Esempio n. 1
// CheckFileFormat
// This function will determine if the in-memory image is a readonly, readwrite,
// or ICR format.
    LPVOID        pData, 
    ULONG         cbData, 
    MDFileFormat *pFormat)  // [OUT] the file format
    HRESULT        hr = NOERROR;
    STORAGEHEADER  sHdr;        // Header for the storage.
    PSTORAGESTREAM pStream;     // Pointer to each stream.
    int            i;
    ULONG          cbStreamBuffer;
    _ASSERTE(pFormat != NULL);
    *pFormat = MDFormat_Invalid;
    // Validate the signature of the format, or it isn't ours.
    if (FAILED(hr = MDFormat::VerifySignature((PSTORAGESIGNATURE) pData, cbData)))
        goto ErrExit;
    // Remaining buffer size behind the stream header (pStream).
    cbStreamBuffer = cbData;
    // Get back the first stream.
    pStream = MDFormat::GetFirstStream_Verify(&sHdr, pData, &cbStreamBuffer);
    if (pStream == NULL)
        Debug_ReportError("Invalid MetaData storage signature - cannot get the first stream header.");
    // Loop through each stream and pick off the ones we need.
    for (i = 0; i < sHdr.GetiStreams(); i++)
        // Do we have enough buffer to read stream header?
        if (cbStreamBuffer < sizeof(*pStream))
            Debug_ReportError("Stream header is not within MetaData block.");
        // Get next stream.
        PSTORAGESTREAM pNext = pStream->NextStream_Verify();
        // Check that stream header is within the buffer.
        if (((LPBYTE)pStream >= ((LPBYTE)pData + cbData)) ||
            ((LPBYTE)pNext   >  ((LPBYTE)pData + cbData)))
            Debug_ReportError("Stream header is not within MetaData block.");
            hr = CLDB_E_FILE_CORRUPT;
            goto ErrExit;
        // Check that the stream data starts and fits within the buffer.
        //  need two checks on size because of wraparound.
        if ((pStream->GetOffset() > cbData) || 
            (pStream->GetSize() > cbData) || 
            ((pStream->GetSize() + pStream->GetOffset()) < pStream->GetOffset()) || 
            ((pStream->GetSize() + pStream->GetOffset()) > cbData))
            Debug_ReportError("Stream data are not within MetaData block.");
            hr = CLDB_E_FILE_CORRUPT;
            goto ErrExit;
        // Pick off the location and size of the data.
        if (strcmp(pStream->GetName(), COMPRESSED_MODEL_STREAM_A) == 0)
            // Validate that only one of compressed/uncompressed is present.
            if (*pFormat != MDFormat_Invalid)
            {   // Already found a good stream.
                Debug_ReportError("Compressed model stream #~ is second important stream.");
                hr = CLDB_E_FILE_CORRUPT;
                goto ErrExit;
            // Found the compressed meta data stream.
            *pFormat = MDFormat_ReadOnly;
        else if (strcmp(pStream->GetName(), ENC_MODEL_STREAM_A) == 0)
            // Validate that only one of compressed/uncompressed is present.
            if (*pFormat != MDFormat_Invalid)
            {   // Already found a good stream.
                Debug_ReportError("ENC model stream #- is second important stream.");
                hr = CLDB_E_FILE_CORRUPT;
                goto ErrExit;
            // Found the ENC meta data stream.
            *pFormat = MDFormat_ReadWrite;
        else if (strcmp(pStream->GetName(), SCHEMA_STREAM_A) == 0)
            // Found the uncompressed format
            *pFormat = MDFormat_ICR;
            // keep going. We may find the compressed format later. 
            // If so, we want to use the compressed format.
        // Pick off the next stream if there is one.
        pStream = pNext;
        cbStreamBuffer = (ULONG)((LPBYTE)pData + cbData - (LPBYTE)pNext);
    if (*pFormat == MDFormat_Invalid)
    {   // Didn't find a good stream.
        Debug_ReportError("Cannot find MetaData stream.");
        hr = CLDB_E_FILE_CORRUPT;
    return hr;
} // CheckFileFormat