

    return false; // via placement unsuccessful
bool PNS_TOPOLOGY::followTrivialPath( PNS_LINE* aLine, bool aLeft, PNS_ITEMSET& aSet, std::set<PNS_ITEM*>& aVisited )
    VECTOR2I anchor = aLeft ? aLine->CPoint( 0 ) : aLine->CPoint( -1 );
    PNS_SEGMENT* last = aLeft ? aLine->LinkedSegments()->front() : aLine->LinkedSegments()->back();
    PNS_JOINT* jt = m_world->FindJoint( anchor, aLine );

    assert( jt != NULL );

    aVisited.insert( last );

    if( jt->IsNonFanoutVia() || jt->IsTraceWidthChange() )
        PNS_ITEM* via = NULL;
        PNS_SEGMENT* next_seg = NULL;

        for( PNS_ITEM* link : jt->Links().Items() )
            if( link->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::VIA ) )
                via = link;
            else if( aVisited.find( link ) == aVisited.end() )
                next_seg = static_cast<PNS_SEGMENT*>( link );

        if( !next_seg )
            return false;

        PNS_LINE l = m_world->AssembleLine( next_seg );

        VECTOR2I nextAnchor = ( aLeft ? l.CLine().CPoint( -1 ) : l.CLine().CPoint( 0 ) );

        if( nextAnchor != anchor )

        if( aLeft )
            if( via )
                aSet.Prepend( via );

            aSet.Prepend( l );
            if( via )
                aSet.Add( via );

            aSet.Add( l );

        return followTrivialPath( &l, aLeft, aSet, aVisited );

    return false;
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::rhWalkOnly( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_LINE& aNewHead )
    PNS_LINE initTrack( m_head );
    PNS_LINE walkFull;
    int effort = 0;
    bool rv = true, viaOk;

    viaOk = buildInitialLine( aP, initTrack );

    PNS_WALKAROUND walkaround( m_currentNode, Router() );

    walkaround.SetSolidsOnly( false );
    walkaround.SetIterationLimit( Settings().WalkaroundIterationLimit() );

    PNS_WALKAROUND::WALKAROUND_STATUS wf = walkaround.Route( initTrack, walkFull, false );

    switch( Settings().OptimizerEffort() )
    case OE_LOW:
        effort = 0;

    case OE_MEDIUM:
    case OE_FULL:

    if( Settings().SmartPads() )
        effort |= PNS_OPTIMIZER::SMART_PADS;

    if( wf == PNS_WALKAROUND::STUCK )
        walkFull = walkFull.ClipToNearestObstacle( m_currentNode );
        rv = true;
    else if( m_placingVia && viaOk )
        walkFull.AppendVia( makeVia( walkFull.CPoint( -1 ) ) );

    PNS_OPTIMIZER::Optimize( &walkFull, effort, m_currentNode );

    if( m_currentNode->CheckColliding( &walkFull ) )
        aNewHead = m_head;
        return false;

    m_head = walkFull;
    aNewHead = walkFull;

    return rv;
void PNS_LINE_PLACER::removeLoops( PNS_NODE* aNode, PNS_LINE& aLatest )
    if( !aLatest.SegmentCount() )

    if( aLatest.CLine().CPoint( 0 ) == aLatest.CLine().CPoint( -1 ) )

    std::set<PNS_SEGMENT *> toErase;
    aNode->Add( &aLatest, true );

    for( int s = 0; s < aLatest.LinkCount(); s++ )
        PNS_SEGMENT* seg = ( *aLatest.LinkedSegments() )[s];
        PNS_LINE ourLine = aNode->AssembleLine( seg );
        PNS_JOINT a, b;
        std::vector<PNS_LINE> lines;

        aNode->FindLineEnds( ourLine, a, b );

        if( a == b )
            aNode->FindLineEnds( aLatest, a, b );

        aNode->FindLinesBetweenJoints( a, b, lines );

        int removedCount = 0;
        int total = 0;

        for( PNS_LINE& line : lines )

            if( !( line.ContainsSegment( seg ) ) && line.SegmentCount() )
                for( PNS_SEGMENT *ss : *line.LinkedSegments() )
                    toErase.insert( ss );


        TRACE( 0, "total segs removed: %d/%d\n", removedCount % total );

    for( PNS_SEGMENT *s : toErase )
        aNode->Remove( s );

    aNode->Remove( &aLatest );
void PNS_LINE_PLACER::simplifyNewLine( PNS_NODE* aNode, PNS_SEGMENT* aLatest )
    PNS_LINE l = aNode->AssembleLine( aLatest );
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN simplified( l.CLine() );


    if( simplified.PointCount() != l.PointCount() )
        PNS_LINE lnew( l );
        aNode->Remove( &l );
        lnew.SetShape( simplified );
        aNode->Add( &lnew );
void PNS_LOGGER::Log ( const PNS_ITEM* aItem, int aKind, const std::string aName )
	m_theLog << "aItem " << aKind << " " << aName << " ";
	m_theLog << aItem->Net() << " " << aItem->Layers().Start() << " " <<
	            aItem->Layers().End() << " " << aItem->Marker() << " " << aItem->Rank();

	switch( aItem->Kind() )
		case PNS_ITEM::LINE:
			PNS_LINE* l = (PNS_LINE*) aItem;
			m_theLog << " line ";
			m_theLog << l->Width() << " " << ( l->EndsWithVia() ? 1 : 0 ) << " ";
			dumpShape ( l->Shape() );
			m_theLog << std::endl;

		case PNS_ITEM::VIA:
			m_theLog << " via 0 0 "; 
			dumpShape ( aItem->Shape() );
			m_theLog << std::endl;

			m_theLog << " line ";
			m_theLog << s->Width() << " 0 linechain 2 0 " << s->Seg().A.x << " " <<
			            s->Seg().A.y << " " << s->Seg().B.x << " " <<s->Seg().B.y << std::endl;

			PNS_SOLID* s = (PNS_SOLID*) aItem;
			m_theLog << " solid 0 0 ";
			dumpShape( s->Shape() );
			m_theLog << std::endl;

bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::handleViaPlacement( PNS_LINE& aHead )
    if( !m_placingVia )
        return true;

    PNS_VIA v ( makeVia ( aHead.CPoint( -1 ) ) );
    v.SetNet ( aHead.Net() );

    VECTOR2I force;
    VECTOR2I lead = aHead.CPoint( -1 ) - aHead.CPoint( 0 );

    bool solidsOnly = ( m_currentMode != RM_Walkaround );

    if( v.PushoutForce( m_currentNode, lead, force, solidsOnly, 40 ) )
        SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN line = m_direction.BuildInitialTrace(
                aHead.CPoint( 0 ),
                aHead.CPoint( -1 ) + force );
        aHead = PNS_LINE( aHead, line );

        v.SetPos( v.Pos() + force );
        return true;

    return false;
bool PNS_TOPOLOGY::SimplifyLine( PNS_LINE* aLine )
    if( !aLine->LinkedSegments() || !aLine->SegmentCount() )
        return false;

    PNS_SEGMENT* root = ( *aLine->LinkedSegments() )[0];
    PNS_LINE l = m_world->AssembleLine( root );
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN simplified( l.CLine() );


    if( simplified.PointCount() != l.PointCount() )
        PNS_LINE lnew( l );
        m_world->Remove( &l );
        lnew.SetShape( simplified );
        m_world->Add( &lnew );
        return true;

    return false;
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::Move( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_ITEM* aEndItem )
    PNS_LINE current;
    VECTOR2I p = aP;
    int eiDepth = -1;

    if( aEndItem && aEndItem->Owner() )
        eiDepth = aEndItem->Owner()->Depth();

    if( m_lastNode )
        delete m_lastNode;
        m_lastNode = NULL;

    route( p );

    current = Trace();

    if( !current.PointCount() )
        m_currentEnd = m_p_start;
        m_currentEnd = current.CLine().CPoint( -1 );

    PNS_NODE* latestNode = m_currentNode;
    m_lastNode = latestNode->Branch();

    if( eiDepth >= 0 && aEndItem && latestNode->Depth() > eiDepth &&
            current.SegmentCount() )
        splitAdjacentSegments( m_lastNode, aEndItem, current.CPoint( -1 ) );

        if( Settings().RemoveLoops() )
            removeLoops( m_lastNode, &current );

    return true;
bool PNS_TOPOLOGY::AssembleDiffPair( PNS_ITEM* aStart, PNS_DIFF_PAIR& aPair )
    int refNet = aStart->Net();
    int coupledNet = DpCoupledNet( refNet );

    if( coupledNet < 0 )
        return false;

    std::set<PNS_ITEM*> coupledItems;

    m_world->AllItemsInNet( coupledNet, coupledItems );

    PNS_SEGMENT* coupledSeg = NULL, *refSeg;
    int minDist = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

    if( ( refSeg = dyn_cast<PNS_SEGMENT*>( aStart ) ) != NULL )
        for( PNS_ITEM* item : coupledItems )
            if( PNS_SEGMENT* s = dyn_cast<PNS_SEGMENT*>( item ) )
                if( s->Layers().Start() == refSeg->Layers().Start() && s->Width() == refSeg->Width() )
                    int dist = s->Seg().Distance( refSeg->Seg() );
		    		bool isParallel = refSeg->Seg().ApproxParallel( s->Seg() );
                    SEG p_clip, n_clip;

                    bool isCoupled = commonParallelProjection( refSeg->Seg(), s->Seg(), p_clip, n_clip );

                    if( isParallel && isCoupled && dist < minDist )
                        minDist = dist;
                        coupledSeg = s;
        return false;

    if( !coupledSeg )
        return false;

    PNS_LINE lp = m_world->AssembleLine( refSeg );
    PNS_LINE ln = m_world->AssembleLine( coupledSeg );

    if( DpNetPolarity( refNet ) < 0 )
        std::swap( lp, ln );

    int gap = -1;

    if( refSeg->Seg().ApproxParallel( coupledSeg->Seg() ) )
        // Segments are parallel -> compute pair gap
        const VECTOR2I refDir       = refSeg->Anchor( 1 ) - refSeg->Anchor( 0 );
        const VECTOR2I displacement = refSeg->Anchor( 1 ) - coupledSeg->Anchor( 1 );
        gap = (int) std::abs( refDir.Cross( displacement ) / refDir.EuclideanNorm() ) - lp.Width();

    aPair = PNS_DIFF_PAIR( lp, ln );
    aPair.SetWidth( lp.Width() );
    aPair.SetLayers( lp.Layers() );
    aPair.SetGap( gap );

    return true;
void PNS_ITEMSET::Prepend( const PNS_LINE& aLine )
    PNS_LINE* copy = aLine.Clone();
    m_items.insert( m_items.begin(), ENTRY( copy, true ) );
bool PNS_DIFF_PAIR_PLACER::attemptWalk( PNS_NODE* aNode, PNS_DIFF_PAIR* aCurrent,
        PNS_DIFF_PAIR& aWalk, bool aPFirst, bool aWindCw, bool aSolidsOnly )
    PNS_WALKAROUND walkaround( aNode, Router() );

    Router()->GetRuleResolver()->OverrideClearance( true,
            aCurrent->NetP(), aCurrent->NetN(), aCurrent->Gap() );

    walkaround.SetSolidsOnly( aSolidsOnly );
    walkaround.SetIterationLimit( Settings().WalkaroundIterationLimit() );

    PNS_SHOVE shove( aNode, Router() );
    PNS_LINE walkP, walkN;

    aWalk = *aCurrent;

    int iter = 0;

    PNS_DIFF_PAIR cur( *aCurrent );

    bool currentIsP = aPFirst;

    int mask = aSolidsOnly ? PNS_ITEM::SOLID : PNS_ITEM::ANY;

        PNS_LINE preWalk = ( currentIsP ? cur.PLine() : cur.NLine() );
        PNS_LINE preShove = ( currentIsP ? cur.NLine() : cur.PLine() );
        PNS_LINE postWalk;

        if( !aNode->CheckColliding ( &preWalk, mask ) )
            currentIsP = !currentIsP;

            if( !aNode->CheckColliding( &preShove, mask ) )

        wf1 = walkaround.Route( preWalk, postWalk, false );

        if( wf1 != PNS_WALKAROUND::DONE )
            return false;

        PNS_LINE postShove( preShove );

        shove.ForceClearance( true, cur.Gap() - 2 * PNS_HULL_MARGIN );


        sh1 = shove.ProcessSingleLine( postWalk, preShove, postShove );

        if( sh1 != PNS_SHOVE::SH_OK )
            return false;


        cur.SetShape( postWalk.CLine(), postShove.CLine(), !currentIsP );

        currentIsP = !currentIsP;

        if( !aNode->CheckColliding( &postShove, mask ) )

    while( iter < 3 );

    if( iter == 3 )
        return false;

    aWalk.SetShape( cur.CP(), cur.CN() );
    Router()->GetRuleResolver()->OverrideClearance( false );

    return true;
Esempio n. 14
                                                              bool aWindingDirection )
    optional<PNS_OBSTACLE>& current_obs =
        aWindingDirection ? m_currentObstacle[0] : m_currentObstacle[1];

    bool& prev_recursive = aWindingDirection ? m_recursiveCollision[0] : m_recursiveCollision[1];

    if( !current_obs )
        return DONE;

    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN path_pre[2], path_walk[2], path_post[2];

    VECTOR2I last = aPath.CPoint( -1 );

    if( ( current_obs->m_hull ).PointInside( last ) || ( current_obs->m_hull ).PointOnEdge( last ) )

        if( m_recursiveBlockageCount < 3 )
            aPath.Line().Append( current_obs->m_hull.NearestPoint( last ) );
            aPath = aPath.ClipToNearestObstacle( m_world );
            return DONE;

    aPath.Walkaround( current_obs->m_hull, path_pre[0], path_walk[0],
                      path_post[0], aWindingDirection );
    aPath.Walkaround( current_obs->m_hull, path_pre[1], path_walk[1],
                      path_post[1], !aWindingDirection );

#ifdef DEBUG
    m_logger.NewGroup( aWindingDirection ? "walk-cw" : "walk-ccw", m_iteration );
    m_logger.Log( &path_walk[0], 0, "path-walk" );
    m_logger.Log( &path_pre[0], 1, "path-pre" );
    m_logger.Log( &path_post[0], 4, "path-post" );
    m_logger.Log( &current_obs->m_hull, 2, "hull" );
    m_logger.Log( current_obs->m_item, 3, "item" );

    int len_pre = path_walk[0].Length();
    int len_alt = path_walk[1].Length();

    PNS_LINE walk_path( aPath, path_walk[1] );

    bool alt_collides = m_world->CheckColliding( &walk_path, m_itemMask );


    if( !m_forceSingleDirection && len_alt < len_pre && !alt_collides && !prev_recursive )
        pnew = path_pre[1];
        pnew.Append( path_walk[1] );
        pnew.Append( path_post[1] );

        if( !path_post[1].PointCount() || !path_walk[1].PointCount() )
            current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_pre[1] ) );
            current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_post[1] ) );
        prev_recursive = false;
        pnew = path_pre[0];
        pnew.Append( path_walk[0] );
        pnew.Append( path_post[0] );

        if( !path_post[0].PointCount() || !path_walk[0].PointCount() )
            current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_pre[0] ) );
            current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_walk[0] ) );

        if( !current_obs )
            prev_recursive = false;
            current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_post[0] ) );
            prev_recursive = true;

    aPath.SetShape( pnew );

    return IN_PROGRESS;
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::FixRoute( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_ITEM* aEndItem )
    bool realEnd = false;
    int lastV;

    PNS_LINE pl = Trace();

    if( m_currentMode == RM_MarkObstacles &&
        !Settings().CanViolateDRC() &&
        m_world->CheckColliding( &pl ) )
            return false;

    const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& l = pl.CLine();

    if( !l.SegmentCount() )
        if( pl.EndsWithVia() )
            m_lastNode->Add( pl.Via().Clone() );
            Router()->CommitRouting( m_lastNode );

            m_lastNode = NULL;
            m_currentNode = NULL;

            m_idle = true;

        return true;

    VECTOR2I p_pre_last = l.CPoint( -1 );
    const VECTOR2I p_last = l.CPoint( -1 );
    DIRECTION_45 d_last( l.CSegment( -1 ) );

    if( l.PointCount() > 2 )
        p_pre_last = l.CPoint( -2 );

    if( aEndItem && m_currentNet >= 0 && m_currentNet == aEndItem->Net() )
        realEnd = true;

    if( realEnd || m_placingVia )
        lastV = l.SegmentCount();
        lastV = std::max( 1, l.SegmentCount() - 1 );

    PNS_SEGMENT* lastSeg = NULL;

    for( int i = 0; i < lastV; i++ )
        const SEG& s = pl.CSegment( i );
        PNS_SEGMENT* seg = new PNS_SEGMENT( s, m_currentNet );
        seg->SetWidth( pl.Width() );
        seg->SetLayer( m_currentLayer );
        m_lastNode->Add( seg );
        lastSeg = seg;

    if( pl.EndsWithVia() )
        m_lastNode->Add( pl.Via().Clone() );

    if( realEnd )
        simplifyNewLine( m_lastNode, lastSeg );

    Router()->CommitRouting( m_lastNode );

    m_lastNode = NULL;
    m_currentNode = NULL;

    if( !realEnd )
        setInitialDirection( d_last );
        m_currentStart = m_placingVia ? p_last : p_pre_last;
        m_startItem = NULL;
        m_placingVia = false;
        m_chainedPlacement = !pl.EndsWithVia();
        m_splitSeg = false;
        m_idle = true;

    return realEnd;
void PNS_ITEMSET::Add( const PNS_LINE& aLine )
    PNS_LINE* copy = aLine.Clone();
    m_items.push_back( ENTRY( copy, true ) );
PNS_WALKAROUND::WalkaroundStatus PNS_WALKAROUND::Route( const PNS_LINE& aInitialPath,
        PNS_LINE& aWalkPath,
        bool aOptimize )
    PNS_LINE path_cw( aInitialPath ), path_ccw( aInitialPath );
    WalkaroundStatus s_cw = IN_PROGRESS, s_ccw = IN_PROGRESS;
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN best_path;

    start( aInitialPath );

    m_currentObstacle[0] = m_currentObstacle[1] = nearestObstacle( aInitialPath );
    m_recursiveBlockageCount = 0;

    aWalkPath = aInitialPath;

    while( m_iteration < m_iteration_limit )
        if( s_cw != STUCK )
            s_cw = singleStep( path_cw, true );

        if( s_ccw != STUCK )
            s_ccw = singleStep( path_ccw, false );

        if( ( s_cw == DONE && s_ccw == DONE ) || ( s_cw == STUCK && s_ccw == STUCK ) )
            int len_cw  = path_cw.GetCLine().Length();
            int len_ccw = path_ccw.GetCLine().Length();

            if( m_forceLongerPath )
                aWalkPath = (len_cw > len_ccw ? path_cw : path_ccw);
                aWalkPath = (len_cw < len_ccw ? path_cw : path_ccw);

        else if( s_cw == DONE && !m_forceLongerPath )
            aWalkPath = path_cw;
        else if( s_ccw == DONE && !m_forceLongerPath )
            aWalkPath = path_ccw;


    if( m_iteration == m_iteration_limit )
        int len_cw  = path_cw.GetCLine().Length();
        int len_ccw = path_ccw.GetCLine().Length();

        if( m_forceLongerPath )
            aWalkPath = (len_cw > len_ccw ? path_cw : path_ccw);
            aWalkPath = (len_cw < len_ccw ? path_cw : path_ccw);

    if( m_cursorApproachMode )
        // int len_cw = path_cw.GetCLine().Length();
        // int len_ccw = path_ccw.GetCLine().Length();
        bool found = false;

        SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN l = aWalkPath.GetCLine();

        for( int i = 0; i < l.SegmentCount(); i++ )
            const SEG s = l.Segment( i );

            VECTOR2I nearest = s.NearestPoint( m_cursorPos );
            VECTOR2I::extended_type dist_a = ( s.A - m_cursorPos ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
            VECTOR2I::extended_type dist_b = ( s.B - m_cursorPos ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
            VECTOR2I::extended_type dist_n = ( nearest - m_cursorPos ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();

            if( dist_n <= dist_a && dist_n < dist_b )
                // PNSDisplayDebugLine( l, 3 );
                l.Remove( i + 1, -1 );
                l.Append( nearest );
                found = true;

        if( found )
            aWalkPath = aInitialPath;
            aWalkPath.SetShape( l );

    aWalkPath.SetWorld( m_world );

    WalkaroundStatus st = s_ccw == DONE || s_cw == DONE ? DONE : STUCK;

    if( aOptimize && st == DONE )
        PNS_OPTIMIZER::Optimize( &aWalkPath, PNS_OPTIMIZER::MERGE_OBTUSE, m_world );

    return st;
PNS_WALKAROUND::WalkaroundStatus PNS_WALKAROUND::singleStep( PNS_LINE& aPath,
        bool aWindingDirection )
    optional<PNS_OBSTACLE>& current_obs =
        aWindingDirection ? m_currentObstacle[0] : m_currentObstacle[1];
    bool& prev_recursive = aWindingDirection ? m_recursiveCollision[0] : m_recursiveCollision[1];

    if( !current_obs )
        return DONE;

    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN path_pre[2], path_walk[2], path_post[2];

    VECTOR2I last = aPath.GetCLine().CPoint( -1 );

    if( ( current_obs->hull ).PointInside( last ) )

        if( m_recursiveBlockageCount < 3 )
            aPath.GetLine().Append( current_obs->hull.NearestPoint( last ) );
            aPath = aPath.ClipToNearestObstacle( m_world );
            return STUCK;

    aPath.NewWalkaround( current_obs->hull, path_pre[0], path_walk[0],
            path_post[0], aWindingDirection );
    aPath.NewWalkaround( current_obs->hull, path_pre[1], path_walk[1],
            path_post[1], !aWindingDirection );

    int len_pre = path_walk[0].Length();
    int len_alt = path_walk[1].Length();

    PNS_LINE walk_path( aPath, path_walk[1] );

    bool alt_collides = m_world->CheckColliding( &walk_path,
            m_solids_only ? PNS_ITEM::SOLID : PNS_ITEM::ANY );


    if( !m_forceSingleDirection && len_alt < len_pre && !alt_collides && !prev_recursive )
        pnew = path_pre[1];
        pnew.Append( path_walk[1] );
        pnew.Append( path_post[1] );

        current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_post[1] ) );
        prev_recursive = false;
        pnew = path_pre[0];
        pnew.Append( path_walk[0] );
        pnew.Append( path_post[0] );

        current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_walk[0] ) );

        if( !current_obs )
            prev_recursive = false;
            current_obs = nearestObstacle( PNS_LINE( aPath, path_post[0] ) );
            prev_recursive = true;

    aPath.SetShape( pnew );

    return IN_PROGRESS;
bool PNS_LINE_PLACER::optimizeTailHeadTransition()
    PNS_LINE tmp = Trace();

    if( PNS_OPTIMIZER::Optimize( &tmp, PNS_OPTIMIZER::FANOUT_CLEANUP, m_currentNode ) )
        if( tmp.SegmentCount() < 1 )
            return false;

        m_head = tmp;
        m_p_start = tmp.CLine().CPoint( 0 );
        m_direction = DIRECTION_45( tmp.CSegment( 0 ) );

        return true;

    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& head = m_head.Line();
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& tail = m_tail.Line();

    int tailLookbackSegments = 3;

    //if(m_currentMode() == RM_Walkaround)
    //    tailLookbackSegments = 10000;

    int threshold = std::min( tail.PointCount(), tailLookbackSegments + 1 );

    if( tail.SegmentCount() < 3 )
        return false;

    // assemble TailLookbackSegments tail segments with the current head
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN opt_line = tail.Slice( -threshold, -1 );

    int end = std::min(2, head.PointCount() - 1 );

    opt_line.Append( head.Slice( 0, end ) );

    PNS_LINE new_head( m_tail, opt_line );

    // and see if it could be made simpler by merging obtuse/collnear segments.
    // If so, replace the (threshold) last tail points and the head with
    // the optimized line

    if( PNS_OPTIMIZER::Optimize( &new_head, PNS_OPTIMIZER::MERGE_OBTUSE, m_currentNode ) )
        PNS_LINE tmp( m_tail, opt_line );

        TRACE( 0, "Placer: optimize tail-head [%d]", threshold );

        tail.Replace( -threshold, -1, new_head.CLine() );

        m_p_start = new_head.CLine().CPoint( -1 );
        m_direction = DIRECTION_45( new_head.CSegment( -1 ) );

        return true;

    return false;